Abdullah Hakim Quick – Islam in the Spanish World

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The Islamic Institute of Toronto is hosting a monthly series on Islam in the world, featuring Dr. reminded of Islam and guest speakers. The series will feature news updates and live events, including a doctor's webinar on Islam in the West and guest speakers. The speakers emphasize the importance of deconstructing information and learning to naturally do things to come out of the culture of the West. They also discuss the rise of Islam throughout history, including the French motorist crisis and the French motorist crisis. The transcript describes the history of Islam in Africa, including the rise of the holy month and the return of the holy religion to the West. The speakers emphasize the importance of support for Muslims and global community support for Islam. They have been helping to bring people to the community and bring people to the West.
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A'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem, Bismillahir Rahmanir
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen, wassalatu wassalamu ala ashrafil anbiya
wal mursaleen, Sayyidina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa barik wa
sallim, fa qad allahu ta'ala fi kitabihil
kareem, ba'da a'udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem,
bismillahir rahmanir raheem, idha ja'a nasrullahi wal
fath, wa ra'aytan nasa yadkhuluna fi deenillahi
afwaja, fa sabih bi hamdi rabbika wa istaghfir,
innahu kana tawwaba.
I begin by praising Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala, Allah is most worthy of being praised,
I seek refuge in Allah from the evil
of my actions and inclinations and desires, and
I testify that none is worthy of worship
but Allah, Allah has no partner, Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala has sent the Prophet Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wasallam as a guide for all
mankind, we ask Allah to send his choice
as blessings on our beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wasallam, on his companions and those who
follow him until the end of time.
Beloved brothers and sisters, I'd like to welcome
you to the Islamic Institute of Toronto, we
are starting a new series, a monthly series
that we call Islam in the World, and
inshallah it will be once per month, with
Dr. Abdullah Hakeem Quick and other scholars, so
today is the inaugural session of this series,
Islam in the World, and today we are
talking about Islam in the Spanish world, or
Islam in Spanish speaking countries.
You know the verse of the Quran that
I started with, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
tells us that there will come a time
when people will enter into Islam in droves,
and that's the time that we celebrate with
the praises of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
Dr. Abdullah does not need any introduction, before
I ask him to come up, just a
few quick housekeeping items, number one, the gymnasium
is open, so any little bit of talking
makes a disturbance, so please, if you need
to chat with someone, you can go out
into the lobby.
We also have some chai and some cookies,
so you can make your way very quietly,
wherever you would like to, and take a
cup of chai and some cookies, and you
can sit down and have it.
After Dr. Abdullah's speech, inshallah, we will have
Qari Ayub Asif, so we ask you to
remain for that, inshallah.
And those of you who have family at
home or abroad, we are live-streaming this
program, so you can let them know and
you can ask them to join.
Our YouTube channel is Islamic Institute of Toronto,
and also on Facebook, it is live-streamed
on Facebook, so please reach out to your
family and your friends and let them know
that we are live-streaming the program.
I'd like to call now on Dr. Abdullah
Hakeem Quick to present to us on Islam
in the Spanish world.
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem, Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen,
wa usalli wa usallam ala Sayyid al-awwaleen
wa al-akhireen, nabiyyina Muhammadin, wa ala alihi
wa sahbihi, wa barak wa salam.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds, and peace and blessings be constantly
showered upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the master
of the first and the last, his family,
his companions, and all those who call to
his way and establish his sunnah to the
day of judgment.
As to what follows, my beloved brothers and
sisters, to our friends, to our viewers, as
-salaam-o-alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Alhamdulillah, it is again a great privilege to
be with you here today, especially in our
continued study of Islam in the world.
And I believe that this understanding of Muslims,
the concept of ummah, that we are not
nation states, that we are not ethnic groups,
but we represent a nation following the last
Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
And this ummah consciousness is critical for Muslims
today, especially the younger generations.
It is the younger generation who will live
in the future.
It is the younger generation who, alhamdulillah, will
have the opportunity to make tremendous changes.
And we have seen in the past few
months and days tremendous changes happening in the
Muslim world.
And so there is a struggle going on.
And more and more people are aware of
the gravity of this struggle that is going
on in the world.
It is not just a physical struggle.
It is a battle for the hearts.
Because slavery, colonialism, subjugation that stretched all over
the Muslim world the past century or so
has two parts to it.
There is physical slavery, but there is also
mental slavery.
And so if you are freed on a
physical level, but your mind is still in
slavery, you still look down upon yourself, you
have an inferiority complex, you don't know who
you are, you don't know your history, then
even though you have been liberated physically, you
are still a slave.
And so our intention is to bring information,
to broaden our consciousness, and to inshallah open
up ways for the future.
Our minds have been controlled for a long
period of time.
And Eurocentrism, and that is the concept of
centering ourselves in Europe, to think of Europe
as the center of the world, this has
influenced us and influenced the way we think.
Eurocentrism looks at the world and it gives
value to the position you are in the
And so you will hear them say, there
are developing countries, and there are developed countries.
The developed countries are in the north, and
the developing countries are in the south.
Even the whole concept of up, what is
up is north, what is civilized is north.
This is a Eurocentric concept.
It does not take into account the history
of humanity and the relationship of different peoples
in different parts of the world.
And so we will say, and it's not
haram, it's nothing wrong, it's a consciousness, but
we will say there's a great struggle going
on today in the Middle East.
But the concept is, breaking it down, what
is the Middle East?
It's middle from where?
Then they say, no, in China there's another
struggle going on, that's the Far East.
We say the Far East, it's far from
It's far from Europe.
That's Eurocentrism.
And we think like that, you have to
literally change your vocabularies and your understanding of
the world to come out of this Eurocentric
way of thinking.
And our intention is not to try to
change it to a type of Arab-centrism
or Indo-centrism or Afro-centrism.
We want to be Mecca-centric.
We want to center ourself in Mecca and
center ourself in the revelations.
And you will see the early historians of
Islam, who had knowledge as well, their maps
were totally different.
The map, when you look at it, it
looks like it's upside down.
The concepts are different.
And so, this is part of the change
that we will have to go through.
What are the borderlines of our countries?
People are struggling to say, okay, Palestine, Syria,
what is Syria?
What is Iraq?
Who drew the borderline?
Who decided on one side of the river
is one country with a passport and a
nationalism and on the other side is another
And so, this is our struggle to liberate
our minds.
And I want to go back to an
example we have studied here before, but for
the newcomers and to show the seriousness of
what has happened, we go back to this
oft-repeated statement where they say Christopher Columbus
discovered America in 1492.
And I traveled to different parts of the
And in China, I asked them, who discovered
And they say Christopher Columbus.
In 1492.
And this is used in history as a
medium point.
It changes one period of time to another
period of time.
In America, in many countries, they even celebrate
Columbus Day, a day of so-called discovery.
But my question is to the historians and
to the people who push this theory that
how can you discover a place when the
people are living there already?
This is not rocket science.
When Columbus came to this part of the
world, there were over 73 million people living
in the Americas.
And that includes Canada, North America, Central America,
South America, Caribbean.
Over 73 million people.
Great societies.
Advancement in technology.
This picture here is taken from Peru.
And the Inca civilization was one of the
strongest civilizations hundreds of years before Columbus.
And so the reality is, Columbus never set
foot on the mainland.
But his son, Ferdinand, stepped foot in Central
And they found hanging gardens.
They found pyramids.
We all know about the pyramids of Egypt.
But this is a pyramid in Mexico.
And if you can focus your eyes, it
may be difficult.
You see the little white dots that are
around that pyramid?
Those are people.
So try to understand the size of this
These are the people who were so-called
discovered in 1492.
And what we need to do and to
learn to naturally do is to deconstruct information.
Take apart information.
We're all aware of fake news now.
We're all aware of deception that has been
going on with the destruction of our countries.
And no mention comes in the media.
And so deconstruct the information based upon the
reality of what happened at that time.
So in reality, Columbus was lost.
And he bumped into America on his way
to India.
And he called the people Indians.
They're not Indians.
He was lost.
But yet, he is given the title of
a discoverer.
When we begin to deconstruct information, then we'd
have another statement.
And that is that Columbus was discovered in
See the difference in the two?
Because he was lost.
And he was discovered at that time.
And so this is our methodology.
This is how we want to start to
look at things.
Not from the point of view of what
we've been fed in the media or in
the educational systems.
But from our own understanding.
And this is not history.
And some people call it his story.
For me, it's our story.
So this is the story of human beings.
And we are connecting with the Muslim world.
And this is a consciousness that we need.
It is a crucial consciousness.
This is a deep subject.
And I want to abbreviate it for you
to try to understand what is going on.
Alhamdulillah, it's some good news.
There's a lot of pain involved in it.
But there's good news.
And we need good news today.
It is reported that in the time of
the Prophet ﷺ, that the Romans in the
north and the Persians in the east, they
began to attack.
And the Prophet ﷺ even went out to
Tabuk to meet the Romans.
Allah put fear in their hearts and they
never showed up.
Eventually after the passing of the Prophet ﷺ,
his companions continued the struggle because hostilities were
coming from the north and the east.
And they found that the Byzantine Roman Empire
was in a weakened state.
That the Sassanid Persian Empire was in a
weakened state.
And so, the Muslim forces took over Jerusalem,
took over Bilad al-Sham, the north, Syria,
took over Persia.
And one of the companions, Amr ibn al
-As r.a, he was commissioned to take
the Muslims into North Africa.
And this gives you like a historical perspective.
And you look at the green color.
This is the spread of Islam within the
first hundred years.
And so within a hundred years, Islam had
spread like no other religion, no other way
of life in history of humanity.
And not just conquering people because they did
not have large armies, they did not have
weapons of mass destruction.
They interacted with people and we find that
Islam spread all the way into the west.
Uqba ibn Nafiya r.a rode his horse
into the Atlantic and looked across.
He said, I will take this message across
Far north into the Caucasoid Mountains, you know
as Dagestan, Chechnya.
Deep south in the Swahili coast all the
way to the borders of China.
And so when you look at the map
and you look at what Muslims went through,
this is Amr ibn al-As now coming
in Egypt and moving across.
The indigenous people of North Africa that were
called the Berber people, they called themselves Amazigh.
That is the proper name, Amazigh.
But we'll use it because it is known.
The indigenous people, the Berbers, began to accept
Islam in different ways.
And the message began to come across.
And a major move was done by the
leaders of Islam at that time, the Umayyad
They sent a leader whose name was Musa
ibn Nusayr.
And he was the son of a Christian
minister who accepted Islam.
His people were conquered.
He eventually accepted Islam.
And so his father was actually a Christian.
And he accepted Islam.
He had a type of sensitivity to people
of other faiths.
So Musa became the emir of the Muslims
in North Africa.
That would be what we call the western
side of Islam.
See Mecca-centric thinking?
That's the western side of Islam.
To the north lay the Iberian Peninsula.
The Iberian Peninsula, now known as Spain and
It was conquered by a group called Visigoths.
They represented the Roman Empire.
And their mission was to spread the Trinity,
the concept of three gods in one.
Muslims had a relationship with Christians.
And one of the Christians, the governor named
Julian or Iliyan, in a place called Ceuta,
which is the north of Morocco.
He was a Christian, but he lived under
the Muslims.
And it is reported that when he sent
his daughter to study in Toledo, that she
was violated by the leader of the Christians,
And Iliyan wanted revenge.
So he went to the emir and said,
I want revenge.
Take an army across.
Musa had no intention to do that.
Because North Africa was enough.
But after some coaxing, he went across.
Because in the Iberian Peninsula, there were monotheistic
There were a group of Jewish people when
the fall of Jerusalem, back in the 6th
century, 570 or so BC, a group of
Jewish people migrated to this area, 570 BC.
These are monotheistic people.
There were also Christians who refused to accept
the Trinity concept.
And so Musa then took the task and
he sent his general across, whose name was
Tariq ibn Ziyad.
Tariq ibn Ziyad, who was a Mazigh person.
And they went across and it is reported
that the Romans or that the Visigoths had
100,000 men.
The Muslims had only about 17,000.
So it was about 5 to 1.
But for the Muslims in those days, that
was equal.
See the thinking?
That was equal.
And Tariq went forward and opened up the
Allah blessed him.
And up until now, where he landed, they
called it Jebel Tariq.
And Jebel Tariq is now called Gibraltar.
Gibraltar, Jebel Tariq.
And so within a short period of time,
the whole of Spain and Portugal was taken
by the Muslims.
But there was a need for a leader.
A leader was needed to unite the believers
because Tariq and Musa went back to the
Umayyads in Damascus, Syria.
A struggle went on in the Muslim world
and one of the last Umayyads migrated from
Syria and Iraq and he landed in Spain.
This is Abd al-Rahman ibn Muawiyah.
Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil.
A tireless, fearless leader.
And he brought unity to the people.
And under his leadership, they planted citrus fruits.
They developed education.
And they reached the point where the city
of Cordoba, by the year 1000, it had
over a million people running water, lighted streets,
universities, and it took London and Paris over
700 years to reach the level of Cordoba.
Over 700 years.
But that's a history that you're not gonna
learn, right?
It's gonna be something else.
And we want to look at, I'm gonna
abbreviate this history.
Muslims had a power in the land.
It was a victory.
But there's a problem.
The dunya, the life of this world.
And so those who succumb to wealth, also
One tribe versus another tribe.
Divisions come in.
And so when this happened, the power started
to go away from the Muslims.
And the Christian crusaders started coming back.
And a struggle went on.
Muslims had to go south.
They were losing their land until they reached
the city of Seville.
And in that city, they called a council.
They brought all the emirs.
Remember, from one emir, the Muslims became 22
Emirates, right?
Not one leadership.
And most of the leaders, they said, just
give the Christians money.
Pay them.
Give them bakhshish.
They'll be okay.
But the leader, al-Mu'tamid Billah of Seville,
he said, no.
We have to bring in our brothers and
sisters, our leadership from North Africa, one of
the greatest movements in the Muslim world at
that time.
And this is a group that was known
as al-Murabitun.
Al-Murabitun in North Africa and West Africa,
they could bring to the field 100,000
They could bring them to the field.
And so they went into Spain and they
defeated the Christians and they pushed them back
and they returned to North Africa.
In one year, the Andalusians called them back
They defeated the Christians and they returned to
The third year, their leader Yusuf ibn Tashfin
rahimahullah, he said to the Muslims, if these
people are so soft that they cannot struggle
for themselves, take everything and establish Islam.
So the al-Murabitun revived Islam in Spain.
This is a long history that I'm abbreviating
for you.
They revived Islam and again, after a 100
year period, this is the theory of ibn
Khaldun of the cycle of Islamic history, after
a 100 years, two, three generations go by,
people are born in the palace, they started
to get weak and they started to fight
amongst themselves.
That's what ibn Khaldun called the cycle of
And it happened there in Spain until the
Muslims then lost their territory and this green
section right there called Granada.
For the last 250 years, Muslims had to
live in this area.
It was surrounded by mountains in the north
and surrounded by the ocean in the south
and the Marinids, Ben-Umarin of Morocco, protected
the south.
So the Muslims then were stuck in Granada
and the Christians began a terrible, a terrible
When they conquered the lands where the Muslims
were in, they began torturing people.
And you see this torturing that is going
And we've just seen some horrible scenes of
torture coming out of Syria.
Well, yaadu billah.
This happened in the past.
History sort of repeating itself and the methodology
used by the Catholic inquisition was a horrible
And they would say to a Jew or
a Muslim, accept Catholicism.
If you don't, we burn you alive.
And those who could not, would hold themselves.
But the majority were killed or they had
to flee.
Two million Jews, three million Muslims were killed
or exiled during this inquisition.
This is genocide.
This is the terminology now which is being
used although with fake news you don't get
the reality.
But this is genocide.
This is the torture that Muslims had to
go through in that part of the world.
And the Muslims who were living in certain
areas, they called them, the general name was
the Moors.
So when you read, you'll see Othello and
the Moors.
You'll see this terminology.
Moors is from Moros, which means a person
of color.
So they reduced Islam to a color.
The Mudajjis, they became servants.
And finally, the Muslims who could not take
the punishment, they said, I'm a Christian.
In his heart, he was Muslim.
They called Moroscos.
The Jews were called Morenos.
Remember this word Moreno because you're going to
see it in South America.
And so the final fall, 1492, when Abu
Abdullah took over Granada, that was the last
presence of Muslims there in Spain.
And you know what happened?
After they took power, Christopher Columbus was by
the door.
And he came to the king and queen
of Castile and Aragon and said, I can
get you gold.
But the struggle continued.
And Muslims became refugees.
But not refugees in a weakened sense.
Muslims start fighting back.
And this is what is called the Babidi
The Babidi pirates.
One of the famous ones that you may
have seen, right?
Pirates of the Caribbean, right?
Jack Sparrow.
It's a big joke in the Western world.
He was actually a European who embraced Islam.
That's an actual drawing of him on the
He embraced Islam.
He became an Ottoman Turk admiral.
As one of the great conquerors in the
Mediterranean region.
And so, the Muslim presence was all over
the region struggling against the Spanish.
Struggling against the Portuguese.
So when the Spanish came across into the
Americas, it was a continuation of their conquest
of Muslim lands.
They even got confused when they came.
There's a report that one of the Spanish
boats was in Cuba and he looked up
on the hill and he saw, he said,
It's a masjid.
It's a mosque on the top of the
They started to call their cities.
They even called their cities, you know, Al
-Qahira, Cairo.
But the persecution of Muslims continued to the
point where the Spanish Inquisitor, he said that
any place where you see Islam being practiced
in the Americas, it has to be stopped.
In 1560, the Inquisition in Peru, in South
America, they executed Lope de la Piña and
his cohort Luis Solano in Peru for practicing
It's in their record book.
This is in South America.
And so they were executed.
But the contact continued.
It continued.
And in the 20th century, because we want
to look at the migrations moving across, Muslims
started coming into America and Canada on the
wagon trains.
That's why the oldest masjid in Canada is
Rashid Mosque in Edmonton.
In America, it's in the Midwest.
These are Ottomans.
But there are Syrians, Lebanese, Bosnians who are
coming out of the Ottoman Empire.
This is what America used to look like.
You see what they're saying now?
Make America great again.
With the red caps.
What is really America to us?
Look at this.
Back in this time, in the 18th century,
it's only like 200 years ago, America was
only 13 colonies.
The middle of America was controlled by the
This side of America, which includes California, Arizona,
New Mexico, Colorado, all of that was Mexico.
That was not America.
And so a game was played.
But the Muslims who went across in America
and Canada, many of them started going south.
They were Syrian, Palestinian, Lebanese, and they went
south into Latin America and then down right
into Central America to the point where one
of the richest men on earth, Carlos Slimi,
is a Mexican.
This is a person from the Arab world.
Also, Carlos Menem, Syrian origin, Ecuador, in Brazil.
I had a chance to go to Brazil
and there are more Lebanese in Brazil than
in Lebanon.
You ever heard of anything like that before?
There's more Lebanese in Brazil.
And so you will see the level that
it is.
You will see that over 5% of
Latin America is Arab.
You will see that 25 to 30 million
people in this area.
Outside of Palestine, the largest concentration of Palestinians
is in Chile.
In the world, there are more Palestinians in
Chile, which is South America on the left
side there, than anywhere else in the world
except for Palestine.
This is part of our consciousness that we
have to understand who we are, what is
our ummah.
I'm gonna move right through because I wanna
watch the time.
Surprising information comes out.
They found in Columbia, in South America, Nasher
al-Islam bi khawarak al-alam.
It was written on a building in Columbia
that Islam spread under waving banners.
The Spanish thought it was a nice design.
But it was actually talking about the spread
of Islam.
That's the building there in Columbia.
And you'll see now that Islamic centers rising
in Bogota, rising all over Columbia now.
See that masjid?
That's not Emirates.
That's Venezuela.
Look at the size of the masjid.
There's over a hundred thousand Arabic speaking Muslims
in this area.
Look at the size of it.
This is a hidden reality that has to
come to the surface.
And the younger generation needs to understand this
so we know which direction that we are
going in in the future.
In the Caribbean, in the presence in Puerto
Rico, in Curaçao, in the Virgin Islands, you'll
find many Arabic speaking people and Muslims in
this area.
In Brazil, this is the largest presence of
Masjid, that's a masjid in Brazil.
And people are embracing Islam in all of
these regions all over the south.
Something is happening.
And in America itself, and this is a
development that has now come to the surface
right in front of our eyes, that in
New York City, back in the 70s, there
was a Puerto Rican group, Alianza Islamica.
They were revolutionaries in the 60s.
And they accepted Islam.
And they began to spread Islam amongst the
Spanish speaking, especially Puerto Rican people who are
living there.
And they formed their organization, Alianza Islamica.
That's their center there in New York.
But a new location has come, alhamdulillah.
This is in Houston, Texas.
What is happening is that there are hundreds
of Latino Muslims who are embracing Islam right
It is a miracle of Allah subhanahu wa
And in 2016, they opened up their building.
And this is a picture of some of
the leaders of their group.
Anybody who can speak Spanish, or you know
somebody, go online.
Their website is called www.islaminspanish.org They
translate the whole Quran in four months into
They have millions of people, Spanish speaking people
now coming to their sites.
The imam of the masjid there, he's on
the left side.
He is from El Salvador.
He's a Medina graduate.
The second imam is from Guatemala.
He's a Medina graduate.
There is also an Afro-Panamanian from Panama.
So this is uniting Mexican people.
All of the people now, they are coming
into Islam.
And alhamdulillah, I had the opportunity to be
with them last month in their grand opening
of their masjid in Houston, Texas.
Hundreds of Spanish speaking Muslims coming in.
This is their new center.
The media was there.
It's a beautiful place.
And you know one of the miracles of
this center?
In Cordoba, the jamia, remember Abdulrahman al-Dakhil,
remember Cordoba, right?
There's a beautiful jamia mosque that the Christians
They kept the arches.
These are the arches.
And they have taken these arches and they
have recreated it now.
That's inside the Islamic center.
It's inside the Islamic center in Houston.
They have also set up their prayers.
This is how the Jumu'ah prayer was
For their opening, they used what was called
a magic wall.
And that is the highest technology in terms
of information.
Five people get digital information at the same
Okay, so they are now moving at a
rapid rate by the mercy of Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala.
They even have their own brand of coffee.
They're Colombians too, Colombian coffee.
And you know, one of the leaders there,
Abu Mujahid was his name, he worked at
a Colombian coffee plantation.
And he said, they had a museum in
this plantation.
And they said that some years back that
Yemeni merchants came to Colombia.
So this is way back.
Yemeni merchants came to Colombia carrying coffee beans.
And they planted it.
And Colombian coffee now is one of the
most famous brands of coffee in the world.
So this is our center.
But the miracle of this, look at the
situation in Palestine.
Who supported the Palestinian people?
Which of the countries, even Muslim countries, wa
'iyadu billah.
Who took a stand against the clear genocide
One of the strongest supports was Bolivia.
That's in South America.
Chile, strong support opening up Palestinian embassies.
Refusing to deal with genocidal entity.
Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Honduras, Central America, Guatemala, El
Salvador, Nicaragua.
These are the people now coming in, in
droves by the mercy of Allah subhana wa
Allah tells us in Surah Muhammad, verse 38,
وَإِن تَتَوَلَّوا يَسْتَبْدِلْ قَوْمًا غَيْرَكُمْ ثُمَّ لَا يَكُونُوا
أَمْثَالَكُمْ If you turn back, Allah will replace
you with another people.
And they will not be like you.
So we don't know where the mercy of
Allah is gonna come.
Allah, if we do not stand up for
the poor and the innocent who are suffering
in this region, Allah will replace us.
And right now there are hundreds of people
in the Spanish-speaking world, the last place
that we ever expected Islam to spread because
they had wiped out Muslims in Spain.
And in Spain itself right now, if you
go to Granada, you go to the masjid,
right in back of Alhambra Palace, every Juma
there's a Spanish-speaking person or two embracing
So alhamdulillah, we thank Allah subhana wa ta
'ala for having made us part of an
That is some of us are asleep, others
are awake.
May Allah subhana wa ta'ala awaken the
Muslim world.
May Allah subhana wa ta'ala strengthen the
Spanish-speaking Muslims.
May Allah make their example the example for
our own Muslim countries.
May Allah take us from darkness into light.
And may Allah forgive us for the mistakes
that we have made.
For surely He is all-forgiving and most
Jazakumullah khair.
Dr. Abdullah Hakim, quick as you see, Sheikh
Abdullah is a gem in our community.
And we ask Allah subhana wa ta'ala
to preserve him so that he can provide
more knowledge to us, insha'Allah.
Our next session in Islam and the World
series will be on January the 12th, insha
So remember, once every month.
And we will be putting out information there
in our website.
I also want to remind you, we have
our dinner on December the 25th.
If you haven't purchased tickets yet, the ticket
prices are going up on December the 19th.
So purchase the ticket and come out with
us and celebrate with your brothers and sisters,
insha'Allah, on December the 25th.
As you know, the program today has a
second part, and that is a recitation by
Qari Asif Ayub.
Insha'Allah, I will be asking our brother,
Owais Hikmet, who is from Penny Appeal, Canada,
to introduce him.
And I wanted to say on behalf of
IIT, we are very honored to have Qari
Asif Ayub with us.
And you have supported Penny Appeal in the
We have supported Penny Appeal throughout the year.
They are doing great work, like other relief
agencies, insha'Allah.
And may Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reward
all of them.
So brother Owais.
As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Hope everyone is doing well tonight, insha'Allah.
Just wanted to thank brother Farhad and the
IIT team for allowing us to be here
As you know, alhamdulillah, we've been pretty active
with IIT in this community, alhamdulillah.
We've always been sort of blamed that we're
always in the west side and our office
is in Mississauga and so on.
So we're trying to bring, you know, the
support and the love to Scarborough and at
least the east end as much as possible,
So we've been very grateful for that support.
Alhamdulillah, as you know, Qari Ayub, masha'Allah,
has been...
The tour we're on, alhamdulillah, has been a
pivotal tour for awakening the hearts.
A pivotal tour for allowing us to absorb
the Qur'an, to hear the Qur'an
in a different way.
Somewhat coined as a lost talent, a lost
art where it's not as continuous or as
relevant today.
But subhanAllah, the Qur'an, when it's recited
in a very meaningful way, if you focus
on the verses and if you hear the
Qari and you understand the ayat, it would
really move you.
Alhamdulillah, I've been fortunate enough to travel the
world and see many imams and scholars.
But this was one moment where I felt,
subhanAllah, was a very powerful moment for the
Qur'an and for us to absorb that.
And as you know, as you heard, Dr.
Quick, masha'Allah, has showed how Islam has
And Islam has really...
was entrenched in the lives of Muslims and
all people across the globe.
But it's our job, our duty, to bring
that back and for us to sort of
understand what the Qur'an means and live
by it, recite it, and take the lessons
and meanings as well, inshaAllah.
Quickly, Penny Peel Canada, as you know, alhamdulillah,
is a global Muslim organization, it's a charity
that is registered in Canada.
And we do work in over 30 countries,
Whether it's Syria, Sudan, Pakistan, Palestine, many countries
all over the world, even Bangladesh.
We have projects that are ongoing.
And our job is not only just to
give a handout.
Our job is to create a system to
take people out of poverty.
So that means teaching them skills, how to
fish, rather than just giving them a fish
as well.
So this is our goal, and inshaAllah we
do our absolute best to support each other,
where possible and where needed, that allows our
brothers and sisters to benefit from this support.
It's really important that we think about not
only our communities, but the global community.
Because you know, as the hadith mentions, if
one part of the body is hurt, the
entire body is hurt.
That's the ummah.
That's who we are today.
We can't just say, no I'm fine, I'm
in Canada, I have a roof over my
head, I don't know what's happening there.
It doesn't affect me.
It absolutely does affect every single one of
So without further ado, I'd like, before Qari
comes up, I just want to remind you
that when you hear an ayah, or a
verse that touches you, you can say subhanAllah,
You can praise Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
You can just sort of say it in
however volume you want, but it's important to
sort of welcome the Qur'an.
And embrace the Qur'an, inshaAllah.
Jazakumullah khair.
Without further ado, inshaAllah, we'll have Sheikh Qari
Muhammad Ayub Asif come to the stage, inshaAllah.
We will set him up.
As you know, Qari, his mother is from
Father is from Pakistan.
He was born in London, UK.
But lives most of his life in Egypt.
You need one minute?
Okay, just one minute, inshaAllah.
Most of his life is in Egypt, alhamdulillah.
And he's been all over the world just
promoting the voice of the Qur'an, the
speech of the Qur'an.
We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to
put barakah in his efforts, and in his
It's a big sacrifice to come here, but
alhamdulillah, without further ado, Qari will come to
the stage, inshaAllah.
Jazakumullah khair.
We'll see you soon.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Bismillah ar
-Rahman ar-Rahim.
He was not born, nor will He be
born, nor will anyone say to Him, Unbeliever.
Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
Jazakum Allah Khair.
Thank you very much Qari Asif Ayub.
May Allah SWT reward you and reward our
brothers from Penny Appeal Canada.
I don't want to take too long, just
one minute, inshallah.
You know, these types of programs, Alhamdulillah, they're
here to inspire us and to motivate us.
I want to leave a gift for our
sisters because I know it's hard for you
to be here.
Tomorrow, inshallah, is work or school, you have
kids at home.
One of the verses of the Quran from
Surah Al-Qasas that the Qari recited is
a beautiful verse about how Allah SWT has
When we feel we are in difficulty, we
feel things might not be going right for
And here Allah SWT reassures the mother of
Musa AS.
And He says, the heart of Moses' mother
ached so much that she almost gave away
his identity.
This was when he was placed in the
basket in the river.
And the heart of Moses' mother ached so
much that she almost gave away his identity.
Had we not reassured her heart in order
for her to have faith in Allah's promise.
So whenever we feel difficulty, whenever our heart
aches because we don't know what is happening,
let us know that Allah is in control
and we put our trust in Him.
May Allah reward all of you.
We'll see you, inshallah, at the dinner on
December 25th.
But before that, please come on out.
Alhamdulillah, we have great programs here.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Subhanakallahumma wabihamdik.
Nashhadu an la ilaha illa anta.
Nastaghfiruq wa natu ilaik.
Please visit the booth for Penny Appeal.
They have some information.
And please support them.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.