Abdullah Hakim Quick – Humanity At Crossroads Khutbah
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AI: Summary ©
The importance of finding a positive approach to addressing issues such as climate change, inflation, and abuse is emphasized in the discussion of Islam. The importance of finding a positive approach to addressing these issues is emphasized, as it is crucial for building a successful society. The segment emphasizes the need for cooperation and outreach to address issues such as climate change, inflation, and abuse, as it is crucial for building a successful society. The importance of protecting the Muslim population and finding a way to bring them together is emphasized. The segment also discusses the importance of finding a positive approach to addressing issues such as climate change, inflation, and abuse, and protecting the Muslim population and finding a way to bring them together.
AI: Summary ©
Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.
Alhamdulillah hora Bella alameen.
Wa t botulinum toxin
while I read one Illa Allah aalameen
I shall one La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika eyeshadow Mohammedan Abu rasuluh Fatah Milan via even more saline, la masala wa sallam, other ab decoda zuleika Mohammed whether Allah He will asabi woman da da da what he standing beside knotty Liu Medina, salam, Sleeman, kathira
Amar bat.
All praises are due to Allah, Lord of the world's
and surely the best reward is for those who have Taqwa.
And surely there is no animosity except for the oppressor.
And I bear witness that Allah is one and has no partners, that Mohammed the son of Abdullah, servant, his last messenger, and May Allah always and constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed, to his family to his companions, to all those who call to his way
establishes sooner
to the day of judgment
as to what follows
we'll see como nuptse buttock Allah azzawajal sam Eva ta
Kunal Huck supatra
it was a Billahi min ash shaytani regime in topo La Jolla Jalla comm for Canon where you cafe and come see it como se laquan? Will la who do?
I begin by cautioning myself and you to have Taqwa I'll have for Raja, that we fear Allah we hope in the mercy of Allah, we surround ourselves with our Chi a shield, a spiritual shield, the consciousness of Allah.
That we are aware of the Creator not only in the masjid, but outside of the master, not only on special occasions, but in everything that we do.
And I advise myself and you that we hear the words of Allah azza wa jal, we obey.
He has revealed to us in certain unfurl in verse 29.
Giving a deeper understanding of the result of taqwa.
We are told to be we are cautioned to have the consciousness of Allah.
We are cautioned constantly every Juma
that we should fear Allah hoping the mercy of Allah but Allah tells us in giving us more understanding of this into Tato la Yala, confer Karna. If you have the consciousness of Allah, if you fear Allah, He will make for you A for con. He will make a criterion to separate the truth from falsehood.
And he will release you from your sense, forgive you. And Allah is the Lord of great bounty.
Oh you who believe
in this time, of great crisis.
In this Crossroads that the Muslim world is at.
We need to reflect upon the mercy that Allah azza wa jal has given us to be Muslims in this age.
taqwa itself,
this consciousness of the Creator is the bottom line.
It is the main factor in success.
And Mr. misskelley Rahim Allah and many of the other great ima gave more explanation of what taqwa leads to the fourth con.
El for con is the battle kulu
wakulla tal basa waha, Snell hedaya.
That with this for a con, this criteria to separate good from evil.
We have the Baptist galoob our hearts will become strong and strengthened.
And we will have basa the power of insight
that we don't just look at issues on the surface. We go under the surface to try to understand what is really happening
and finally
Personal hidayah that Allah would give us the best of guidance that we need in these times. And surely right now,
we are in need of this strengthening of our hearts.
The proper sight,
looking at matters in the totality of the issue,
and also seeking the guidance from Allah azza wa jal in this very critical point.
People are on the streets.
The Muslim world is rumbling.
And this rumbling has been going on for a long time.
It is what they say what is happening in Egypt, they say it's the tip of an iceberg.
You only see a small little iceberg on the surface, but 90% of it is underwater.
You don't realize the immensity of this issue.
That we are seeing Muslims out on the street, expressing themselves not only for the Muslim world, they are expressing themselves for humanity at this point in time.
But we live in an age of deception.
We live in an age where people have the ability to make what is true seem false, and make what is false seem true.
To put words in people's mouths, to change scenarios, and beaming around the world. So people all around the world are watching this at the same time.
There is illusions around us. There is an illusion of civilization.
There is an illusion of success.
There is an illusion of stability and happiness.
People, especially in the Western world, are living in this illusion.
One of them is happening right now in America, when the people are now going into what they call the Superbowl weekend.
And they are saying no, we will enjoy ourselves. No, we will have fun. But the snow is coming down. It is some of the worst temperatures in the history of America. Since records have been taken
some of the worst temperatures but they are in the illusion they say no, it is a time of joy. It is a time of happiness planes are being grounded. But they still say no, it is a special weekend. That is the illusion.
what is really happening is something
of immense importance. And I come to you as believers from the northern part of the Americas from Canada. And we have seen some strange things that are happening.
The polar bears in the north cannot find their feeding grounds they cannot cross because the ice caps are melting.
Insects are flying nuts South insects in parts of Canada are flying north.
There's something strange going on in this world.
A study was recently done in South Africa
to look at what is the condition of human beings. Scientists came from around the world to see the oldest some of the oldest finds for human existence, what is happening during our period of time on the earth. And they came to the conclusion that we are living in the sixth extinction.
There have been five major extinctions over hundreds and 1000s of years, different forms of life have been completely wiped out.
In some cases, continental shift, some cases carbon dioxide release, some cases asteroid impact on the earth, but different forms of life have been totally wiped out. Now, we are in the sixth extinction.
This one is mammals and birds. And right now 50% of the mammals on Earth are extinct. They will never come back again.
What is the cause of this? Some of the scientists say no, it is human overpopulation. But that doesn't make sense. Because there's plenty of fertile land, that if we were not using our wealth, to destroy things,
and to try to make more material wealth, we could irrigate hundreds and 1000s of acres of land.
But human beings because of what we have done on this earth because of pollution
misuse of technology.
We have reached a critical point.
Allah subhanaw taala
revealed to us in the last testament, in search of Rome, verse 41. Allah told us what was going to happen, and the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim discuss this issue. A lot told us ooh Billahi min ash shaytaan the regime, the huddle facade to fit battery, well, Baja Bhima casa, but I didn't ask Leo Zika homebody amilo la la homea geo corruption has appeared on the land and the sea
because of what humanity's hands have done, and we will make them taste something of what they have earned, in order that they would return to the past.
And so sadaqa law has been, it has come to pass, and now we see it. Even in a higher level.
The companions of the Prophet SAW Selim, they discussed what would be alpha sad filbur.
And they said because of the sins of Benny Adam, going over the limits, there would be a decrease in vegetation.
There would be widespread death,
corruption on the earth, and facade, Phil Baha, the companions of the process seldom said that the fish in the oceans would decrease
because of what human beings have done.
And now we see it coming to pass in the recent developments taken place, we see now in the last 30 years,
major issues cropping up. And what they are saying now is that if we continue as a human race,
to produce waste, to pollute the atmosphere, that 70% in 30 years 70% of human beings will be suffering.
Because of the direction we are going in. They also found out one third of the fish are destroyed. One half
of the freshwater in our rivers and lakes has been polluted.
They have also found out that 40% of the water in the earth, freshwater has been destroyed. And in a short period of time, within 30 years. It'll be 50% around the world, they said in the Middle East, and Western Asia 90% of the freshwater will be destroyed in 30 years. So we are going into a major crisis.
But the strange thing that they found, it is not just things on Earth, not just creatures and vegetation. But the human situation is one of the worst things because they found that more than 1 billion people are living in cities, they found that 2 billion people are at risk of malaria. one fifth, one fifth 20% of the population of human beings are eating 90% of the resources.
That is the real problem that we face. Two thirds of humanity, over 4 billion people are making less than $2 per day, 4 billion people.
And so when people are on the streets in Tunisia, on the streets in Egypt, coming out standing up against a tyrannical regime. They are not just standing for themselves, they are standing for the whole of humanity.
This situation has reached critical points. It is a major test
on the whole world and the Professor sanlam did not speak from himself. And an authentic identity said speaking about this nation in Alico Li Omar fitna will fit not to have the hill oma allow. Every nation has a trial and test. And the trial and test of this nation is wealth. And we see it come to pass
Muslims in some of the parts of the world
starving to death.
In other parts, they have so much wealth, they don't know what to do with it.
A type of frustration is coming amongst us a frustration because of the potential that we have. We have over 26% of the earth's population.
We have some of the richest people on earth.
We have hundreds and 1000s of soldiers standing around us.
We have intellectuals
We have books.
We have technology, but we're not getting the results. Something is wrong. there's a there's a frustration coming with the great riches, there's poverty.
With the large armies, we feeling humiliated on the ground. They're not respecting us not respecting our, our sacred sites.
We feel a frustration with the leadership
of frustration with the scholars. Our scholars, instead of solving the problems of the world, they argue with each other over trivia. They argue over Tushar hood, do you wiggle your finger or not? When people are dying in the streets. And so this frustration is causing people to cry for change.
It is coming out of us in all different ways.
And when a Muslim burns himself to death, out of his frustration, we have reached the limits. And as we cry for change, we need to go back to our sources. Allah subhanaw taala has clearly shown us in Allahu Allah u v. Roma be comin
amavi unforseeable Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves.
The issue that is striking us now
is not
what will happen will change come about. But the issue now that we need to be proactive about is what will happen after the change.
Will we be worse than before.
And in many times our colonial regimes were overthrown. We were colonized by people who came from Europe. They colonized our countries. And when they left in many cases, the people who took over they were worse than the colonial masters. Some people even wish for the colonial master to come back. Because a change had not gone on within ourselves. One of the great imams Imam Malik Ibn s. Rahim Allah
in looking at the sins of Benny Adam, remember what Sahaba said about the huddle for sat? Zulu belly Adam.
What are some of these issues we have to tackle?
The Imam said Rahim Allah. Allah Marcial. keba. Well Hassan was sure he said the first since was pride jealousy and greed hazard the obliques what acaba for cada halacha limonada will help to maintain for color to Allah for coolamon hydroshare Touma wa Takahashi shujaa, for Shahada Adam Hata akademika.
So the man who thinks with the core app, he thinks with this book, he said the first since we're pride, greed, jealousy and greed.
It beliefs May Allah protect us from his plan
was jealous. He was jealous of Adam alayhis salaam and he became proud. And he said, You created me from fire. And you created him from clay. And then Allah spoke to Adam alayhis salaam and his OCE and he said, eat from wherever you want, but do not approach the tree.
And Adam got greedy, and he ate from the tree. Look at these three qualities of the many qualities facing us. Too much pride. We are proud of our language, proud of our color, proud of our passport. Some people just got the passport 10 years ago. And they look at their cousins over the border. And they think they're lower than them because of the passport. proud of our economic class. proud of our families, it is a fool's paradise. If a person says Well, I come from a family of other Ma.
So I don't have to study. He's in fool's paradise. If he said my mother used to give sadaqa so I don't have to give charity. He's in fool's paradise. Pride leads to to kaboosh it leads to arrogance. And is that arrogance and pride amongst us that we have to now deal with and start to look at each other, not as people of different nations and and tribes in a negative way, but part of the Qibla Qiblah status looking at Muslims in a positive way, not because of his language or his color, or the amount of wealth. What is the taqwa the prophet SAW Selim said that is the best one among
Thus, it is the one who has the highest level of taqwa the highest level level of the consciousness of Allah. And so at this critical point, with the younger generation especially, we need to now not just react to the present, we need to complete the actions we are doing in the present, but plan for the future.
plan for the future. What will happen after the victory?
Will we have the wisdom to be able to live in the 21st century with our D?
How will we approach it? In many cases, we throw out the old presser and then afterwards we start fighting each other.
So we have to now look serious. And I want to leave you with a few points for the leadership, especially for the younger generation. Number one, we need an increase in taqwa. We need to increase the consciousness of Allah, to think about the creator in everything that we do, not just on special occasions, but in every part of our life, we need to realize there is one who was close closer to us with his knowledge than our juggler baits. Next, proper knowledge of Islam. Islam can no longer be taken from culture.
Oh, my father used to do that. My mother used to do that. We have to return to the sources. We need touch dete we need to revive Islam in a relevant way for the 21st century. So we will need to go back to the sources and put them into practice in a relevant way today.
That means that all of us with our own local tongues, we need to learn to speak classical Arabic. Everybody needs to try to learn classical Arabic first Ha. So we can go into the text. We can go into the sources, we can understand the guidance from Allah and His messenger. Number three, we need to pray to Allah azza wa jal for wisdom. hikma.
What are shamima Halley putting things in the proper place? Now is the time. If we are now faced with a situation, we have control, how do we deal with the Christians? How do we deal with people of other Islamic movements? How do we deal with people who are confused, you need to go back to Rasulullah saw salah and you will see when he entered Medina, one of the three great activities he did, he made a Constitution, which recognize that the people of the book he did not force them to be Muslim. He helped them to be part of the city itself, respecting other ways, with Islam being the main way of life. So wisdom is a crucial issue right now. Not to go to one extreme or another
omoton was sorta a balanced nation.
Number four, the proper Islamic character. For a long time we focused on a bad that we focused on making salaat pay in Zakat, fasting in Ramadan, but now we have to understand and put into ourselves what is the purpose of salaat
what is the purpose of fasting? What is the purpose of doing Zakat? You see in Ramadan what the whole thing is about?
It's not just an issue of the body.
Why would the presence of them said robota Eman Lisa Who? Rupa Simon Lisa lumens Yami Illa Rupa Carmen les Salome Tammy,
Eliza, why would he say that some people who fast will get nothing from their fast but hunger robot Simon laser loman xiomi in La Jolla.
And there are some who stand in the night and get nothing from their pm. But sleeplessness. Why did he say that? There's something else behind the fest. So Islamic character, this is the issue.
And one of the beautiful things that I saw with the people on the streets in Egypt. A woman said the most beautiful thing was how people were cooperating with each other. How they were taking care of each other. He said I thought we lost this in Egypt. But hamdulillah it is still in our hearts and it is coming out. Even though the issue got difficult. The people cooperated with each other. The people show love for each other and love for that. Love for their deep love for justice, Islamic character. The prophet SAW seldom said I have been sent in
In order to complete the best and kept
the next we need to pray to Allah azza wa jal for courage and conviction.
And that is that the courage is not just a burst, but the courage is patience and conviction, hold on spirou was sabido we're happy to
have patience, have patience with each other and bind yourselves together. Robbie to what tako LA LA LA
and have the consciousness of Allah in order that you would be successful.
We also need the younger generation will need to have a knowledge of the environment and the societies. We have to study the trends that are going on in the world. We have to study what is happening, we cannot bury ourselves bury our head in the sand.
The Football cannot take us back 1400 years and leave us back then.
People need solutions right now to the problems they are facing and we hold gems of wisdom within us. Next we need Shura. What am rowhome Shura beno.
they solve their problems with mutual consultation.
This is the essence of the issue. Lead is not talking to their people,
leaders making unilateral decisions and not caring about
those who have knowledge and those who are living in the society. So surely must begin on all levels, in our homes, in our masjids in our communities that we need consultation, talk to each other open meetings, town hall meetings. This is what Rasulullah saw seldom did when they were being surrounded by the mushrikeen.
They had no way out a Persian man submental fallacy. He said when we encourage us around it, we build 100 duck, we build the trench. This is a Persian men just learn to speak Arabic not put a shoe. The process of them getting revelation from above seven, Evans took the position of Selman alfalah Cyril the last one.
He took his position
and they they dug the conduct they dug the church in the northern part of Medina.
And so Shura is so important cooperation and unity. We have to now break down differences between us. If there's a different school of thought, if there is a different Islamic movement, you need to start looking at other Muslims not for the differences. What makes us similar. In many cases, 90% of the Muslim is the same as you. He prays like you we fast like you, He gives a cat Why do we look at only the 10%
positivity. look to what binds us together. If there is a difference, give him the Sangha. give him advice. If he disagrees that you make dua for him.
That is the way of the great scholars of Islam.
Next, we need a positive approach. The process of them when he sent his followers out, he would tell them Bushido voila, tuna, Pharaoh. Yes, see the wallet to aceto. Give glad tidings don't drive people away. Make the deen make it easy. Don't make it difficult. This is what is facing us right now. A positive attitude. It's a win win situation for us. Yes, we are frustrated. But we need patience to hold ourselves and to do the right thing. And finally, we need outreach. We will need to take this Dean, take our way of life and show the people who don't have this faith to bring Islamic solutions to the real problems of the 21st century, then the world will realize that there is a last
testament amongst us, there is a solution. There is a solution to the environmental problem to the economic crisis. Two racism, to murder, homelessness, drug abuse,
political oppression. There is a last testament that covers this there is a last messenger who has a center that covers all aspects of life. This is a critical moment in time. And we pray that Allah subhanaw taala would raise up a generation that would lead the Muslim Ummah in a new direction. We pray that Allah subhanaw taala would protect all of those who are out in the streets in Egypt, all of those in the streets in Tunisia, all of those in Yemen and Jordan and all over the Muslim world. May Allah subhanaw taala protect them. May Allah bless them. May Allah bring their ranks together, and May Allah give them tofi can success
In the struggle that they have right now, may Allah azza wa jal protect the children of the oma Mohammed says Allah. May Allah protect the women of the womb of Mohammed says Allah. May Allah protect and guide the men of the woman Muhammad SAW Some may Allah raise up leadership in our world to take our confused political leaders from darkness into light. And may Allah give them those followers who understand the deed. Those followers who will live for Allah, they will give everything for the Creator of the heavens and the earth. akula Kali hatha was stopped for lolly welcome when he started a Muslim medium and Columbian istockphoto in the hula hula for Rahim
Alhamdulillah Allah has Allah had an follow to summit let the lemonade what am youlet What am Yakuza Hakuna had? Suddenly was seldom Allah hartsville NBR even more saline Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi as many were bad.
Yo pulak suparna Amira nagahama Lyrica to use a Luna Allah Nabi Yeah, you have Latina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Ooh, Taslima Allahumma salli wa salam ala optika zuleika Mohammed. While Allah He was happy edge money. What the law on Hola, faraci Abubakar Omar Manoir de la Nabila mucha, Amara Jaime Alhamdulillah Hilda Donnelly, Heather Wilma canali Natalia Lola Anna Donna la Robin Allah to Zika Luba Nevada is a Daytona will have Linda Miller dakara inaka Angela ha Rabbana Foxy Elena's a new banana waka fantasy Athena whatever phenomena bra Allahumma Islam and Muslim in Allahumma Islam and Muslim in Allahumma Islam and Muslim mean was illa shurkin which the key word de mer Dean once
Are you better believe me allow myself majority if you call them again for Susan Philistine will miss watunes yahama Rahimi Laila so panaca in Nakayama Ptolemy, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Azza wa ala for Russia, Paula Dana Illa data, wala Merida, Alicia feta
Illa hinter wha ha Jin min Hawaii? dunya Illa data yahama Rahimi eval de la your hammer como la, la la la
la, la la, la, la Mancha. Ravi. Yeah, he's a con la la casa la corona.
And they are saying no, we will enjoy ourselves. No, we will have fun. But the snow is coming down. It is some of the worst temperatures in the history of America. Since records have been taken.
Some of the worst temperatures but they are in the illusion they say no, it is a time of joy. It is a time of happiness planes are being grounded. But they still say no, it is a special weekend. That is the illusion.
what is really happening is something
of immense importance. And I come to you as believers from the northern part of the Americas from Canada. And we have seen some strange things that are happening.
The polar bears in the north cannot find their feeding grounds they cannot cross because the ice caps are melting.
Insects are flying not south, insects in parts of Canada are flying north.
There's something strange going on in this world.
A study was recently done in South Africa
to look at what is the condition of human beings. Scientists came from around the world to see the oldest some of the oldest finds for human existence, what is happening during our period of time on the earth. And they came to the conclusion that we are living in the sixth extinction.
They have been five major extinctions over hundreds and 1000s of years, different forms of life have been completely wiped out.
In some cases, continental shift, some cases carbon dioxide release, some cases asteroid impact on the earth, but different forms of life have been totally wiped out. Now, we are in the sixth extinction.
This one is mammals and birds. And right now 50% of the mammals on Earth are extinct. They will never come back again.
What is the cause of this? Some of the scientists say
Now it is human overpopulation. But that doesn't make sense. Because there's plenty of fertile land, that if we were not using our wealth to destroy things,
and to try to make more material wealth, we could irrigate hundreds and 1000s of acres of land.
But human beings, because of what we have done on this earth, because of pollution, misuse of technology,
we have reached a critical point. Allah subhanaw taala
revealed to us in the last testament, insert to Rome, verse 41, Allah told us what was going to happen, and the companions of the Prophet SAW Selim, discuss this issue. Allah told us, ooh, Billahi min ash shaytaan the regime, the huddle facade to fit battery well, Baja Bhima, cassava idns, Li Zi, ba de la de la la homea, geo corruption has appeared on the land and the sea,
because of what humanity's hands have done, and we will make them taste something of what they have earned, in order that they would return to the past.
And so sadaqa law has been, it has come to pass, and now we see it. Even in a higher level.
The companions of the Prophet SAW Selim, they discussed what would be alpha sad filberg.
And they said because of the sins of Benny Adam, going over the limits, there would be a decrease in vegetation.
There would be widespread death,
corruption on the earth, and facade, Phil Baha, the companions of the process seldom said that the fish in the oceans would decrease
because of what human beings have done.
And now we see it coming to pass in the recent developments taking place, we see now in the last 30 years,
major issues cropping up. And what they are saying now is that if we continue as a human race,
to produce waste, to pollute the atmosphere, that's 70%. In 30 years, 70% of human beings will be suffering.
Because of the direction we are going in, they also found out one third of the fish are destroyed. One half
of the freshwater in our rivers and lakes has been polluted.
They have also found out that 40% of the water in the earth, freshwater has been destroyed in a short period of time, within 30 years, it'll be 50%. Around the world, they said in the Middle East, and Western Asia. 90% of the freshwater will be destroyed in 30 years. So we are going into a major crisis.
But the strange thing that they found, it is not just things on Earth, not just creatures and vegetation. But the human situation is one of the worst things because they found that more than 1 billion people are living in cities, they found that 2 billion people are at risk of malaria. one fifth, one fifth 20% of the population of human beings are eating 90% of the resources.
That is the real problem that we face. Two thirds of humanity, over 4 billion people are making less than $2 per day, 4 billion people.
And so when people are on the streets in Tunisia, on the streets in Egypt, coming out standing up against a tyrannical regime. They are not just standing for themselves, they are standing for the whole of humanity.
This situation has reached critical points. It is a major test
on the whole world in the province of Southern did not speak for himself. And then an authentic Aditi said speaking about this nation in legally oma fitna were fitna to have the hill oma allow. Every nation has a trial and test. And the trial and test of this nation is wealth. And we see it come to pass
Muslims in some of the parts of the world
starving to death.
In other parts, they have so much wealth, they don't know what to do with it.
A type of frustration is coming amongst us a frustration because of the potential that we have. We have over 26% of the earth's population.
We have some of the richest people on earth.
We have hundreds and 1000s of soldiers standing around us.
We have intellectuals, we have books.
We have technology. But we're not getting the results. Something is wrong. There's a frustration coming with the great riches, there's poverty.
With the large armies, we feeling humiliated on the ground. They're not respecting us not respecting our our sacred sites.
We feel frustration with the leadership
of frustration with the scholars. Our scholars, instead of solving the problems of the world, they argue with each other over trivia. They argue over Tushar hood, do you wiggle your finger or not? When people are dying in the streets. And so this frustration is causing people to cry for change.
It is coming out of us in all different ways.
And when a Muslim burns himself to death, out of his frustration, we have reached the limits. And as we cry for change, we need to go back to our sources. Allah subhanaw taala has clearly shown us in Allahu Allah u v. Roma be comin tell you how you Rama be and foresee him. Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themselves.
The issue that is striking us now
is not
what will happen will change come about. But the issue now that we need to be proactive about is what will happen after the change.
Will we be worse than before.
And in many times our colonial regimes were overthrown. We were colonized by people who came from Europe. They colonized our countries. And when they left in many cases, the people who took over they were worse than the colonial masters. Some people even wished for the colonial master to come back. Because a change had not gone on within ourselves. One of the great imams Imam Malik Ibn s. Rahim Allah
in looking at the sins of Benny Adam, remember what Sahaba said about the huddle facade? Zulu Benny Adam.
What are some of these issues we have to tackle?
The mom said Rahim Allah O Allah ma cL keba. Well, hassard was sure. He said the first since was pride, jealousy and greed. has said the obliques what acaba for cada halacha limonada will help to maintain for kadota Allah for coolamon hydroshare tumor, wala Takahashi, Shakira, for Shahada Adam Hata akademika. So the man who thinks with the Quran, he thinks with this book, he said the first since we're pride, greed, jealousy and greed.
It beliefs May Allah protect us from his plan,
was jealous. He was jealous of Adam alehissalaam. And he became proud. And he said, You created me from fire. And you created him from clay. And then Allah spoke to Adam alayhis salam and his OGE and he said, eat from wherever you want, but do not approach the trees.
And Adam got greedy, and he ate from the tree. Look at these three qualities of the many qualities facing us. Too much pride. We are proud of our language, proud of our color. proud of our passport. Some people just got the passport 10 years ago. And they look at their cousins over the border. And they think they're lower than them because of the passport. proud of our economic class. proud of our families, it is a fool's paradise. If a person says Well, I come from a family of other mom,
so I don't have to study. He's in fool's paradise. If he said my mother used to give sadaqa so I don't have to give charity. He's in fool's paradise. Pride leads to to kaboosh it leaves
The arrogance, and is that arrogance and pride amongst us that we have to now deal with and start to look at each other, not as people of different nations and, and tribes in a negative way, but part of the Qibla I will
start looking at Muslims in a positive way, not because of his language or his color, or the amount of wealth. What is the taqwa the prophet SAW Selim said that is the best one amongst us. It is the one who has the highest level of taqwa the highest level level of the consciousness of Allah. And so at this critical point, with the younger generation, especially, we need to now not just react to the present, we need to complete the actions we are doing in the present, but plan for the future.
plan for the future. What will happen after the victory?
Will we have the wisdom to be able to live in the 21st century with our D?
How will we approach it? In many cases, we throw out the old presser and then afterwards we start fighting each other.
So we have to now look serious. And I want to leave you with a few points for the leadership, especially for the younger generation. Number one, we need an increase in taqwa. We need to increase the consciousness of Allah, to think about the creator in everything that we do, not just on special occasions, but in every part of our life, we need to realize there is one who was close closer to us with his knowledge than our juggler baits. Next, proper knowledge of Islam. Islam can no longer be taken from culture.
Oh, my father used to do that. My mother used to do that. We have to return to the sources. We need touch DEET. We need to revive Islam in a relevant way for the 21st century. So we will need to go back to the sources and put them into practice in a relevant way today.
That means that all of us with our own local tongues, we need to learn to speak classical Arabic. Everybody needs to try to learn classical Arabic first Ha. So we can go into the text. We can go into the sources, we can understand the guidance from Allah and His messenger. Number three, we need to pray to Allah azza wa jal for wisdom. hikma
What are shaping mahali putting things in the proper place? Now is the time. If we are now faced with a situation, we have control, how do we deal with the Christians? How do we deal with people of other Islamic movements? How do we deal with people are confused, you need to go back to Rasulullah saw salah and you will see when he entered Medina, one of the three great activities he did, he made a constitution which recognized that the people of the book he did not force them to be Muslim. He helped them to be part of the city itself, respecting other ways, with Islam being the main way of life. So wisdom is a crucial issue right now. Not to go to one extreme or another extreme.
Or Merton was sorta a balanced nation.
Number four, the proper Islamic character. For a long time we focused on eBay that we focused on making salaat paying Zakat fasting in Ramadan. But now we have to understand and put into ourselves what is the purpose of salaat
what is the purpose of fasting? What is the purpose of doing Zakat? You see in Ramadan what the whole thing is about?
It's not just an issue of the body.
Why would the presence of them said Roberta Eman Lisa Who? Rupa Simon Lisa lumens Yami de la jolla? Rebecca Iman Lisa lomita yummy
Eliza. Why would he say that some people who fast will get nothing from their fast but hunger Rupa Simon laser lumen xiomi in La Jolla.
And there are some who stand in the night and get nothing from their pm. But sleeplessness. Why did he say that? There's something else behind the fest. So Islamic character. This is the issue.
And one of the beautiful things that I saw with the people on the streets in Egypt. A woman said the most beautiful thing was how people were cooperating.
with each other, how they were taking care of each other. He said, I thought we lost this in Egypt. But hamdulillah it is still in our hearts, and it is coming out. Even though the issue got difficult, the people cooperated with each other, the people show love for each other and love for them that love for their deep love for justice. Islamic character, the prophet SAW seldom said I have been sent in order to complete the best and kept
the next we need to pray to Allah azza wa jal for courage and conviction.
And that is that the courage is not just a burst, but the courage is patience and conviction. Hold. Oh spirou was sabido we're happy to
have patience, have patience with each other and bind yourselves together. Robbie to what tako LA LA LA
and have the consciousness of Allah in order that you would be successful.
We also need the younger generation will need to have a knowledge of the environment and the societies we have to study the trends that are going on in the world. We have to study what is happening. We cannot bury ourselves bury our head in the sand.
The cookbook cannot take us back 1400 years and leave us back there.
People need solutions right now to the problems they are facing and we hold gems of wisdom within us. Next we need Shura. What am rowhome Shura baina home.
they solve their problems with mutual consultation.
This is the essence of the issue leaders not talking to their people.
Leaders making unilateral decisions and not caring about
those who have knowledge and those who are living in the society. So surely must begin on all levels, in our homes, in our masjids in our communities that we need consultation, talk to each other open meetings, town hall meetings. This is what Rasulullah saw seldom did when they were being surrounded by the mystery key.
They had no way out a Persian man submental fallacy. He said when we encourage us around it, we build 100 duck, we build the trench. This is a Persian men just learn to speak Arabic, not polish. The process of getting revelation from above seven Evans took the position of Selman alafasy rhodiola
he took his position
and they and they dug the conduct they dug the trench in the northern part of Medina.
And so Shura is so important cooperation and unity. We have to now break down differences between us. If there's a different school of thought, if there is a different Islamic movement, you need to start looking at other Muslims, not for the differences. What makes us similar. In many cases, 90% of the Muslim is the same as you. He prays like you eat fast like you he gives a cat Why do we look at only the 10%
positivity. look to what binds us together. If there is a difference, give him the Sangha. give him advice. If he disagrees that you make dua for him.
That is the way of the great scholars of Islam.
Next, we need a positive approach. The process of them when he sent his followers out, he would tell them Bushido voila, tuna, Pharaoh. Yes, Sita will lead to aceto. Give glad tidings don't drive people away. Make the dean make it easy. Don't make it difficult. This is what is facing us right now. A positive attitude. It's a win win situation for us. Yes, we are frustrated. But we need patience to hold ourselves and to do the right thing. And finally, we need outreach. We will need to take this Deen take our way of life and show the people who don't have this faith to bring Islamic solutions to the real problems of the 21st century. Then the world will realize that there is a last
testament amongst us. There is an illusion. There is a solution to the environmental problem, to the economic crisis, to racism, to murder, homelessness, drug abuse,
political oppression. There is a last testament that covers this there is a last messenger who has a center that covers all aspects of life. This is a critic
moment in time, and we pray that Allah subhanaw taala would raise up a generation that would lead the Muslim Ummah in a new direction. We pray that Allah subhanaw taala would protect all of those who are out in the streets in Egypt, all of those in the streets in Tunisia, all of those in Yemen and Jordan and all over the Muslim world. May Allah subhanaw taala protect them. May Allah bless them. May Allah bring their ranks together, and May Allah give them tofi can success in the struggle that they have right now? May Allah azza wa jal protect the children of the oma Mohammed says Allah. May Allah protect the women of the womb of Mohammed says Allah. May Allah protect and guide the men
of the oma Mohammed sauce Allah. May Allah raise up leadership in our world to take our confused political leaders from darkness into light. And may Allah give them those followers who understand the deep those followers who will live for Allah, they will give everything for the Creator of the heavens and the earth. akula Polly how the world stopped for lolly welcome. Well inside the Muslim medium and Columbian istockphoto in the whole pool of
Alhamdulillah Allah has Allah had and far to summit let the lemonade what am youlet What am Yakuza Hakuna had? Suddenly was seldom Allah hearts and Milan via even more saline Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi as many were bad.
Your cool Huck suparna both been on Miami La la la la la la casa we use a Luna Allah Nabil. Yeah, you have Latina amanu sallu alayhi wa salaamu, Taslima Allahumma salli wa salam ala ab decoda zuleika Mohammed, while Allah He was happy as money, while the La La Rashidi Abu Bakr, Omar man Wali wannabe Rama Chica Amara Jaime Alhamdulillah hinda Donnelly Heather Wilma canali Natalia Lola Anna Donna la Robin Allah to z Balu bonobo is a day Tana will have Linda Mila Dhaka Rama inaka Angela ha Rabbana Foxy Elena's a new banana will cafe under se Athena whatever for the amount of La Allahumma Islam and Muslim in Allahumma Islam and Muslim in Allahumma Islam and Muslim mean was illa shurkin
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