Abdulfattah Adeyemi – Our Feelings Matter

Abdulfattah Adeyemi
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The importance of emotions is discussed, emphasizing the need to learn from the experience and not just remember everything. The speaker discusses the Prophet's message, peace be upon him, and how people can be affected by their emotions. They also touch on the importance of not feeling sad and learning from the experience. The speaker concludes that the message of peace be upon him is true and true, and that individuals should not feel sad and learn from the experience.

AI: Summary ©

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			In a world filled with chaos and uncertainty,
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			find peace, guidance, inspiration, and wisdom with Abdul
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			Fattah Adeyemi's official app.
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			I am
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			Fattah Adeyemi.
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			We have emotions as humans.
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			And emotions are giving their place of importance
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			in all Islamic teachings.
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			And these are fundamental elements of the human
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			So emotional interactions are inevitable.
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			You are going to be emotional.
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			And we experience emotions constantly in our daily
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			lives, and in relation to events and to
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			So human beings have different emotions.
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			We also have spiritual and physical needs.
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			So we have emotional needs as well.
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			And so different people have different emotions.
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			So there's also a variety of behaviors in
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			You see so many verses of the Quran
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			that talks about this.
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			For example, the verse of the Quran, Quran
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			chapter 3, verse 34, where Allah says, وَالْعَافِيدَ
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			عَنِ النَّاسِ وَاللَّهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ There are those
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			who give out in charity, in good times
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			and in bad times.
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			سَرُّواءِ وَضَرُّواءِ In good times and in bad
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			And they suppress their reach.
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			And they pardon other people.
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			Allah loves those who do good.
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			وَاللَّهُ يُحِبُّ الْمُحْسِنِينَ So that surah or that
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			verse indicates that there are days that our
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			emotions take the best of us.
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			There are days you feel good.
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			There are days you don't feel so good.
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			There are some days you feel very bad.
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			Sometimes you feel angry.
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			You just wake up and you don't like
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			almost everybody that you see around you.
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			So some days you just like cockles, you
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			just look at each other and you be
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			like, What am I even doing here?
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			And then when you are looking for the
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			person who gets you angry the most, it's
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			good to be your spouse somehow.
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			And some days you just be happy with
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			each other for no reason that you can
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			just pinpoint.
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			That is normal.
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			You see for many Muslims, Islam can appear
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			to be a religion that teaches us to
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			subjugate our feelings for the sake of Allah
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			or for the sake of truth and for
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			the sake of being a good Muslim.
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			So we are often taught that feelings of
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			certain thoughts can not be good for the
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			You know what I mean?
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			Sometimes they be like, No, you are not
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			supposed to be feeling like that.
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			Or you are not supposed to be feeling
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			depressed about life.
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			You are not supposed to be feeling anxious.
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			Don't you do Afghan?
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			How can you be feeling so sad like
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			Don't you read Quran?
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			You know those kind of things.
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			They make us feel like that.
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			But I'm telling you that many verses of
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			the Quran teach us to be obedient to
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			Islamic teachings as well as to those in
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			But that doesn't mean that Islam wants us
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			to ignore our feelings.
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			You know, some of our feelings may not
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			fit in the obedient category to Allah.
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			Sometimes you just feel somehow.
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			And sometimes some people will make you feel
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			as if, Look, you are feeling like that
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			because your Islam is not complete.
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			Or you are not Muslim enough.
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			Those kind of things.
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			I'm telling you, my brothers and sisters in
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			Islam, no matter how sincere you are, you
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			are still a human being and you are
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			still going to feel in some way.
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			There's a time somebody came to the Prophet,
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			Sayyidah Rasulallah.
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			I like Islam, you know, but the laws
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			of Islam are too heavy for me.
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			So I want you to tell me one
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			thing that I can easily do and it
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			will be okay.
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			The Prophet said, Look, let your tongue be
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			always busy with the remembrance of Allah.
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			Now, what I want you to underline there
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			is that somebody can approach the Prophet and
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			say, I like the religion, but I want
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			you to tell me something that is easier.
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			You know, the laws are too much.
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			He was just trying to express his feeling
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			that, Look, don't do this one.
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			Don't do that one.
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			Don't look.
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			Don't see.
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			Don't talk.
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			Don't sleep.
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			Don't wake.
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			Those kind of things.
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			And don't even die except you are a
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			So the Prophet said, Look, take it easy.
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			Just remember Allah.
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			That's okay.
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			Nothing more.
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			Remember Allah.
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			Anytime I have a feeling, because remembrance of
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			Allah happens to fall in the categories of
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			our emotions.
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			It's something that builds a relationship between you
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			and Allah.
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			Somebody who remembers quite often, you are emotionally
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			attached to that person.
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			And Prophet just like simply tell him, Just
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			always remember Allah.
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			And that means the more he remembers Allah,
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			the more he loves Allah, and the more
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			his Ibadat becomes easier for him.
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			There are no shores.
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			There are no obligations anymore.
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			There are things he will do out of
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			love for Almighty Allah.
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			You get that just now.
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			And this is how Allah does his thing
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			every time.
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			Some of the figures in the Quran, you
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			see them having some feelings, you know.
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			And Allah will find ways of consoling them.
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			Because Allah recognizes and respects our feelings.
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			Like Maryam, brother, and her.
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			Allah says in the Quran, When
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			Maryam, the pain of childbirth, drove Maryam to
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			the trunk of a palm tree, she said,
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			Oh Allah, I wish, listen to her.
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			She said, I wish I had died before
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			And that nobody remembers me.
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			She was in that agony, that pain.
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			You know, it's complicated for her.
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			There was no husband, you know.
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			She carried belly, you know.
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			She had to go and hide somewhere to
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			deliver her baby.
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			No midwife, nobody to attend to her.
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			The pain was excruciating.
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			She had never given birth before.
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			She has no idea.
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			Nobody educated her.
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			Nobody told her that's how it was going
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			to be.
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			With all of her iman, Allah didn't excuse
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			her from feeling that pain.
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			She said, I wish I had died before
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			But you see what Allah did?
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			Allah didn't say, shut up, don't you have
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			No, Allah said, no, don't grieve.
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			Allah was like speaking to her, don't grieve.
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			Don't be sad.
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			Because your Lord has provided beneath you a
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			And I want you to shake the trunk
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			towards yourself.
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			It will drop upon you fresh bits so
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			that you can be relaxed.
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			Maryam's iman did not reduce despite her suffering
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			and her expressing her feelings to Allah.
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			So our emotions are true and Allah is
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			true with us about it.
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			And then look at the Prophet, peace be
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			upon him, when people were disbelieving.
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			Allah said, O my servant, O Muhammad, do
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			you want to kill yourself with grief over
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			Just because they do not believe in this
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			message, you want to kill yourself with sorrow?
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			No, take it easy.
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			I want you to just tell them, leave
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			the rest to me.
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			The Prophet felt it with all this buhala
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			I'm doing for these people.
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			Why would they not believe?
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			Why, why, why?
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			It happens like that.
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			He had feelings and Allah recognized that feeling.
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			And that is why after a while, Allah
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			said to him, O Muhammad, whatever you are
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			going through, your Lord had neither forsaken you
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			nor forgotten about you.
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			And the end will be a lot better
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			for you than the beginning.
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			And I'm going to give you something.
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			I'm going to do something for you.
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			You are going to be pleased with it.
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			You know, when Allah does something for you,
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			you'll be like, yes, I'm okay.
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			I'm okay.
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			It's enough.
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			This is how Allah knows what we feel.
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			Because we too as individuals, in our lives
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			as believers, in our lives struggling for the
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			hereafter, we will have roller coaster of feelings.
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			Sometimes we can be depressed.
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			We can be worried.
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			We can be anxious.
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			We can be concerned.
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			We can feel debased.
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			We can feel demeaned.
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			We can feel unappreciated.
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			Sometimes we can feel confused.
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			Sometimes we feel underwhelmed.
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			And sometimes we are disturbed.
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			Whenever this happens, Allah wants you to know
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			that your feelings and your emotions are real.
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			And Allah recognizes everything that you feel.
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			When you have committed so much sin and
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			you are worried, how am I going to
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			meet with Allah about this?
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			You know what Allah says to you?
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			Allah says, All my slaves that have wronged
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			their souls, don't lose hope in Allah's mercy.
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			Allah forgives all sins.
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			Because, He is all forgiving, He is most
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			So if you think you are feeling sad,
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			oh, not again.
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			I thought I was not going to do
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			this again.
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			Oh, not again.
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			Nobody should see what I've done now.
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			Not again.
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			How am I going to face Allah about
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			Not again.
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			Allah says, don't worry.
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			I'm going to forgive everything.
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			Just stop it.
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			And you see, when you feel lonely, I
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			see you are the only one there.
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			Allah Akbar.
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			Allah says, Allah says, Don't
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			think you are all alone.
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			I will remove you from the darknesses of
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			sadness and loneliness.
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			And I'll put you into the light of
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			excitement and happiness.
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			This is how Allah talks.
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			When you are struggling to remain steadfast, Allah
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			says, Those who believe, believe in male and
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			And Allah measures all of the qualities.
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			And Allah says, I am promising you.
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			This is how Allah does it.
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			I am promising you.
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			You are struggling to remain steadfast.
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			I'm promising you that I'm going to forgive
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			you and I'm going to give you great
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			reward for this thing you are doing that
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			nobody even sees it.
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			When you are discriminated against and you feel,
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			why is everybody hating me like this?
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			Why is everybody going out?
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			I'm in.
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			Why is everybody going up?
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			I'm down.
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			Allah says, The person that is noblest in
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			my sight is one that fear me most.
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			Don't bother yourself about what people have and
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			what they are having in their life or
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			what they are achieving in their lives.
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			And when you are yearning for a friend,
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			a true friend, Allah says, No friend can
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			ever get closer to you than that.
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			And when you feel you are not being
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			appreciated, Allah says, Your reward is with me.
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			When you are tired of hardship and you
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			feel like, Ya Allah, why is it that
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			it is when I call on you more
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			and more that you don't do it for
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			me more and more?
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			You know, sometimes we make dua, it seems
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			to go to voicemail.
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			And then you feel like, But I'm praying
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			Oh Allah, it's me, oh me, me, me
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			that does the Hajj.
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			Oh Allah, me, that fasts Mondays and Thursdays.
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			Oh Allah, don't do things like that sometimes.
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			It's me now.
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			Allah, it's me now.
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			I try to be modest.
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			I try to be upright.
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			I don't do those things that people do.
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			Look at me here now.
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			How about me?
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			Me, Allah, me.
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			If I had the means, you know, I
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			would go on Hajj.
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			If I had the means, I would go
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			on Umrah.
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			If I had the means, I would give
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			If I had the means, I would do
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			a lot of Zakat.
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			Why not me?
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			Why don't you give me?
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			And Allah says to you, After every adversity,
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			there will come ease.
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			Just take it easy.
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			Just chill.
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			This time will pass and then something nice
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			will come.
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			Have you ever been so sick that you
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			thought you were going to die?
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			And after a while, it just started getting
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			well, and then you'll be okay.
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			So when people treat you harshly, they don't
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			respect you, and they talk to you anyhow,
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			you feel bad about it.
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			Allah recognizes that emotion.
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			You know what Allah says?
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			Allah says, And the servants
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			of the Most Merciful that walk with humility
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			on earth, you know what they do?
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			Whenever an ignorant person comes to talk to
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			them, they say, You see?
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			I'm an aspirant for the fear of Allah.
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			I don't even have time for all of
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			these things you are saying.
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			I'm in a hurry.
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			I'm going somewhere.
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			Peace be unto you.
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			I don't want to be part of what
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			you are saying or what you are doing.
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			And like I said earlier on, if you
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			want assurance of Allah's forgiveness because of what
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			you're seeing, Allah says, Give glad tidings to
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			my servants that I am most forgiving and
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			most merciful.
00:15:01 --> 00:15:01
00:15:13 --> 00:15:28
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			be unto you.