Abdulfattah Adeyemi – Marriage Refinery

Abdulfattah Adeyemi
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The speakers discuss the definition of marriage and how it can affect the individual's definition of themselves. They stress the importance of understanding one's definition and how it can affect their life and future. The definition is related to the definition of marriage, which confers on individuals and limits their growth. It is a marriage that confers on individuals and limit their growth, limiting their growth and limiting their growth.

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			Marriages do three things to us, and a
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			person's choice of marriage and what a person
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			does in that marriage will be determined by
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			which of these three things lead the person
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			to the marriage, or which of these three
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			things actually happens to the person while the
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			person is in the marriage.
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			Number one, your marriage may define you.
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			Number two, your marriage may confine you.
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			And number three, your marriage may refine you.
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			What is define?
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			Define is to examine or ascertain your character,
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			to depict who you are, to categorize you,
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			sometimes to classify you.
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			That's why you see a woman who wants
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			to marry to a family of people who
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			are classy, so that the classiness, let me
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			put it that way, of that marriage is
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			going to rub off on her.
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			And you see a woman who wants to
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			marry people from rich class, so to speak,
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			or people from upper class, because she's looking
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			for definition, she wants to define her life.
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			Some men also, they look for ladies of
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			certain cedar in society, because, yes, because that
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			marriage is to define them.
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			They are looking for definition of their identity
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			in that marriage.
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			Sometimes it is to color you, to identify
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			you, to indicate who you are or what
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			you are capable of achieving.
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			To name you, you see, you adopt the
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			name of that family.
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			You say, I'm married to the family of
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			Or sometimes to specify you, sometimes to distinguish
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			you from other women.
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			Or to individualize you, give you that sense
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			of uniqueness.
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			Or to particularize you, to say, I belong
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			to a particular kind of class of family.
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			It may be the family of religious people,
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			family of scholars, family of learned people.
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			So royal family, yes, you want to be
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			addressed as her royal highness.
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			Or you want to be addressed as queen.
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			Or you want to be addressed as the
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			husband of the queen.
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			Some people want to do that.
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			They say, OK, your wife is a commissioner
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			for so-and-so.
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			Or you want to say, yes, yes, my
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			wife is a deputy governor, something like that.
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			Some people actually make that plan.
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			And they go into marriages not to lend
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			a definition to their life.
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			Sometimes these definitions are positive.
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			Sometimes the definitions are not so wholesome.
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			But bear in mind, sometimes your marriages may
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			define who you are.
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			The same thing when it comes to religious
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			Your marriages define your religiosity.
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			Sometimes it defines whether you follow the sunnah
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			or not.
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			And sometimes it defines what exactly you want
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			to contribute to the society.
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			This definition, some people never thought it was
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			so important, or the way they eventually enter
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			into a marriage.
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			Some plan for it, they scheme for it,
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			they look out for it, and they ensure
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			they get it.
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			Some allow it to go by accident.
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			They never cared, they never bothered who they
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			were marrying or what they were in for.
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			Or they use certain criteria that are so
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			ephemeral and that is not definitive of who
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			they are.
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			By the time they enter into a relationship,
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			they see that they even lose the identity
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			they had and they don't have any new
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			They become so amorphous.
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			Their identities are not defined anymore to be
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			anything or anyone in particular.
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			This is one of the biggest mistakes some
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			people make when it comes to marriage.
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			You go into a marriage that doesn't have
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			any definition.
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			A marriage that doesn't have a center point
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			or a focal point or a crux or
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			a core.
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			A marriage that doesn't have any goal, doesn't
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			have any bearing, doesn't have any direction.
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			A marriage that doesn't lend any particular definition
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			to your life that is worth your while.
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			And some people look at their wives and
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			define her as mother of my children.
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			Some women will look at their husband and
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			define him as, okay, he's the person paying
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			the school fees.
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			What extra definition has your marriage lent to
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			your life?
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			What extra definition has your marriage made you
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			to be?
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			If you want to be amorphous, want to
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			be formless, want to be goal-less, want
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			to be empty, you enter into a marriage
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			that doesn't have any particular way of defining
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			your life or particularizing your life or challenging
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			a path for you to grow as an
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			individual or as somebody that can contribute to
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			the society.
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			Your identity may be determined by a marriage
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			that defines your life.
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			Sometimes, like I said, this definition may be
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			opposite to your own identity.
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			That's where you see marital crisis.
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			They want you to become who you don't
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			want to become.
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			They want to define you in ways that
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			are not yours.
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			And if such a marriage is bringing such
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			definition that you are not familiar with or
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			that you didn't plan for, that's not your
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			life, then you see there'll be crisis in
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			that marriage.
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			Let me mention the other ones, then we
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			merge them all together.
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			You also enter into a marriage and it's
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			going to confine you.
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			The first of them, marriage will either define
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			you or sometimes it will confine you.
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			This is one of the biggest mistakes of
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			You enter into a marriage and you are
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			What does it mean to be confined?
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			It means you are limited in your growth.
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			Sometimes it means you are restricted.
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			You feel as if you are in a
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			particular prison.
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			You feel as if you are trapped.
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			And you feel like, how did I get
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			So you are restricted, you are confined in
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			the way you grow and the way you
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			You are so confined to the extent that
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			you get squeezed.
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			You get cramped and you get meagered.
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			You get constricted, you get circumscribed and then
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			you become scanty and sometimes you become fatty.
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			Sometimes you are straightened and you are so
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			That means you are not capable of doing
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			In other words, marriages can confine.
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			And finally, a marriage can refine you.
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			How do you get refined by your marriage?
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			It is like you are purified.
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			It's like you are clarified.
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			It's like you become clear, you become cleansed.
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			You remember when they say you take some
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			to refinery?
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			When you take crude oil, you take it
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			to refinery, you are able to separate the
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			kerosene from the bitumen, spirits, from the diesel.
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			You are able to refine, you are able
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			to refine, including some of those lower petroleum
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			You are able to refine the petrol and
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			you get the real pure petrol that can
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			actually be useful for something.
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			Crude oil as a whole, you can't use
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			it because it's going to be mixed up.
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			Yes, it's too raw, but you have to
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			bring out what you need from it.
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			So you will be refined, you become cleansed,
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			you become sifted, you become filtered.
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			Sometimes you become rarefied.
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			That means you become rare, you are not
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			common anymore.
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			Sometimes you become distilled.
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			You remember this one we used to do
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			in chemistry?
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			Yes, sometimes we achieve a concentrate of you.
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			You remove all the shafts, you remove all
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			the turfs, you remove all the surf, you
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			remove all the ladders, you remove all the
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			foams, we get to your concentrate.
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			Some marriages will actually refine you to the
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			extent that you become concentrate.
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			Yes, you achieve at the maximum level.
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			And then to refine you is to process
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			You get processed to become a person of
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			You become refined and processed to become a
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			person of honor, a person of purity, a
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			person of dignity, a person of respect.
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			You get treated and impurities in you get
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			burnt off.
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			Sometimes you get rectified when you are in
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			a family or a home that is there
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			to refine you.
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			If you are not married and you are
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			going to marry, seek a marriage that will
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			refine you, that will bring out the best
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			in you, that will bring out the scholarship
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			in you if you are scholarly inclined.
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			That will bring out the business acumen in
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			you if you are inclined towards business.
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			That will bring out, yes, the chief executive
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			in you.
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			That will bring out the politics in you
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			if that is your slant.
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			You got to be observant of the marriages
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			you go into or observant of what exactly
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			your marriage is doing to you.
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			So you got to look towards being refined
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			in your marriage.
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			That is where your strength lies.
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			When you are refined, you become stronger.
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			You become better.
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			And you are able to achieve more than
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			And that's why I say you are going
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			to become rarified.
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			And Allah Akbar, purity will not become your
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			It's going to become your new normal.
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			You know, Allah Akbar, this is very essential.
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			And the same thing with the adepts of
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			Islam, with the good characters of Islam, supposed
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			to refine us, make us to become civilized,
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			make us to become better people, make us
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			to become better behaved.
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			The believers of early generations, they understood that
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			Islam was to refine them.
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			So they submitted to be refined by Islam.
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			They submitted themselves to the refinery of Islam.
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			And that is why in everything they did,
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			everything was towards East-West.
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			Everything was perfect.
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			Now you are beginning to see where the
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			strength of the ummah lies.
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			The strength of the ummah lies in what
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			we make of the families.
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			Either it defines us, or it confines us,
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			or it confines us.
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			As-salamu alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh.
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			Download the Abdul Fattah DME app now and
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			start your journey to a more meaningful, purpose
00:11:35 --> 00:11:36
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			Available for free on the App Store and
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00:11:42 --> 00:11:43
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