Abdulbary Yahya – Umdah al-Ahkaam

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The transcript describes the history and character of Muhammad bin barrel, including his use of musical instruments and affirmations in the spirituality of Islam. It also touches on the significance of affirmations in the spirituality of Islam, including the use of the Qahid and the use of affirmations in the language.
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Guide us to the straight path The path
of those upon whom Thou hast bestowed Thy
blessings Not of those who have incurred Thy
wrath, nor of those who have gone astray
Exalt the name of thy Lord, the Most
High Who created and proportioned And who proportioned,
and guided And who brought forth the calf
And made it as a garment of love
We will recite Thee, so do not forget
Except that which Allah wills Indeed, He
knows what is open and what is hidden
And We make easy for you the easy
way So remind, if reminding benefits He
who fears will be reminded And the worst
of them will avoid it, the one who
will burn in the great fire Then he
will neither die therein nor live He who
purifies himself will be successful And he will
remember the name of his Lord and pray
Indeed, you make the life of this world
easy And the Hereafter is better and more
lasting Indeed, this is in the first scriptures
The scriptures of Abraham and Moses Allah
has heard the prayer of those who bear
it Allah is the Greatest All
praise is due to Allah, Lord of the
worlds The Most Merciful, the Most Merciful Master
of the Day of Judgment It is You
we worship and You we ask for help
Guide us to the straight path The path
of those on whom You have bestowed favor
Not of those who have incurred displeasure, nor
of those who have incurred displeasure Indeed,
We have given you abundance So pray to
your Lord and sacrifice Indeed, your companion is
the best Allah has heard
the prayer of those who bear it Allah
is the Greatest Allah
heard the prayer of those who bear it
Allah is
the Greatest Assalamu
alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Assalamu alaikum wa
rahmatullahi wa
barakatuh Yesterday I made the announcement, I thought
it was actually Wednesday Today is Wednesday, Alhamdulillah,
and we will be speaking about the prostration
and forgetfulness We're going through the hadith of
Umadatul Ahkam And this is the first hadith
inshallah in the chapter on Sujud al-Sahwa
Sujud al-Sahwa in the hadith of the
Messenger of Allah from Sahih Bukhari and Sahih
Muslim In relation to how to do the
prostration and forgetfulness inshallah This momentarily will begin
inshallah, so join us inshallah Alhamdulillah,
we praise Him, we ask His help and
we ask His forgiveness And we seek refuge
in Allah from the evil of our souls
and the evil of our deeds Whoever Allah
guides is not misguided, and whoever He misguides
is not guided I bear witness that there
is no god but Allah, and I bear
witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger
As for the next, hadith number 111 inshallah,
chapter on Sujud al-Sahwa Chapter on Sujud
al-Sahwa, Sujud of course we know already
is the prostration And we spoke about the
characteristics of the prostration of how it should
be It's of course one of the, Sujud
in the prayer is one of the pillars
of the prayer But Sujud al-Sahwa, al
-Sahwa means to forget Saha, yashu, means to
forget, but when you speak about forgetfulness Nessia,
yansa means you forget and you don't remember
But Saha means you forget, but when somebody
reminds you It's a level of forgetfulness that
when you are reminded you know right away
You know like somebody who is praying 3
rakah, he knows that he is praying, he
thinks he is praying 3 and he forgot
But he actually prayed already 4, and when
you remind him, oh then he remembers right
away But when somebody forgets, like Nessia, shaytan,
you remind him, I don't remember anything I
don't even remember talking to that person at
all I know you did talk to him,
I don't remember So even when somebody forgets
totally, there are different levels of forgetfulness So
you say al-Sahwa, al-Sahwa is forgetfulness,
where somebody who reminds you, they remember The
hadith that we are on is from An
-Muhammad ibn Sirin An-Muhammad ibn Sirin, an
-Abi Hurairah radiyallahu anhu An-Muhammad ibn Sirin
is a tabi'i, he is narrating from
An-Abi Hurairah radiyallahu anhu Normally the hadith
mentions usually just the companion of the Prophet
ﷺ And the reason why An-Muhammad ibn
Sirin is mentioned in this hadith, even though
he is a tabi'i Is because he
says, qala salla bina Rasool Allah ﷺ Abu
Hurairah radiyallahu anhu said that the Prophet ﷺ
led us in prayer So he led us
in one of the prayers And one of
the prayers is the morning prayer, Fajr prayer
And everything after that is Ashi' And so
some of the scholars are mentioned here And
in another narration it mentions Dhuhr and Asr
Either Dhuhr or Asr And he says, qala
ibn Sirin And Ibn Sirin mentions, sammaha Abu
Hurairah walakin nasitu ana Abu Hurairah mentioned which
prayer exactly But I was the one that
forgot And that's why he mentions here, that's
why the hadith starts with Muhammad ibn Sirin
Because he mentions this, the fact that the
actual prayer But it doesn't really matter what
prayer it is Because it's the same number
of rak'ah, four rak'ah, three Whether
it's Dhuhr or Asr It doesn't really make
a difference in terms of the ruling Relating
to what we're going to be talking about
So the Prophet ﷺ, we'll come back to
a little bit about Muhammad ibn Sirin One
of the great tabi'i And there are
a lot of stories about him Because he
was a well-known tabi'i Who was
known for his piety and righteousness And of
course you hear, Muhammad ibn Sirin, everyone thinks
about what?
Interpretation of dreams, right?
Muhammad ibn Sirin, interpretation of dreams Everyone is
interested in dreams And so Allah gave him
one of the gifts The gifts of interpretation
of dreams And I mentioned before in other
talks That interpretation of dreams, just like in
the story of Prophet Yusuf ﷺ Interpretation of
dreams is not something that you can study
Like you know, I can study Ibn Muhaddith,
a faqih To study, to learn But you
can't study to be an interpreter of dreams
Because it's a gift from Allah ﷻ It's
not something that you can actually study Like
you can study to a certain extent But
to be gifted with something, this is something
that's extra There's something that's extra And there's
specific reasons for that And that's another time
for, inshallah, we can speak about that So
he says, I'm going to finish the hadith
And we'll go to the sharh, the commentary
And also the rulings relating to it, inshallah
The hadith continues with فَصَلَّ بِنَا رَكْعَتَيْنِ The
Prophet ﷺ led us in prayer And he
prayed two rak'ah فَصَلَّ بِنَا رَكْعَتَيْنِ ثُمَّ
سَلَّمْ After two rak'ah, he gave the
salams And when he gave the salams فَقَامَ
إِلَى خَشَبَةٍ مَعْرُوضَةٍ فِي الْمَسْجِدِ He got up
and he was leaning on a tree trunk
A tree trunk that was sticking up in
the masjid So he was leaning against it
فَتَكَ عَلَيْهَا كَأَنَّهُ غَبَّانَ He was leaning on
it And everyone could see the Prophet's ﷺ
face That it was as if he was
angry It was as if he was angry
وَوَضَعْ يَدْهُ الْيُمْنَةِ عَلَى الْيُسْرَةِ And so he
put his right hand over his left hand
فَشَبَّكَ بَيْنَ أَصْحَابِعِهِ And he put his fingers
together And this is something that When you
put your fingers like this Your hands like
this This is something that's forbidden Going to
the masjid or waiting for the prayer But
afterwards This is what the Prophet ﷺ did
afterwards And it's like When you're doing something
like this It's like you're angry Right?
And so he was It was as if
he was angry And we'll mention a little
bit later inshallah A little bit more But
we're going to go through the hadith really
quickly inshallah وَشَبَّكَ بَيْنَ أَصْحَابِعِهِ وَخَرَجَتَ سَرَعَانُ مِنْ
أَبْوَابِ الْمَسْجِدِ And so There were of course
There were some people Who Those who were
in a hurry quickly Some people left very
very quickly فَقَالُوا قُسِرَةِ الصَّلَاةِ قُسِرَةِ الصَّلَاةِ The
prayer has been Has been shortened So because
he prayed two rak'ahs Some people already
fled Already left وَفِي الْقَوْمِ أَبُو بَكْرٍ وَعُمَرٍ
Because Abu Bakr and Umar were there Nobody
wanted to speak Because you know they Everyone
knows the status of Abu Bakr And the
fact that they mentioned Abu Bakr and Umar
That he That Abu Hurayrah mentions this It's
very well known Amongst the companions of the
status Abu Bakr and Umar And everybody of
course Respected The Prophet ﷺ And they were
afraid To speak to the Prophet ﷺ And
وَفِي الْقَوْمِ رَجُلٌ فِي يَدَيْهِ طُولٌ وَفِي الْقَوْمِ
رَجُلٌ فِي يَدَيْهِ طُولٌ There was a man
who had long hands His hands were longer
than usual His hands And they would call
him يُقَالُ لَهُ ذُلْيَدَيْنِ يُقَالُ لَهُ ذُلْيَدَيْنِ They
called him the one with two hands Of
course everybody has two hands But when you
say ذُلْيَدَيْنِ is a person who has two
hands But when you mention it When everyone
has it When somebody says Oh that's hands,
he's hands That means there's something different about
his hands Because everybody has hands But if
you mention that specifically So they called him
ذُلْيَدَيْنِ, the one with two hands ذُلْيَدَيْنِ فَقَالْ
يَا رَسُولُ اللهِ Everyone's afraid to speak because
they see The Prophet ﷺ as if he's
angry يَا رَسُولُ اللهِ أَنَسِيْتَ أَمْ قُسِرَتِ السَّلَاةِ
أَنَسِيْتَ أَمْ قُسِرَتِ السَّلَاةِ Did you forget?
Or has the prayer been shortened?
قال And he said And
it wasn't shortened فَقَال And so then the
Prophet ﷺ then said Of course in another
narration He says, O Messenger of Allah I
think you did forget then If it wasn't
shortened, you did forget Because you only prayed
two rak'ahs So the Prophet ﷺ says
أَكَمَا يَقُلُوا ذُلْيَدَيْنِ Is it?
Is Is what Zulidayn said correct?
Is it what he said correct?
And so everyone said نعم, yes, of course,
yes قال نعم, yes, he's correct You only
prayed two rak'ahs And فَتَقَدَّمَ وَصَلَّى فَصَلَّى
مَا تَرَكَ So the Messenger of Allah ﷺ
Went forward again Remember his place of prayer
He He Took a step forward And he
prayed The remainder of the prayer And then
he gave the taslim ثُمَّ كَبَّر And then
he says الله أكبر وَسَجَّدَ مِثْلَ سُجُودِهِ أَوْ
أَطْوَى And then he prayed and he made
the sujood Similar to it Similar to it
Or even longer ثُمَّ رَفَعَ رَأْسَهُ فَكَبَّر And
then he said He raised his head again
He said الله أكبر ثُمَّ كَبَّرَ وَسَجَّدَ مِثْلَ
سُجُودِهِ أَوْ أَطْوَى Then he made another sujood
So he's making two sujoods He says الله
أكبر Then he makes another sujood That's similar
to it or longer ثُمَّ رَفَعَ رَأْسَهُ فَكَبَّر
And then he raised his head And he
said الله أكبر And Then فَرُبَّ مَا سَأَلُوهُ
ثُمَّ سَلَّمْ And then Some of the people
were asking later Of course this is later
on Did he make the taslim afterwards فَنُبِئْتُ
أَنَّ عِمْرَانِ بْنِ حُسَيْنِ قَالَ ثُمَّ سَلَّمْ And
then Imran Ibn Hussain is another narrator Of
this He says he did give salams And
so there's difference of opinion actually If the
Messenger of Allah ﷺ Gave the salams after
the two rakats So that the Sorry the
sujood Do you give the taslim afterwards Or
you just make the two sujoods And you
leave without another taslim That's if you do
it afterwards So inshallah well this is the
The gist of the hadith But we'll go
back to it inshallah عن محمد Ibn Sirin
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه محمد Ibn
Sirin Is narrating From أبو هريرة رضي الله
عنه And محمد Ibn Sirin Is a tabi'
Of the Prophet ﷺ A tabi' who is
someone who Has met A tabi' Is one
Who he himself Is not a Companion of
the Prophet ﷺ Never met the Prophet ﷺ
But he has met Those or he has
Not only Of course just like the Companions
of the Prophet ﷺ The sahaba Sahabi Is
one who met the Prophet ﷺ Who met
the Messenger of Allah ﷺ And believed in
him And died As a Muslim So that's
you have A sahabi And because You say
those who met the Prophet ﷺ And believed
in him Because there are many There are
some of course Who met the Messenger of
Allah ﷺ But they didn't believe in him
So people like Abu Jahl and others of
course Who are not considered Amongst the sahaba
Those who also Those who accepted Islam And
then left Islam They are not considered amongst
the sahaba So those who met the Prophet
ﷺ And believed in him And died as
a Muslim So you go to the next
level Are the ones who Those who Met
the companions Of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ
Who met the companions of the Prophet ﷺ
They are known as tabi'een Those who
met them And of course they are Muslims
We consider of course This is another level
Then you have the tabi'een Amongst their
students and so forth Ibn Sirin is One
of the Kibar al-tabi'een Kibar al
-tabi'een You have different levels Of the
tabi'een Just like you have different levels
Of the companions of the Prophet ﷺ The
elders amongst the companions You have the youngsters
amongst the companions So you have The different
levels of the tabi'een Kibar al-tabi
'een These are the most well known amongst
The tabi'een Those who took a lot
from Who met the companions of the Prophet
ﷺ When it comes to taking a hadith
from them They were the ones who were
Very very prominent So Ibn Sirin Is one
of the well known Amongst the tabi'een
And he is An imam That is respected
Known for his zuhd wal warah Zuhd Wal
warah He was Known for his piety and
righteousness And His simplicity meaning He was known
for Someone who was not extravagant In anything
And he was One of the imams During
his time Like during his time One of
the most respected Of the scholars and the
imams When you say somebody is an imam
You know nowadays There are two types of
imams Of course you have the imam that
leads the prayer And then you have when
you say somebody is an imam That means
An imam in Islam When you Say that
this person is an imam Imam so and
so That means He is someone who Is
greatly very very well known Whoever prays five
times a day Has heard of him Like
you don't say a shaykh, a shafi'i
You say an imam A shafi'i An
imam Malik Al imam Abu Hanifa An imam
Al imam Malik Al imam Al Bukhari Al
imam Muslim Al imam Al imam Al imam
Guided by our affairs Guided by our affairs
When they were patient And they had certainty
In our signs And so he was an
imam During his time In the different branches
Of knowledge He was a faqih Known for
his fiqh Known for his tafsir and understanding
Of the verses of the Quran Muhaddith One
who narrates The hadith of the messenger of
Allah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Narration in narration
And also in the knowledge of the understanding
Of the hadith And of course all the
other knowledges And as I mentioned People used
to Know him also As someone who Was
someone who was very very Prominent In the
interpretation of dreams And of course amongst the
scholars Probably Amongst the scholars Al imam Muhammad
ibn Sirin Is probably known for More than
everyone hears about him Always thinks about dreams
Dream interpretation And by the way the book
about dream interpretation That has come through him
You might see some of those books Most
of the narrations that go through him Are
not authentic A lot of that is not
authentic And also when it comes to Dream
interpretation You can't read You have a dream
and you read about it And then you
know oh that's what it means You have
to go to someone who knows Dream interpretation
Because when you have symbolism There is different
symbolism For different cultures Different areas Like in
America There are certain things Certain colors Certain
things are understood differently Certain things are understood
differently And there are many There may be
Things that are specific to that culture You
know when I was in Asia Someone had
a dream Someone had a dream They said
that they were going to They wanted to
get married And they said oh That person
wanted to get married And that person had
a dream And in that dream In that
dream That person was given rice White rice
White rice And like fried rice Like more
Not just fried When I say fried rice
Rice with a lot of things also Just
white rice is plain And then there is
fried rice Like special rice So he wanted
to eat the Fried rice in the dream
And they said no no no You can't
eat this until next year So that person
They interpreted that dream Are you looking to
get married?
He said yeah I want to get married
this year He wanted to get married this
year It's not this year He tried really
hard to get married that year And he
couldn't Now when you have rice In Asia
it's rice In most places in the world
It's rice But in different cultures maybe Like
here in America It might not be rice
Pizza, sandwich Whatever It's something else It's totally
different depending on So you can't really find
a book This is rice And also it
depends on the situation and circumstances And Allah
SWT is the only one that Knows best
and He opens it up for some people
They are able to interpret dreams Or not
So just like different colors Different colors represent
different things Just different colors for example Certain
colors If you go to Arabia If you
go to America If I tell you What
does white represent to you?
What does white represent to you?
When I say white What do you think?
What does it represent?
In America Or in Somalia What is white?
Good guys?
In America good guys are always white Right?
That's a different matter Historically But that's only
for In the West Of course in Arabia
The idea of white is purity Cleanliness, Iman
That's why when you hear the interpretation of
the Prophet Of a person wearing white Like
you know When the Messenger of Allah saw
Wearing all white That's a sign of faith
and Iman And he had A cloak That
was a dragon cloak That's his Iman and
faith His clothing Like your clothing It's your
faith But in different countries It's different Like
if I mention white in China Anybody know
what that means?
Like white death That's why if somebody dies,
what do they wear?
They wear white But in America when somebody
dies, what do you wear?
If you were to go If someone goes
to a funeral, they wear black Right?
They wear black I mean you wear white
You would stand up like a sore thumb
But you know Those who are Like in
China in the far East Those who are
in the Buddhist culture Those who die They
hire people To wail for them To cry
They hire people To cry Yeah They do,
they hire people to cry It's like And
then those people, they come to the funeral
And their job Is to cry They get
paid to cry And so All those people
who come They are hired to cry What
do they wear?
They all wear white So different colors represent
different things So if a Chinese person sees
a dream And he's going to the shift
It might be a different color Different meaning
And so that's why you can't really Have
a book That this is what it means
This is what it means And this is
what it means, specifically And that's why when
it comes to the interpretation of dreams It's
a gift, it's a bonus That Allah gives
to Whomsoever He pleases And that's why Allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala Mentions That Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala Specifically Gave And of course
Those who are pious and righteous Who are
the most pious and righteous people?
They're the Prophets and Messengers of Allah Right?
And so that's why they are the ones
who Are also the best at the interpretation
Of dreams And so in this ummah, who's
the best at the interpretation of dreams?
It's the Messenger of Allah And then who
Abu Bakr radiallahu anhu Right?
And so those It's the level of piety
and righteousness But not every pious person Is
given this gift Of the interpretation of dreams
Not everybody, there are some people who are
more You know, who are better than others
Who are more prominent in that matter And
so amongst Those who Amongst the scholars That's
well known for the interpretation Of dreams Is
Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Sirin And of course
Umm Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Sirin Is If
you look at his story, he's known for
his Honesty His piety His His Piety and
righteousness And thawab Humility As with every, you
know Great scholars They're known in their Demeanor
And you can see You can tell From
that person The kind of people that they
are And he's known for his Of course
he used to do a lot of dealings
And used to help a lot of people
also And he was someone who Even in
his Dealings with people He was known for
his honesty He's known for his honesty So
Muhammad Ibn Sirin His kunyah is Abu Bakr
Muhammad Ibn Sirin Al-Basri From Al-Ansari
And he was born During the Khilafah of
Uthman Ibn Affan So he was born During
the Khilafah of Uthman Ibn Affan 33 years
after the hijrah of the Prophet ﷺ 33
years after the Prophet ﷺ Which means he
was 23 years After the death of the
Messenger of Allah ﷺ So that's why he
is And he is a tabi'i Because
of course he was born after the Prophet
ﷺ had already passed away His father His
father's name is Sirin And Sirin was a
You know During the Campaigns that they had
You have people who are captured And they
become slaves And slaves in Islam It's not
like the slavery that people know You take
care of it, it's a responsibility It's a
responsibility to take care of those people Because
they are usually Captives And maybe their parents
Have already passed away Or it's a woman
Who doesn't have anyone to take care of
And so they become What's known as Mamluk
Which means they are considered slaves And slavery
in Islam Is you take care of them,
you provide for them Whatever you eat, whatever
food you eat You give them what you
eat Whatever you wear, if you wear designer
clothing You wear nice clothing, they have to
wear the same thing also You don't just
give them like second hand You don't go
shopping At the mall, the nice stores And
you go to Goodwill and buy some clothes
for them So if you Whatever you wear,
whatever you eat That's what you give them
And you take care of them And it's
a responsibility And after they accept Islam You
can release them You can free them And
of course the reward of freeing a slave
Is so great that Islam pretty much came
to abolish That slavery But it was a
way of taking care of those who were
Captured and prisoners of war Prisoners of war
and so forth Amongst men, women and children
also So he was Sirin was a slave
That belonged to Anas ibn Malik Anas ibn
Malik radiallahu anhu Of course was a very
well known companion Who narrated many hadith So
Sirin is the father of Muhammad ibn Sirin
Of course And he was captured Or you
know He was amongst Amongst Those who was
Captured after the battle of Ain Tamr And
in Kufa This was during the campaign of
Khalid Ibn Walid When they were going towards
The conquest of Iraq During the time of
Abu Bakr Radiallahu anhu And Anas ibn Malik
radiallahu anhu Eventually freed him And a slave
can also earn his freedom By working his
way To free himself and this is what
he did This is what Sirin did And
Anas ibn Malik radiallahu anhu He was able
to Earn his freedom And This was So
a lot of the scholars of before During
this era There are many scholars during this
era Whose parents Or they themselves Were slaves
But they became great scholars of Islam So
that's why in Islam Even a slave can
become Greatly respected And a great scholar It's
not about what you have and so forth
But it's about your taqwa And your knowledge
And it's your character That raises a person's
status In Islam And that's why there are
many Like even in Mecca later on The
students of Abdul ibn Abbas And others They
were formerly Slaves or their parents were slaves
And for example you have Ibn Jurayj for
example What's Jurayj?
George The son of George Ibn Jurayj And
this was someone who was very very well
known And in fact even They became great
scholars Because they were the students of The
great companions of the Prophet And so Amongst
them was Muhammad ibn Sidin Whose father was
a slave His mother also Her name was
Safiyyah And she was also the slave of
A great companion None other than Abu Bakr
And Abu Bakr freed her also So sometimes
in the battle When they accept Islam Of
course it also gives them A motivation to
accept Islam Because once they accept Islam Then
now they can be free Because the person
who Has owned That slave has done his
job So both of them Sidin And his
mother Safiyyah They were known for their piety
And character They were known for their Good
character Ali ibn Sidin He grew up in
a city called Basra In Iraq And he
was Of course at that time These were
the times in which many of the companions
Of the Prophet ﷺ went out And Basra
was also one of the Centers of knowledge,
Medina, Basra Kufa These were the areas where
Their many scholars They stayed And so he
learned From the scholars there And he narrated
a hadith From many of the companions And
many of the tabi'een also Who were
students of the other companions Of the Prophet
ﷺ Muhammad ibn Sidin Is known For his
narration of the hadith Of the Prophet ﷺ
So when you look at the chain You
have Anas ibn Malik Who Narrates a hadith
And the person who is next Is Muhammad
ibn Sidin Where Abu Hurairah Many hadith from
Abu Hurairah Was also narrated by Ali ibn
Sidin And so he was one of the
most One of the most well known of
the muhadditheen In Basra And one of the
hufadh Those who memorized the hadith of the
Prophet ﷺ Not only The narration Also the
iraya Meaning not just narrating But understanding the
hadith of the Prophet ﷺ also Because there
is a difference between Just narrating the hadith
And that's why the Prophet ﷺ said May
Allah ﷻ Enlighten the faces of those Who
hear what I have said And then he
Conveys it the way That he heard it
from me Don't change anything, whatever you heard
Convey it with those exact words Because maybe
Because maybe the person Whom you're narrating to
Understands the hadith more than you Why?
Because sometimes That wording you might interpret it
Incorrectly when you use your own wording But
so narrate exactly Because maybe the next person
Who you get that from Understand it properly
And instead of interpreting Just narrate the way
it is And if you do so, if
you're careful in the narration Of the Prophet's
hadith The way it is This is a
dua from the Prophet ﷺ That your face
be enlightened Those who are careful In the
deen of Allah ﷺ In their conveying of
the deen In their wara' Their cautiousness and
piety In narrating the hadith Allah ﷻ brightens
their faces And that's why the muhaddithun They
are the ones And the people of knowledge
Who are careful when it comes to speaking
About the deen of Allah ﷻ Allah ﷻ
gives them a nur Gives them a light
And enlightens their faces And so he was
one of the most Knowledgeable Amongst the scholars
In the narration of the hadith And in
the understanding Of the hadith And all of
the major Scholars Of the books of hadith
Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim They have narrated You
know the narrators of Sahih Bukhari And Sahih
Muslim are the best people They are the
most trustworthy They are the most trustworthy of
the people Right?
You have to be trustworthy in order to
have your hadith in Sahih Bukhari You have
to be trustworthy In order for you to
have a hadith in Sahih Muslim, in order
for Imam Muslim Imam Bukhari to take you
And to use you, that means you are
trustworthy On the highest level of trustworthiness The
highest level of scholarlyhood The highest level of
memory Right?
In order for you to be accepted And
so he is amongst the Rijal, the men,
the narrators In Sahih Bukhari, Muslim And the
Sunan also And in fact all of the
major Collections of hadith All the scholars of
hadith, when they see Muhammad Ibn Sirin, there
is no problem You don't even have to
Look at it, everyone knows His piety, his
righteousness, he is not going to make up
any hadith Right?
And that's why here He says what?
He is so Precise, he says Yes, I
did forget whether it is Zuhr or Asr
But he is very He has amanah, trust
That he doesn't just Say anyone If he
has doubt in that area He says, Abu
Hurairah mentioned it to me But I myself
forgot that Him mentioning that is evidence of
his His carefulness In narrating the hadith And
that he doesn't have to mention that He
can just mention Zuhr or something like that
Nobody would know But Zuhr or Asr, even
that Even though it doesn't make that much
of a difference In terms of when it
is Because they are the same prayer But
he mentions that also and it shows his
You know, his waria and his narration of
hadith And when you look at his book
In Qutub al-Tis'ah And so you
have The Qutub al-Tis'ah is what?
The nine conical Sort of like the nine
conical Hadith books So if I said رواه
الصحيحان You know like In the صحيحان You
know like The two صحيح What is that?
Sahih Bukhari Muslim So that is two If
I said a sunan, what is that?
Four, right?
So how many do you have?
So you have three more If I said
As-Sit at-Tis'ah Muslim Imam Ahmad,
what else?
And Muwatta Imam Malik What is another one?
What is the ninth?
What is it?
No, it is not Sunan So if you
say ninth That means Muslim Imam Ahmad And
And Muwatta Imam Malik So that is Sometimes
Ibn Hajar He says رواه الصحيحان That means
the four sunan and صحيحان So this is
pretty much all the books All the major
books Of course there are more But if
you have These nine collections You pretty much
have all the hadith of the Prophet Pretty
much You will find in one of these
collections And of the narrations That have come
to us Through Muhammad Ibn Sirin About their
Scholars have Compiled Meaning They counted it 874
hadith So 874 hadith of the Prophet That
came through to us Through Muhammad Ibn Sirin
And so In Muhammad Ibn Sirin Remember He
said he is a tabi' And a tabi'
is someone who Has met the companions Did
he meet just one or two?
He met Muhammad Ibn Sirin He met 30
companions of the Prophet 30 Amongst the companions
Of the Prophet And he would sometimes He
would narrate from them And he would narrate
from the other tabi'in also So amongst
the companions Of course the most well known
of the companions Of those who narrated hadith
Who is amongst the companions who narrated the
most hadith of the Prophet?
Abu Huraira Radiallahu Anhu of course And so
Ibn Muhammad Ibn Sirin Narrated from Abu Huraira
And narrated from None other than Anas Ibn
Malik Who was?
The person who actually freed his father The
person who freed his father Anas Ibn Malik
and Abdullah Ibn Umar As another mukthirin Those
who Narrated many hadith Of the Prophet ﷺ
And amongst the companions also Adi Ibn Hatim
and Ibn Husayn These were companions of the
Prophet ﷺ And of course he was Most
of the time he spent his time He
met with the other companions Of course in
the other cities also But he was He
was a companion He was a tabi'i
Who of course we mentioned That he grew
up in Basra So Muhammad Ibn Sirin When
I said he met 30 amongst the companions
of the Prophet ﷺ He also Narrated from
one of the Some of the major tabi
'in So people who are of the same
level as him In terms of the scholars
That came after the companions of the Prophet
ﷺ Amongst Ubaid Ibn Sulaiman As Sulaimani And
Muslim Ibn Yasar And Qais Ibn Ubad And
also others Who were like Also who narrated
many hadith From the Prophet ﷺ And so
these were people of the same level as
him Meaning they also met companions And he
narrated from them Because some of those who
met companions He didn't meet And amongst the
scholars The tabi'in The students of the
tabi'in Who he narrated from Qatada Ibn
Diyama Asadusi Very well known of course Amongst
the books Ashab Sitta also And Ayyubah Sakhtiyani
And Yunus Ibn Ubaid And Khalid Ibn Hazza
These are some of the great scholars As
for Muhammad Ibn Sirin What did he used
to do?
What made him so prominent?
Some of the things that he was Known
for of what he did all the time
Muhammad Ibn Sirin used to fast One day
and used to break his fast Of course
that is the Best fast The best fast
is to fast one day And break your
fast one day And of course that's the
most Beloved fast to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta
'ala And what kind of fasting?
Whose fasting is this?
The fasting of Nabiullah Dawud So that's the
most beloved Fast to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta
'ala So he used to fast one day
Muhammad Ibn Sirin Used to fast one day
Used to break his fast one day He
was always seen Making dhikr Or supplicating to
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala And He used
to of course He used to recite Every
single night He would He would Recite He
would finish the Qur'an every single day
Every week So if you finish the Qur
'an every single week How much How do
you divide the Qur'an?
To how many parts?
Seven right?
So you divide it to seven So every
night he would read one seventh Of the
Qur'an every single night Then at the
end of the week He would finish So
he would always do this at night If
you miss something at night What time do
you make it up?
In the day time?
Of course after the sunrise And so this
was something that He used to always do
At night time And if he didn't make
it at night time He would do so
in the day time And in Ramadan he
used to spend his whole night He used
to spend His whole nights would be awake
In the worship of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta
'ala Muhammad bin Sarin in his younger days
He said I used to I used to
have I used to have a problem with
With backbiting Like he used to When talking
about other people And for us you know
when he thinks He said I used to
have A problem like talking about other people
So how did I How did I What
solution did I find for that?
He said so I decided That every time
I would backbite I would give A dinar
One dinar One dinar every single time I
backbite somebody He would give sadaqah one dinar
Because the nafs likes what?
Likes money So if It's going to cost
you and you backbite You're going to think
twice And you have to understand one dinar
is not a little bit of money You
know how much one dinar is right now?
Like I'm not talking about like If you
had a real dinar it would be worth
more right now Of course because it's old
But in those days the value of it
in gold Is how much?
Like gold The ounce, the amount of gold
In that dinar there In one dinar it's
worth more than Fifteen hundred thousand One thousand
five hundred dollars But right now The gold
Just the weight of it The weight of
the dinar only Not the actual Like I
said if you had that dinar like in
the old days It would be like hundreds
of thousands Because now it's like It's old
But I'm talking about just the weight of
gold So imagine Anytime you backbite somebody You
gave about fifteen hundred Fifteen hundred dollars One
thousand five hundred dollars Would you backbite?
If it's going to cost you one thousand
five hundred?
You're going to think twice It's going to
like You know what?
If it's going to cost me I'm not
going to do it So he said So
he made the conviction If I backbite anyone
I'm going to give I'm going to give
one dinar And dinar is The rahim are
the silver coins The dinanir are the gold
coins So this is gold coin This is
very expensive So he would give one dinar
And he said because of that It helped
me to solve the problem Of backbiting I'm
not telling you like This is not something
he has to do But the thing is
Because If you want to stop doing something
And it's not like Against the sunnah or
anything like that Because the Prophet ﷺ said
اتقل حيثما كنت وأتبع سيئة الحسنة تمهها Have
taqwa in Allah Allah ﷻ Wherever you are
And follow a bad deed with what?
With a good deed And then it will
wipe it out So if you commit a
bad deed Give in sadaqah Stand up in
prayer and supplicate to Allah ﷺ And that's
why we Every single time somebody's phone rings
If your phone rings You should pay I
think we should pay at least Whatever you're
able to afford That's not too cheap It's
not like $1 or anything like that But
will be heavy on your pocket That you
won't do it again So if your phone
goes off in the masjid You should give
For some of us, $10 is a lot
For some of us, mashallah $100 is nothing
$500 Your phone goes off, give $500 Trust
me, you're going to leave your phone in
the car Next time I'm not bringing my
phone to the masjid Because if it rings,
it's going to cost me $500 Or it's
going to cost me even $50 You bring
it in Every time your phone rings It
costs $50?
No, I'm going to leave it outside And
so that's why If you want to stop
something Follow up a bad deed If a
bad deed happens Then follow it with a
good deed And also wipe it out And
that's how you That's how you get rid
of Bad habits When you have bad habits
You have to replace the bad habit With
something good Because as soon as you leave
the bad habit There's a void And just
like water and air If there's a void
there, something has to be there Something's going
to be there So if you don't replace
it You put there something that's good Then
the bad will come back So let's say
somebody Says, you know, inshallah I'm not going
to listen to music anymore And so The
time that you normally listen to music You're
like, okay, what do I do now?
If you don't listen to lectures And the
Qur'an in place of it What's going
to happen?
It's going to come back It's going to
come back because now you have your Your
free time That you're used to spending doing
the bad things Now, you know, if you're
used to like Saturday nights, Sunday nights going
out And you say, you know, I'm not
going to go out And party with it
Before I totally repent May Allah forgive me
On Saturdays and Sundays you're like What do
I do?
So on Saturdays and Sundays If you're free
Spend time in doing good things Going to,
you know, the places That you used to
go to Do the opposite If you used
to travel to do bad things Then travel
to do good things Right, travel to do
good things You know, travel like you hear
maybe a conference Islamic conference, go and travel
to those conferences Instead of Las Vegas Right,
instead of those places So replace those things
And then they wipe them out, wipe it
out So Muhammad al-Masireen, he says You
know, I had a problem later Early point
in my life Because some people Sometimes when
you hear about information About somebody, it's like
it's very juicy I know something very juicy
This information is like Oh man, I got
to tell And you have this urge This
urge to tell people Or to speak about
it Even though it's not It's considered backbiting
But you still do it So how do
you stop yourself?
If it costs you You will not do
it again So Imam Muhammad al-Masireen Anytime
he would Backbite someone He would give one
dinar And if someone praised him He would
say Of course somebody praises you He says,
it's Allah It's by the will of Allah
It is by the will of Allah So
that you don't raise yourself That you become
humble, that it's not you That's why anything
that Any achievement that you have Anything that
you have that's good It's by the will
of Allah It's by the blessing of Allah
And if somebody says something bad about him
Then He says Allah knows best Allah knows
I am how Allah knows me If somebody
disparages him Or says something bad about him
And as I mentioned Muhammad al-Masireen Was
very well known So the scholars of Islam
Have spoken about him And everybody knows his
place Imam Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi Al-Khatib
al-Baghdadi In the history of Baghdad He
says Muhammad al-Masireen Was one of the
great scholars Of jurisprudence Of jurisprudence In his
time He said Muhammad al-Masireen Was one
of the great scholars Of jurisprudence That was
known One thing that's always mentioned about him
Is his His wara What is wara?
What is wara?
It's not just piety and righteousness Like he
avoids even that Any type of doubtful matters
Whenever you have two options You always choose
The safest You always choose the safest If
there's difference of opinion You're choosing the safest
Always careful And something might not be halal
It's not haram But if it's getting close
to there You stay away from those things
You stay away from those things For example
Things that are extra Some people like to
sit down If you speak a lot It's
not something that's praiseworthy It's not something that's
praiseworthy And that's why I remember we said
One of the imams Or one of the
students Of Imam Ahmad He asked about what?
He asked about He said, Imam, what do
you think about somebody who travels?
Who loves to travel For like tourism Just
like you know Just to relax There's nothing
wrong with that, right?
I mean if somebody goes out Like you
know There's a time for this and a
time for that You need your vacation Like
you know I want to go somewhere just
to relax Just to get away from it
all And we all need that So Imam,
one of the students Of Imam Ahmad asked
him What do you think about those people?
So these are the scholars, right?
Imam Ahmad he says That's not something that
pious and righteous people do It's not something
that pious and righteous people Amongst the And
also the prophets and messengers They didn't do
things like that Did they travel?
Yes They travel for knowledge They travel for
Hajj, Umrah, Ibadah, Worship, for business But just
to go out They consider that A waste
of money They consider that a waste of
money You're going to go to Paris?
For what?
You're going to London?
I just want to see London Just relax
You want to go Hawaii?
I enjoy the beaches He said that's not
something That the pious and righteous people do
Did he say it's haram?
So those who have wara They don't want
to put themselves in a position Where it's
Just extra wasteful Money, wasting time and so
forth They're very careful When it comes to
eating And whatever they're dealing with They're always
siding On the safe side So ...
He said ...
What does this mean?
I have never seen someone Who was more
Knowledgeable In his fiqh Knowledgeable in fiqh in
his wara When it comes to his fiqh
He was wara ...
He was known He had knowledge about wara
His knowledge about piety and righteousness There's nobody
like him In terms of his knowledge of
his piety and righteousness And no one who
is more pious and righteous In his fiqh
In his understanding So this is ...
That's him, he knows about it Very knowledgeable
I don't know anyone more knowledgeable When it
comes to piety and righteousness Than Muhammad ibn
Sirin And I don't know anyone who has
more piety and righteousness In his fiqh So
knowledge of wara and his warah and his
The warah and his fiqh is what?
That you know when you have like for
example if somebody has a difference of opinion,
oh should we eat the meat of this
and that?
No, no you know what I'm going to
choose the safest.
When it comes to money there's doubtful working
at this business, this transaction, I'm going to
leave it all together, all of it.
Even if I make more money over there,
let me take less.
Right here, take less.
And so that was, that's one of the
praises of Muhammad ibn Sirin.
He was also, كان ابن سرين من أرجى
الناس لهذه الأمة.
Ibn Sirin was one who was, أرجى الناس
لهذه الأمة.
You know some people who are always pessimistic,
he was the most optimistic person.
The most, أرجى is the most hopeful.
But you know it's sort of like when
you speak about the ummah, some people when
you speak about the situation, the Muslims, what
do they do?
They always complain about Muslims.
Some people always complain about Muslims.
So he was the most hopeful when it
comes to praising and when it came to
being optimistic and hopeful for the Muslims, for
the ummah.
و أشدهم إزراء على نفسه.
And as for himself, he was the most
harshest critic of himself.
The hardest, harshest critic of himself and the
most hopeful and optimistic about other people, the
other ummah.
And that's why some people, they're harsh to
themselves meaning they're very careful and harsh upon
themselves, but they're always thinking the best.
Like if you hear about somebody, you always
find an excuse for them.
You always find an excuse for them.
Oh you saw them and maybe somebody sees
and something happened in the ummah, some people,
oh this is it, look at these guys,
look at the rulers, that's all they do
is complain.
You don't do anything to change, you don't
do anything to, meaning you're never positive.
He was very positive.
And so this is what Ibn Awn, he
said, كان ابن سليم من أرجى الناس لهذه
الأمة وأشدهم إزراء على نفسه.
And Uthman al-Batti, he says, لم يكن
بهذه البلدة أحد أعلم بالقضاء من محمد ابن
There's no one in this town that is
more knowledgeable in Qadaa.
Qadaa is in rulings, halal, haram, and judgments
and so forth.
And Qadaa, من محمد ابن سليم.
Then Muhammad Ibn Salim.
And Muhammad Ibn Salim, of course, even his
demeanor, he was someone who was very, very
well known and they used to mention him
when people would see him.
وكان الناس إذا رأوه ذكروا الله.
He said, when they see him, they remember
When they see him, they remember Allah.
He reminds people of Allah.
Meaning, when you see someone pious and righteous,
like Allah, you remember Allah.
And it's just your company of people who
are righteous and some people who are righteous
and when you're with them, you remember Allah.
You are affected by them.
And so that's the type of person that
Muhammad Ibn Salim was.
And as I mentioned, he was waria, right?
Yunus Ibn Ubaid, he said, أما ابن سليم
فإنه لم يعرض له أمرا في دينه إلا
أخذ بأوثقهما.
Anytime there are two things in the deen,
he would always take the strongest of the
The strongest of the two, the most firm,
the most strong, the most clear of the
two opinions.
Some of us, we always find what?
The easy way.
We always look for the easy way.
الحمد لله.
بسم الله.
Make it easy, right?
Make it easy.
But he would always try to find the
most firm and the strongest of the two.
But at the same time also, people are
of different levels, right?
For him, he chooses for himself that.
But for some other people, they're asking, somebody
might ask a question to the Shaykh, you
know, is it permissible for me to listen
to a nasheed?
He might say, no, don't listen to a
Listen to only Qur'an.
But maybe that person is new.
They're used to listening to music and so
And they want something in between.
Like sometimes, yeah, Qur'an of course.
But you know, sometimes there are times when
you just can't listen to Qur'an.
When you listen to Qur'an, you have
to listen and be focused and so forth.
Like, I want to relax.
What can I do?
Is there any music?
Halal music?
Well then, find the ones that are halal.
And a lot of the times that we
have nowadays, even though they call them Islamic
nasheed, it's not really halal.
And then, but you know, when it comes
to poetry and reciting it in certain manners,
that would be called a nasheed.
Like during the time of the Prophet ﷺ,
when they used to, when they were digging
the trench.
And also when they used to travel, you
know what they used to do?
They used to have someone, you know, sort
of like chants.
And you know, like when you travel, people
travel, they turn on the radio, right?
It's a long trip.
So they had human radios in the old
But it's halal if you use words that
are halal.
And it doesn't have any musical instruments.
And the thing is, most people, they think
that computer-generated sound is not musical instruments.
Like for some reason, like okay, the computer
-generated sound is making the same sound as
the musical instruments.
What's the difference?
Like, do you understand?
What's the difference?
Okay, so if someone shows, it's not a
* person, but it's a picture of a
* person, or an animated picture of a
* person, would it be halal?
No, it's not halal, even though it's generated.
But if the content is haram, no matter
how it's generated, it's not halal.
And so that's why you have to be
very careful with the changing of the tones,
or adding some of these musical instruments that
are computer-generated.
And so when he was given two, one
or the other, he would always choose the
most safest of the opinions.
And Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, Muhammad ibn
Jarir, al-Imam Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
is sahibu of the tafsir, tafsir al-Tabari,
of course, a collection that's very well known,
one of the largest collections of the, from
the narrations about the tafsir from the companions
of the Prophet ﷺ, from the Qur'an,
the Sunnah, and also from the other scholars
in relation to fiqh, or in relation to
He says, كان ابن سرين فقيحا عالما ورعا
عديبا كثير الحديث He said, Imam ibn Sireen
was a faqih, a scholar, a scholar in
fiqh, عالما ورعا, ورعا, he had wara, عديبا
كثير الحديث He used to narrate many hadith,
he's someone who is known for his knowledge
of even the adab and so forth, and
narrate many hadith, عديبا كثير الحديث صدوقا, trustworthy,
شهد له أهل العلم والفضل بذلك وهو حجة
The scholars have testified to his knowledge and
his virtues, and he was a hujja, when
you say somebody's hujja, it's somebody's proof, proof
of Islam, you want to know Islam?
He's proof hujja, in different aspects of the
deen of Allah ﷻ Hisham ibn Hassan he
said, حدثني أصدق He used to recite, he
used to say, he used to narrate from
him and he said, حدثني أصدق من أدركت
من البشر محمد بن سليم One time he
narrated and he said, the person who I
narrated from is the most trustworthy of anyone
amongst humanity, it's Muhammad bin Salim that I
narrated from, someone who is describing Muhammad bin
Salim when narrating from him.
And Muhammad ibn Sa'd, again these are all,
these are some of the tabi'i during
his time, the people during his time, or
some of his students who were taken from
He said, كان ثقة مأمونا عالما رفيعا فقيا
إماما كثير العلم وكان به صمم He said,
he was a faqih, a thiqa.
Thiqa, when you say thiqa, it's trustworthy.
مأمونا, trustworthy, he is ma'moon.
Thiqa means someone who has, you know when
you say thiqa, someone who has good memory
and trustworthy in his character, ma'moon, can be
عالم and scholar and of high status, رفيعا
فقيحا A great scholar of fiqh, اماما, remember
we said what imam was?
Not just a regular scholar, imam, كثير العلم.
He was someone who had a lot of
ورعا, someone who was very pious and righteous.
وكان به صمم And you know what صمم
He used to have صمم, what's صمم?
صمم, what's صمم?
صمم is deafness.
He was hard of hearing.
He was hard of hearing.
He was a great scholar, but he was
a little bit hard of hearing.
Like when you speak to him, you have
to raise your voice.
وكان به صمم So he used to have
like a little bit hard of hearing.
And so this is, even though he was
like hard of hearing, maybe, you know, olden
days, Allah knows best.
But he was a great scholar of Islam.
And of course, this is just a little
bit that we want to speak about him.
And there's a lot of stories, actually.
I wanted to go through some of the
stories, but we're running out of time.
I don't want to take more of your
time, inshallah.
Next week, we have amazing stories, actually, of
Muhammad ibn Sirin.
And the reason why I want to speak
about it is because Muhammad ibn Sirin is
mentioned in this hadith, inshallah.
So sometimes, when we come across some scholars
or some of the Tabi'een, we're very
well known.
And you hear a lot about Muhammad ibn
Muhammad ibn Sirin and his character and why
he is very, very well known.
When you hear about people like this, it
helps you to also, when you hear stories
about these people, they become an example for
Because sometimes, you just hear about certain things,
and you know, like, oh, you should be
You should be kind.
But this is honesty, kindness, trustworthiness, being helpful,
putting it into action.
And wari'a.
Why did they always say, oh, he was
Wari'a, wari'a, wari'a.
Ma'ruf bil war'a.
Well, why?
Because there are so many stories about his
About his war'a.
And so, inshallah, next week we'll mention some
of the stories about al-Imam ibn Sirin
and his war'a.
And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to prolong our life and give us the
best of this world hereafter and prolong our
life in his obedience.
And we ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
to teach us that which benefits us and
benefit us from that which has taught us.
Wa sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.