Abdulbary Yahya – Prostration of Forgetfulness – Umdat Al-Ahkaam

Abdulbary Yahya
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AI: Summary ©

The transcript describes a sermon from the Prophet servises that emphasizes the importance of praying over one's actions. The sermon describes a woman who had missed a prayer and was
forgetting to say anything, but eventually did. The woman had missed a prayer and was
forgetting to say anything, but eventually did. The sermon also describes a woman who missed a prayer and was
forgetting to say anything, but eventually did.

AI: Summary ©

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			Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
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			Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
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			I bear witness that there is none worthy
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			of worship except Allah.
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			I bear witness that there is none worthy
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			of worship except Allah.
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			I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
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			of Allah.
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			I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
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			of Allah.
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			Come to prayer.
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			Come to success.
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			Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
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			There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
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			Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
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			I bear witness that there is none worthy
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			of worship except Allah.
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			Allah is the Greatest, Allah is
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			the Greatest.
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			Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem Maliki
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			Yawm Al-Deen Iyyaka Naam Astaqeem Siratan Lazeena
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			An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Wala
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			Al-Dallin Ameen Wa
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			Al-Shamsi Wa Al-Duhaha Wa Al-Qamar
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			Itha Talaaha Wa Al-Nahari Itha Jallaaha Wa
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			Al-Layli Itha Yamshaaha Wa Al-Samai Itha
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			Yamshaaha Wa Al-Samai Wa Ma Banaaha Wa
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			Al-Ardi Wa Ma Tahaaha Wa Nafsi Wa
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			Ma Sawaha Wa Man Dassaaha Kazzabat Thamulu Allahi
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			Naqata Allahi Wa Suqyaaha Fa Kazzabuhu Fa Aqarooha
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			Fafu'u Qubaaha Sami
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			'a Allahu Minal Hamidah Insha
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			'Allah we have our class on the Umdat
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			Al-Ahkam I had a fifth, extracting the
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			fifth from the hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu
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			Alaihi Wasallam The hadith that are in Sahih
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			Burhan The chapter on the prayer of the
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			Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam The chapter on prostration
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			and forgetfulness still So we've been on it
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			for a couple of, the last few weeks
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			Insha'Allah we'll continue with that tonight Insha
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			'Allah Please stay and benefit and if you're
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			unable to stay Insha'Allah We do have
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			all the lectures being streamed online If you
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			can join the WhatsApp group Or you can
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			subscribe to our YouTube page Insha'Allah you'll
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			get anytime the videos are streamed live Insha
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			'Allah you'll get a notification for that Insha
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			'Allah Also on Friday Insha'Allah we have
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			a guest Fatih Fatih is going to be
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			sharing And
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			some of the hadith of course here are
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			in Sahih Muslim only Some are in Bukhari
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			but most of the hadith, all the hadith
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			are either in Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim
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			Or both Insha'Allah So again the hadith
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			is from Muhammad Ibn Sirin who narrates from
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			Abi Huraira He said And the Messenger of
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			Allah ﷺ led us in prayer In one
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			of the afternoon prayers meaning And we mentioned
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			that it was probably Zuhur specifically to me
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			But I forgot And we mentioned already that
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			Abu Huraira was one of the companions That
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			Allah ﷻ gifted with extremely perfect memory Based
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			on the dua, because of the dua of
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			the Prophet ﷺ for him So Abu Huraira
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			did not forget And amongst the people there
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			was a man who had long hands And
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			when you describe somebody and the description is
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			in order to specify an individual Then it's
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			something that's permissible It's not considered something that
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			is backbiting And the people used to call
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			him Dhul Yadain because of his long hands
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			Did you forget or has the prayer been
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			So this is also evidence from the Sunnah
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			of the Prophet ﷺ That everyone is reluctant
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			to say anything Otherwise many of the companions
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			of the Prophet ﷺ Because they saw the
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			Messenger of Allah ﷺ in that state They
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			didn't want to ask him But Dhul Yadain
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			realized that this is Deen, right?
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			He said, Ya Rasulallah Or has the prayer
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			been shortened?
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			Like I didn't forget and it wasn't shortened
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			at all And the Prophet ﷺ also He
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			verified, right?
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			He verified This is a process of verification
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			also in Islam If somebody says something, you
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			want to verify if it's true or not
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			So he thinks otherwise he would continue to
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			pray But he forgot and he felt like
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			he did pray four He did pray four,
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			those two rakahs were actually four rakahs They
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			were four And so to forget two and
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			to forget four It's not something that's normal,
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			Most people forget what?
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			Three or four, right?
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			The third or the fourth rakah, right?
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			But after two rakahs when you know you
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			should pray four Then you forgot He went
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			to the tree trunk and we spoke a
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			little bit about the tree trunk last week
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			And so he prayed what was left out
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			He prayed what was left out So what
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			was left out?
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			Two rakahs So this is an indication There
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			are pillars that cannot be abandoned Cannot be
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			left out If they are left out, you
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			have to do them And even if you
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			forgot, even if you sat down You can
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			continue your prayer if there is a reason
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			for it There is a specific reason for
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			it So if it's out, it's a...
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			And this is in normal circumstances you are
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			not allowed to speak The review, a little
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			bit about sujud sahib So when does someone
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			perform sujud sahib?
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			When does someone perform the prostration in a
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			If you forget something of the prayer And
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			the prayer itself, you are forgetting something that's
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			considered Not rukun, because the rukun is mandatory,
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			you have to make them up So like
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			for example, the tashahud al-awwal So the
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			first tashahud Or the sitting for the first
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			tashahud Because when you are going to sit,
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			there is another thing that's mandatory That's wajib,
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			it's obligatory And so the scholars have divided
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			actions of prayer Into mandatory actions Which are
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			standing and arafah You don't have that, you
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			don't have hajj But then there are certain
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			things that you can make up You can
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			pay You can make up for if you
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			don't do them For example, if somebody leaves
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			Somebody enters Mecca intending for hajj and umrah
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			And they didn't put on the ihram If
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			they did not put on the ihram and
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			they are already in Mecca What do you
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			You either go back, which means you do
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			it over It's just like praying over You
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			either go back to the miqat And then
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			put your ihram from there and then enter
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