Abdulbary Yahya – Prostration of Forgetfulness – Umdat Al-Ahkaam

AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a sermon from the Prophet servises that emphasizes the importance of praying over one's actions. The sermon describes a woman who had missed a prayer and was
forgetting to say anything, but eventually did. The woman had missed a prayer and was
forgetting to say anything, but eventually did. The sermon also describes a woman who missed a prayer and was
forgetting to say anything, but eventually did.
forgetting to say anything, but eventually did. The woman had missed a prayer and was
forgetting to say anything, but eventually did. The sermon also describes a woman who missed a prayer and was
forgetting to say anything, but eventually did.
AI: Summary ©
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
I bear witness that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah.
I bear witness that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger
of Allah.
Come to prayer.
Come to success.
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
There is none worthy of worship except Allah.
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest.
I bear witness that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah.
Allah is the Greatest, Allah is
the Greatest.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem Maliki
Yawm Al-Deen Iyyaka Naam Astaqeem Siratan Lazeena
An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Wala
Al-Dallin Ameen Wa
Al-Shamsi Wa Al-Duhaha Wa Al-Qamar
Itha Talaaha Wa Al-Nahari Itha Jallaaha Wa
Al-Layli Itha Yamshaaha Wa Al-Samai Itha
Yamshaaha Wa Al-Samai Wa Ma Banaaha Wa
Al-Ardi Wa Ma Tahaaha Wa Nafsi Wa
Ma Sawaha Wa Man Dassaaha Kazzabat Thamulu Allahi
Naqata Allahi Wa Suqyaaha Fa Kazzabuhu Fa Aqarooha
Fafu'u Qubaaha Sami
'a Allahu Minal Hamidah Insha
'Allah we have our class on the Umdat
Al-Ahkam I had a fifth, extracting the
fifth from the hadith of the Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam The hadith that are in Sahih
Burhan The chapter on the prayer of the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam The chapter on prostration
and forgetfulness still So we've been on it
for a couple of, the last few weeks
Insha'Allah we'll continue with that tonight Insha
'Allah Please stay and benefit and if you're
unable to stay Insha'Allah We do have
all the lectures being streamed online If you
can join the WhatsApp group Or you can
subscribe to our YouTube page Insha'Allah you'll
get anytime the videos are streamed live Insha
'Allah you'll get a notification for that Insha
'Allah Also on Friday Insha'Allah we have
a guest Fatih Fatih is going to be
sharing And
some of the hadith of course here are
in Sahih Muslim only Some are in Bukhari
but most of the hadith, all the hadith
are either in Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim
Or both Insha'Allah So again the hadith
is from Muhammad Ibn Sirin who narrates from
Abi Huraira He said And the Messenger of
Allah ﷺ led us in prayer In one
of the afternoon prayers meaning And we mentioned
that it was probably Zuhur specifically to me
But I forgot And we mentioned already that
Abu Huraira was one of the companions That
Allah ﷻ gifted with extremely perfect memory Based
on the dua, because of the dua of
the Prophet ﷺ for him So Abu Huraira
did not forget And amongst the people there
was a man who had long hands And
when you describe somebody and the description is
in order to specify an individual Then it's
something that's permissible It's not considered something that
is backbiting And the people used to call
him Dhul Yadain because of his long hands
Did you forget or has the prayer been
So this is also evidence from the Sunnah
of the Prophet ﷺ That everyone is reluctant
to say anything Otherwise many of the companions
of the Prophet ﷺ Because they saw the
Messenger of Allah ﷺ in that state They
didn't want to ask him But Dhul Yadain
realized that this is Deen, right?
He said, Ya Rasulallah Or has the prayer
been shortened?
Like I didn't forget and it wasn't shortened
at all And the Prophet ﷺ also He
verified, right?
He verified This is a process of verification
also in Islam If somebody says something, you
want to verify if it's true or not
So he thinks otherwise he would continue to
pray But he forgot and he felt like
he did pray four He did pray four,
those two rakahs were actually four rakahs They
were four And so to forget two and
to forget four It's not something that's normal,
Most people forget what?
Three or four, right?
The third or the fourth rakah, right?
But after two rakahs when you know you
should pray four Then you forgot He went
to the tree trunk and we spoke a
little bit about the tree trunk last week
And so he prayed what was left out
He prayed what was left out So what
was left out?
Two rakahs So this is an indication There
are pillars that cannot be abandoned Cannot be
left out If they are left out, you
have to do them And even if you
forgot, even if you sat down You can
continue your prayer if there is a reason
for it There is a specific reason for
it So if it's out, it's a...
And this is in normal circumstances you are
not allowed to speak The review, a little
bit about sujud sahib So when does someone
perform sujud sahib?
When does someone perform the prostration in a
If you forget something of the prayer And
the prayer itself, you are forgetting something that's
considered Not rukun, because the rukun is mandatory,
you have to make them up So like
for example, the tashahud al-awwal So the
first tashahud Or the sitting for the first
tashahud Because when you are going to sit,
there is another thing that's mandatory That's wajib,
it's obligatory And so the scholars have divided
actions of prayer Into mandatory actions Which are
standing and arafah You don't have that, you
don't have hajj But then there are certain
things that you can make up You can
pay You can make up for if you
don't do them For example, if somebody leaves
Somebody enters Mecca intending for hajj and umrah
And they didn't put on the ihram If
they did not put on the ihram and
they are already in Mecca What do you
You either go back, which means you do
it over It's just like praying over You
either go back to the miqat And then
put your ihram from there and then enter