Abdulbary Yahya – Lessons of the Seerah

AI: Summary ©
The sermon on Allah's name, the Day of Judgment, and the Lord of the W disorders in the Islam community have been a major event in the past century. The community has been faced with fear of disbelievers and the difficulty of unite under difficult times. Prayer and staying healthy are important factors for protecting the region and protecting the people. The Bible is about protecting the region from evil conduct and the community has been faced with fear of disbelievers and the difficulty of unite under difficult times.
AI: Summary ©
In the name of Allah,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
In the name of Allah, the
Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord
of the worlds.
The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Sovereign of the Day of Judgment.
It is You we worship and You we
ask for help.
Guide us to the straight path.
The path of those on whom You have
bestowed favor, those who have not incurred displeasure,
and those who have not gone astray.
And the
transgressors will be slain, and the believers will
be cut off.
And the transgressors will be made to pass
And We will cause a cloud to fall
on them.
And We will gather them together.
Indeed, man is to his Lord a burden.
And indeed, he is a witness to that.
And indeed, he is severe in love of
Does he not know when that which is
in the graves will be scattered?
Indeed, their Lord, that Day, will be Acquainted
with them.
Allah hears those who praise Him.
All praise is due to Allah, Lord of
the worlds.
The Most Merciful, the Most Merciful.
Sovereign of the Day of Judgment.
It is You we worship and You we
ask for help.
The path of those on whom You have
bestowed favor, not of those who have incurred
Your wrath, nor of those who have gone
The hands
of Abu Lahab have become heavy and heavy.
His wealth has not availed him, nor has
he earned.
He will burn in a fire of fire.
He will burn in a fire of fire.
In her garment is a rope of silk.
Allah hears those who praise Him.
Allah hears those who praise Him.
so watch it later, and join the WhatsApp
group so you'll get the link, inshallah.
And so we do have, trying to record
when we're streaming and so forth.
We prefer you don't do so because sometimes
some of the mashayekh, when they give talks,
they make some mistakes.
Like I know some of them have come
to me and said, please don't post that
one, take that one off, I didn't make
mistakes here, and I don't want that to
be distributed and so forth.
And so that's why we want to control
So if the recording will be available.
So we usually don't allow people to record
and post it whenever they want, because if
they make a mistake, then we can't take
it down because we don't have control over
So Allah knows best, inshallah.
So please stay back, inshallah.
We'll begin momentarily.
Alhamdulillahin ahmaduhu wa nasta'eenuhu wa nastaghfiruhu wa
an'udhu billahi min shururi anfusina wa sayyiati
a'malina man yahdihillahu falamudhillalahu wa man yudhillalahu falahadihillahi
ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika
lah wa ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu
ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ittaqoo allaha haqqa tuqati
wa la tamootunna illa wa antum muslimoon ya
ayyuha annasoo ittaqoo rabbakum allathee khalaqakum min nafsi
wahida wa khalaqa minha zawjaha wa battha minhuma
rijalan kathiran wa nisa'a wa ittaqoo allaha
allathee tasa'aloon bihi wal arham inna allaha
kaana alaykum raqeeba ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ittaqoo
allaha wa qooloo qawlan sadeeda yuslih lakum a'malakum
wa yaghfir lakum dhunubakum wa man yuta'ilah
wa rasulahu faqad fa'za fawzin azeema amma
ba'd Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
described this ummah and he says kuntum khayru
ummatin ukhrijat lil nas ta'muruna bil ma'rufi
wa tanhawna anil munkar wa tu'minuna billah surely
you are the best of nations brought forth
for the people, for humanity ta'muruna bil ma
'rufi, you enjoin that which is so Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la describes his
ummah as kuntum khayru ummatin ukhrijat lil nas
ukhrijat lil nas, brought forth for the people
that's why the actions that we do require
us to plant seeds just like a seed
comes out from the ground and it becomes
stronger and stronger and then people benefit from
it this ummah is an ummah in which
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has
chose to be the best ummah, the best
nations, the best of nations that Allah Subh
'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has chosen us
also to be amongst this ummah is a
great blessing from Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta
-A'la and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta
-A'la made this ummah the best of
ummah and of course the best of the
people of this ummah are the first generation
first generation and then the generation that will
come afterwards and the generation that will come
afterwards these are the best generations why?
because the best generation are the generations that
which is in obedience of Allah and His
Messenger and respond to Allah and His Messenger
and so if we want to return back
to being the best we have to change
in the way we respond to Allah and
His Messenger and that's why Allah Subh'anaHu
Wa Ta-A'la says Al-lazeena istajabu
lil-lahi wal-rasool min ba'di ma asabahu
man qarh indeed Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta
-A'la of course is speaking about the
difficulties and that which happened in the battle
of Uhud and so forth He says al
-lazeena istajabu lil-lahi wal-rasool those who
respond to Allah and His Messenger min ba'di
ma asabahu man qarh after they were afflicted
with the calamity that happened remember the calamity
that happened in the battle of Uhud Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la called them
even though they were in a difficult situation
they were tired and they were many of
them they used to feel deflated but at
the same time they responded to Allah and
His Messenger and even though they did not
have the strength and energy or felt like
they were almost deflated but they still responded
to Allah and His Messenger and Allah Subh
'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says lil-lazeena
ahsanu minhum wa taqaw ajrun azeem those who
do good amongst them and are aware or
conscious of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A
'la they will have a great reward what
did they do?
Allah describes them again al-lazeena qala lahum
an-naas al-lazeena qala lahum an-naas
those whom the people, when people said to
them inna an-naasa qada jama'u lakum
fakhshawhum fazadahum imana wa qalu hasbuna Allah wa
ni'ma alwakeel al-lazeena qala lahum an-naas
those whom when the people said the people
are coming together to try to destroy you
and finish you once and for all and
this happened of course after the battle of
Uhud everyone wanted to finish the Muslims off
once and for all and of course it
culminated in the battle of Ahzab and Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says inna
an-naasa qada jama'u lakum fakhshawhum when
they said, the people said the people have
gathered, have come together to destroy you fakhshawhum
and so this continues even in the Ummah
right now the Muslim Ummah at this time
everyone is gathered to try to destroy Islam
and the Muslims once and for all the
East and the West all people from the
disbelievers they want to destroy Islam and finish
Islam off once and the people scared them
and said you know what you guys the
people have united against you all fakhshawhum so
fear them fazadahum imana and it only increased
them in faith wa qalu hasbuna Allah wa
ni'ma alwakeel and they said enough, Allah Subh
'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la is sufficient for
us and what a protector Allah Subh'anaHu
Wa Ta-A'la is and so Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la then says
fankalabu bi ni'ma minallahi wa fadl fankalabu so
they returned, they didn't have to fight the
disbelievers were in fear most people don't understand
that the disbelievers have more fear of the
Muslims than the Muslims have fear of the
disbelievers even though they may be weaker in
terms of resources it makes them courageous and
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says
fankalabu bi ni'ma minallahi wa fadl when they
passed the test, Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta
-A'la didn't even they didn't have to
fight again whatsoever they did not have to
fight fankalabu bi ni'ma minallahi wa fadl surely
no no harm ever touched them wattaba'u
ridwanallah and they followed the the pleasure of
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la surely
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has
all his his fadl the reward and the
bounties of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A
'la are tremendous and so this ummah, Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has given
certain aspects Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A
'la has chosen these are called khasa'is
that are specific for this ummah that Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la gives to
the Muslims, those during that time and those
who will come afterwards, what's specific about this
ummah, what makes this ummah the best as
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la says
kuntum khayru ummatin ukhrijat linnas what makes it
the best, the best ummah is an ummah
that is chosen that Allah Subh'anaHu Wa
Ta-A'la if he's not able to
then with his heart, and that's the weakest
level of faith, and so this ummah is
an ummah that's based on enjoining good and
forbidding evil and we believe in Allah Subh
'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la we do so
for the sake of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa
Ta-A'la and that's why part of
that is Al-Jihad Fi Sabilillah and Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has also
made something halal for this ummah, in relation
to jihad also, that wasn't halal for the
people before, and that was taking advantage of
the Al-Ghana'im what's Al-Ghana'im,
those are the spoils of war, before all
the spoils of war what do they do
with it, you put it in one place
you put it, you gather it all together,
and Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
sends a fire and destroys all of it
and it's all gone you don't benefit, why?
that you fight, so that you have when
you're fighting, you fight solely for the sake
of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
you're not looking to be rich or anything
like that, but you're fighting for the sake
of Allah, you're not going to get anything
don't worry, you're not going to get anything,
there's no option here, but in this ummah,
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la made
it easy for this ummah you fight for
the sake of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta
-A'la and you struggle in the path
of Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la,
but the ghanaim is halal for you also,
the ghanaim the spoils of war is also
halal for you also as Allah Subh'anaHu
Wa Ta-A'la and eat or take
benefit from that which you have acquired in
war, amongst the spoils, halal and tayyiba halal
for you permissible for you and enjoyable for
you but have taqwa in Allah Subh'anaHu
Wa Ta-A'la and so that's why
the Prophet he said I have been given
five things that have not been given to
any prophet before me and one of the
five that the Prophet said and one of
the five that the Prophet so it was
made halal for me the ghanaim, the spoils
of war and it was not made halal
for anyone before this the hadith of course
is in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim so
this is an ummah that Allah Subh'anaHu
Wa Ta-A'la has chosen to strive
and struggle in the path of Allah and
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has
made an ummah that's going to be protected,
what does that mean?
the previous ummah, the previous nations when they
disobeyed Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la
Allah destroyed them Allah destroyed them amongst them
who were the first people destroyed?
the people of Nuh the whole people all
the people except for the progeny of Prophet
Nuh that were left and the people of
Lut and the people of Aad the people
of Thamud these are people whom Allah Subh
'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la destroyed but Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has protected
this ummah as the messenger of Allah Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam mentioned in a hadith in Sahih
Muslim inna Allaha zawalee al-ard Allah Subh
'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la folded the earth
for me faraytu mashariqaha wa magharibaha and I
saw the east and the west of it
wa inna ummati sayablu mulkuha ma zuwaya li
minha and this ummah that will reach its
peak or the territories of this ummah will
reach wherever it has shown to me and
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said wa a'teetu
al-kanzain al-ahmar wal-abyad and so
I have been given the two treasures the
treasures the red and the treasure and the
white and so of course the messenger of
Allah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentioned during that time
who were the strongest people in the east
and the west or in that particular area
was the Romans and the Persians the Romans
and the Persians and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam said wa inni sa'altu rabbi li
ummati alla yuhlika bi sanat bi sanatin aam
and I have made a supplication to my
Lord that this ummah will not be destroyed
by a a widespread drought widespread drought and
wa alla yusallitu wa alayhim aduwan min min
anfusihim in other words min siwa anfusihim ended
right it's pretty much gone the Roman Empire
itself and of course the Persian Empire but
the Muslims the Muslims themselves this ummah there
will always be a group of people that
will uphold la ilaha illallah muhammad rasulullah and
until the end of time right and so
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam he also made
dua that umm you know when he made
he made dua to Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala he said Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
says ya muhammad inni idha qadaytu qadain fa
innuhu la yurad he said if I have
decreed something already then it will not be
rejected in other words it will happen and
wa inni qadaytuka li ummatika alla alla uhlikuhum
bi sanatin amma and so I have given
you when you ask that you will not
be you will not have any you will
not have a total destruction from you know
a massive drought and I have given that
to you and the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
also mentioned that Allah answered the supplication of
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam wa alla usallita
alayhim aduwa min siwa anfusihim yastabihu baylatuhum walaw
wajdama alayhim man bi akhtariha he said even
if everyone was to try to destroy to
try to destroy Islam once and for all
and take over everything from different parts and
so forth they would not be able to
do so in other words they would not
be able to wipe Islam once and for
all and as I mentioned there are so
many situations so many cases even throughout history
that the Muslims went through a lot of
difficulties but in the end Islam always rises
from Islam always rises after the Mongolians when
they came and even after everything that's happening
you know recently with the world wars and
so forth with the division that Islam will
again rise rise from the ashes always even
though no matter what happens and so the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam made supplicated so this
is something that's specific for this Ummah it
will not be wiped out it will not
be wiped out and so that's why we
know that Inshallah so some people sometimes if
you don't know you know what I'm doing
this I don't know if my business is
going to succeed or not and you see
it going down and you see it going
down you're not profiting a lot what do
you do like I give up but if
you know that you're going to be successful
this is going to be a very successful
business it's just a hard time right now
you give up you don't give up you
know because in the end you know that
it will be successful so knowing that it's
going to be successful in the end you
try to work even though through difficult times
through difficult times and another thing that Allah
Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la gave this
Ummah is that this Ummah will never agree
upon falsehood the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said
this Ummah will not agree that means that
no matter what there will never be an
agreement in this Ummah when it comes to
the agreement of this Ummah it's always going
to be correct in other words if all
the scholars have said that this is you
know this is the ruling and the Ijma'
of the Ummah is something that is considered
a proof evidence in and of itself because
the Ummah will not agree upon a falsehood
what does that mean also you know if
someone comes and says you know we should
it's okay to have this and have that
they bring forth some weird strange rulings something
very very strange what do you say you
say has any scholar before mentioned this opinion
has any scholar before you have this opinion
no no no I'm the first time Alhamdulillah
Allah Subh'anaHu Wa Ta-A'la has
shown me the light like everyone else before
they didn't know until I came and you
know you have some people saying things like
this honestly especially about you know the signs
of the day judgment I know some people
who speak and they said you know I'm
the first one that mentioned this like if
you're the first one that ever mentioned this
that you say that this is the opinion
first time that means you're 100% wrong
that we know you're you're astray why?
because what you're saying is everyone else before
me was in the state of in the
state of balala in the state of misguidance
like everyone was misguided until I came Alhamdulillah
now you guys are guided that can't be
possible because it can't be possible that a
time that there was a time in which
the Muslims were all in the wrong right
and that's why there's always someone who's gonna
have an opinion and we're talking about scholars
great scholars of the past and you know
like the people who are rulings in Ijtihad
and that's why this Ummah will never agree
upon something that that that is false and
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will strengthen this
Ummah and it will change of course you
know sometimes it's stronger than other times but
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala says Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala says hold on to the
rope of Allah all of you and don't
be divided don't be divided Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala didn't say and unite right and
this is amazing that Allah says don't unite
he didn't say unite he said hold on
to the rope of Allah because if you
want to unite the only way to unite
is not under the but to hold on
to the rope of Allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala to hold on to the Quran and
the Sunnah you will not be able to
unite except upon the Quran and the Sunnah
if you try to unite under other banners
no matter what that banner is you are
not going to be able to and Allah
says hold on to the rope of Allah
all of you and don't be divided and
the message of Allah influence other people so
like for example we are going to have
a new Khalifa and that Khalifa is going
to be from Pakistan what's everyone what do
you think the Arabs are going to say
I'm not following no Pakistani guy right I'm
not following no Pakistani guy the Khalifa so
the Khalifa can only be from the Quraish
and if you have it from anyone else
from anyone else in the from this person
or that group even amongst the Arabs but
if it's from the Quraish this is the
tribe of the Prophet this is from the
tribe of the messenger of Allah so to
have that position of status and leadership it
can only be from the Quraish it can
only be from the Quraish and this is
the opinion of the majority of the scholars
of Islam and so amongst the Khasa'is
of this Ummah that which is specific for
this Ummah that Allah subhana wa ta'ala
gave to this Ummah and nobody else no
other Ummah Allah subhana wa ta'ala gave
this Ummah gave this Ummah ease and Allah
subhana wa ta'ala did not put hardship
upon this Ummah Allah subhana wa ta'ala
repeats over and over again Allah does not
want hardship upon you and He wants ease
upon you and Allah subhana wa ta'ala
says Allah subhana wa ta'ala says Allah
subhana wa ta'ala would not burden a
soul above its capacity and this Ummah is
an Ummah in which Allah subhana wa ta
'ala has difficulty, any hardship and that's why
even when you're speaking about fasting we speak
about fasting but if you have to fast
but if you're sick you don't have to
fast even when you're traveling, you don't have
to fast and you can make it up
later on so Allah subhana wa ta'ala
does not want He doesn't want things to
be difficult for us and even when you're
praying if you can't stand up, pray sitting
down if you can't pray sitting down you
pray laying down and the Messenger of Allah
ﷺ said the
whole earth is a Masjid, meaning a place
of prayer and it's also a purification that
means you can use that to purify yourself,
the whole earth so if you don't have
water you can make you can make tayammum
if you don't have water you can make
tayammum and if you don't have anywhere you
want to pray as long as it's clean,
the whole earth you know the Yahud they
have to pray in the designated prayer area
if it's not a designated prayer area they're
not allowed to pray and so that's why
this Ummah the Prophet ﷺ Masjid and a
place to pray and how can the earth
be a purification?
With what?
What do you do when you don't have
Make tayammum, you can always make tayammum and
that's why whosoever of my Ummah has the
prayer time arrived for him then he can
pray, no matter where he is he can
pray, he can't say you know what the
Masjid is far away, I have to wait
oh and I don't have water no, you
can make tayammum if you don't have water
so you can always pray and this is
something that Allah ﷻ has given to this
Ummah and another thing that Allah ﷻ gave
this Ummah the Prophet ﷺ said that
this Ummah Allah ﷻ has forgiven just thinking
about bad things you know Allah ﷻ as
long as you don't say those words and
don't do them, you're not accountable for them,
in other words Allah ﷻ also made this
Ummah, gave it if you forget if you
forget you're not accountable or if you make
a mistake, you're not accountable and even if
you don't intend if you don't believe it
and they force you to do something then
you don't have to do them or you
can do them even if it's kufr if
it's in a situation of coercion, coercion is
somebody forces you, right so you know the
people before have you read how many times
in the stories of the people before that
you know they ask, the king says that
I'm your lord say I'm your lord, otherwise
what otherwise it will push you into the
fire, right so why don't they just say
okay you're my lord because if someone just
expresses a statement of kufr even though they
don't believe it, then they're kafir there is
no leeway for the nations of before, but
now of course, this is something that if
someone forces you to do something then you're
not you're not accountable for them in that
particular situation, in that particular state that you
can do either one but sometimes in such
situations, so like for example during the time
of Imam Ahmed rahimallah, in Quran the people
were saying you know of course the khalifa
was telling people that the Quran is the
word of Allah, so there were some scholars
they knew that it was the word of
Allah, meaning it was created, not the word
of Allah, this is what the those who
are astray said, right, so some of them
would raise their musha, they would say this,
this is created this is created, and what
do they intend they intend the book, the
paper the pages, right, they're holding the musha,
but they are intending the book, the pages,
but Imam Ahmed, of course, he's in the
situation, the state that he's in, he was
punished for saying that no, he just straightforward,
he said he was whooped and lashed many
times and was put in prison, in fact
Imam Ahmed spent almost 20 years of his
lifetime in prison you know, he spent a
lot of time in prison for standing up
upon the truth, but if he didn't do
that, then because of his situation and status,
then everyone would think that the Qur'an
is not the word of Allah, it is
something that's created, and that's against, of course,
the Aqidah of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah
but he could have, so if you put
it in that situation you know, even though
it's permissible for you to do so, but
for some people, if they do so then
people may be led astray as a result
of their stance.
If you forget your prayers if you forget
something, if you do something by mistake, then
you just pray whenever you remember, and if
it's a mistake then you're not accountable for
it if you made the proper let's say,
if you made the proper effort and you
took the proper precaution, and we do this
every single day, we don't even think about
it, we don't realize it الَتَصُفُونَ كَصُفُوفِ الْمَلَائِكَةِ
عِنْدَ رَبِّهَا the Prophet ﷺ he said to
them to the companions, he said why don't
you line yourselves up like the angels line
themselves up in front of Allah قَالُوا وَكَيْفَ
تَصُفُوا الْمَلَائِكَةُ عِنْدَ رَبِّهَا how do the angels
line up together with their Lord how do
they line up the Prophet ﷺ said يُتِمُونَ
صُفُوفُ وَيَطْرَصُونَ وَيَطْرَصُونَ فِى الصَّفِ they complete the
lines in other words they complete the first
lines first, and they stand shoulder to shoulder
and feet to feet, in other words they
stand next to each other, close together they
stand close together you'll see that the other
ummah, the other people when they pray, they
don't pray like that that's why when you
go to the churches, what do they have?
they have chairs they're sitting down in chairs
the way that we pray is something that's
unique in fact the Yahud, even when they
used to hear the ayin all this, in
unison and so this is something that's specific
for this ummah and also, another thing also
I just want to, this is a tangent
some people when they stand feet to feet
and shoulder to shoulder, right?
and that's how you're supposed to stand feet
to feet shoulder to shoulder, but some people
you know when you stand, they don't want
to stand close to you they don't want
to stand close to you and when they
don't want to stand close to you there
are some people who put their legs out
like this, and they put their legs out
really far so they're stretching their legs and
it looks like, you know they're trying to
follow the sunnah right?
but the sunnah is to have shoulder to
shoulder and feet to feet, not just your
feet only right?
so if you can't apply them, it doesn't
mean what do you do?
you're doing something that's not sunnah also, what
is not standing?
you're not standing straight, you're putting your feet
you're widening your feet so you do the
best that you can to stand straight and
shoulder to shoulder, but if the other person
does not stand straight, like he's staying a
little bit far from you, every time you
go he moves further then just stand straight
yourself stand straight yourself, don't try to apply
it, you know thinking that you're applying the
sunnah by standing then you're standing a standing
that's not the standing of a normal person
who is praying, because the sunnah is to
stand straight, with their legs and feet right?
straight, not stretched out like that, that's khilafah
sunnah also, so to try to apply the
sunnah, you have to apply it correctly you
know, you have to apply it the way
you do it, and also it's complete try
to apply as much as you can, you
might say well, you know, if I can't
do one, then I'll do the other, yeah,
but if you do the other and you're
going against the normal standing, where you're stretching
out, because we don't have any of the
companions like, you know, opening up their legs
to that situation, to that case so just
stand up and pray, stand forward inshallah, and
you try to apply the sunnah by standing
shoulder to shoulder and also feet to feet
so the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam also mentioned
another thing that's specific for this ummah, and
that is this ummah has a day a
day that's better than any other days allah
gave this ummah friday, yawmul juma khayru yawmin
tala'at fihi shams the best day that
the sun has ever risen upon the best
day, allah chose, you know, the other people
have saturdays and sundays, allah gave this ummah
the best day why?
because this is the best day because the
prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he himself he mentioned
that this is the best day why?
because this is the day that prophet adam
was created prophet adam was also expelled, and
it's the best day that the sun has
risen upon it, and the prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam said but then we're the first on
the day of judgment and and the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam but he said even though
the people of the book came before us
and allah subhana wa ta'ala guided us
gave us, you know, a day that is
friday, and friday is what?
friday is a day that is before saturday
and sunday so first, friday is the day
before saturday and sunday and allah subhana wa
ta'ala made this ummah also antum shuhada
'u allahi fil ard you are the witnesses
for allah subhana wa ta'ala on this
earth you are the witnesses, because the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wasallam said one time when a
janazah passed by he said wajabat wajabat, wajabat
means that it's it's going to, i mean,
whatever you said wajabat, it's going to happen
or the testimony of the people, concerning the
people that they know, then it's the truth
and those whom you spoke badly about, then
he will have the hellfire antum shuhada'u
allahi fil ard you are the witnesses of
allah subhana wa ta'ala on this earth
so there are some people whom allah subhana
wa ta'ala gave, everybody shows everybody has,
knows that they're good, everybody says good things
about them all the time, then it's true
they will have jannah, because the, and this
is something that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
mentioned about antum is you, of this ummah
and allah subhana wa ta'ala also mentions
again in surah al-baqarah wakathalika ja'alnakum
ummata wasata litakunu shuhada'a ala nas, wayakuna
rasulu alaykum shahida, wakathalika ja'alnakum ummata wasata
and thus we have made you the ummah
wasata, what is ummah wasata?
the best qala awsatuhum alam akullakum laula tusabihun
qala awsatuhum, the best of them the best,
and so wakathalika ja'alnakum ummata wasata, you
are the best ummah lita, upon the people
on the day of judgment, the muslims will
be witnesses and that's why the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam mentioned who is going to testify
who is going to be witness and testify
for you fayakul muhammadun wa ummatuh muhammad wa
ummatuh and muhammad and his ummah and then
fayashhaduna annuhu qad balak, and the people, the
ummah of muhammad will testify that prophet nuh
did give did convey the message wakathalika ja
'alnakum ummata wasata litakunu shuhada'a wa yakoona
rasoolu alaykum shaheeda and so the prophet sallallahu
alayhi wasallam upon you also is a shaheed
meaning you will be shuhada'a you will
be witnesses for other people and testify and
so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala made this
ummah a special ummah so special that the
prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam he said ama tardauna
an takoonu rubu'u ahli jannah ama tardauna
an takoonu rubu'u rubu'u ahli jannah
rubu'u going to be one fourth of
the people of jannah this ummah will be
a fourth of the people of jannah fakabbar
al sahaba so the sahaba they say allahu
akbar and so the messenger of allah sallallahu
alayhi wasallam said inni la arju an takoonu
shatru ahli jannah he said i hope that
you will be half of the people of
jannah subhanallah and the followers of the prophet
muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and so the messenger
of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam also mentioned in
the hadith and sunnah and the tirmidhi ahlul
jannahi ashroona wa mi'a saf the people
of jannah will be one hundred and twenty
rows thamanuna minha minhazihi al ummah thamanuna minha
one hundred and twenty eighty of these lines,
rows will be from this ummah so this
is the the blessing of this ummah of
the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and this
ummah until the end of time there will
always be people who will stand firm fighting
for the deen of allah subhanahu wa ta
'ala and upholding la ilaha illallah and that's
what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said there
will always be a group of my ummah
who will be victorious upon the truth and
no one or those who try to humiliate
them and put them down hatta ya'tia amrullahi
wa hum ala dhalik and the affair of
allah will come and they will be upon
the truth and so you hear people saying
you know imprisoning the scholars and trying to
put down islam and so forth it will
not end and when the prophet sallallahu alayhi
wasallam said la tazalu ta'ifatu min ummati
he said a group of people of my
ummah it doesn't mean that this group is
in one place it means that there may
be groups in the united states who are
upon the truth who will hold on to
the truth a group in saudi arabia, medina,
mecca and so forth for example in somalia
you have groups many groups, different groups but
there will always be a group that will
hold the quran and the sunnah there will
always be one inshallah that will hold on
to the quran and sunnah allah subhana wa
ta'ala will protect this ummah and the
deen of allah subhana wa ta'ala will
be established and the truth will there will
always be a group of my ummah whether
sometimes the number is less or more and
so forth but there will always be a
group and for those who seek and aspire
to hold on to the truth inshallah allah
subhana wa ta'ala will guide them and
make them amongst the group who will be
upon the truth and we ask allah subhana
wa ta'ala to make us those who
are after the battle of uhud what did
the non muslims want to do they want
to destroy islam once and for all and
after the battle of uhud even more more
people, more tribes they are trying to wipe
out islam once and for all one after
the other they will not be able to
they were not able to do so until
the end of time and that's why we
try to learn the lessons of the seerah
of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also
to strengthen us give us the strength because
you will see like people who are very
very powerful during the time of the prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the romans and the
persians the romans and the persians in terms
of their strength but the prophet sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam and the arabs were trying to
wipe out islam once and for all and
so the muslims were going to be wiped
out right they only increased in faith and
the messenger of allah in the battle of
al ahzab and of course the battle of
khanda the messenger of allah gave glad tidings
he says allahu akbar we are going to
what be victorious over persia allahu akbar we
are going to be victorious over the roman
empire right and so the messenger of allah
is mentioning something at a time in which
the muslims don't even know if they are
going to survive or not but they have
faith, they know even in the state that
we are in right now in the end
allah subhanahu wa ta'ala will give the
muslims victory and so that gives us strength
also, even when we are in america we
do all that we can to establish islam
in ourselves in our families, in our communities
and we also try to plant the seed
whether we do it or not somebody will
do it so why not we inshallah try
to establish and be at the service of
islam in the muslims and we ask allah
subhanahu wa ta'ala to benefit us from
that which he has taught us and teach
us, that which benefits us after the battle
of badr after the battle of uhud, one
thing that happened our next appointed meeting is
where, anybody know?
badr, they said ok we lost at badr
we're gonna go back and we're gonna fight
at badr one more time round two round
two, we're gonna go round two at badr
and that's our next meeting point and so
what happened and what also happened with some
of the others because there's so many people
now are trying to wipe islam once and
for all everyone's trying to gather different tribes
different tribes all over arabia