Islam encourages etiquette and good conduct in every relationship. One of the most crucial relationships in every society is the relationship between the employee and the employer. This talk highlights some of the rights and obligations of the employee and the employer in Islam.
Abdul Wahab Saleem – Islamic Etiquette for The Workplace
![Abdul Wahab Saleem](
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The speakers discuss the importance of working in a society where everyone is spending a lot of time at work and acknowledging interactions with employees and co workers. They stress the need for ease and comfort in working environments, being clear in contracts, and being aware of contractual terms. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding double pay and not giving up all rights if one is wronged, and advocating for giving children guidance on what to do when they reach a certain age and working for personal benefits. They stress the need for people to use their status to benefit their own personal and society, and emphasize the importance of learning to be a perfectionist and working hard to achieve success.
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stood out from de la salatu salam ala rasulillah Alhamdulillah in Hamden us in Omaha, you guessed it woman's EDA, also Lahore ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajmeri along I live nama And Pharaoh now in front of him alum Dana, was it an argument? Yeah carry puppy. Sure it was silly Emily was opposite me lasagna only visiting human or visiting your element or visiting Allah. Allahu Allah Subhana. Allah, Masha Allah who Salah wanted to join has not either Shavasana welcome everyone to
our talking titled Islamic etiquette at the workplace.
Considering the fact that, in our lives, a very significant portion of our lives is spent at the workplace, whether that be for us as managers, or as a boss, or as an owner, or as an employee, all of us, we end up spending a very, very significant portion of our lives at the workplace. Some of the some of us even work two jobs at times, right. So if we're working two jobs, at times, we might actually be spending more time at the workplace than we do with our families. Okay. And that's the reality of modern life, we might be spending more time at work with our co workers, with our managers, with our employees than we do with our family members themselves. So the society, the
social fabric is made up of the workplace, and it's made up of other segments of our relationships as well, or other types of relationships as well. That means that the family is important. Yes. And our neighbors are important. Yes, our uncles and Auntie's and our social interactions with others are important. Yes. But at the same time, it's very important for us to be keen on making sure that our relationships with our co workers, with people at work with our managers with our employees, it's also based on the Islamic etiquette, right? Because this is how much time we spend our lives at work eight hours a day, some of us nine hours a day, some of us if we have two jobs, or let's say,
to one and a half jobs, you know, one job in the week, and then something on the weekend, we're spending a lot of time interacting with these sort of people, right, with our co workers and people that we do business with, and so forth, right? So much so that one of the things that really, really took me by surprise, and also got me really thinking about this matter was that a lot, so we just spent a lot of profits, all of them had the same message, worship Allah and don't worship anyone other than ally Xhosa. This is the primary, you know, basics of the message of every single Prophet, and all of them happened to have the same message in this regard, right. But they all also have
another aspect to their message as well. Depending on where their people went wrong, they would have a message to correct that wrong. Okay. Now, in terms of Sure, everybody said I'm one of the things that Allah subhanho wa Taala had sent him for was to correct the way that people do business with each other, right? He told his people what you'd have at the end of the Han shrayber towards madeon, we sent srivalli set up and he told us people what he told us people have worshipping Allah as a widget not to worship anyone other than a lot, then he said, why not?
And do not do not when you're making interactions, don't shortchange the volume that you're giving to other people. And don't shortchange the the weight that you give to other people when you're having an interaction with him. And then he started talking about a lot of things related to business. Okay, one thing after another, correcting the way this entire community used to conduct business, so a prophet of God was sent to teach people how to interact financially with people. I mean, even the sort of loss of limb has given us a lot of principles in terms of how we should financially interact with people and our conduct of business places and so forth. But it's surely
the literally the very next thing you'd imagine you would tell them to be kind to their parents, who do you tell them to, you know, give charity you'd imagine we tell them a lot of other things. But the first thing after worshipping a lot, he said that don't shortchange in your transactions with them, right. So this is extremely important to a lot.
I mean, that also his statement don't shortchange is just one aspect of the transactions with others, right? There's a complete etiquette of dealing with each other in a workplace, in as employees and as employers as well. So today, inshallah, I'm going to be talking about it from both angles from the angle of the employer, and from the angle of the employee as well right, from the angle of us as fellow workers as well co workers as well.
So before I start, though, it's important to mention that working is something that is really appreciated in Islam. Okay? So much so that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that
Malika hadn't barman, no one ends up eating food, that meaning earning money,
better than the person who earns it from his own hands, meaning the person who works to earn an income, because there's always people and if you look around your own family, you'll also know people that end up relying on other people within their family, even though they're able to work, right? Every family, it has that one or two, or, you know, three, or four. And societies in general have one or two or three or four people who, you know, rely upon other people, and they don't end up contributing to society by working, right. So the prophets, Islam said the best, the best meal that a person can have is the meat meal that he earned through his own earning, right. So working is
something really, really appreciate it. And he also mentioned in a Hadith, that to this degree, think about this. He said, buy the one in whose hands is my soul. If some one of you goes and walks a distance all the way to a mountain, and picks up, picks up firewood, puts that firewood on his back, you know, the firewood that you burn, he puts it on his back, and he brings it back to sell the firewood and earns money from that, look at all the trouble that he had to go through, walked up a mountain cut up wood, put it on his back, then he came back to society and he's now selling this wood. He said, and then he sells this wood, it is better for him, then for him to go and ask someone
else for money. Right. And that's why sometimes you see on the streets, people have little, you know, pack packages of tissues and things like that, and they're selling it, that to be honest with you. Sometimes people look down on that, but it's not something to look down upon, because that person is very, very keen on trying to make it earning, right, because he doesn't want to be asking people whereas on that same street, they'll be someone else asking, Can you give me something begging, right. And there's another person, you know, he's got something that he's selling, whether it be pens, whether it be pencils, whether it be tissues, whether it be something the person who's
selling is going to be better in the sight of a lot of soldiers than the one who is who's begging. So working in whatever capacity one can work is very, very beloved to the beloved to Allah azza wa jal and encouraged by the messengers. Awesome. Now, who should work? And in what capacity should that person work? Every person should be working within the capacity that they're good at. Okay? And that's why and and one shouldn't feel shy from telling people what he's good at. Okay? Sometimes people feel that maybe it's from humility for me to not talk about my skills, no, you can go ahead and share with people what your skills are. So that and that's what people call marketing nowadays,
right? If you go ahead and share people what you're good at, so that you can get the job that you necessarily need right resumes, that's what they're made for you. And in your resume, you talk about all of the things that you've accomplished, all of the things that you've done, and you sometimes even talk to people and tell them, I'm good at this, I've done this, I haven't done this, and so on and so forth. Even the messengers would do this. That's why I use if I didn't set up he told the the people of that time back I am I mean, right? I am sorry, I'm feeling it. I am a person who is
who is who's very protective. And also I have knowledge, meaning I'm trustworthy, and I have the knowledge. So if you said, Allah has done enough, give me the duty of taking care of the finances of this land over here. Right? Meaning he's asking literally to be the finance minister, why should I become a finance minister, I should become that because of a, b, and c, he said, Haffield, I am a person was going to protect the finances. I'm not I'm going to guard it. I'm not going to be exhausting your resources left, right and center centered. Rather, I will be guarding right and lean. And I'm also a person of knowledge, meaning I have knowledge of economics, and I have the
ability to be able to manage such a very great task. Now he's mentioning his good qualities, isn't it?
You look at you look at
Musa alayhis salam. When he went to Medina, that woman, those two women who had helped long story short, they went to their father, and they said to the Father, they said,
Yeah, but instead of
the inner in the hero minister, tell me that Oh, my father, give him a job. This man who sadly Saddam Hussein saddam got into some sort of problem in Egypt that he traveled
Imagine just cutting the story short. And when he got to the end, he didn't know anyone. He saw two women, they needed help. He helped them out, they went back to their father. And they said to the Father, can you give this man a job? Why? Because he's very powerful, very strong. And he's also very trustworthy as well. From their interaction with Musa alayhis salam, they figured out that he's powerful, and he is trustworthy. Now notice, in the case of uses, the qualities that he mentioned is a feeling,
I will be careful. And I will also
have the knowledge to be able to take care of such a job. In the case of musante set up, the women are saying he's powerful, and he's trustworthy. So that also shows you different jobs require different skills. Because Mussolini said on the job he's going to be doing he was going to become a shepherd. Alright, and the job the use of Allah said I wanted he wanted to become the Minister of Finance. So that requires skills and this required skills. And another thing to notice is that in the status of prophethood, in that the way Mousavi Sarah is a is a greater messenger than you then use of Elisa, right. But even then, Moosa is doing a task, which in our terms, we think is lower,
right. And that's, and that's to tell us that we should never look down at anyone's job, who's hiding saddam is going to be herding sheep, and Yusuf Ali Salaam is going to be taking care of the finances of the entire state.
But a lot has already been raised one of them above the other in terms of their Prophethood in terms of their message, and so on, and so forth. And the reason for that is again, to tell us the fact that we should never be looking down upon the job of anyone, because every single person's job is important. The janitor who's cleaning up their job is important, the person who's doing the finances is dropped as every single person has an important role. Without that role, we wouldn't be able to function as a society right.
Now, the first etiquette that I want to share is ease being easygoing. Okay?
The profits are synonyms, that that, may Allah have mercy upon a man. May Allah have mercy upon a man who is somehow either
he is easygoing when he sells, and he's easygoing when he buys as well. Okay. So when we're dealing with each other financially, sometimes there's ups and downs, okay. And the prophets has seldom said, Take it easy, basically. All right.
You know, perhaps the employer is able to do the job 99% of the time, but that one time, he's not able to make it. And we should be easygoing, perhaps the employee is able to do the work 99% of the time, but that one time, there's a human failure, there's a sickness, we should take it easy, because the profits are seldom said may Allah have his mercy upon a person who is easy when he buys an easy when he sells as in both parties in the interactions should take it a bit easy upon the other, so long as they're generally fulfilling their terms, right, so long as each party generally happens to be fulfilling their terms. Now, this also goes for our interactions with each other as
human beings, not just company and an employee's right when we're working with others. When we're interacting with others. Sometimes people get so Nitty and gritty in terms of repayments, right? You give someone 10 minutes, and they want 10 minutes and 50 cents, and they want 10 minutes, they can even settle for 25 cents. They want the whole 50 at the end of it right? And the person has just 25 it's not like he wants to shortchange him. It's just this is what happens to be in his pocket at the moment. For 25 cents, are you really going to make him walk all the way to a bank machine, take out money go get changed, give you the 25 his time was worth more than that. Okay, so we should be
easygoing with one another when we're transacting, when we are giving each other our payments back. Also the other way around as well. You owe someone 1025 and you only had 1050 you're not going to you know, wait till the 25 gets back to you. Because again, take it easy in your transactions. This is how the messengers are the longer it was suddenly wished for us to be especially at stores this happens as well you know, you're a little bit off or you're a little bit up and the person doesn't happen to have the right change. So he said okay, I have this much you don't have the change. I'm going to take one ringgit back.
There's 10 cents left there. So just let him have it because the profits and send them send me a lot have his mercy upon the person who's easy when he buys easy when he sells as well.
Another etiquette is that we have to know our contractual terms, every single thing in your terms in your interactions with others.
finances involved. know every single aspect of your terms. Read the contract carefully. Okay? Make sure it's carefully crafted as well. So all of those terms are very, very clear to both parties. Right? You know this, this longest verse in the Quran happens to be I have today, the IR related to then related to ducks in this ayah today in
Allah azza wa jal mentions probably more than 50 different issues that you can benefit from it 50 different benefits that you can benefit from this one ayah which is in Surah Al Baqarah. Today, right.
Now, the way Allah starts off with this ayah he says, Yeah, you are letting me know, either die intimidation factor.
Whenever you get into a debt with one another, you get get yourself into a loan, even a small one, to then go ahead and write it down. Okay, so even in small debts, go ahead and read it. Later on in the verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala said, Do not feel bored to write it down, whether it happens to be little, or happens to be a lot.
Except if it happens to be a transaction that is immediate. All of you are over there. With immediacy, for example, you go to a store, you buy something, it's an immediate transaction, you don't need to have a receipt, but it's good to have, right, you're just buying yourself a bottle of water. Yeah, but now you got yourself in a bit of a loan, write it down, write it down, it's really important to have records, it doesn't have to be a contract written down. But there's different ways nowadays that we can write down things, I'll give you an example of what you can do, okay? You get yourself in a small deck with your friend, you owe him 10 minutes, they owe you 10 minutes or
20 3070, whatever.
Send them a quick message, just to look at for lending me 70 now you have record of it. When you pay back. When you are when you have already paid back now it's gonna be awkward to write down a contract. So you go back and send them a message saying, I hope it was exactly 50. They'll say yes, that means you have records now that the transaction was completed, you owed the money, you paid it back, they'll never come back to you again, if they ever do you have records.
it this way you have records. And sometimes even years later that's happened. One of my friends called me up. Maybe five years later, he said, You came to
the Emirates, you did such and such work. And there was some payment that you had to so that I had to give you, you told me to pick up the payment for you and give it back to you give it to you. So I said, Yeah, that's true, it did happen. But when I looked at my records, I found that we'd already consolidate, we already completed this transaction through one way or another. The point of the matter is that if you keep records, then neither party gets harmed. Someone doesn't end up paying twice. And also, there's no quarrels and disputes that you have to worry about at the end. Always keep records in whichever way so that you can avoid that. And generally, as I said, contracts, make
sure everything is recorded, everything is written down, and then you have to stick to your conditions, then you have to stick to your conditions. If there's conditions in the contract, then you have to stick to them as well, because their profits I send them said, When Muslim Luna, Allah shulte him, believers will always be based on the conditions that the agreed upon in law shall been how long a Halloran out Hello, hello, hello, except a condition which makes the Halloween Halloween or makes the * out. Other than that, if you have some conditions in your contract, then you have to stick to those conditions. Right? Whether that be I have to give a notice of two weeks, three
weeks, seven weeks, 10 weeks, 20 weeks, make sure everything in your contracts wherever you have them, you have read very carefully and you know of them so that there's no disputes later on, is there something that you think should be added added in when you're getting in the contract so that, again, everything happens to be very, very clear. Now, there's some guidelines also for people who are employing, right, because a person may be an employee today, tomorrow may become an employer. And there's guidelines in the city are for the parents and the children. Right? It's not like children are the only ones who have to fulfill the duties of the parents or the rights of the
parents, their parents also have to fulfill the rights of the children. Similarly, it's not just the employees that have to fulfill, also the employers have to fulfill as well. So one of the guidelines that the messenger saw send them encouraged was
actually not just encouraged he made it an obligation is that you don't get yourself into a contract where you're going to be doing something wrong. Okay? You don't get yourself into it. Contact heart and this is very simple.
By the way, always make sure the source of your income is Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said law your Buddha, never time in certain Illa Kanata. Now Allah He will not be that
lamb flesh that grows on how long are you listening flesh that grows on how
it doesn't grow larger, except that the fire will be more worthy of it on the Day of Judgment, okay? So if you, if you,
if you grow your flesh on how long, right, by eating from income that happens to be held on, then the fire will always be worthy of it, I'll give you an example of how your work could be held on. But there's still something how I'm in it, your work could be completely hollow, but then you're slacking off in your work. That time that you spend slacking off that time is going to be calculated in time that you got paid for, without actually doing the work. You know, in a large company, it's impossible for people to micromanage and most companies that micromanage and the feeling because there's not enough room for people to work. But
what happens when it becomes that way, there's always room for people to you know, find some space to do something else find some time to do something else, and waste time that they're otherwise paid for. So when you do that, that moment of your time that you're getting paid for is what I'm in for. Right? Even though your general job is hella
that means that the food that you eat from that, and the flesh of yours that grows that inshallah none of you do that, but I'm saying a person that does this use rhetorical in English, it doesn't really mean you. It means generally anyone, right? So
the person who does such a thing, then that person allows messengers also them saying the fire will be more worthy of that flesh that grew on Tom. I asked Allah subhanaw taala to protect you and I mean, yeah, but I don't mean.
Afterwards questions. Yeah. So another adverb, another good.
Quality, another etiquette another manner, that the messenger sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam guided to is to ensure that the person you are hiring happens to be a Muslim, okay.
Now, one may say that might be religious discrimination, isn't it? That's the second, that's the thing that will come up. This is not religious discrimination. what's meant by this particular etiquette, and this is, by the way, something that kebab also encouraged, as well. This is basically to understand
the type of relationships that Muslims have with one another, right? as Muslims, you have your brothers, who are your direct brothers and sisters, your blood relatives, and then after that you have a greater family, and that is your larger Muslim family. Okay, then comes the human family as well. So it's not if someone has a company and then they hire their blood relatives? Is that discrimination, that you're not hiring Anybody else? you're hiring your blood relative? The answer is no, nobody would say that, of course, you're going to hire a brother or sister to ensure that they have a job if they don't have one, right. And similarly, we as Muslims believe that all of us
are brothers and sisters in faith as well. So because of that, we're going to be making sure that people of our own faith have a work and they have ample income and and they're taken care of and looked after. And then we'll continue to look after the rest of humanity as well. And this is something that we have in our heads in which
I shall do the Allahu taala. And who he wrote to a little hot tub, and he told them, he told them that I have a Christian scribe that I have hired. So Bob said, you've hired a Christian scribe. So he basically told them that you couldn't find a Muslim that could do the same, same job. I like to have the hand even you couldn't find a Muslim that could do the same job. He said, I mean, I don't mean a leader of the believers. He has his religion and he does what he wants with his religion. He simply just writing for me, that's all he's doing. So he said to him, that basically not to do that. And then he wrote a letter to all of the governors that he had, and he told them all to hire Muslims
first and then hire anybody else, not because again of discrimination, but because just as we are a family in terms of our direct relatives, Muslims believe that we are also a family as an oma as well. This is anyone that wants to get all the benefits that come with this great family. They can come and except to stop, we'll give them all the same benefits. Right?
So, and in fact, I'm gonna have Bob also had a sleeve that time slavery was still around later on, it was abolished. But at that time you had a slave who was Christian. So he told them, if you accept Islam, I'll give you a job. That's a very good job because I know you're able to do it. He said, I don't want to accept this time. So he said, Okay, then you're free to go. He freed him from slavery. So he wasn't trying to discriminate and, and oppress this slave, he actually freed him when he said, I don't want to, he said, Now you're free to do whatever you want. Because you realize this young man is very able he because of his ethics, and because of his
personal conduct and morals, he didn't want to hire him for such a great position. But he also didn't want to feel him to fail in life. So he freed him, and he told them, go ahead and do whatever you want. This is the same robot who discouraged almost a shoddy from this scribe that happened to be in almost right. So number five, I believe five or six, I'm starting to lose count. But let's just say five Yeah,
is that
all of the earnings that you see that you end up acquiring that you end up that goes through your hands when you are working at a place, right? Sometimes you're working in the finance, you're working in the accounting, you're working in, perhaps just the help desk, but people come and make the payments, they're all of the money that comes through your hands, you have to give every single penny of it any money that you end up placing in a different direction, then that money would be considered Hulu, it would be considered cheating, and it would be considered theft, right. And this happens in large companies, at times a very large amount of money ends up disappearing, nobody hears
of it, right. It happens at all levels that happens at people working at a Kmart or people working at some small store. And it happens all the way to large, multi billion dollar companies, multi billion dollar companies that happens also at a global scale as well. Okay. So we have to ensure as Muslims that any money that comes through our hands, we are handing it over to the right people, the prophets I send him said in a hadith and he get gave great reward for this. Imagine this, you know, the reward that you get for taking your own money out and giving it the profits are seldom said the same reward will be given to a person who's a trustworthy Muslim treasure.
A trustworthy Muslim treasure, who has money in his hands, and someone and it goes, it came to his table and he came to his desk, he could do whatever he wants with it, because not everybody knows how much came to him, right? So the profits or send them said that person who is a trustworthy Muslim treasurer, that individual will be given the same sort of reward as the person who's giving up because he's got this money, there's this thing inside of his knifes telling him take the money, take a little bit, take $1 take $2, but the profit systems that don't do it. And if you don't do it, if you're able to find your knifes at that time, then it's as if you've given soda nowadays, some
people steal money and then give soda from it, right. So if you really wanted this other car, this is this other car, don't steal it to begin with you just make sure it goes in the right direction, the profit will assured you the reward of a person who's giving soda.
And if a person does this, then this is very dangerous because the profits are seldom if a person steals that is this money that came through his desk. It's very dangerous. It's very dangerous because the prophets I send them told us that I have to moon Africa tell us the signs of a person who's a Manasa are three. One of those signs is that the person cheats whenever he's entrusted with something so he has money, he's interested with this money and he's going to treat with this money this is one of the signs are a person who happens to be a winner. Now, even if you're interacting with someone who's continually knows, you know, you have a little bit of a feeling that he might be
cheating you the profits and send him still said, Don't cheat them back. Don't do it. Because if you cheat him back, then you will be paying the evil with with more evil and more evil will spread within within society. Let me give you another advocate.
Okay, number six, I believe Okay, six, right, or six. When you're picking the employee, make sure it's a good employee. And I'm saying this even though most of your employees but one day you might be in the position where you're picking the employee as well. Right. So when you're picking the employee make sure is the right one, not you didn't pick him for his the way he looks or the way she looks. You didn't pick them because of the friendship that you have. You didn't pick them because of the fact that you know, because of any of those other reasons. I wouldn't miss it earlier on. We said you pick a Muslim whatever non Muslim is better than
In that case you picked it almost the only time where you do that is where you know where you prefer, though Muslim is where, you know, they're entirely even. There's no difference between them. They've got all the same qualities, they've got the same resume, they graduated from the same place, they seem to have the same track record. Now you have one person was everything else, but they have one more thing that is that you they are brothers in faith as well. You prefer your brother in faith. Okay, but genuinely speaking, you give you give equal opportunity to everyone, okay? And you ensure that you're picking the best person, okay? The best person?
Why is that? Because the Prophet is one of the signs of the day of judgment when people start giving jobs to those people who don't deserve them, just because of the fact that they happen to be their relatives, or they happen to be their, you know, friends or they happen to be
for whatever reason, the profits are seldom said is out, do you hear it America to fulfill the desire when America has got has been lost? Then wait for the Day of Judgment. So habits, they said, How does the amount of get lost on messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So the Prophet has seldom said either hussaini then mo de la vida de, Fer de, when the fear is granted, when the jobs are granted, when the tasks are given to people who happen to be they're not ready for it, then wait for the Day of Judgment.
Number seven
the person who's the employee should be given all of his juice, okay.
earlier on, we said that the employee should be ensuring that he gives up all of his, he gives all of his you know, he does all his job properly. But now, as I said, in Islam, there's not rights for just one person, there's always right for both parties, you have the right between the husbands and the wife, wives, there's rights for the wives, and there's rights for the husbands, fathers, and daughters or parents of children. Rather, there's rights for the parents, there's rights for the children as well. Similarly, there's a rights for the employers, and there's also rights for the employee as well. One of the rights of the employee is that they should be paid on time. Okay. They
should be paid on time, whatever, whatever time they've agreed upon. Okay, so they might have agreed upon a certain date the company and the employees. If the payment is late from that date, you have to keep in mind your agreement. That's the point. So the profits are set them set out on a JIRA Agile.
Give the person is due in terms of his payments, before his before his
sweat, ends up disappearing. Okay? The sweat, sweat ends up drying, right? So before that sweat dries, make sure you've made the payments. Why? Because the person's waiting, you know. And sometimes what happens is in some places, you don't even end up getting your complete payment that happens as well. You know, you worked for a long time and then they end up just not giving you because they ran out of money and they're abusing you. They're using you and so on and so forth. And you end up leaving the place as well. You still haven't gotten complete payment happens to people all the time. Look at this the Prophet Allah The Prophet said Allah azza wa jal such as a hadith
puts it, that the la Santa Ana hasmonean opium three people, I will be the one that will debate on their behalf on the deal. I will be like their lawyer on the Day of Judgment. One of the three people that the profits and Senator mentioned that Allah azza wa jal mentioned, is that person who has been hired, and the one who had hired him, he got all of the tasks done from him, but he didn't pay him completely. Okay. So Allah said, on the day of judgment, this case will be brought before me and I will be the one debating on behalf of the person who hasn't paid his due. Right. So if you've ever been wronged and your rights are violated, then remember that there will be a day of judgment
and your rights will be charged long to Allah granted you, Allah azza wa jal doesn't wish for any rights to be lost. He wishes to ensure that all of his slaves are given all of their rights so much so that the messengers are seldom said, Let do not have to, you will definitely give up all the rights, if you did do it in this life. And
if you don't do anything in this life, that on the Day of Judgment, you'll have to give up your rights, the rights. And he said so much so that the sheep which happens to have horns, will pay against will have to pay for the violation that he had had done against the sheep that doesn't have orange because sometimes the ones that have horns, the goats, they go in, you know, bang into the ones that don't have the horns. So that violation of rights laws, messengers, oftentimes that on the day of judgment that goat will have to pay for
Right. This is the justice of law. So if you've ever been wronged in terms of a financial transaction, don't worry. Even if it happens to be in some places, people end up stealing entire pieces of land by forging documents, and the profits and send them said manaakitanga, a shovel a minute, the worker who long behind on one piano team and said, Whoever steals even a handstand worth of land, on the day of judgment, Allah will put around his neck the seven layers of land as a compensation. So if your rights are violated, those rights are never lost. They're just waiting till the Day of Judgment for for you to be given access to them in short alone.
The employee and the employer should both be merciful to one another as much as possible, right? They should be as mersive they should be merciful to one another. Because we said earlier on some honey GABA, somehow either Stella easygoing, when you sell easygoing when you purchase as well, a
companion of the prophet to send them who all of you know, and it's a grammatical the, Allahu taala. No, he used to work as a servant for the messengers. Awesome. He said, I served the messenger for 10 years, 10 years.
And during these entire 10 years, he never got angry at
law or law. He must have been, he said, but he never cursed me Never swore at me. And he never said to me for anything that I did or didn't do, and he continued it. He said, he'd never told me for something that I didn't do. Why didn't you do it? And he never told me for something that I did. Why did you do it? Now, of course, this is also a young boy, who, of course, the prophet is training as well. I mean, he's dealing with a person who's around 10 years of age or less than that. So he's considering that as well, in the fact that he's that he's our age at that moment, right. But for parents, this is also a good tip as well, because if you notice, the prophet never asked why.
In either case, he didn't ask why did you do it? And why didn't you do it? And we as parents end up asking, why all the time, right? If you have children, you know, what the scholars they looked at this? Why did I miss highlight this? And why didn't the Prophet ever see why? Because the logical thinking an adult's mind, is to ask the child, why did you do this? And by the way, in some modern
educational guidelines, they'll tell you also, instead of saying something to them, ask why
reason with them. But sometimes at a very, very, very young age, it's not the time to reason with them. Why is that? Because if you ask why they will get used to lying. And once they get used to lying, then it will be very hard for you to stop them from this habit. Instead of asking why you can already see there's a problem. You give them a guideline, this is not appropriate. Don't do it next time. Don't say Why? Because when you say why what's going to happen? They're going to say I did it because of and they'll give you all sorts of excuses. And parents that have children young at that age, they know when you ask why. They'll say, you know, I didn't because of ABC and D. And in
reality, you're teaching them to like, you know, they're lying, they know they're lying, and you let it go. So now there's a problem. Instead of that, you just give them a guideline, you say this. Now, of course, when they get to an age where they're teenagers, now you're going to ask why because there should be responsible by now, even by shut er, they're considered responsible by that age. Right? by 13 1415. By that time, most children reached the age of puberty, and 15 definitely, right. So they will be responsible, even according to the media. So now you can ask why because now they should be but by this time, you should have trained them well enough for you to be able to ask them
why prior to that they haven't received the training for them to know right and wrong. So you give them instructions instead of asking them why now of course, as adults, it's going to be different if there's a problem that an adult a real employee has gotten into them, they will be asked about why, but with mercy nonetheless. Right.
And last but not least, I'm going to
go and finish off inshallah with two more advocates. And these are the advocates that are related to the employees. Okay. These are some of them, if you noticed, some of them were related to the employees, others with employers, others employers and the employees alike, right. These last two are related to the employers and employees alike as well.
Okay. And
what are what, seven or eight? I think we're at seven or eight, eight, okay, Number eight,
or whatever number we're at, okay. Is that
You attempt your best in sha Allah to perfect, whatever you're doing, okay?
The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in the law, you either need to come later, Allah zoologia loves that whenever one of you does some work, you perfect that work, right. So whatever you're doing, try to do try to be a perfectionist, this will give you a couple of things. Number one, it will give you the love of Allah xojo. And that's enough, you don't have to worry always about a raise, you're going to be working and you're doing something Well, a lot of messengers on some of them told you that this will earn you the love of Allah whenever you do anything. He doesn't say whenever you do good deeds, whenever you do, whenever you worship, even though that should be
perfected as well, he's now talking about anything in your life, it should be part of your life, everything you do, you try to do it as perfect as humanly possible within your capacity. And the second thing is, so what I'm trying to say over here is you do the good not because you're going to be getting more money out of it. But because you're going to be getting the love of Allah soldier, and then that becomes a quality within you. And the second thing that you normally will get in this life as well, because a lot as origin gives deals with the people of Exxon in a way of Exxon, you will either get a raise, or you'll get a better job because when you're doing good work, people will
notice it. Right. Normally, in any company, people that are doing a good job, they ended up climbing the ladder really fast, because people are not blind. You know, in all companies, I would say, based on my experiences, at least, there's always the marchers of the company, right? There's people who just come there to get a salary and go home. They're the ones who you know, don't end up doing really anything important with the with their lives, then there's people who happen to be martyrs of the company. What that means is they end up doing more work than they have to to compensate for everybody else's failure. Right. Now, of course the people who are failing they will they will be
getting a Satan because they're getting a salary to do the job and they don't end up doing that job they give it to someone else to do but the one who is doing extra work is going to be noticed and insha Allah Allah you'll see that that such a person will normally be successful in this life. And two, you'll be learning earning the love of Allah azza wa jal as well. Okay. Last but not least, is don't take advantage of whatever job you have. And whatever status you have, taking advantage of your status and your job is a very, very dangerous thing, right? And the prophets are seldom considered this loony. He said, Minister, Manohar Rahman, whoever we put on a certain job, but as of
now, who is done, and we give him a certain salary for it, for my husband, who bad alika will do whatever he takes after that, then he is it. Okay? Sometimes people take advantage of their status, they take advantage of their what I mean by status is their position, if they've been given us a status, that is something that a law granted them, they can, of course, use that to benefit their, you know, own people and their society and, and people around them, and so on and so forth. But what I mean by this is, you've been given a position, a job that allows you certain rights, okay, that you're supposed to be exhausting for the benefit of your company, but you start using them for your
personal benefits, right? The relationships you make some sometimes people do this in business, sometimes people do this in politics. Sometimes people do this in education, all sorts of things, right? So whatever status you've been given, you don't use it. Rather, whatever position you've been given, you don't use it to earn and horror, you use it to help the society and the people as much as possible, right? Because whatever you try to do for your own personal gains and benefits the profits and send them said that is blue, that is theft. That is cheating. So you will be responsible for that on the day of judgment and ask for it and remember when you cheat and your income happens to be
Harada had on what happens
a lot as messengers I'll send him said I told you earlier on Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when the flesh is developed on Haram, then the fire becomes more worthy of this flesh. Of course inshallah, we wish that Allah subhanho wa Taala makes our flesh worthy of gender inshallah to Allah so for that reason, we hope for halal and by the way, some people have this idea that halaal is just food, but that's not the case. halaal is what you earn the food, the earnings that you used to buy the food as well. That's all there's also held on and held on and that as well that's very important. As I said in the beginning, that Troy Ronnie said I was sent down to make the
correction, right to the society in terms of the way they used to interact with each other financially. And every time I read that, it really puts me into very deep thought, I think that Allah is legitimate. From above the seven heavens, he sends a messenger down to go and talk to people tell them to worship a lot and correct their financial affairs. Imagine that
this must be really important. And I'll tell you why it's important. You know, I really, really
dwell on this particular verse, or these verses related to belly, Sarah, I'll tell you why it's important. It's important because of the following. When people are cheating in small capacities, when people are cheating in small capacities, then other people also start cheating as well. Let me give you an example. Someone is cheating in terms of
in terms of how much they're giving of rice, for a certain price, right? You buy for 10 minutes, or 20 minutes a kg of rice method, they make it you know, three fourths of a kg right point seven, five.
Now, the person that's buying realize there's cheating happening.
Of course, he will also try to use anything in his possible way to try to cheat that person as well. So society starts to outreach cheat one another, or attempts to cheat learning. And when society is attempting to cheat one another, that quality starts to have a domino effect all throughout society, and then what happens, then things start to become more and more pricier. Right? Then you have the inflation increasing, then you have less trust in the society despite the fact that things are becoming more expensive as well. You have less trust within society, because people want to pay more money. Now for the complete product before they should have paid 120 ringgits for one kg of rice,
but now they want the complete cages are they paid more, they get that complete, and that obviously increases the cost in society. So this domino effect affects the entire society, when in fact, the entire society, cheating is still there, people start to lose trust within society less and less, invest in measurements are made within the society, and then you have an economic collapse within society. And when an economic economic collapse happens within society, what happens next, then there's chaos.
And then you've lost the plot. It's a dysfunctional country in society. At that point, all of that happened, because one person was cheating with the other. That's why cheating is not permissible in Islam, the prophet Islam said, Men Hashanah, felice, and whoever cheats us is not from us. Why? Because he's affecting the entire society with that one action. And I described to you how that domino effect occurs. It doesn't happen immediately. Right? It happens slowly, but surely. And eventually you have a society which is completely dysfunctional. The economic crisis is there the financial crisis is there the and when there's a financial crisis, what happens murder, bloodshed,
people see thieves that theft and all of these things happen and now you have a society which is not functioning. That's why Allah azza wa jal send a prophet to correct people's financial appearances. Right? So it's very important that we are transacting with one another in a way which is as halal, as we know, to be halal. And it's also very important for us to learn about what halaal way of transacting with one another is and this is why we attempted to do this lecture. I hope there was a lot of things to benefit in here. And I asked Allah subhanaw taala to grant us to be able to practice to convey and continue to learn the religion and deliver a message of Allah azza wa jal on
to the world was set on radical momentum.