Abdul Rahman Chao – Jumuah 05-7-2024

Abdul Rahman Chao
AI: Summary ©
The importance of understanding the historical connections between Islam and the messengers of the past is emphasized, as it is crucial to strengthen one's identity and worship. The speaker emphasizes the need to learn the history of the Prophet sallam and the people of the world to strengthen one's connection to Islam. The importance of worshipping the prophet's message and connecting with the Sun wakha is also emphasized. The segment concludes with a story about the death of the Prophet Sallallday and the importance of learning the history of the prophets to connect with the true story of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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When the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam visited Ta'if,

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he met with

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3 brothers.

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Abdul Yalil, Wamasarud

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and Habib.

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And the prophet went to Taif because his

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mother's side is from Taif.

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And so he was hoping that with the

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rejection of

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that the rejection that he faced from the

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That he could possibly find

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some success from his mother's side.

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From the people

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in Taif.

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From the people of Taqif.

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So when he approached these 3 brothers,

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he asked them He

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started inviting them to Islam and he requested

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that they keep this conversation

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So the first brother said,

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after he heard the message of Islam.

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He said,

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if Allah sent you,

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if it is true that Allah has sent

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then I shall go and tear

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the cloth of the Kaaba.

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To express his outrage

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and disrespect to the Prophet

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The second brother said,

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Allah couldn't find anyone else to send as

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a prophet other than you.

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And the third brother said,

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la ukallimak.

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I shall not speak to you.

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Because if you are a prophet,

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then who am I

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to give a response to a prophet?

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And if you are a liar,

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then I don't need to respond to a

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The prophet shalallahu alaihi wa sallam left their

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and these 3 brothers immediately

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started telling everyone in the town.

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Here is a prophet come after him and

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start attacking him, stoning him, chasing him, abusing

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They totally disregarded the request of the prophet

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As the

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prophet was being hit, he entered

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a grape

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and it was owned by

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2 of the most

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or they were the 2 biggest enemies of

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Utba and Shaiba.

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2 brothers. And they happened to be in

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their farm at that moment. And they saw

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the prophet salallahu alaihi wa sallam wounded, injured,

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being chased.

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They felt sorry for him even though they

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hated Islam.

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So they sent their servant

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They said

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bring him some dates so that he can

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relax and calm down etcetera.

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So when Adas who was

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a Christian, he was a Syrian.

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He brought the date to the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam.

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The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam grabbed the date

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and he said,

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So Adas was shocked and surprised.

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He said, you say Bismillah?

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The prophet said, yes. He says, no I've

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never heard anyone around here say Bismillah.

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So the prophet immediately understood that Adas was

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not actually from 5. So he said, and

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where are you from?

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He said, I am from Nainoa

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from Iraq, from Northern Iraq,

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He was an Assyrian Christian.

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He said,

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you know They know what? He said, yes

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that's from where prophet Yunus is from. He

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said, you know prophet Yunus?

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says, nobody around here knows who prophet Yunus

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is. He says, I know who prophet Yunus

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is. He was a prophet and I am

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also a prophet of Allah.

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From the vast

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life of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,

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why are we focusing

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on this conversation between the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi

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Wasallam and Adas?

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Because what the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam did

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beautifully in this example.

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Is that he showed Adas

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the historical

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and the legitimacy of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam

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by connecting to 1 of the prophets of

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the past.

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And brothers and sisters last week we had

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about how

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our identity, the foundation of our identity

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is governed by Al Ubudhi Illillah.

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The worship of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala. Understanding

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that you are a slave of Allah.

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Today we want to talk about

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1 of those things

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that strengthens

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your identity,

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your worship and your connection to Islam.

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And that is what the prophet SAWAYAM did

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And that is

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by connecting

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Islam and Muslims.

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Teaching them

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to connect it to

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all of the prophets and the messengers from

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the past.

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All of the righteous people from the present

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and the past. All of the people from

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all the way to

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today and into the future.

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So brothers and sisters,

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you look at what is going on in

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Palestine today.

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There is an active

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by the enemies of Islam.

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To erase

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and their historical connection

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to the land of Al Quds.

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Because when you cut off

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a group of people from their history,

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you are cutting off a part of their

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So when you say,

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when you hear, excuse me, when you hear

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the argument that oh, Philistine once upon a

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time was just an open barren land. There

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was nothing there. It was just a few

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living in the middle of nowhere.

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And that

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this new fake country

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civilization to it like none other.

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I'm not here to address that.

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I'm here to address

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the employment

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and the twisting of history

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to craft a narrative.

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And ironically,

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the enemies of Islam

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love to invoke history.

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They want to talk about how

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God gave it to them

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1000 of years ago.

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And that their historical

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claim lives until today.

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But our historical claim

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means nothing.

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And that is why brothers and sisters,

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it is so important

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to understand

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the history of Islam.

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The history of the prophets. The history of

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the messengers.

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The history

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and the Seerah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi

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wa sallam. And all of the companions of

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. Because when

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you don't know your history,

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you're leaving it up for interpretation. You're leaving

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it up for someone else to come

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and twist it and to delegitimize

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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tells us how we are connected

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in our belief

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in a historical way to the prophets and

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messengers of the past.

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Allah says in the Quran,

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We have not sent before you, oh Muhammad,

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From amongst the messengers

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except that we reveal to him what?

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That there is no God worthy of worship.

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That there is no God worthy of worship

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except me, I mean Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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So worship him.

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So when Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala is revealing

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this Quran to Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam filled

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with stories from Adam

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and Kabil and Habil, the 2 sons. Talking

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about Nuh, talking about Samud,

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talking about

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talking about Ibrahim,

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and all the prophets. It's not for the

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sake of like Sunday school style. Just talk

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about some stories.

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It's to connect

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the prophet shalom.

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To give him emotional support. To lend legitimacy

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to the prophet shalom's message. That your message

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is not a new thing.

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It is a continuation

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of the message of La ilaha illallah.

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Yes. The laws

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for different prophets and messengers differ. But the

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essence of the message is that there's no

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God worthy of worship except Allah.

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And so that's why brothers and sisters, when

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you look at your daily salah, Allah reminds

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us about history.

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In Suratul Fatiha,

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what does Allah say? What does Allah tell

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us to say?

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Guide us to the straight path.

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The path

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that you have bestowed

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your favor upon those.

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Upon them. Who's them?

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manhum. Who are they?

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The previous prophets. The previous messengers. The previous

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believers. The righteous people.

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And that is why brothers and sisters

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1 of the key themes

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that orientalists

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and those who are who who don't like

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Islam in the academic world. What do they

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love to attack?

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They love attacking the sunnah of the prophet

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sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. They love delegitimizing

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the hadith.

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They'll say well hadith is made up. Hadith

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is something that Muslims came up with later

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on and they attributed to the prophet salallam.

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The they won't attack the Quran,

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but they'll attack the sunnah. The same companions

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who brought you the Quran are the same

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companions who brought you the Sunnah.

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But why are they delegitimizing the Sunnah Allah

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Subha SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam? Because when they delegitimize

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the history of the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam,

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we become an Ummah

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stripped away

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from context.

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Stripped away from the what the prophet did.

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And that is why brothers and sisters

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learn the Seerah. Learn the history of the

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prophets and the messengers

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of the past. Because when you learn their

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it will connect you with what you are

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It will make you realize that you are

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not just part of the Ummah of Muhammad

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Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Salam, but you are part

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of the Ummah of the believers, of the

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of the previous generations.

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From the very beginning when prophet Muhammad Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam received the message of the Quran

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from Jibril.

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And Khadija took Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam

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to Warakah bin Nofal, a Christian. 1 of

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her relatives.

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What did he say to him? He connected.

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He wanted Muhammad SAW to understand that you

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are connected to a previous prophet. What did

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he say?

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That angel that came to you

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is the same angel that came to Musa

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alaihi salatu salam.

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When Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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took Muhammad

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to Al Quds,

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to Masjid Al Aqsa.

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It wasn't just for a trip.

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It was to connect Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa

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sallam to all the previous prophets. That's why

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Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala had Muhammad SAWAYAM lead

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the prophets in prayer.

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That's why Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala raised them

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up to the heavens and he met all

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those different prophets and he saw

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them. Why?

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To connect him

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to the message

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of La ilaha illallah. That's why Muhammad Sallallahu

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Alaihi Wasallam had this back and forth conversation

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with Musa Alaihi Salat wa Salam during the

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establishment of Salah.

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Brothers and sisters,

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I want to close off

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with an emotional story from the life of

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the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and that is

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when his uncle

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Abu Talib

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took care of him from the age of

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all the way until Muhammad SAWS was 50.

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I want you to think.

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42 years,

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Abu Talib shielded Muhammad

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from persecution,

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from harm,

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from what the Quraysh wanted to do to

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him. And on his deathbed, Abu Jahl was

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right near

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Abu Talib like a Shaipan.

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And there were others as well.

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Muhammad sallallahu alaihi was on the other side

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telling him to say

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And another narration,

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And in another narration, Asfa'alaka.

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Oh my uncle,

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A sentence

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that I can intercede for you on the

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day of judgement to Allah. That I can

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bear witness for you on the day of

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judgement to Allah.

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What did what did what did these,

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these, Abalis and these Shaathim and Abuja Hallandam,

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what were they doing? They were invoking

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to sway him from the truth.

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And this is what we want you to

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But not all history is to be taken

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but the history that leads you to the

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truth. Because what did they say?

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Are you turning away? Are you rejecting

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the religion of your father Abdul Muttalib? In

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other words,

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the forefathers and all of them before that.

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And it's the same tune that they would

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sing to

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the entire time.

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And that is

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Islam came and Muhammad wasallam is rejecting the

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traditions, the history, the the precedent of all

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of his forefathers.

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And the prophet

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kept saying, Sayla Ilahiallahu.

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towards the end, at the very end, Abu

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that he was

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on the wrong side of history.

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And so that is why brothers and sisters

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be on the right side of history.

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The right side of history is

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La ilaha illallah.

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Since the time Adam alayhis salaam came to

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this earth, that is the right side of

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history. Because when you're on the side of

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La ilaha illallah, that is the key to

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