Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Muminoon 13

Abdul Nasir Jangda

Tafseer of Surah Muminoon – Part 13

May 10, 2017

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The segment discusses the confusion surrounding the interpretations of words in the Bible, including the concept of "verbal" in English and the use of "verbal" in Arabic language. The speakers explore the idea of the church's history and use of "verbal" in English, highlighting the need for clarification and understanding of words used in the Bible. The segment concludes with a promise to continue on with the next session.

AI: Summary ©

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			Every summer I have the distinct pleasure of spending an entire month with people from all over the
world here in Dallas, teaching the Arabic language or onic Arabic the language of the Quran and
discussing and exploring the timeless lessons and wisdoms of the book of Allah. We call this
experience for all intensive please check out begun smr.com that's be a y y i n ah summer.com to get
more information sign up. I look forward to seeing you here in sha Allah at the Quran intensive
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			shape on the ragging Yeah, you have rasuluh Minato Jeeva It was a man who saw the HA in me be macho
Madonna Eileen was in the he
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			wahida onera boo boo Fatah capo Umbra, whom Dana whom Zubaydah kulu has been Bhima de him further
hone further room field on Marathi him had he been a Aqsa buena nama know me to whom de mi Malou
urbani lusardi 11 Phil hierachy Bella Sharon? In alladhina whom in hacia t Rob beam
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			poo one Latina whom big Robbie him you know
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			what levena who beat him la Yoshi qu well levena you tone one Latina you tuna
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			wapo lu boom YG la tune
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			and Isla Robbie him raggio en la he can use it or own it rot wahama ha sabya poo
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			alameen wa rahmatullah
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			wa salatu wa salam ala ZD mursaleen where Allah Allah He was a happy woman to be our home the sun in
line with Dean.
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			In the previous session, we completed the passage, which spoke extensively about challenges that are
faced by you know, the messengers of Allah, the prophets of Allah alayhi wa Salatu was Salam and
Allah subhanho wa Taala by means of presenting that and talking about that, Allah subhanaw taala
provided consolation and comfort to the Messenger of Allah Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The
next passage that we're inshallah going to study years from is 51 through 67. inshallah, we should
be getting about halfway through that passage today, or maybe hopefully a little bit more than that
in sha Allah.
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			Now, one last kind of wattana in this particular passage, is going to talk about what the criteria
for success actually is. So now that Allah subhanaw taala has laid out what leads to failure and the
type of conduct and the type of behavior that leads to failure as observed in nation after nation
after nation throughout human history. Now, unless funnel a teller will present, what does success
look like? That we know what not to do, but now what are we supposed to do? And what exactly is that
outcome of success?
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			So Allah subhanho wa Taala, this is what's presented within these iots.
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			Allah subhanaw taala in ayah, number 51, from where we're starting a lot of what Allah says, a brief
translation of which is, own messengers, eat good things and do good deeds. I am well aware of what
you do. Yeah, you heard rasuluh pulumi Natalia batty Malou sorry hon. Nev mata meluna. Arlene. So
Allah subhanaw taala here addresses all the messengers now, if we follow many of them of us, you
don't have come commented on this particular
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			you know, idea that who is exactly addressed when Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, you are rasuluh
of course, it seems like Well, why don't we just go with the obvious ally speaking to all the
messengers, that's there, but at the same time, many of them have assumed like Razzie and Rashid and
others say, if you are reading the sequence if you're reading these if in sequence, Allah subhanaw
taala talks about named certain prophets.
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			Like new Musa Harun Isa masala but overall there's there was a certain sequence that Allah was
talking about. There was no honey Salaam, those early nations afternoon or they get Salaam, the
people who were destroyed. Then Allah mentioned Musa and Haruna la massamba nuestra in. And then you
have the conclusion of an Easter egg mentioned by Sally Sarah, the next prophet or messenger in line
as the prophets a lot he said, um says in an authentic narration that is found in the Muslim Devi
Mohamad, that there were no prophet sent between Isa Ali Salaam and Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi
wasallam. There are no profits and between them. And in fact, according to some scholars, again,
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			this is based off of a lot of the Elliot that that quite possibly could have been the largest gap in
which no profits were sent. So now it is also fair to understand that Allah subhanaw taala is
saying, Yeah, you are. So yes, he's speaking to all the messengers, but there is a specific focus
towards Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we're going to see the switching the
tone, and even the switch grammatically, that's going to demonstrate the fact that Allah subhanaw
taala is now more intimately and personally addressing Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and that's why we as the oma Mohammed salatu salam, because whenever Allah speaks to a
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			prophet or a messenger, he's also speaking to the followers of that prophet or messenger through
him, as we know within the Quran. So as the Prophet sallallahu sallam, obviously this is addressing
him a little bit more personally, we need to also pay attention to this a little more personally as
the aroma of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
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			So, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Yeah, you are Rasul Allah messengers
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			kulu mina pie but kulu Minato you back now kulu is the feral the verb, which means eat.
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			kulu actually is your original form, but then the abbreviated version is kulu kulu. Eat. This is the
command form the imperative form it's a it's the command verb ferry, fionnula amor. And as we talked
about in grammar class, it's not necessary that every single field is denoting obligation. Okay. So
if we look at like when Allah says Kuru, West shabu,
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			right, that doesn't mean that when you read that it becomes obligatory to go eat and drink
something. But rather you have to read the whole idea and pay attention then you can piece it
together a lot since kulula. shabu Allah to sifu Do not be excessive. That's the combination and
that's the obligation. So here Allah saying kulu mina pay but now it makes a little bit more sense.
Allah subhanaw taala says that eats men is a little bit it means from eat from a tea. But now a bit
about again, the brief translation Can I said good things eat from good things. So now to get into a
little bit of a conversation as to what does that exactly mean? And what does that exactly imply? So
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			Allah subhanaw taala in another place in the Quran also mentions halal and forgiven
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			hallowen Pleven. Right, that not only just halaal but also because some some commentators said
thinking about means those things that are permissible, but if we say that five is that which is
permissible than the other Ayah Hillel and play, but we are left with two conclusions, either one is
just emphasizing halaal. And
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			and that doesn't seem to be the case there seems to be a little bit more to the story here. Or it's
redundant, which obviously could never be the case. So play it has to be something a little bit more
Some have said that halaal what is the opposite of halaal the antonym the opposite of halal Haram.
So meaning eat from that halaal that which is permissible that which is not haram
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			but he bought this vatan mcru that which is not disliked. So, the opposite of this slight? Like
there are some things that are not wrong, but they're not favorable, they're not looked upon
favorably mcru. So, then it would be those things that are a little bit more preferable clear of
even the mcru. Okay, that's another idea that some scholars have shared.
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			Some other scholars actually
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			a Razzie and Paul, Toby and others mentioned this it's very fascinating the idea, they say that
there are three qualities. There are three qualities that make something Peggy
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			Helen, Helen was often walk a woman.
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			And so then he goes on to explain philhealth Allah Allah De La Jolla, US
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			Yours Allahu fie halaal is that which does not involve the disobedience of God.
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			So for something to be funny if it has to be halal, that's the first step, what is halal, something
that doesn't involve the disobedience of Allah.
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			But then it has to take the next step. What is the second step of being
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			a Sofie, soften Asahi? Allah de la une sala houfy, something that is not something that is not
devoid of the remembrance of Allah, something that doesn't involve
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			not thinking about Allah becoming negligent or becoming disconnected from Allah, but you are mindful
of Allah, that Sofie will call one. So that's the second step. Number one, it didn't involve the
disobedience of a lot. Number two, in fact, it's something that is a consequence of the remembrance
of Allah like God consciousness,
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			God consciousness. And then there's a third step, a one a one is my human sequel nefs, where for the
lack of something that is not only that something that strengthens and solidifies the body, but it's
also something that preserves the intellect.
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			It preserves the intellect. So it's something that's healthy and good.
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			Right, and so these are some of the combinations that at least the classical mufa solunar
mentioning, when they talk about the concept of something being like about
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			the Prophet of Allah Salallahu it so before I take the conversation kind of into more contemporary
times, I wanted to mention a few more things from the tradition. There's a narration of from Omar
Abdullah, who was the sister of shadab been overthrow the Allahu taala on him. And now basa de la
Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa selama berated him in Lebanon fishing that will help or in the
fishery, what was Simon
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			so it was the summertime It was very, very hot. The profits a lot of the time was fasting. So this
Sahaba this Muslim woman, Omar Abdullah, she sends some milk, some fresh milk, good, clean, fresh
milk for the profits a lot he sent him so that he has something good and refreshing and nourishing
to be able to break his fast with
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			ferrata Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ha ha the profits a lot he some scented back with a
message a question? Well call them in a lucky Heather. Where did you acquire this from? For pilot
when shatin Lee that I of course mailed to one of the sheep or goats that I personally own.
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			And she sent it back with this message that came from one of my own animals from Rhonda who then he
sent it back with another message. man he had the he shot. Where did you acquire this animal from?
for college is the right to happy Molly. She sent it back again with another message I purchased it
with my own money.
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			So then the profits a lot he said he took the milk through my into her job. So she after some time
came to visit the profits a lot. He said
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			that I think he's trying to send me a message. He's trying to hint at me that this is something he's
trying to teach me and teach me a lesson. Very interesting style of the Messenger of Allah Salafi
sentiment. This is particularly pertinent for adults education. Right teaching adults in regards to
teaching children, of course you always are, you know, just in teaching every every one of course,
you're very affectionate and kind and generous and gracious.
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			But particularly when you're teaching children, there's an extra level of compassion to where,
whether or not they ask you still provide. Right But when you are teaching adults, one of the very
interesting dynamics that you come across is the natural kind of self confidence and self kind of
assurity and self reliance and independence intellectually and emotionally that comes with being an
adult. So a lot of times without realizing it. You know,
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			an adult that you're trying to impart something to is a little bit more closed off to something new.
And we see this die with the Messenger of Allah Pilates and the famous story about you know, we
talked about couture in salon in the beginning of sort of Tomomi noon, where the profits all of a
sudden is sitting at the back of the mustard there. And a man comes in and he offers his prayer. And
after praying demand is leaving. So of course the profits a lot of times
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			Read by the doors rise he's passing by what do you do? salaam aleikum wa Rasul Allah. Right gives us
salons and the prophets Allah vsam says what aleikum wa sallam for Sunday foeniculum to Sunday. Go
back and pray you haven't prayed yet.
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			semana wattana
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			you do what you're told. So he goes back and he prays again. Second time he's praying. He's leaving
again. Again second time salaam aleikum Rasul Allah, the Prophet sallahu wa Alaykum wa salam fgfs
Ali foeniculum to suddenly go back and pray you haven't prayed yet?
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			messenger of guardian and argue with demand.
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			So he goes back and he prays a third time.
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			Now he's trying to leave the machine for the third time. And he says salaam aleikum. Rasulullah.
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			Right. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says, Why didn't Salam ala Jefferson even
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			go back and pray you haven't prayed yet?
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			the man something clicks
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			and he sits down he says, I live near solaia Rasul Allah.
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			Teach me the prayer, oh, messenger of God.
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			And now the prophets allowed him to explain to him, let me tell you why I said you didn't pray. You
miss something.
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			uttama Nina, right, you missed the ideal. tardiness. Can Tama Nina, you missed like you weren't
taking your time, you weren't fulfilling the positions properly. And he walks him through the
procedure of the prayer. And he says, had that thought to my inner court, human Hata to my inner
Rocky and hapa thought my inner jellison didn't, right, until you are fully set, standing and
sitting in record and sujood fully set for each step.
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			And then the man prays.
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			Right, so that I remember, I spent a lot of time with that particular narration, that's a very
interesting interaction. Because again, from what we usually think about when it comes to education
is like teaching younger people, children.
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			That if my daughter came home from school and said that, you know, imagine doing this, or it
happening to your job.
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			teacher gives them like, 10 questions. 10 math problems are something, they finish it, take it up to
a teacher teacher says, Yeah, you haven't done it yet. Do it again. Second time. Yeah. You haven't
done it yet. Do it again. Third time? Yeah. You haven't done it yet. Do it again. If my child came
home and told me that the teacher did that with her, me and the teacher would have a parent teacher
conference. My fist would have a conference. No, no.
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			But you get my points, I would be infuriated. Treat a child like that. Go do it again. Do it again.
Go do it if you do it. Right. I'd be I'd be upset. Non teach child that way. So then, but the
Messenger of Allah salon ism is the ultimate teacher. And I'm about to
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			see ultimate teacher. So why is he teaching this man this way? I thought a lot to myself. And of
course the answer there is that because he's teaching and adults. And that's why you see that. And
trust me, if you tried the same procedure with the child, the first time you tell them guy you
didn't do it, right? Do it again, the child be like, what did I do? Right? They asked you right
away, because there's some open sea open book. It's a blank canvas. inquisitive, wanting to learn
the sponge, whatever you want to call it. But the adult is kind of like, okay, whatever, dude,
right? So that's the problem. So you see here that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, the
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			Sahaba, going back to the story, the woman who sends the milk for the prophets, Allah sends it back
with the question, she sends it back with the answer, he sends it back with the question, she sends
it back with an answer. And then she's like, oh, maybe I should go talk to him. And so she comes to
meet the Prophet of Allah salatu salam. And she says, Yeah, Rasul Allah Lima, Lima, Radha who, why
did you keep on sending the milk back? And the profits, a lot of them said b vanliga.
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			b donica, luminati. Ross rasuluh. That that is what the messengers have been commanded to do. Allah
yakou, la la, la la, la la sala Hon, that they don't eat, except they don't consume except for that,
which is at the highest levels of purity and goodness. And they don't do any type of deed except
that it's the high at the highest levels of righteousness.
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			And then he recited the ayah right. So this was a message this is what the way the Messenger of
Allah nobody should take this particular narration and try to implement that as a course of action
as a procedure within the community about you know, insurance
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			arrogating people,
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			but the Prophet of Allah, Allah, it says there's balance in the guidance of the Prophet of Allah
salatu salam, the prophets a lot. He says that an obligation of one Muslim upon another Muslim is he
Jabba to Tao, that when they invite you then accepting their invitation. So you see the beautiful
balance. This was the Prophet ceylonese him just teaching the lesson that this is the position that
messengers a very difficult position, messengers have been put in. Why because revelation comes
directly to their hearts.
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			Right? So that's why they've been put in this particular position.
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			So there's like, begging. So we've talked a lot about the human I explained some of the different
standards and definitions of plague and there's another Hadith narrated by Abu Zubaydah or the
Allahu taala on who
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			that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, you harness all mankind in the law.
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			God is good law you have to follow the law even he does not except for that he does not accept
anything except for that which is good. When the law, Nina Bhima, Amara de l mursaleen. And God has
commanded the believers to do which he has commanded the messengers to do footballer and he then
recited Yeah, you are rasuluh Minato ubatuba Malou Sonic nibi mucha meluna Halim desire that we're
studying right now I have 51 from Surah 23 but then the prophets a lot he said recited in another
Ayah from Surah Baqarah Ayah number 172 Yeah, you have Latina Amano Are you believe kulu mean pie
iba Tamara zanaco.
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			crewmen. Omarosa kanakam eat from the good of that which we have provided for you. Wash guru Lila
and express your gratitude for Allah
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			in consuming Yahushua Buddha, if it truly is a lot alone, who you worship and who you enslave
yourself to.
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			And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions an example that is a very famous narration
Thoma Baqarah then he mentioned are Rajan, the example of a man you lead who suffer
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			it honor to suffer means his journey became overextended.
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			his hair is all messed up the shelf and his clothes are full of dust, his his clothes are dirty.
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			And those two signs his hair being everywhere messed up, and his clothes being dirty. What does that
tell you about the man? Number one is that the man he's gotten stranded on his journey. So the first
thing that that tells you is that he can't even doesn't even have the provisions or the arrangements
to be able to take a shower to clean himself up. And his clothes being dirty, tells you that he
doesn't even he doesn't have the accommodations to clean himself up. So he can check even get like a
little motel room or something. And number two is that he doesn't have any luggage with him. He
doesn't even have a change of clothes. He has nothing, no money, no accommodations, no clothes, no
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			And he finally reaches his breaking point. You know, do your day he last summer. He stretches his
arm he stretches his arms out to the sky. And he says Yara br RB O Allah, Allah master O Allah.
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			But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says there's a problem.
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			He says, well, not tomuu Haram.
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			And what's very interesting is that the prophets a lot of these him does not say the word the arm,
he says Matan. And this is the second part. So first, I wanted to explain the meaning of by him how
it's halaal but more than hallen. The second thing is I wanted to then qualify also what's meant by
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			And then I'll actually then talk about the realization or the manifestation of play in our
circumstances. So the second part of the conversation is what is the proper understanding of it
being Hillel? He didn't say thrombo Haram. He said la hora. What that means is that maybe the exact
item is eating is not Haram.
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			Like it's not that he's eating pork.
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			He's not eating pork.
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			But matam is called Mr. Mimi. In the Arabic grammar and the Arabic language it means that everything
that's surrounding something, so bomb, Matan becomes all that which is surrounding the food, which
includes the means of acquiring the food. So maybe he's eating the most halaal chicken on the
planet. right he's eating chicken that was hand slaughtered by an angel.
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			Then finish helaas halaal Okay, we can all agree. Okay.
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			So maybe it's even the most helpful thing maybe is eating some, you know, it to remove all shakin,
czuba. All doubt from it. He's eating some fruits and vegetables
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			which is no disagreement about it being Haram. It's an apple.
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			Of course it's halon.
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			But how did he acquire that app? The obvious problem would be what if he stole that Apple out of
somebody else's stuff?
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			The apples halaal. But it's haram for him to eat it. It's halal as a food item. It's not allowed for
him, belongs to somebody else.
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			And the bigger problem in our day and ages.
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			I'm going to the halaal store that has 30 different holiday certificates. Right.
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			But the money that I'm going to use to pay for the food I'm purchasing from there, how did I earned
that money?
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			that lie, cheat.
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			Salary do things I wasn't supposed to do? That are like prohibited. that's problematic. Well, my
shabu haram similarly, now what he drinks his own like, that could be the problem when he drinks is
haram but the Prophet hasn't said Mashallah
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			that maybe he's not drinking wine or alcohol. In talk, he's not drinking any intoxicants.
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			But rather he's drinking water. But that bottle of water that he walked into the store and he
purchased that cost $1.
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			Where do you get that $1 from?
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			If you came from Mahara means that's problematic.
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			malware suhara. Again, he didn't say his label says Hello, Dr. Hardy before you're
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			not there is wearing a pink skin suit. Right?
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			That's not it. Materials are problematic, maleness. But where do you earn the money that he that
he's using to buy this permissible material? Where do you get that money from
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			malba suhara, then the profits all of a sudden says something that's really, really scary. Says who
the real hero that this person has gotten to a particular point now to where his body
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			is being has been nourished by this by these impermissible things and means
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			it's kind of flowing through his veins.
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			For unnao usage, I believe, Alex, so how could that person's prayer ever be accepted? And the
prophets of Allah and not like he has regret, not dropping the hammer on him.
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			Nobody's it feels bad for the guy. But again, that person's put themselves in this predicament.
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			So blocks are very scary stuff. So that's the second components of this conversation. And then the
third thing that I wanted to kind of mention, and then we'll move on from this
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			is the realization of play here. But in our context,
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			that's some of the very valid, you know, things that are being brought to our attention now. So very
valid ideas are being brought to our attention now is considering, you know,
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			even the legal,
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			then the ethical and moral considerations in terms of what we consume,
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			and how we even earn
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			that's of grave importance.
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			And we really have to consider that.
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			That maybe how is this being produced? How are those animals being kept and treated? Right, and if
somebody lacks compassion for the creation of Allah subhanaw taala, as a prophets, a lot of them
told the man, if you have no mercy in your heart, I don't know what I can do for you.
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			But even think about yourself, and would you actually want to be consuming that and feeding your
family that and I won't get into the details here, it's not my particular area of expertise. But
even in my own little research and basic knowledge that I do have, some of the things are like truly
00:29:34 --> 00:29:45
			And it's unfathomable that human beings are capable of this. So we really have to consider some of
the moral and ethical implications of a lot of the things that we consume.
00:29:46 --> 00:30:00
			that we've developed a very simplistic, it's very simple, feeble minded definition of what it takes
for something to be halal and permissible in Islam. Because if Islam doesn't have enough, have
doesn't have a concession
00:30:00 --> 00:30:03
			For ethical and moral values,
00:30:04 --> 00:30:05
			we're distorting our religion.
00:30:06 --> 00:30:15
			And it's very deeply problematic, and our future generations are at grave risk of just losing their
humanity. So we really have to consider some of these things.
00:30:18 --> 00:30:58
			The next thing Allah subhanaw taala says in this particular ayah is yet you are Latina. armano Yeah,
you are rasuluh excuse me, Illumina Thank you, Betty. Why Malou sorry, hon. And do good deeds. Why
Malou Sala Hannon do good deeds that conduct or do perform righteous deeds righteous action? Why
Manu Solomon, now the sequence here is something that the common the Mufasa rune have discussed at
length, because it's fascinating, right in the other eye, and so to Bukhara, that addresses the
believers directly over there to Allah mentions worship after he talks about what you consume.
00:30:59 --> 00:31:04
			In this ayah, he tells the prophets, the messengers, to pay attention to what they're consuming.
00:31:06 --> 00:31:36
			And then he addresses their deeds and their actions. And it's really, really fascinating. And that's
because the scholars say that this is as clear of proof and evidence as we can provide, that what
you basically consume will have an effect on your spirituality, you are what you eat, right? We've
always been told you are what you eat. And we understood the value of that in terms of, you know,
the physical component physically you are what you eat.
00:31:38 --> 00:32:00
			And then we eventually even understood that, okay, that has like some emotional implications. You
are what you eat, ethical and moral implications. But this has spiritual implications. And that's
why it's so profound, that spiritually you are what you eat. And so not only the cycle of not only
00:32:03 --> 00:32:21
			the, the ethical and moral nature of what you're consuming, halal, and Haram is the first standard,
that that will have a huge spiritual impact on you, but from an ethical moral perspective, by Yep.
Right, that'll have a huge effect on you as well.
00:32:22 --> 00:32:33
			And then even then, you can rise to the occasion then you can rise to the level of basically
considering even the manner in which you consume as well.
00:32:34 --> 00:32:47
			And we know that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talked about this, that he
himself is the ultimate role model and the prophets allottee salaam, you know would eat less you
would not never eat too is fill
00:32:49 --> 00:33:15
			in the in the Syrah intensive when we were going over the Shema, and it was really remarkable to
read about the food of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the eating habits of the prophets, a lot of
the eating mannerisms of the prophets a lot. So he never AIDS. He never ate leaning against
something. He never leaned back and ate. Never lazy, just gluttony, he never ate that way.
00:33:16 --> 00:33:20
			The profits a lot, he seldom would never ate by himself,
00:33:22 --> 00:33:23
			never ate by himself.
00:33:26 --> 00:33:27
00:33:28 --> 00:33:33
			The profits of loving him would he would like his fingertips or would eat with three fingers and the
00:33:35 --> 00:33:37
			The profits, a lot of them would chew his food properly.
00:33:39 --> 00:33:43
			The profits, a lot of them would not sit there at the meal for very long.
00:33:46 --> 00:33:52
			And there's so many more things. It's just remarkable, the simplicity of the food a number a handful
of dates.
00:33:55 --> 00:34:00
			He never ate very, very fancy extravagant types of food.
00:34:03 --> 00:34:07
			The profits allowed him never combined like two three different types of foods together into one
00:34:10 --> 00:34:18
			And the list goes on. really remarkable. You know, a lot of times there's a whole conversation even
about meat.
00:34:19 --> 00:34:43
			And again, if somebody's not consuming meat for personal reasons, health reasons. That's of course,
very, very valid, and we need to stop then guilting them about it. somebody's not consuming meat for
ethical and moral reasons of you know how the meat industry works. Again, that's a very, very valid
reason. There should be no guilt associated with that.
00:34:44 --> 00:34:49
			The Prophet salallahu alaihe salam did used to consume meat, he would eat meat.
00:34:50 --> 00:34:59
			But you know, some of the commentary on that from the Sahaba says that basically the prophets allows
him the most frequently
00:35:00 --> 00:35:06
			He consumed he ate meat was once a week, that was the most frequent.
00:35:08 --> 00:35:16
			And think about how we eat something that was living and breathing at some point walking and talking
at some point three times a day.
00:35:18 --> 00:35:19
			It's really shocking.
00:35:22 --> 00:35:34
			Right? So where our standards are. So the Prophet of Allah sallallahu sallam, right, so talking
about that plague. So this you are what you eat spiritually, and it will have an impact on you.
00:35:35 --> 00:35:49
			So a lot of thought has to be given to that. And then our last entourage, Allah says in the bema,
Jama Luna alene, that I am fully knowledgeable, all knowing Allah subhanaw taala says, of each and
every single thing that you do have everything that you do.
00:35:51 --> 00:36:16
			And so this is not only just kind of a warning from Allah subhanho wa Taala, that this is not just
encouragement, but this has serious spiritual ramifications. But also, it's part of what scholars
extrapolate from the deceit of this as well is that when you pay attention to what you put into your
body, then you are able to pay more attention and you are more focused and considerate of the
actions coming out from your body.
00:36:17 --> 00:36:38
			Now you are living the type of existence where it will now plant, it will solidify that yaqeen
within your heart. Emmanuel Makarov masataka gulaman eemaan is that which takes root in the heart
and then the actions are a testament testimony, a testament of that faith in that email.
00:36:39 --> 00:36:43
			That then the heart will fully realize and be conscious of Allah.
00:36:45 --> 00:36:57
			Another side point that some of them will first say don't do mention here that I like him a lot to
be Rahim Allahu taala that I thought was worth or excuse me, even I should have mentioned this i
thought was worth mentioning.
00:36:58 --> 00:37:03
			Is that as almost like as another as a second point?
00:37:06 --> 00:37:24
			Something that's very interesting to note about this, is that Allah subhanaw taala isn't just
telling the prophets a lot of SLM that if you eat then it should be from good. And then you don't do
good deeds. But Allah says eat good things. kulu Minato You bet.
00:37:26 --> 00:37:49
			It's almost in the command form to contradict, because who was mentioned previously is Alia Salam
was mentioned previously and a lot. There's a very subtle shadow here that you can kind of
extrapolate from the sequence of the dots that what did the suppose ID or a legend followers of Isa
Elisa, what did some of them do? A lot talks about in the Quran, Rania.
00:37:51 --> 00:37:53
			They innovated.
00:37:54 --> 00:38:08
			They innovated a practice. Rania monasticism, right being a monk. They innovated this monasticism
markets of Na Na him. Allah says we didn't tell them to do that.
00:38:09 --> 00:38:18
			We didn't tell them to do that. That was never monasticism, like being a monk was not a part of any
shittier. Allah says in the Quran,
00:38:20 --> 00:38:29
			but they innovated this, they invented this practice. And so Allah subhanaw taala is directly
refuting that by telling the messengers you eat food.
00:38:30 --> 00:38:33
			But we'll make some messenger messengers, you eat only from good.
00:38:34 --> 00:38:39
			You eat only from good things, but you eat food and that eating food is kind of
00:38:40 --> 00:38:53
			exemplifying or it kind of represents the fact that you live life, have eating food, earning a
living, supporting your family, having a family to begin with, and so on and so forth. All right.
00:38:56 --> 00:39:01
			In the bema chama Luna Lim, moving on to is number
00:39:02 --> 00:39:03
00:39:04 --> 00:39:14
			So inshallah now from here, we'll be moving a little bit more quickly. Allah subhana wa tada says,
we're in the heart of the heel mochiko metong wahida 10. Why not a boon for
00:39:15 --> 00:39:54
			a brief translation of which is this community of yours is one singular community and I am your Lord
be mindful of me. So in that is for emphasis in the Arabic language, something we know very well.
How the Hebrew mochiko this law of yours, the very first thing I want to point out here is again,
the evolve the association that's created that Allah subhanaw taala is giving ownership of the oma
to the oma itself. This is your oma. You take care of your family, your home, your people in the
house, he
00:39:56 --> 00:40:00
			does your own man. There has to be a sense of ownership, a sense of
00:40:00 --> 00:40:30
			And ownership not in the sense of authority that doesn't necessarily denote authority but in the
sense of belonging and caring consideration and concern. oma Gen Y that and so this oma of yours is
one oma now what's very fascinating is that the word oh man in and of itself already means when oma
it already means one oma, we know this right? Oh my 10 What's the number of the word? one singular?
00:40:31 --> 00:40:32
			If it was two it'd be
00:40:33 --> 00:40:40
			right. If it was plural, it'd be broken plural. Don't try it. All right. Oman, Oman. All right. So
00:40:41 --> 00:40:50
			but it's singular in and of itself. So it already means one so that means one oma, but then Allah
says wahida 10
00:40:51 --> 00:40:57
			and that's for emphasis now so much and why he didn't means one singular oma
00:40:58 --> 00:41:03
			one singular oma. There's no separating it. There's no dividing it.
00:41:05 --> 00:41:17
			Very powerful. So the unity of the human is being emphasized here. What a lot of boeckmann Allah
says, and I am your Lord, your master Fatah Cooney, so be conscious of me Be mindful of me.
00:41:19 --> 00:41:59
			Right, so there's two components here, Allah subhanaw taala is talking about the unity of the ummah.
So the, the relations of the Ummah amongst itself. And secondly, it's talking about the relationship
with Allah subhanaw taala. Again, sequence is something that just cannot be ignored, sequences,
something we have to pay attention to, and we have to learn to really respect and study within the
Quran. So when you pay attention to the sequence, Allah emphasizes the unity of the Ummah, then he
talks about foot sakuni taking our relationship with a lot to the next level, which is stucco. And
that tells you that unless you can learn to figure things out with others.
00:42:01 --> 00:42:31
			At least you put some work and some effort into it. It's at least on your radar, it concerns you to
some extent in some degree, then you're improving your relationship with Allah. There is the flip
side of that as well. Manasa Hama Bina who have been Allah, somebody who corrects things between
them and Allah Subhana lagomarsino, who have a Nana's God will correct things between them and
between the people. What happened to that? Is that contradicting this? Yes, no, no, yes. So what the
way it works is that it works both ways.
00:42:32 --> 00:42:41
			It's actually something that feeds into each other. You start off by first getting your relationship
with the law on track with prayer.
00:42:42 --> 00:43:05
			And that will now start the butter kind of blessing will come in Allah will help you start to help
you to start working things out with other people. Then as you continue to fix things with other
people, you actually are getting good with God sec. You're getting better with the last panel
wattana because you are fixing things between you what's up a la la de la luna, Viva La our ham.
00:43:06 --> 00:43:19
			Because if we think that I can have a very good we talked about this before, but having a very good
relationship with Allah subhanaw taala by keeping my ritual worship on points, and having a few
other things I'm very particular about.
00:43:20 --> 00:43:25
			But my relationships with the people that I must have a relationship with
00:43:26 --> 00:43:27
			is broken.
00:43:29 --> 00:43:53
			Then I have a problem spiritually, I have a problem that could come back to have serious
implications and ramifications. And so this is something that we have to really pay attention to.
Similarly emammal Rahim Allahu taala mentions the meaning of the word Omar here in the having
magical moments and wahida can also be understood as Dean in Ahava de nukem dienen was done
00:43:54 --> 00:44:35
			because there's an example of this in the Quran and Sunnah to zakharov is number 23. Allah subhanaw
taala when he quotes the disbelievers they say in our did not abandon Allah Martin. We found our
forefathers on an oma on a Deen on a religion. practicing the religion meaning we found our
forefathers being the people who practiced a religion in a particular way. So this isn't means your
community is one community means the religious community did practice meaning in terms of the deen
you have to be unified in terms of the deen and that is how we solve the problem that when we talk
about unity of the oma, what does that exactly imply? How far does that go? How far does that
00:44:35 --> 00:44:36
00:44:38 --> 00:44:42
			And it is not to take away the diversity of the oma.
00:44:43 --> 00:44:50
			It is not to imply that we somehow have to just become drones and clones.
00:44:52 --> 00:44:59
			Right? It's the oma not the Borg. Right? That's not the purpose but the diversity
00:45:01 --> 00:45:03
			The diversity is supposed to be there.
00:45:04 --> 00:45:06
			Even the diversity of thoughts,
00:45:08 --> 00:45:11
			the diversity in terms of ideas.
00:45:13 --> 00:45:31
			We obviously understand diversity in terms of ethnicity, culture, language, and those things but
even in terms of thoughts and ideas, that has to be there that has to be maintained. Amongst the
Sahaba. There was that type of diversity, but it's talking about in the foundation in the religion
itself. That's what's very, very important.
00:45:33 --> 00:46:01
			The Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam alludes to this in a very, again, well known and authentic
narration, the prophet of Allah, so Allah says Allah in them, man copula, comb, Minelli, kitabi if
the Roku Allah since he was a very intimate Latin that the people that came before you divided, like
actually divided, problematic, like their division was problematic into 72 different sects and
00:46:03 --> 00:46:30
			to the point where they became 72 different religions Milla powerful words, he does what people
don't understand. They see 72 groups No, no, there's a little bit of agenda that plays into that
translation and interpretation. That is exactly the school of thought or a thought process that
wants to stifle the diversity and the creativity of the oma no Mila, you have to respect the wording
the prophets a lot is Muse Milla means religion,
00:46:31 --> 00:46:32
			like doctrine,
00:46:33 --> 00:46:51
			to the point where they altered the religion itself the doctrine to the point where they now created
72 different religions and the prophets a lot of them say we're in the having illuma set of Jericho
Allah salatu wa Sabina and this oma
00:46:53 --> 00:46:55
			will divided into 73
00:46:56 --> 00:47:00
			sin Danny was of her own if you narrow it down from Jenna.
00:47:01 --> 00:47:11
			72 of them will go to the fire and one will go to Paradise. Well, hello, Gemma. That's the narration
of a Buddhahood.
00:47:12 --> 00:47:31
			But in the narration of Imam autonomy, the Allahu taala there's an addition. He said that the Sahaba
asked God what rasulillah they so messenger of God, who will be that one group that will go to
Paradise and the prophets a lot of them said Matt and Allah he was having
00:47:33 --> 00:47:41
			that group which follows that which I followed what I do, and the ones who follow what my companions
00:47:43 --> 00:47:53
			And that again, is again talking about the foundation and the fundamentals of the religion. That as
long as a religion in its essence is not distorted is a religion of Mohammed Salah LaGuardia Islam,
00:47:54 --> 00:47:58
			Allah deja vu Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that's it.
00:47:59 --> 00:48:28
			And within that, then there will be a lot of diversity and a lot of thoughts and ideas and
creativity. But what it's talking about is when people move away from that foundation, that is what
will become problematic. And there's, I'm not going to go too deep into this, but there is a realm
even within the Quran as well. There are IOD, for instance, that are classified as what we call
mcom. That they are authoritative.
00:48:29 --> 00:48:37
			And there's there's a lot of always thought for reflection, but there's not a lot of room for
interpretation, alternative interpretation.
00:48:38 --> 00:48:52
			They are what they are and they say what they say. So when Allah says Allahu comilla Anwar hidden,
there is not going to be an alternative interpretation of that. A lot of reflections you can
extrapolate from that but that saying
00:48:53 --> 00:48:54
			that your God is one God.
00:48:56 --> 00:48:58
			That means though, he won a lot.
00:48:59 --> 00:49:45
			So there's there's a realm of that and understanding of that within our Deen and religion as well
solidifying that foundation and those basics. And Allah subhanaw taala alludes to this other places
within the Quran as well. I'll just mention a couple of references. In solo to shoot Arsenal number
42 is 13. Allah says Sherif, Allah comida De Lima wasabi he no one will know the ohana ilica when I
was saying I'll be here but our hemo a moose our Isa and Aki Medina, when I suffer Goofy, that the
religion that has been ordained or has been laid out for you is the same religion that was given to
new and that which was inspired to you O Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam and that which was provided for
00:49:45 --> 00:49:58
			given to Ibrahim and Moosa and their Isa, and that was established the foundation of the religion
and do not create divisions within it's the foundation of the religion.
00:50:00 --> 00:50:22
			Last pentawards Allah talks about the flip side of that, in Surah Al anon. I am number 159 Allah
subhanaw taala says, In the lezzy for Roku Dena whom were Khannouchi on less than one fishy. Allah
tells the prophets Allah is him that's for those people who divide up the foundation of their
00:50:23 --> 00:50:33
			And they end up becoming different religions, not just groups for different religious groups because
of that, less than minimum fee say, oh Muhammad, you have nothing to do with those people.
00:50:34 --> 00:50:36
			You have nothing to do with those people.
00:50:38 --> 00:51:24
			Because they're dividing up something that was not meant to be divided up, they've gone outside of
their limitation, they've crossed the line that should not have been crossed. So in the how the Moto
moto wahida nabumetone and of course the if you want to call it that the sister I have this
particular ayah is in Surah MBR surah number 21 where Allah says in the hide the Alma Mater wahida
Well, hon Khan fabu. Over there, it's foul Buddha, which means enslave yourselves to me, worship Me,
Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and that's more foundational. Now this is talking about raising the
level and going to the level of duck law. Why because this addresses started off by addressing who
00:51:25 --> 00:51:54
			the messengers in the prophets that's why you have the higher level address. In it number 53. Allah
says Fatah Umbra home baina home Zoo Ron for takato Umbra home Bina Hulu Ron kulu has been the
malady him for the home, a very brief translation of which is Allah says, but they split their
community into *. They split their community into sects groups, each rejoining in their own.
00:51:56 --> 00:52:37
			So what does this exactly refer to what does this mean for the kata? kata, right, the cutter in the
Arabic language means to cut something up as smallest possible amerihome amre who means what they
were given what they were provided, what was for them, their matter, which means the deen the
religion that was given to them baina whom amongst each other. And what that implies is that this
cutting up and dividing up of the religion was this implies this word baina home implies Leanna
Takata cache, the cache, Bane and NASS FEMA bienen. us what that implies is that this was a result
of infighting.
00:52:38 --> 00:52:42
			These divisions and factions that were created were the results of infighting.
00:52:43 --> 00:52:50
			Zoo run, it's a very fascinating word. Very, very fascinating word. This word Zubrin.
00:52:51 --> 00:52:54
			It is the plural of the word zoo.
00:52:55 --> 00:53:01
			Now, typically we know we translate this we know this that that word refers to a book scripture.
00:53:02 --> 00:53:07
			They divided it up. So that's one interpretation of this that they divided up the Scripture.
00:53:08 --> 00:53:12
			They divided the Scripture, the scripture amongst each other due to infighting
00:53:14 --> 00:53:23
			does and that meaning is reinforced by an ayah insalata Shula where las panatela talks about the
fact that
00:53:25 --> 00:53:33
			they divided up and they fought amongst themselves after mimbar de magia, who will beg you not
00:53:35 --> 00:53:35
			in the
00:53:37 --> 00:53:41
			way you in the Latina odyssean keytab embodiment official in Hungary
00:53:42 --> 00:53:45
			in the levina tarraco Dena Houma can Lucien
00:53:47 --> 00:54:14
			I'm trying to remember the beginning of the ayah but Allah subhanaw taala talks about the fact that
they fought with one another indeed divided up amongst each other after the knowledge came to them.
The signs came to them from Allah subhanaw taala the evidences in the proofs came to them from
Allah. This is talking about revelation in Scripture. What happened in alladhina ui toolkits are
made by the human official community, the following generation after them is fundamentally riddled
with doubt.
00:54:15 --> 00:54:18
			And that should sound very familiar to us, unfortunately.
00:54:20 --> 00:54:27
			They're the generation that they leave behind is fundamentally riddled plagued with doubt.
00:54:28 --> 00:54:31
			And that is a result of infighting within the Scripture.
00:54:33 --> 00:54:36
			Fighting about the scripture within the scripture
00:54:37 --> 00:54:44
			to the point where you segment and divide up the scripture itself. So that's one interpretation of
it. And that is further
00:54:45 --> 00:54:59
			emphasized by the other is that I mentioned in sudo to shoot on so number 2042 in Sultan MBR Surah
21 I number 93. Allah similarly says Takata ombre whom bainham kulu nila Narayan
00:55:00 --> 00:55:27
			Allah says that they divided the issue the religion, they divided it up amongst themselves, and they
all are returning back to us meaning they're gonna have to answer for what they've done. They're
gonna have to answer for all of this. Another interpretation of this as some of them have us alone
do provide as very fascinating is that the word Zuber? as its mentioned, jubran Zaboo also refers to
steel or iron.
00:55:28 --> 00:55:30
			As soon as you growl Hadid
00:55:31 --> 00:55:39
			right incidental calf, Sir 18 I number 96. Allah says it is where he says, Tunisia Burrell Hadid
00:55:40 --> 00:55:42
			so it is referring to metal.
00:55:43 --> 00:56:08
			And from that what's implied is that for the Qatari Umbra, whom baina, whom Zubrin, they divided the
religion up amongst each other, even though it was more difficult to divide, and to fight and to
segment, the scripture revelation to religion was even more difficult than cutting metal is
00:56:09 --> 00:56:11
			think about how difficult it is to cut metal
00:56:12 --> 00:56:44
			to divide to cut up metal into small little pieces. How difficult to this, how painstaking it is,
how many how much resources it requires. What's even more difficult than that is dividing up the
religion and they still went ahead and went to all those links to the point where they divided up
the religion. And then Allah subhanaw taala talks about how sad it truly is their condition kulu has
been the malady him for the home, that each and every single group
00:56:45 --> 00:56:55
			is funny whom funny hone in the Arabic language means like ecstatic, excited, almost to the point of
00:56:57 --> 00:57:01
			beside themselves, like overexcited
00:57:03 --> 00:57:05
			so they're over excited about the malady him
00:57:07 --> 00:57:18
			and some of them will first they mentioned that the Millennium what they have is not the actual
religion itself. It's their own distortion or delusions about the religion.
00:57:19 --> 00:57:26
			So now they sit there and they celebrate themselves and their own delusions and distortions of the
religion. That that's,
00:57:27 --> 00:57:51
			that's their reality. That's what they succumb to. And that's all that remains of these people.
Allah subhanaw taala and I in number 54 tells the Messenger of Allah Mohammed Salah these I mean,
this is now very interesting, right? Yeah, you also know kulu mina Paiva T, while I'm a loser. In DB
Mata, I'm aluna. Ali. We now have uma to Khun.
00:57:52 --> 00:57:54
			All of those were plural addresses.
00:57:55 --> 00:58:09
			Whether they were under the command verbs, they were all in the plural form. The pronouns were in
the plural form. Here in IE number 54. It switches to the singular form for the home. It didn't say
00:58:10 --> 00:58:14
			he didn't say the room. It says further home, singular.
00:58:16 --> 00:58:35
			Right and so further home fi hombre team Hata hain. So now we're now the addresses brought been
brought specifically to Muhammad Rasul lice. allottee some, a brief translation of the ayah Allah
says so Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam leave them for a while steeped in their own ignorance.
00:58:36 --> 00:58:49
			So let's go ahead and talk about it veteran of course it means to leave someone but then it doesn't
just simply say leave them It says fee leave them in something.
00:58:50 --> 00:59:20
			And whenever you add that fear of leaving someone and then you add the preposition of fee in
something that is a little bit more indicative and representative of let somebody remained busy with
something. So when you say leave him in his book, right there goofy kitabi he leaves him in his book
meaning that person so engulfed within his book that leave him there. Let him read his book.
00:59:21 --> 00:59:33
			Alright, so similarly for the home feed, leave them in, leave them in what's feeding hungry at him.
Now the word hombre in the Arabic language there's a lot of discussion about this.
00:59:34 --> 00:59:59
			linguistically speaking is a machete he mentions that and even the lexicons they mentioned that
Ramallah in the Arabic language refers to water and mountain Levy, Yamato comma, forgotten so it's
enough water to the point where it's too deep for you. It's it's a level of water to where you're
drowning in it. You can't stay above the water
01:00:01 --> 01:00:03
			Alright, so that refers to humla.
01:00:04 --> 01:00:49
			So it to be submerged within water. So less is further home 300 to him, leave them in there in what
they are completely submerged in what now it's still What does that exactly mean? So now we have to
look at the word not just linguistically, but look at it a little bit more metaphorically. And also
look at how the word was used in the Arabic language itself. So when we look at how this word would
be used within speech, when it has a very negative connotation, it's not a positive word as a very
negative connotation. So whenever the word is mentioned, it usually refers to somebody kind of being
self absorbed, self involved, delusional to the point where they can't even see the reality that's
01:00:49 --> 01:01:01
			in front of them. ignorance, delusions of grandeur, that's described as hombre further movie camera
team leaves them in their delusions, drowning in their delusions,
01:01:02 --> 01:01:50
			for the movie camera team had to hang in for a specific amount of time. For for a time rather for a
time. Right and we talked about before that Haman in the Arabic language is kind of a more general
word that refers to an open ended amounts of time just refers to a lot of time and it's said in the
common form, so it's not being very specific until a time and it's left it open ended and I'll talk
about this through other is of the Quran because Allah subhanaw taala knows best what that time is.
But there are some narrations that are attributed to some of them of a saloon such as even Alibaba.
Vitaly radi Allahu taala Anu, which says al mote had that Heenan until death.
01:01:52 --> 01:02:12
			Further leaves some of these people just completely drowning in their ignorance and their delusions
until their death. Because some people will only come to realize as I live in avatar liberati Allahu
taala. And who said that some people, they're just asleep in life, that module into who when they
die is when their eyes actually open up.
01:02:13 --> 01:02:34
			But they just don't see reality. They have no idea at all and you can't open their eye they have to
open their own eyes. Allah subhanaw taala talks about this another a number of places within the
Quran, Allah says for my healing caffeine, Emmylou Wayda, that give them just time because Allah
says I am giving them a certain amount of time. And so to him
01:02:36 --> 01:02:55
			sooner number 15 I am number three. In the beginning of the sutra Allah said venerable, leave them
yaku a tomato. Let them eat and enjoy themselves where you leave him will Emmylou for Sophia Alamo.
They've been given a certain amount of time and soon enough, so far, soon enough, they will come to
01:02:57 --> 01:02:59
			another place in the Quran Allah subhanaw taala
01:03:01 --> 01:03:10
			uses the word the same word hombre in sudo Tila and Amina in number 93 Allah says what otara he did
Vani Muna Fie Hama Ratan mote,
01:03:11 --> 01:03:27
			that you will see if you would have he that when you see that these disbelievers If only you had
seen these disbelievers that were so drowning within their ignorance and self delusion that the only
thing that will burst that bubble is death
01:03:28 --> 01:03:29
			fee hamachi remote
01:03:30 --> 01:04:00
			and many other places as had said before, a lot talks about this ultimate terrova in the masirah
Camilla now surah Ibrahim, sort of 14 in number 30 that same to them. Continue to just enjoy
yourselves live life like animals, because you'll eventually end up in the fire of *. penultimate
abiku fricka kalila in the communists habanero insalata Zuma number eight Allah again tells the
prophets a lot of them that say to Metallica, flicker kalila and enjoy your disbelief and you're in
01:04:01 --> 01:04:12
			for a little while just a little bit enjoy it because you have already reserved your place within
the people of the fire. May Allah subhanaw taala protect us all.
01:04:13 --> 01:04:15
			So Allah subhanho wa Taala says
01:04:19 --> 01:04:42
			further home fee hum rottie him Hatter Hainan and inshallah we'll continue on from Ayah number 55 in
the next session, where Allah will continue on with this same explanation. May Allah subhanaw taala
give us all the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard Subhana Allah He will be
hungry use of Hanukkah love behenic nice Chateau La ilaha illa Anta the suffering of wanting to be