Ayahs 59-64
Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafseer Of Surah Maryam – Day 19
![Abdul Nasir Jangda](https://artwork.muslimcentral.com/abdul-nasir-jangda-150x150.jpg)
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The speakers discuss the potential treatments for COVID-19, including drugs and vaccine treatments. They express openness to hesitation and excitement about the potential treatments. The speakers stress the importance of testing and identifying symptoms in cases before treatments can be implemented. They also discuss the need for treatments and testing for COVID-19, including vaccines and treatments for the virus.
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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim walking for holla
at him Calhoun Alba or Sadat. Deborah OSHA. What? What about OSHA Hola, Tifa Sophie la la
isla de Beauvoir Am i know i mean that's all they have.
AKA de Luna Jana. For Ola aka de Luna Jan
lamona Shay Jen Nadia de la de la da man are you by the who believe in Ghana I do Houma de la is merona fee holla one Illa Salah what a homeless boom fee hi book Raja
she dedicated to Latino woman. Till caljan. Atletico de two mini body nama Karnataka wama notturna Zulu Illa BM lira big la Houma. Bina ad Na Ma hold for now. Bina donec wama con Oh boo bukan asiya Rob buscema yT will be womma Bina who Maffei boo who was probably a bad Daddy, Halle de la Mola, who semiya
al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa rahmatullah wa Salatu was Salam ala ZD mursaleen well Allah Allah he was sorry he woman to be our humble son, Elijah Medina.
shala just before we get started with the discussion on the I
just wanted to I know a lot of our students are here that are attending this summer program the Quran intensive so I'm pretty sure they were able to meet him earlier today but one of the brothers from our full time program who's been teaching with us rather Shiraz Khan, so he's returning back to Chicago so make sure inshallah you are able to thank him inshallah and also make to offer him for all the help that he's provided to you and definitely will be missing him inshallah. All right, inshallah, we'll go ahead and get started with the discussion on the ayat
in is number 58, where we ended previously, a loss Potala talked about kind of this it was his combination or this summarization of all the prophets and the messengers and everything. And the, how Allah subhanaw taala had showered them with his blessings and how they were rightly guided, and the people who follow them and listen to them and follow their guidance that is provided to them, provided by them. They are chosen people by Allah subhanho wa Taala and they are also similarly blessed by Allah. And then it goes on to say sort of in conclusion that both about the messengers and the followers of the messengers that they are people who don't just the Quran or the Ayat of
Allah are not just a form of entertainment or amusement for them, rather eat out to play him Ayatollah Khomeini Caruso general buki, and that when the Ayatollah hinano, recited upon them, they fall down, just unwillingly, they fall down, they are forced to prostrate and fall down before a lot all of a sudden, in the position of subdued and the hype, the hyperbolized form of the noun is used here to emphasize that this happens frequently. And they do this with the utmost of sincerity, what Waukegan and then I talked a little bit about this and that they cry, and they cry frequently and abundantly while they are prostrating before Allah. And I didn't get to come in yesterday a little
bit about this element of crying. First of all, I wanted to explain the significance first and mentioned the physical act. So did they do sudo. And that's fine. That's a physical act of such. But then secondly, it mentions what we'll get again, and that then I mentioned, the fact that they cry. This is symbolic of the fact and this is being explicitly and separately mentioned, to, to illustrate the fact that they just don't do the physicals who do it because the ones who do physicals who do them plenty, plenty of people do the physicals who do it, but they do the internal sujood as well. And that is that they feel it to the depths of their heart is basically the element
that we refer to as couture. It is the element that we refer to as couture.
I'm looking for my notebook. I just realized I don't have it. All right. I apologize. So they have that element of who sure as well when they prayed that they internally are absorbed by the experience of the prayer. So So Jaden wobbu Keegan
and, and then it also the other significance of this is that we actually see that in many different iterations from the prophets a lot of a sudden, he mentions the the blessing and the virtue of being forced to tears before Allah subhanho wa Taala being forced to tears before Allah, when praying to Allah coming to tears when reciting the Quran coming to tears, when reading the life of the messenger coming to tears, that this is something that is very honorable, very distinguished, and this is something that is praiseworthy, this is something that is encouraged, in fact, the prophet to love him so much so says that, when you make blod to Allah subhanho wa Taala than Cry, cry when
you make dua, and he goes on to say in a narration that even though the authenticity of it is up for discussion among several 101 but he says that if you feel like you are unable to cry, then at least feign crying, at least tried to cry, at least exert some energy, some effort to try to weep, try to cry before Allah subhanaw taala because it's a sign of humility. And there's even some narrations from the prophets a lot. He said that he would offer the supplications a loving majority marybelle dicle Muna la mina Medina, Sachi. Deena luck, Alba Keener, in that era with the ionic and this is mentioned in the sea living mammal proved to be there are a lot make me from your slaves who you
have blessed, that they are blessed, they have blessings have been showered upon them, and they are rightly guided and Maggie Jean, a sagittarian aloka that they do sudo just for your sake, back kena and Atilla t iottie. Can they cry when they recite your eye out when they recite the eye of the parent or when they even look at your Greg miraculous signs all around them?
So this mentions that the prayer so this is kind of like an implicit evidence for the fact that or an implicit reflection on the fact that we pray Yes, physically, but that it's referring to that internal aspect of the prayer. And I wanted to just real briefly comment on the practicality of this. You know, we live in a culture sometimes where, where we can sometimes be a little too self conscious, and we can be insecure about the wrong things, we can be insecure about the wrong thing. So today crying like that, when the Koran is recited or crying and blind supplication might, might come off as being a little over the top. Like that's a little over the top so in the body, or the
mom is reciting Quran and he begins crying in during his Salah. It's kind of like Oh, here we go again. Right? So it's like, it's considered to be a little over the top or you know, when you encourage especially you know, to for brothers and stuff, when you encourage you to cry when you make a cry when you try to Quran cry when you make the thinking of Allah, then it's kind of like, I'm a man, I don't cry. Right. So it's, it's, it's, it's a completely warped perspective. Because you're not just crying for the sake of crying. It's not like crying because you hit me or you're crying, it's crying because you're crying before a law, the one that created you, the one that
sustains you, provides for you and nourishes you, and the one that you will eventually have to go back and stand before in your complete fate lies solely in his hands. You're crying before that Allah.
That's one thing. The other thing is honestly, from a very just, you know, observation of culture. You know, how often does it happen when you know, people watch movies and they start to cry? Right? People watch movies and they start to cry. So in Kung Fu Panda when he reconciles with his father Johnson, everybody cries, right? It's kind of like okay, so you cried because a cartoon panda cried. Or like he made good with his father who's a goose or duck or something. Right. So that that that made you cry, that makes you cry. Old Yeller, died and that made you cry. All right. It's fine. Sympathy for animals is a good thing. It's from the Sunda but you get my point, you get my drift.
I'll cry because of fiction, a fiction dog in a movie cried or died rather as all cry. But I feel like somehow it's against my manliness to cry before our last panel with Donna. So it's a very, very work perspective. So this is the profits a lot of a sudden was the men of the ultimate example of what it was to be a man. The Sahaba toolkit are such people, the Sahaba the male Sahaba the men of the Saba such people who not you Not me, not somebody else, Allah Himself calls them men.
Allah calls them men the jargon laterally he him tiara tala bayona. Allah, Allah calls the men and they were of such they their condition was such that Abu Bakr Siddiq radi Allahu anhu would spend the entire night crying throughout prayer. They were such that Earth man when I found out the loved one who would sit in the graveyard and cry for hours and hours what will happen to you as a man when you go into his grave?
I'm gonna lose a loved one who was such a man, such an example of manliness, and honorable cartographic, a loved one who would begin reciting sort of thought and so often and just break down crying in the middle
love it so much so that sometimes he literally would start to lose his balance from excessive crying when reciting the Quran before Allah.
So this is what it means. So this is mentioned here and this is what Jaden will buki and that he will do student they will cry before Allah subhanaw taala
for Holloman body him dolphin, okay, so it's spoken I in number 58 spoke about these amazing unbelievable profits.
But then it says an EIN number 59 400 from embody him, but then they left behind after them then they left behind after them confirm
some people, a group of people, a type of people rather I should say they left behind them a type of people and it's the many of them have assumed and the local use the software you'll have commented on this holophone be sukoon land where there's a sukoon on the lam that 100 phone is a word in classical Arabic for people that are left behind that are bad, leaving bad people behind leaving bad followers or bad students or bad children or bad bad progeny whatever it is leaving bad people behind. But when it's said with the fatahna Lamb of to Hernan holophone, California is very, very good, exemplary people, excellent people. So Allah subhanaw taala says for colorful embodiment, they
left behind them, what type of people huddled for bad people, they left bad people behind them, meaning some people followed after them who are very, very bad for confirming body cell phones. Some people followed after them and they were very bad. So because the reason why this clarification is being made, because think about from the perspective of Mohammed Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, he's reading these ayat and he's saying like alladhina Anam Allahu Allah, human being mean giulietti at the moment, a woman's reality. Abraham Maslow, a woman had a dinner with Sabina, he's reading about these amazing unbelievable people that came in succession one after another, and then he's looking
around him at the people in Makkah. Remember it's the beginning part of the the Dow and markets when the Dow has just gone public. So right now it's the the challenge is that it's worse, people are at their worst condition. And he's looking around him and he's saying then what happened to these people? It was such amazing people came before them. Then what happened to these people, so I lost his 400 family him.
The problem was that don't let the condition of these people take away from who those prophets and messengers were who those prophets and messengers don't let that take away from that. Rather that this is the fault of these people. These people are bad. These people are unworthy for coliform embody him halvin and now Allah subhanho wa Taala elaborates.
How do things go bad is very important to listen to. This part is extremely relevant for us.
So it's saying that bad people followed after them.
But they're following after the profits. How do you how do you go from that good to this bad?
How does that happen? Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us how it happens. Step number one, a bar or Sonata, a bar, a salata. They wasted.
They wasted, they neglected. They did not care for a salon, the prayer. They neglected they wasted they were careless. They were negligent about the prayer.
Now, what does that what does that tell me? What does it mean to be careless or negligent about the prayer we talked about not praying at all.
What are we exactly talking about? So there's a few quotes here. Your mom will have to be Rahim Allah has gathered a lot of these quotes in his stuff here. He says that Abdullah bin Masuda the Allahu anhu and some of his students like Mujahid and Ibrahim unnecessary and even Jesus, Muhammad Allah. They all say if I took this Allah
that they were not particular about the timing of the prayer. So hon Allah Think about that. The fact that they wasted prayer, they neglected the prayer doesn't mean that they didn't pray at all. It means that they were neglectful about the timing of the prayer. They were not punctual about the timing of the prayer.
And that that's, that's something serious, we should all take a long, hard look in the mirror about we should self analyze, self critique, some of them give an even more difficult to swallow interpretation. Some of them say no, it means that a bar to assure a seller that they were neglectful or negligent or careless or lackadaisical about
the concentration to focus on the quality of the pray that they would pray five times a day. It was sort of like
get it done with
just get it done with no concern for quality and crucial and concentration.
Amen, amen. Katara de la who
before I go there actually let me first clarify this.
A little bursary law he says charcoal massage Ed was
lt Zan will be your lab.
He says that it meant what this means about Oh, Salah, they wasted the prayer that they started leaving the masajid empty. They wouldn't frequent in the masjid. They wouldn't attend the masjid. They became so great that they would so praying, but they became so absorbed by dinner business pursuits, by their worldly ambitions by their personal indulgences, hobby pastime, whatever it is,
that they just they didn't have time for the most anymore, I just pretty well quickly in the corner and just get on with what I got to do get back to making more money.
Get back to making more money, or gotta get back to the game.
We're gonna get back to the TV show, whatever it is, but there was not enough time, they couldn't make time for the machine at all.
So these are all of these different perspectives. And it's kind of a it's a, it's a, it's a combination of all of these put together. It's a combination of all of these put together. So about ossola.
And then what's the next thing?
What about OSHA, how it it's about a chahatein. And they followed the desires, they follow desire. sherawat shanwa refers to the Indus, the carnal animal desires a human being has within him or her, just to just fulfill my own just less than desires. It's already started following that. The Quran tells us what eventually happens to a person when they follow their Shahada. They follow the desires for long enough, they initially they just follow them. They listened to them, but eventually what happens after our eight Amanita Ilaha, who, eventually they did their own desires become their God.
their desires become their God. Allah says that the prophets awesome. Haven't you seen? Have you seen the person? Many Taka Ilaha? He's taken his own desires to be his Lord and His deity and his God?
how tragic is that person's condition?
So what about Russia? What? Now? So obviously, from our perspective, something to think about is how do we treat the prayer. And this is the beginning of that slippery slope. This is the beginning of that slippery slope when we read about the people of the mu shikun of Makkah, when we read about the Jews and the Christians that were found at the time of the Prophet sallallahu, something who didn't have thought at that time. Then when we read about them, we say, Man, those are some really bad people.
Those are messed up dudes, right? Like, that could never happen to us. We're not good. We're not perfect by any means. But those are some really, really bad people.
But at the same time, everything starts somewhere. The ball started rolling somewhere, there's a slippery slope along the way somewhere that begins that downfall. And the place where that first slipping the first time their foot slipped about Rosada when they became careless about their prayer. And from there, everything just gathers everything snowballs, everything builds. It's all downhill from there as they say. It's all downhill from there. And Katara the Allahu anhu it's mentioned in the Mortazavi ma Malik Rahim Allah,
Allah wa who wrote a letter to all of his governors and he said,
in a Hummer Amerigo main de Sala
the most important of any of your dealings, any of your issues, because as a governor of a state, you would have a lot of issues that you have to deal with. He says as far as I'm concerned, the most important of the issues about any of your issues that I'm concerned about is a Salah is the prayer. He said from Beit yaha, for whom Allah Masha obeah because whosoever will be neglectful about the prayer will be even more as more neglectful about everything else. He has another quote. I'm gonna Katara the Allahu anhu very similar to this where he says mccannon is salata moody unfunny Lady of the.
Whosoever is neglectful about the prayer you'll be even more so neglectful about everything else. Why? He explains, since from a laser fee, you say don't be okay for your goofy Hagen lady. He said the person who can be good to Allah. How Why would you ever expect that person to be good to anyone else? How do you expect that person to ever be good to anyone else you can be good to a law
you can do what alas seem to do How could he ever do be good to anyone else or fulfill anyone else's rights doesn't even fulfill the rights of a law upon him. So Salah is that first step, we have to be very cautious, very careful about that. And we should never be little these types of things that allow us to either overly rock the house or profits or some alluded to this being that of
the best of actions and deeds
of Dalai Lama Salatu Allah to pray as soon as the time comes in.
And obviously many many of you have heard me talk about sold out plenty of times before so I don't want to just keep rambling on but now
The less a little bit and just to give you practical points, because a lot of times this type of talk can become very theoretical. I want to make it practical. discipline yourself about sola, discipline yourself about Salah. And the easiest advice I give to people about that is, of course, the promises of somebody saying pray as soon as the time comes in. And that's actually become a lot more practical than we might realize. For the people listening to the recording, I'm holding up a cell phone. We have apps, mobile apps, and all these types of things that go off and give the event as soon as it is time for the other
can be a little bit of an issue sometimes when you're boarding a plane, but that's a different issue. All right. Nevertheless, it calls the event for you whenever the time for Salah occurs. So now we can actually practically implement the advice of the prophet to lanita I hear my phone go off Allahu Akbar.
Allahu Akbar time for Salah. The other practical advice that is given by the for the scholars that if we cannot, maybe if that's not practical for someone, as soon as the time comes in pray like keep track of the executor runtime, the minute 12:54pm, etc, etc. Then at the least what can we do? Fix a time for prayer? Fix it, obviously fix it reasonably. don't fix a lot of overtime at 4pm. Fix it at 1:30pm at 2pm. reasonably, but fix the time for prayer. Now you're probably saying Yeah, brother, the karma time at the machine is fixed. Of course it's fixed at the machine. But you know how we are about a common time at the machine. Now why should I here at Carrollton they're easygoing. All
right. They give me some leeway here. But typically what happens in massage is how much time is so fixed. Even if the mom doesn't show up? What happens? It's go time. Right? Even if your mom's job is not there, it's go time, right? We need to be just as disciplined about prayer time in our personal lives. So when I met my mind, a lot of time is 1:30pm fixed.
2pm fixed, then it doesn't matter if I'm at home, or if I'm at my shop 1:55pm I'm going to step away I'm gonna go make will do because I have to say Allahu Akbar at 2pm
be disciplined about that. I often tell people at your homes, the mothers who are at home with the children be disciplined about that. That's how children learn to pray.
That it's no mystery why sometimes we have difficulty teaching our children when they get older to pray on time.
Because we need to set that example. Be particular about the prayer set the set the precedent set the example we've talked a lot about parenting and the pseudo by virtue of Zachary and yeah, Miriam and Abraham and his father, etc, etc. But so one last little point in tip here, pray as a family, pray together have a place for prayer in the home for the purpose of Talib, Lita, alene, Vitaly Malala, to teach the children how to pray, when everybody just kind of prays individually privately in a corner of their own room at their own time. Children never get to see prayer they don't. That's how children learn things are totally learned things. So teach them to pray. By getting together and
praying that in a common open area of the home and fix the time for prayer, children will learn that timing, they'll learn it. So allow Sora so the bad thing was that these people they wasted the prayer, whatever oshawott and I spoke about this that they followed their desires. Now if you look at it
the what was the nnessee? How what was the advice what was the guidance of the messengers on equal Salaam that was mentioned before? So we see that
a Saudi Salam says we're all Sani Bissell it was the cat masani bisola it was a county by Florida has firmly commanded me to stick to prayer and to charities that God
then we saw that it's Mariela alayhis salaam, WA
Salatu was a cat that he used to command his family to stick to prayer to salah and desica and charity. Here it says they wasted the prayer and then they followed their desires no mention of zakat.
Because Subhana Allah when when talking about the opposite end, when things have gone bad, Allah subhanaw taala rather than talking about Jakarta las panatela talks, the reason behind that, or the manifestation of that. So the contributing causes to leaving this. So instead of mentioning Jakarta leads it talks about what leads to leaving Zakat, and we see similar type of discourse in certain would death in Surah. Number 74 is 42 through 47. It's a passage where the people of Jenna are asking the people of * masala coffee sakara What led you people into the burning blazing pits of the fire of *?
callooh they said lambda akumina mousseline we didn't use to pray regularly.
We didn't use to pray regularly. Problem number one. Well, I'm not gonna try miski
And we didn't we didn't feed the poor, not praying regularly led us to not feeding the poor. Because when you lose that spiritual connection, you've lost your motivation to do good. When you have no relationship with the Lord, and after a while, you'll question yourself, why do I need to do that? I need to live for me, I need to look out for number one, which is me now not a lot anymore. It's me now, when a person doesn't have a relationship with Allah. Whenever we did stop feeding the poor now when you have a lot of time and a lot of money leftover, what do you do? Well, couldn't even we started indulging into useless things along with the people who indulge in useless things. So it
sounds a bad company has started doing bad things. And where does that precipitate eventually? Well, couldn't I look at the movie Ahmed Dean? We eventually outright started denying the day of retribution. Because then when you start to feel guilty or somebody gives you some advice as Brother, what are you doing? shouldn't be doing that that's not good.
Then the guilt arises then you get defensive then that person says, Hey, listen, why don't you live for your fairy tale Day of Judgment paradise Jenna, you Why don't you live your fairy tale? All right, your happily ever after? Let me enjoy myself in the hearing the now but then they regrettably say hepta Aton eliakim until reality finally came to us. When death came and reality came and we were putting our graves and we realized who was right and who was wrong. So it shows that that that progression. What about OSHA, they started following their desires. Now, when I want to follow my desires now I don't got money to to spare. I don't have any change to spare for zakaat I don't have
any dollars to spare for the Majid donation box. Because I gotta Fulfill my desires. I gotta get this and I gotta buy that and I gotta have this and I gotta have that.
I gotta look out for me.
I can't be given money out.
Allah subhanaw taala finally says for Sophia yellow bone of a yen for Sophia gone yellow collagen, excuse me, for sofa. So then soon, in the future yellowkorner they will meet, they will come to meet they will meet. What will they meet a young
lady, young
or a young it refers to two things. There's a literal understanding of the word and then we have some
information about what this word refers to.
The literal understanding of the word is it comes from Hawaii, or Hawaii, which refers to being completely lost or astray, due to a corruption of beliefs. When a person just corrupts his beliefs, his or her belief to the point where they completely get off track and they get lost and they lose perspective that is like, Whoa, ah, he's lost track of himself.
completely lost track of what's right and wrong. So that's the first thing that it refers to. The second thing that it refers to Abdullah bin Masuda the loved one who tells us an integration in this stuff here. He says, volume fee jahannam fee I should do either that this is a cave within *, which will have the most severe punishments specially allocated to occur there.
It is a cave in *, where the most severe of the punishments of * will happen. That is also the name of place. The name of that place is also Hadean.
Abdullah bin Ambassador Lavoie Newman says that it is a cave in *, where there's such severe tormented punishment, there will be such nefarious individuals there, that even jahannam itself that's their ego in who
they are even jahannam itself seeks refuge with Allah from that place.
seeks refuge with Allah from that place. And so this is what that refers to. So either it means for Sophia alicona vegan, that these people soon will come to find will come face to face with being completely lost. Or it could be referring to that place in * as well. That soon these people will come face to face with the most horrible place in * May Allah subhanaw taala protect us all.
Now when you read something like that,
you can't help but feel a little overwhelmed. Right? It's a little overwhelming. You read that just being neglectful about the prayer could lead me to the most horrible place in *. It's it's overwhelming. It's even frightening.
But this is the mercy of a lot this the mercy of his messages. kalamunda Quran, Allah subhanaw taala opens the door for his mercy. He opens the door for hope. He says that's a reality. Look, I you know, when somebody really really cares about you, they're honest with you, right? That's a sign of somebody who cares about you, they're honest with you.
So Allah subhanaw taala loves us more than our mothers do.
And so he's honest with us.
But then, in the next I in number 60, Allah subhanaw taala says, however, don't despair. Don't feel like it's a hopeless cause in law, except for says there's an exception to this though. Who is the exception mantova. whosoever will repent. Dabba Raja Illallah
whosoever returns back to Allah, fine, he's gotten off track.
But when he sees the on ramp
when he sees the on ramp back on to Serato, something back to hidayah when he has an opportunity to open the book of Allah when he hears the other one and he has an opportunity to go and pray, when he has a chance to go to the house of a lion cry before a lion put his face on the ground before a lot. Then he will seize that opportunity. Man taba whosoever will repent. Whosoever repented except for whosoever repented, returned back to Allah.
What, why me lasallian and did good deeds. He did good. He did good righteous deeds. And the reason why I lost power tele mentions good righteous deeds, you know, I've been asked this question hundreds of times.
Because oftentimes, not because I have some perspective, it's the need and the demand of the time. And it's something that the Quran tells us as well to do. So oftentimes, when we engage in public lectures, public discourse, we talk with the common average people, we emphasize we focus on the mercy and the forgiveness of Allah.
And oftentimes, when I'll be talking about the mercy and forgiveness of Allah, I get asked the question afterwards, and the question is very, very, it's a good question.
It has a very good intention to it. And that is, at one point, at what point though, at what point though, are we just kind of coddling people? At what point are we enabling people's behavior by just saying Forgiving, Merciful, forgiving, merciful, forgiving merciful? First of all, when we read the iottie, when we read the Hadith of the prophets, a lot of talk about the forgiveness and the mercy of Allah, you find out that you cannot overemphasize the forgiveness and the mercy of Allah, it's impossible to do so.
It's impossible to Iraq mighty what's your goodness, a, Allah says, My Mercy encompasses everything, everything.
It overcomes and supersedes my anger and my wrath of losses and I could see, so you can't overemphasize the forgiveness and the mercy of Allah. However, there is something that is stated in the Quran, which talks about
being sincere and our repentance to Allah, not abusing,
not taking advantage of inappropriately
of Allah subhanho wa Taala being forgiving and being merciful. And that is what why me lasallian that yes, Allah will forgive and repent over and over and over again as much as you need it. However, you can do something to prove the fact that you are sincere.
That you are sincere in your repentance and you're asking for forgiveness and mercy from Allah subhanaw taala and how can you prove that sincerity? Well, I mean lasagna back it up,
walk the talk.
walk the talk. If you're saying oh ally messed up or Well, I haven't been praying over law Please forgive me Allah, I haven't been praying. Then what you need to do at that point is you need to back it up. And so when I sit there before Allah and I say and I said a little while ago an hour ago LA I am not careful about my prayer Allah Please forgive me for my prayer in about 20 minutes when it's time to pray Salaam tonatiuh. Now I got a chance to back it up. Stand up and say Allahu Akbar. Well, Amina Solomon.
formula, aka the hidden agenda, then those people yeah, the lunar agenda, they will enter our agenda, the gardens of Paradise, when I use lamona Shia and they will not be wrong the even in the least bit. They will not be wronged in any way, shape or form in regards to anything, what are you, the owner say and they will not be wronged in the least bit.
And this is a consolation to the believers, people who stuck to the truth, people who stuck to maintaining their relationship with the law, even though quote unquote, it seemed like the world was passing them by opportunity after opportunity was passing them by.
They didn't have fun here. They didn't capitalize on that. They didn't take this opportunity. They didn't get that done. They didn't get that.
It seemed like everything was just slipping them by.
And they from a very worldly perspective. They looked like they were the losers. Allah says no, no fula if they hang in there
Africa alone. And that's why it's in the present future tense, that you got to hang in there just for a little bit longer, just for a little bit longer Hang in there, because eventually, those are the people that will enter agenda. And those are the people that will not be wrong even in the least bit. That every little moment every little sacrifice that they made, will is written for them will be recalled will be brought up and they will be compensated and rewarded way beyond their expectations for every little sacrifice that they made. Well
and then Subhana Allah, look at this, in Ayah number 59 when Allah subhanaw taala kind of gave the real talk, the warning, one ayah Allah gave the warning for Hello from embodying Khalfan about salata with tarsha what and then in three words for Sophia yellow onaga. For Sophia Pomeranian three words says, they will meet a very horrible place and how warning is done. Now unless talking about the reinforcement of good
giving, congratulating and encouraging and motivating,
I am number 60. And then I number 61. Allah goes on elaborating one eye about the warning. We're at the second tie already now talking about well, if you do good, what do you get? I number 60 talked about it. Number 61 continues, not just one Jana jannetty Arden, not just one paradise, but multiple paradises for each and every single person, multiple paradise. And I talked about this before I believe that we know from the Hadith of the Prophet SAW some authentic narration, the last person to go to Paradise to go to gender, the lowest position in general and paradise. His paradise will be 10 times the size of this world. Imagine that Jenna,
Janata have added. Now what does that mean? Again, there's a literal meaning and then there's some some information we've been given about this, the literal meaning means eternity,
for all of eternity, never ending Jenna diazinon guardians of eternity, guardians of eternity paradises for all of eternity. Now, the information we've been given about this is that Ivan is the name of one of the highest places in Geneva and paradise. It is a name of a specific position, place in general and paradise, that will be up on a very high position, and that person will be able to look out at the rest of Genoa and paradise.
So it's that it's a room with a view. so gentle with a view.
So it's a view with a view, you get it. All right, Jen knotty are the names. So imagine that.
So they will have the highest place in paradise gardens that are everlasting, eternal, not it's not about to end his party is going to go on forever genda to add in. So if you miss the party in dunya, you get the party forever and knock it off. Alright, that's for the younguns jannetty add in gardens for all of eternity or the place called the other Ninja allottee Now Allah describes it I love it it is that place.
Why the rush man or a Baba who believe
it is that place that otter rush man, here again, we see the repetition, the reoccurrence of that same attribute of a loving man, which has reoccurred throughout the IMO throughout the pseudo multiple times. So again, it's being mentioned here because this is a very motivating passage, entourage man, his mercy is abundant, has no limits has no boundary, you cannot comprehend the magnitude of his blessing and his mercy, while a man He has promised Allah has promised, imagine the promise of Allah, who has he promised a brother who is slaves, Believe, believe, he has promised them with the unseen. Now what does that exactly mean? This type of a construction number one it
could be saying that Allah has promised them and they have not seen, Allah has promised them that which they have not seen. Have we seen gela? Of course not. Of course not. Hadith of the Prophet SAW some tells us Mala Mala Mala Katara Kelby Basha,
a place that no eyes have seen no ears I've heard does not even cross the mind of a human being.
So gender is such a place. Or it could also meanwhile a man or a bird who behave
well I don't know a man or a brother who believe that Allah subhanaw taala has promised them
to believe in something that they have not seen to it's referring back to it's like implicitly referring back to him and believe that the fact that Allah has promised Why should I even believe that Allah has promised me this. That's an issue of human belief. And whenever you have, the more difficult the task, the greater the reward, it is more difficult to believe in a promise that
You can't see that you cannot look at that you cannot touch or feel it's more difficult to believe in, in a promise such as that. But if you are willing to believe in it, the reward will be that much greater, the reward will be that much greater. Well, I don't know anybody who believes
in Ghana, why do matija
most definitely he,
in the hoummos definitely he got
his promise has always been and will always be, again the cabinet here is not to put it into the past tense that it was, it means it consistently has been a will consistently be its emphasize it, there is promise is most definitely tijan matija means that it will arrive,
it will happen it will arrive it will come. And again this comes from the root word etn. As we talked about this term, that it means a coming that is easier and lighter, more facilitated
something that is easier. So not just coming but not just arriving but arriving with ease and comfort. So meaning his promise will be fulfilled very easily very simply that this is not a huge task for las panatela to fulfill this promise. This is very easy for Allah in the who gana wa T and it's guaranteed Why are you worrying?
What you worried about in the who kind of to whom it and it's promised it's done? Forget about it. It's a done deal. You have nothing to worry about.
Some of them have us alone also some say something very interesting here. They say that if wired. If wired refers back to Gemini and paradise, a promise of gentlemen paradise, TN,
TN could also be from the verf there will be a place of arrival. And this is that gender is a place that the arrival there has been promised you have been promised that you will eventually arrive at paradise.
And that's a scene that has been described to us in in the Quran.
In surah, Zuma was he called levena Taco Bell O'Meara jannetty tomorrow
had da da da who have a foot he had Abu Abu Salam. Salam aleikum, WA holiday that when those people come in lines and enrolls and droves, they arrive at the gates agenda and the voting
and the gates are open for them. It's like a grand opening of grand entrance of grand welcome. Well, Carla has an agenda and the gatekeepers are saying salaam aleikum Salam aleikum. They're being given Salam they're being honored and dignified delivered to you people did good.
You did good for the Hulu Holiday Inn. So enter into paradise for all of eternity. So it's describing that team tea and imagine arriving agenda, imagine arriving agenda.
What a scene it will be.
Imagine how fulfilling of an experience that will be
everything was worth it. And so much more I would have been willing to do to just get this
law Yes. morona Subhana Allah we've already had to talk about the elaborating upon gender now I am number three. I am number 62 is the third eye in a row where a lot goes on talking about gender. He's trying to motivate us a lot hunters motivating us inspiring us. And so he goes on describing Jennifer the third I enter Oh, la Yes. merona fi holla one in LA Salama,
they will not hear in gender, that gender in over a year. All right, those students familiar a little bit more with some more complex grammatical sentence structure. No, there is nothing without heat here lies my own a loved one feel like it's my own a fee her loved one.
So there's abnormal sentence structure here. And the purpose for it is to say that janma is the only place where you will not hear any useless any annoying. Any type of disturbing talk. You're not going to hear noise in general.
You know, noise, like just noises, disturbing, agitating, annoying.
Right grates, your nerves. No noise in general.
No noise in general. And that's the only place that is free of any noise. And good. Doesn't matter who you are. There's always some type of noise. There's always something to annoy you. There's always something saying someone saying something about you. There's always somebody doing something you don't like. Jenna's the only place where there's no noise
that the parents are all thinking man, sign me up. No noise agenda. All right. If you have children, then you know what real noise is. All right. Now your smartphone if you have a loved one,
now your smartphone of your loved one that they will not hear and only in
Is that place that they will not hear loved one any type of noise Illa Salomon, the only thing that they will hear Salomon, like I just described, though not in that doesn't just mean that there'll be greeted salon as in honoring someone like I talked about if somebody's very respectable very honorable comes here
that we all like you know we all say Salaam to him we all go out of our way to say Salaam and respected everybody wants to meet with him and so you'll be honored and respected in that way. Solomon Salama
kalu Salah illa kealan, Solomon, Salama
that we told Solomon Salama, everybody thinks aloud to them, everybody's honored to meet them. Everybody thinks that it is a great honor for them just to simply be able to say Salaam to them.
Imagine that level of dignity and respect that will be granted in paradise. Now one little grammatical nuance here.
It says Illa. Now elevens, except for
but one thing that you have to understand that there's an issue called analysis now
that there is sometimes that the thing that is being made an exception does not necessarily belong to the group of where it was made an exception, the most, if not, does not belong to the group of the most if not mean, who. So what precedes what what follows the law doesn't belong to the genre or the group or the specific category of what precedes the Illa. So it's not saying that they won't hear any noise. The only noise that they'll hear is people saying Salaam like Wang can't these people stop saying to them that that's not what it means. That's not what it means. That what follows the law does not belong to what preceded the law. So it's like to completely flip the script
that they will not hear in Paradise, any type of noise, the only thing that they will enjoy is being said salon to they'll enjoy being said salon to so it's a complete flipping of that, like I mentioned about
shape on
for surgery and maraca Tupelo home asthma owner Illa a police say police doesn't belong to the group of melodica and we know that ngadimin Elgin for you. So just wanted to explain that little grammatical issue there. What is for whom,
and specifically exclusively reserved for them again, due to the abnormal sentence structure exclusively reserved for them is risco home their sustenance. And of course, I've talked before about the term risk. Risk doesn't just mean like food, or drink or water. Right? This refers to anything that a person benefits from, specifically reserved for them is anything that benefits them anything that they would like to enjoy Booker rotten, Washington, morning and evening that they will be provided sustenance morning and evening. Now again, do we literally understand this? Is it prison? They only get two meals a day. Right?
No, but rather it's like an expression it's a figure of speech. Morning evening, day and night whenever you feel like you're not used to talk like that.
Somebody says Do you mind if I come by your place, bro come any come anytime morning and evening day or night I don't care. Like meaning come at any time. So it's like an expression saying they can eat, they can enjoy they can benefit from whatever they want whenever they want. The other thing and this again adds to the beauty and the eloquence of this passage talking about gentlemen paradise, the reason so they don't want they'll get what they want when they want it. They'll get what they want. There are numerous studies that talk about personal agendas like he sees a fruit on a tree, the tree will literally bend all the way down and feed the person straight from the branch just feed
the person fruit straight from the tree. There are heavy talks about the fact that you're just simply think about something like the birds flying over here. Just think about that looks tasty. Alright, that looks tasty, right? So you just think that that looks tasty and boom, BBQ roasted wherever you would like. So we have plenty of a hadith that talks about the fact that you'll get what he wants when he wants however he wants. But the reason why Allah said book rotten Washington, he'll get what he wants whenever he wants. But every morning and every evening, in Paradise, there will be a feast. There'll be a celebration, there'll be a party.
You ever look forward to like a big party, your best friends getting married, bought a nice new suit. Everybody's all excited, got all dressed up.
You know planned it for weeks. And it's like the big moment the big occasion. You ever get excited for
Aid? Everybody's gonna be all dressed nice and get together at the masjid. Whoo. Nobody's gonna listen to the football. And then we're gonna hug each other and right to get all excited for he then we're gonna go eat inordinate amounts of food and different people's houses.
After not after being disciplined with food for a month, I'm gonna eat 80 meals in one day. Get excited, right? Excited. It's feast celebrations. It's in human nature.
It's in human nature. Allah subhanaw taala even tells us to celebrate the good things
to celebrate the good things, right? So wanting to celebrate and enjoy and festivities and feast and celebration is a human nature for a human being to enjoy this and like this and want this. So it says every imagine every morning and every evening there will be a big party and Jenna, everybody from Jenna's gonna get together and party.
Just imagine that a feast and a celebration twice a day in paradise.
Just party as much as you'd like Boca Raton Washington. Now we go on to number 63. This is the fourth idea in a row, a las pinata one. Ayah was the warning.
This a fourth eye in a row continuing to talk about the blessing didn't carry gender.
Typical agenda.
Arabic students did
that. All right. So that didn't tell gender is gender, that gender typical gender that gender, like a proclamation like excitement, imagine didn't call gender that gender
allottee that gender which is new resume in a body now the one that new resume and everybody in Allah says we will give two, we will give two, we will inherit we will give from our slaves. This gentleman in this paradise. And the word the reason why he Roth, the word reason why the word inheritance is used is also for a very, very powerful, eloquent reason. Why didn't just say that we will give them generally we will give them an inheritance agenda.
Because it's it's it's it's got some Bulava in this and think about this fact.
A son inherits from the Father correct or not.
And it is the son's right to inherit from the Father.
And if somebody would try to deny the son his right of inheritance, what would we call that?
That's a crime. doubloon Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying that these people are in such good graces of a law that these people deserve jamna and to give them anything under the agenda would be a crime, it would be volume upon them.
It would be a volume upon them. These people are deserving of genitive.
allottee in order to minibar dinner, that we will give that we will bless that we will inherit to military body not from our slaves. However, one last little reminders worked in there. The word min is used mainly to vary. The word min is used from our slaves. But the tragedy is it won't be everyone. It'll be some from our slaves, the ones that are willing to take into perspective. What was said three ions are going in number 60 Dabba well Amina sorry, we gotta turn back we got to repent to Allah and do good deeds, as long as we're willing to do that. Allah is more than willing to take care of us. missionary babina from our slaves man in Ghana and then Allah tells us who is
that person the one who whosoever Gannet Athenian cannot Athenian Tachyon refers to having the quality of tequila having the quality of taqwa.
So being cognizant being aware of your actions in your deeds always being aware and conscious of Allah subhana wa tada and then already the word Ducky yen is in that exaggerated form the permanent adjective form
and then on top of that you have the word Ghana there for extra emphasis that that person stuck to this quality of constantly being aware and conscious of what would allow want me to do right now would this please alarm with this displays a lot potentially displays a lot. And he's always that he or she's always lived with that reality, that awareness that consciousness that realization, Montana topia.
Time is 11
couple of more minutes Okay.
The next tire is number 64. begins another passage here. I'm going to go ahead and delve into it regardless simply because we want inshallah, our goal and our aim is to be able to finish the sutra in the week that we have left.
This begins another passage. This has a little bit of context to it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, especially in moments of difficulty and adversity, during tests and trials, when the Tao and the message went public, and people became very, very aggressive in their opposition, and became violent and became abrasive. That was a very difficult time in a moment emotionally, it was very difficult to deal with that constant
negativity. So at that time the prophets a lot is sedums.
Source of peace and comfort and tranquility and solace used to be in receiving divine revelation, to receive the qalam of Allah to receive a communication from Allah.
That would bring the profits a lot is some comfort.
You know, when you receive a message from somebody, you have a deep connection with you love someone, you're going through a difficult time and somebody you love somebody you care about somebody that you are very connected to sends you a message, you read their message, it puts a smile on your face.
So here's a look forward to Allah subhanaw taala sending revelation. And so one time Do you believe Ali Salam came after a little duration? So a little bit of a break?
He said to jabril alaihe salam
Viva La to ser una una llamada LA to una axotomy muy de Luna. He says Why don't you visit us?
More than you already do? Visit us meaning I appreciate the fact you visit. But why don't you visit more? Why don't you visit more often?
We look forward to you. I look forward to your visits visit more often.
And so the process started feeling a little anxious at times. You start to feel a little anxious at times and this addressing sort of thought the next sort of sooner number 20 i 114 Allah subhanaw taala says well that dadgad Bill qurani Minh company and you're in a coma you that do not rush the Quran Do not rush with the Quran before it has been decided to be sent down to you. But could rob visit near Alma rather say Oh Allah increased me in my head.
increase me in terms of knowledge. But wait patiently the Quran will come to you and Allah has decreed and decided is appropriate to come to you.
So he used to feel start to feel anxious.
Allah subhanaw taala is addressing this. So when he said why don't you visit us more often? And that's when these Ayah to reveal fenders Allah till is mentioned in the Sahaba. Remember hari phenethyl Attila monotonicity, Willoughby, Arabic, this ayah is number 64. And what's interesting about this ayah is the speaker in the ayah. The person doing the talking in the eye like it is from the perspective of Djibouti and Ali Salam gibreel Ali Salam is speaking on behalf of the angels in america and addressing the prophets allottee Center, and he says Ramallah Tana Zulu in lobby Mr. Arabic that we do not come down, except by the permission by the command of your Lord.
And we actually the students in the Summer Intensive learn today yet nothing at zoo. This is from tannersville xs Ella tena Zulu, this particular verb pattern one the implications of it is the Caliph
to struggle to kind of have to work to kind of hesitate to do something as a little bit of a struggle involved with it to try to do something. So what they're saying is we cannot even tried to come down.
We cannot even try to come down, except through the permission of Europe, through the command of your Lord.
Why Luma been 18 our maharana Juan Martinez Alec, for him alone is all that which is in front of us. All that which is behind us. Why am I being a Dalek and all that which is between everything. Everything belongs to him. He's the sole one in charge. We can't come down we can't even move a muscle we can't do anything without his command and his permission. Well, not kinda bukan se Yun and your Lord is not forgetful in the least bit.
Your Lord is not forgetful in the least bit.
Now, a couple of notes here.
There's something very there's a couple of notes of observation here in terms of the reflections on the IR on this ayah is number 64.
First of all, why are the angels? What what's the benefit of having the angels say this? Why am I not an answer to why? Why have the angels as a speaker within this ayah as a mentor Kelvin
and the reason for that is it is to honor the prophets a lot easier for them. To honor the prophets Eliza, it is almost as if the angels are apologizing to the prophets a lot so
that our apologies we do not mean any disrespect. But we can't come unless the issue. The command has been issued from your Lord. We can't. It shows the angels are humbling themselves before the prophets a lot. He said um it shows dignity and respect and honor to the prophets a lot so as to not belittle what he's experiencing in the adversity that he's dealing with. That we understand you're dealing with a lot and we respect you very very much. And we want you to know we don't mean the least bit of disrespect, but we can come down and listy command has been issued by your rub. The second thing is this also refutes
A corrupt form of belief because now we are transitioning over to that passage that will be talking to the unicorn and refuting the disbelievers of Mecca. So it's a refutation of the of false belief of the people of Makkah, who said that the angels were the Banat of Allah. They said the angels are their daughters of Allah, and the fact that the angels will intercede on our behalf. So these actually worship angels. Some of them will shikun would worship angels and they would say, these are the daughters of a lion. They will intercede on our behalf, they will speak on our behalf before Allah and get us forgiven on the Day of Judgment. So when the problem is that someone would tell
them not to do this, oh, we're worshipping these angels that you talk about. The angels your Quran talks about we're just worshipping those angels.
And those angels, they'll actually represent us they'll take care of us don't worry, you do your thing. Let us do our thing. So this refutes that fact. The angels are saying no, no, we are not some Daughters of Allah. We are not some type of we don't share in the divine power of Allah. We are the the Hulk of Allah fluke of Allah We are the creation of Allah, we are bound. We are completely bound by his command and his authority. They are Suna Lama.
They cannot disobey what Allah has commanded. And they simply do as they've been commanded to do. So it refutes them. No, no, don't don't misconstrue the issue of the angels. You're the Mk Luke of Allah look obedient they are to Allah, they can move a muscle unless Allah gives him permission. And the last thing when they said Walmart cannot bukan a Sian
that your Lord is not forgetful in the least bit.
What that is making reference to is that oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.
We know you're going through a whole lot right now. We know things are very, very difficult. And even though of course you realize this, but a reminder never heard anybody. In fact, the Quran tells us whether kid find that the cotton foul. We need remind, because a reminder helps aids benefits to believers. Well, my camera can see and you're going through a lot. And we know you're going through a lot. But your Lord doesn't hasn't forgotten about you. And he will never forget about you. He knows exactly what you're going through. And he's there for you. So don't worry, he he's taking care of you and He will continue to take care of you. He hasn't forsaken you. And in that is a reminder
to all of us as well. We all deal with adversity at times. we all deal with difficulty at times, but what we have to remember remember is the same advice or Makana. rabuka nesea Allah hasn't forgotten about us, He will never forget about us. He knows exactly what's going on with us and He will take care of us. It is our job. It is a test for us to see whether we turn to Allah in that moment of difficulty and adversity or not. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the ability to practice everything that's been said and heard Subhana Allah He will be humble he Subhana Allah will be humble Nick Nash. Hello La ilaha illa Anta, a satirical, Renata wieneke