Abdul Nasir Jangda – Shamail – The Prophetic Personality 14

Abdul Nasir Jangda

Shamail The Prophetic Personality: Part 14 Final

May 15, 2017

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The importance of finding oneself in a position where one is asked to make a clear decision and settle one's cases is emphasized. The need to be mindful of one's religion and not take anyone by surprise is emphasized. The importance of preserving and asserting the history of the Prophet sallam is emphasized, as well as the need to be mindful of one's actions and not allow anyone to testify against their religion. The importance of practicing allottee and holding oneself accountable before others is emphasized.

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			Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. Who does have the notch agenda and you're listening to the
column podcast. Before we get started with today's session, I wanted to share a really amazing
resource with you. A question that everyone has a problem that everybody deals with is, how do I
focus within my prayer? How do I enjoy my Salah? Well, the answer to that question, the solution to
that problem is actually quite straightforward and simple. If we understand what we say within our
prayer, we'll be able to focus on it, internalize it, and actually get back to enjoying our
conversation with Allah subhanho wa Taala. We created a solution to make this possible. It's called
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			meaningful prayer. This is a course a curriculum, a seminar, a workshop that I taught in over 100
locations, all across this country, and even in other countries. 10s of 1000s of people have taken
this course. And it has really turned around transformed their relationship with Allah subhanaw
taala. Well, now in sha Allah, you can take the meaningful prayer course online, you can take it
according to your own schedule, at your own leisure, you can pace yourself, you can go back and
review some lessons multiple times, to really be able to internalize them, go to meaningful
prayer.com. To sign up, share this resource with others, so that we can get back to not only just
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			offering our prayers or performing our Salah, but we can go back to experiencing a conversation and
relationship with Allah.
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			Now to get on to today's session in sha Allah, we're going to be covering the Shema a mohammedia,
the prophetic personality. The following session was recorded at the Sierra intensive
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			Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah, he was actually he edge
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			shala we're going to be doing the last two narrations that are mentioned here within the text. Now,
as I had explained in the previous session, the chapter itself actually ends at the previous
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			These last two narrations that Timothy Rahim Allahu taala brings here in the Shema is a conclusion
to his compilation on the prophetic personality on the Shema in mohammedia.
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			And so inshallah we'll read through them and we'll talk about what these quotes exactly are
referring to. And a little bit of the wisdom as to why. Mama Timothy Rahim Allahu taala brings him
here and what benefit we can derive from them.
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			The first narration column suddenly for Hadassah, Mohammed Ali, palace me to be a cool color
Abdullah hypno mobarak is up to either two liter bill Papa if applicable.
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			In this narration, Abdullah bin mobarak Rahim Allahu taala. He says that if you are
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			if you deal with the responsibility of judging between people, then stick to what has been reported
by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
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			Now, first and foremost, just to create some context, who is Abdullah bin Mubarak, Abdullah bin
Mubarak Rahim Allahu taala. He is kunia was Abu Abdur Rahman. Many of the scholars have referred to
him with different titles such as shithole Islam, or a middle meaning of Hadith. He was born in the
year 118 after his job, and he passed away in the year 181 after his era.
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			And Abdullah bin Mubarak Rahim Allahu taala, is from amongst
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			some of the greatest scholars of the earlier generations. He was a student he directly benefited
from scholars of the caliber of Imam Abu hanifa Rahim Allahu taala. And Imam Ahmed Rahim Allahu
Allah was a student of one of the students of many of the students of Abdullah bin Mubarak. Even a
bit better, another great more Hadith. He says ijma Allah Allah, Allah kabuli he was Allah Allah t
he was a Mama T widely he that there is an absolute consensus of the scholars about the acceptance
of Abdullah bin mobarak as an authority within our tradition, and there's absolute consensus about
his caliber of scholarship and his leadership amongst the scholarly community and the fact that he
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			was extremely trustworthy. So in this particular narration, he says is up to Lita bill about
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			That if you are tested uses the word Tila, which means to be tested by something he says that if you
are tested with, if you are tested by that meaning to kind of put it into more normal, I guess you
can say translation. He's saying that if you find yourself in the extremely difficult position,
build Kava, and adopt basically here refers to a numbness. That means that either you find yourself
in the position of being a judge, where you have to issue rulings and verdicts, or you find yourself
in a position where people place you between them as an arbitrator, to settle their matters to
settle their disputes amongst one another.
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			Or you find yourself in a position where people come to you for religious knowledge and religious
rulings. So and the reason why he specifically quotes this, even though, of course, his messages
that stick to the sun of the prophets a lot, well, you should stick to the sun of the prophets a
lot, even regardless, why is he specifying, if you find yourself in this particular position,
because of just the severity of the position, how difficult it is to be in that particular position,
and how, you know, compromising it can be, how difficult it can be to manage all the different
factors that are involved. Because on one side, you are being asked to make a very objective
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			decision and conclusion. But being human beings, you're obviously affected by different human, you
know, sentiments and realities, whether it be having empathy, or having sympathy or just having a
bias or an inclination in a particular direction. So finding yourself in a position where you are
giving people advice, you're giving people religious guidance, you are settling very serious legal
matters and issues that pertains to people's lives. And that can tremendously impact people, if you
find yourself in that position. And even within the way he says it, there's some profound wisdom
that a lot of times people they crave, you know, or they lust after they crave, you know, that type
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			of power, that level of influence, they think that it's some type of an honor distinction, and God
forbid, some people can actually become quite enamored with just having that type of power over
other people. It's a it's a tribulation, it's a tribulation. Now, obviously, doing that, for people
also seems like a great service. And it seems like a religiously, very, very noble thing to do for
people. But it doesn't take away from the fact that one should, if one has been given the tools and
the opportunity and the knowledge to be able to do this, and one finds themselves in a position to
be able to provide the service to the community. Absolutely. One should assume that responsibility,
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			but the person who finds himself in that position should never take it lightly. should never take it
lightly should always weigh on the person. Now you find yourself in that position where it weighs so
heavily upon you. And it's quite intimidating and overwhelming to be in that situation. So now how
are you going to manage it? How are you going to deal with it. And that's where he says for
unlikable author that you need to stick to the knowledge that has been transmitted. And Arthur
literally refers to something that is passed on something remnants, quite literally, if you
translate the word a thought, and literally, it refers to remnants, something that is left behind a
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			thought to shape All right. And so but in technical terminology, and religious terminology, the word
author refers to the knowledge that has been transmitted and that has been passed on.
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			And what it refers to in this type of context, particularly because he's talking about fit in you
know, giving people answers to their questions. The word author here refers to anything that comes
from the profits a lot awesome. And similarly, anything that comes from the companions of the
Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, that you should really hold firm to that you should hold fast
to that you should rely upon that you should commit yourself to that and take it very, very
seriously and make that your resource. And there's just some commentary as well that I wanted to
mention here. When it comes to the word Athena particularly Mama nawawi. In the shadow half Sahih
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			Muslim, he says after angle mahadevi Athena young women forward mo *, Calibri well, Hadith, right
that it refers to both what comes from the profits of Islam and what comes from the companions.
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			And there's, there's a quote as well, one of the scholars who's written kind of a poem about the
sciences of Hadith. He says, Well hubzu al metanotal Hadith Al Azhar Oh, ma, ma ma ma Selena you
threw away the who la farrakhan, FEMA as well as rosani and Muhammad Ah, right that basically is
that which comes from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam but also
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			literally what comes from the companions of the Prophet Salafi some, and this basically is reminding
us. And the reason why mama Timothy brings this here at the very end, is because he's just
completing an exhaustive effort and compilation about the prophets allottee center.
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			And so what he's basically saying is that everything that we've read up until this particular point,
it's not something that we should take lightly. It's not something that we should dismiss. But it's
something that we should take very, very seriously. And this is something that should be
internalized. And whenever we find ourselves in any type of a position of responsibility, we find
ourselves in a position to be able to impart some knowledge and understanding to anyone, then always
first go and check with the prophets, a lot of them said about something, what the companion said
about something, how they handled these situations, how they conducted themselves in these
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			scenarios, always go in first check there, and let that be your guide. Let that be your orientation.
That should be your orientation about how to go about and how to proceed through this issue. And
that's why that's precisely why, for 1400 years, this ummah has dedicated, you know, it's best in
its brightest to compiling, preserving, narrating, researching, explaining and expounding and
extrapolating from the sun of the prophets. allottee. So
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			this is this is part of the guidance that Allah has given us that Allah has granted to us
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			the next generation. Or actually, before I move forward, I wanted to also mention this here because
I've done I've been Mubarak Rahim, Allahu taala. He has another quote as well, a really remarkable
quote that's that in my Muslim mentions in the macadam of Asahi, where he says that Abdullah bin
Mubarak is quoted to have said, it's not to mean that being
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			it's not to mean a deem that verifying where the information comes from the chain of narration, that
system of preservation of knowledge and particularly the Legacy The tradition of the prophets, a lot
of them that we have within our religion, that is a part of the religion. And he says Lola is La
Jolla, kala Masha, Masha, if we did not have the system of preserving the tradition and the the
legacy of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, anyone could have said whatever it is that they wanted to
say, people could say whatever they wanted about whatever, you know, anything, anyone could have
said anything that they wanted. But this whole entire system and this diligent study, where we sit
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			down and we read and we study and we deliberate, and we go through the knowledge and the information
that is for that very reason. At times, it might seem a little tedious or painstaking, but
understand that it's for our own benefit. And it's something that ultimately helps and benefits us
at the end of the day.
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			In the next generation, problem solving for hidef Anna Mohammed Ali, Paula Henderson, another
roommate, Paula amber Anna, even though outfit and Ebony serene. Paula has hazzle howdy through the
intern fund guru Amanda Kaduna. Deena calm.
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			This narration
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			is this quote rather, is from a great scholar of the earlier generations once again, Mohammed Eben
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			Now just a little bit about him, just so we understand what we're talking about here, Mohamed el
erian was from amongst the tabea own. He was from amongst the tabea on the Tabby own is the
generation who are the students of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam excuse me, the students of
the companions of the prophets allottee So, so the Tabby own, they are the students of the Sahaba
the students of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So it's a really
remarkable generation that once again, was very blessed. And they were remarkable people who really
made the most of that opportunity to learn from the companions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.
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			Mohammed bin serene himself was someone who is very close to the family of the prophets a lot. He's
among the legacy of the prophets, a lot of them itself. His mother, he's actually his CD was the
name of his mother. So he's one of those people that we see who is mentioned by the name of his
mother. Right Mohammed even seen he's mentioned by the name of his mother, his mother's name was
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			And his mother was a freed slave. His mother was a freed slave. She was and she was freed by Omu,
Salama radi Allahu taala, and her the mother of the believers. So the wife of the prophets, a lot of
them the mother of the believers, almost sedima Muhammad even said in his mother's CD was freed by
her. So they were very close to the family, the household of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam, and so they benefited from that tremendously. So now moving forward, what he says here is
his handle howdy through the known this hadith many
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			The tradition of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam rajabi he Mustafa Nita Alimi omachi what
the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brought what he delivered to teach his oma in terms of the
teaching of his oma. That is the tradition of the process of this hadith. He says this is your deen
This is your religion
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			funds through Iman takuna Dina calm. So then he goes on to say so be very careful. pay a lot of
attention to be very mindful about who you take your deen from. Who you learn your religion from who
you acquire your religion from because this hadith this hadith is your deen
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			and that means you get just can't take this hadith from anywhere you have to be very mindful and
careful where you're taking it from because that's where you're taking your religion from. That's
quite literally your deen your religion.
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			there are many interesting other quotes to this particular effect as well, which really build this
idea. Ignore Amara, the Allahu taala on Houma.
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			he narrates from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the prophets allottee Some said
earlier a new Deen on knowledge is a part of your religion was solid to dienen prayer is a part of
your religion from the Roman takuna.
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			So be very mindful about who you are taking this knowledge from what came first to soluna has his
salah and also be very mindful about how you pray. Be very mindful about your prayer for in the
Countess aluna Yama Yama because you will be asked on the day of judgement about where you got your
knowledge from, it won't just be enough for you to you know, have some misinformation and then just
basically pawn it off to just say that, well, I was misinformed. If you did your due diligence and
you tried to get your knowledge from proper sources, and you were careful about where you were
getting your knowledge from them that then that's fine.
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			And you nobody's perfect, you made a mistake. But if you're not mindful if you're not careful, if
you never pay any attention, and you just take your knowledge no matter where it comes from, then
that's something that's a question that you'll have to answer for on the Day of Resurrection.
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			And similarly, another quote says in the heatherly, el Medina on from the ramen, Taka Luna, Dena
conda, this knowledge is a part of your religion. So be very mindful about where you get your
religion from who you acquire your religion from. And the knowledge that is being referenced the
knowledge that is being spoken about here is religious knowledge and a much shorter a religious
knowledge. And the scholars have basically mentioned that the primary categories the primary
subjects, within religious knowledge, are things like the seed,
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			the explanation, the understanding of the Quran, Hadith, the prophetic tradition, even fit, right
rules and regulations about how do you conduct different How do you conduct yourself in your daily
life? Imam
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			Al Baghdadi Rahim Allahu taala, a great scholar of the religion. He also brings a Hadith of the
Prophet Salatu. Salam, this is this is very, very fascinating. He says latter, Hadith illa amenti,
GS una Shahada, he
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			do not take Hadith from someone whom you would not allow to testify in court.
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			If you wouldn't allow somebody to testify in court? How can you ever acquire knowledge of the
religion from them?
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			In my monogram Allahu taala, he used to say, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
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			do not take knowledge from people who have, you know, very strange, bizarre ideas and practices. In
regards to the religion people who perverse the religion distort the religion, do not take knowledge
from them. Well, that's I mean, who am Muslim you are us with talebi do not take knowledge from
someone who has not been known to be very active in seeking knowledge.
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			Do not take knowledge from someone who has not been very diligent and seeking knowledge.
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			This is very, very important.
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			And I don't want to I don't want the conversation to necessarily go there because it's talked about
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			quite often. And it seems like a very, you know, easy kind of target, if you will, but not for not
meaning that it is an easy target or is talked about quite often because it is a real issue. The
world that we live in today,
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			the means of communication that are available to people today. The way that our you know,
perspectives and our minds.
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			are even distorted. Our attention is being drawn in different things that our attention is drawn to,
has basically created a world where anyone can have a platform.
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			And anyone can broadcast, you know their thoughts.
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			But if someone has an I understand that this also creates kind of a paradox, it creates a little bit
of an issue. Because you also want to be humble, you don't want to be in a position where you're
constantly, you know, kind of critiquing, who's speaking. And so it's very difficult but at the same
time, at the same time, this is why Imam Timothy is bringing these quotes. This is why I mentioned
Abdullah bin Mubarak, Cyril is not even a dean. It's okay, to verify where you're getting your
information from. Before you enroll within a school, you will look up exactly what the school is who
teaches there, what the rating of the school is, what the law, what the what the situation with the
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			accreditation is that's that's, that's obvious,
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			right. And so, I understand that we want to be humble. And that's just a challenge, we have to find
a way to be humble. But that being said, That being said, at the same time, there is no problem with
really verifying where you're getting your knowledge and your information from and who you are
taking your knowledge from. And if someone has not shown
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			the dedication to this Deen and to its knowledge, to sit and learn, and to study extensively, and to
really ground themselves, within the study of this religion, from trusted sources and trusted
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			then Mr. Malik is saying do not take knowledge from that person. Don't
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			It doesn't matter how
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			eloquent someone may be. It doesn't matter how effective their delivery may be. It does not matter
how broad their reach can be. It does not matter how fascinating what they're saying is. And that's
not to even discredit everything, they're saying, they might be saying something fantastic and
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			But that just will not be a source of seeking knowledge. It just won't be.
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			And these, I understand that this kind of is a bit harsh.
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			It sounds a bit harsh.
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			But understand that if we never were if this oma and the people have this amount for over the last
1400 years, we're not particular about this. And we're not very diligent about this. We might not
have been sitting here right now doing what we're doing.
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			We maybe wouldn't have had anything to be talking about.
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			And so this is something very important. He says, Well, I mean, who am lm you're somebody who does
not have the ability and the dedication and the humility to sit and learn.
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			Don't take don't take knowledge from that person. Well, I mean, you can zip fi voila, I'm a yak Vivi
howdy fineness. Do not take knowledge from someone who will lie in worldly issues
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			will lie in social situations, somebody who's not trustworthy in social interactions and business
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			Do not take knowledge of the religion from them. We're in Canada yet LiFi Hadith Rasulullah
sallallahu sallam, even if the person still has enough consciousness, still has enough mindfulness,
enough integrity.
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			To not lie about the the the words of the prophets a lot a setup. It doesn't matter. If you can
trust a person in their dealings, and their behavior, and their conduct and their integrity, and
their manners
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			and their character. Do not take knowledge from them.
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			Don't even if they still have that level of reverence for the religion where they would not violate
that they would not cross that line. It doesn't matter.
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			And so this is something really remarkable that you've been sitting on Mohammed bin serine Rahim
Allahu taala. He says about this, where he says that this Hadith, this legacy, this tradition of the
Prophet of Islam is a part of your religion. So be very mindful and careful about who you take your
religion from. This particular
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			is the brother of Mohammed bin serien, one of his brothers, one of his younger brothers. His name
was unece immensity. He was also a student of knowledge and a scholar at his time.
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			But he was quite younger than his older brother Mohammed. He says that when my older brother
Mohammed even seen the great scholar, when he was near death, he was very, very ill. And the illness
that led to his death
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			he had many of the students are around him particularly some younger students and he said it's a lie
Yeah, Mashallah Shabaab. He said Be mindful of GOD OH young people on the row memento, Kaduna. Ha ha
ha deja Be very careful about who you will learn this howdy from. For in the Hammond Dini calm
because this is a part of your religion. And this overall theme, that's why I mentioned a few other
narrations, its overall theme, that knowledge of the religion, knowledge and Hadees and for art and
all these different things, right this knowledge This is a part of your religion, this is the
religion this how you know your religion.
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			That this is very, very important and very sacred. So be very mindful about where you get it from
authenticate your sources. This particular quote to this type of an effect isn't quoted is noted
from many many people and has an old busser he said something similarly to this effect. Ibrahim,
another, another tabulate they're both to have your own AlHassan bursary he studied one of the
primary sources of his knowledge was I live in a Vitaly but on the Allahu Allahu Allah Hassan Buster
he said, Be very careful about who you take your knowledge from. Ibrahim and nahiri, who studied and
benefited from Abdullah bin Mr. odor of the Allahu taala and he says Be mindful about who you take
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			your knowledge from. They do blue Aslam, who is another Tabby who studied with the companions of
Sahaba rhodiola, Catalano, he said, Be very careful about who you take your knowledge from the Huck.
Another great new facet of the Quran. It's a student of the Sahaba. He said, be very mindful who you
get your knowledge from, and even ignore a bass, Abdullah bin Abbas. And Abu huraira radi Allahu
taala and whom they are both quoted to similarly say, Be very careful about where you get your
knowledge from. This is your religion that is at stake. It's not just information for the sake of
information. It's not just an intellectual exercise. It's not just an academic curiosity. This is
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			your religion that we're talking about. And you have to be very mindful and very careful about where
you are getting your knowledge from and where you are learning your deen from.
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			So, in the conclusion, in conclusion, at the very end here, you mama Timothy Rahim, Allahu taala
brings these two things. Number one, he says that amongst all the different sciences, all the
different areas of study in the religion Hadeeth holds a very special sacred place. And particularly
when you find yourself in interacting with people, there's a particular point here that I want to
make about number nine.
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			When it comes to when it comes to like the philosophy of the religion, the core beliefs of Islam,
that the Quran dictates that primarily, of course, the prophet system speaks about that as well. But
the Quran dictates that primarily the philosophy of the religion, the primary precepts and concepts
of faith and belief, that's the realm of the Quran.
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			However, particularly when it comes to dealing and interacting, and you know, managing the affairs
of the people and speaking about the issues of the people, that is where the Hadith, the tradition,
the practice, the lifestyle, the personality of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is very, very
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			Because that was the role of the prophets a lot. He's him he was a practical manifestation of the
guidance of the Quran, kind of Hulu Al Quran, he showed how it can be lived. So this shows you the
central place of Hadith, in our, in our Deen in our tradition, then he brings the very last point to
say, Now that you understand the importance of the prophetic tradition.
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			Now just be very careful about where you will get this prophetic tradition from.
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			Be very mindful, be very careful, be very diligent about where you get this prophetic tradition
from. And the scholars have mentioned that in mama Timothy completing concluding his text with this
with these narrations is akin to what the scholars of Hadith would do when they would begin their
books and compilations of Hadith with in the mallamma luminette.
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			This is akin to that,
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			this is along those same lines, that whenever they would start the compilation ad they always said
actions are rooted within or based upon are rewarded by aided by the intentions that fuel them, that
support them, that they are that they are founded upon. So reminding you that before you delve here
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			To the rich tradition of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Before you go dive into the Sunnah
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			that first clarify your intention.
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			And after maybe, you know,
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			taking a long swim within this, you know, this ocean in this sea of knowledge, this bar,
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			that, when you are when you are concluding this first text, when you're concluding this text, and
you're taking a break, then remind yourself of the fact that what you just did was not something
that you just did, because it was just something to do on the side, it was an activity. This was
something really remarkable and very profound what you just did.
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			And it's reminding once again, that the next time that you decide to dive into this sea in this
ocean of knowledge, once more of the prophetic tradition of the son of the prophets, allottee. So be
very mindful, be very careful about where you're getting that knowledge from.
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			And with that,
00:31:06 --> 00:31:18
			in Mama tidmouth Theater from Allahu taala concludes this compilation on the Shema and mohammedia,
the prophetic personality. And I wanted to just mention a couple of things here at the very end.
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			First and foremost, you know, ultimately, the objective from all of this, the objective of all of
this is to live it, is to practice it, to realize it within our lives.
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			And then be able to share that benefit with others as well. But that first point I really want to
emphasize upon, we have to we, we have to hold ourselves accountable.
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			We have to hold ourselves accountable.
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			And you have to, I have to hold myself more accountable. I have to hold myself accountable before
anyone else.
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			I have teachers or I have mentors, I have people in my life that would help me and hold me
accountable or help me hold myself accountable. But I have to be hard on myself. And I have to
really check myself against what I've studied here, what I've learned here, what I've read here, I
have to hold myself to this. That's the ultimate objective. And that's the very first and important
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			The second thing is that
00:32:25 --> 00:32:35
			we've learned so much, and we've benefited so much and it's been so remarkable. To get this type of
an up close, kind of personal look at the profits allottee center.
00:32:37 --> 00:32:44
			So first and foremost, we should walk away with a profound love and respect for the prophets a lot.
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			And we should just be, it should really deepen our appreciation, our love for the Prophet ceylonese.
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			And that's the second thing and sending peace and salutations and blessings upon the prophets a lot.
Each of them is very, very important. Then all the people who were so mindful, so mindful. I mean,
think about this. I if someone was to ask me Friday evening, what was said in the hook bar?
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			I'm not sure that I'd be able to recall. I'd be able to tell them what what was said in the hook
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			Even though I gave it but I'm not sure. See that that tells you right there. Listening wise, forget
about it.
00:33:33 --> 00:33:46
			Somebody said what was setting the Friday football what button it just completely right. But how
remarkable were these people, the family of the prophets, a lot of the mothers of the believers,
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			the family of the prophets a lot. He said him, his children, his grandchildren, his cousins, his
uncles, all these remarkable and then all the companions of the prophets a lot. how remarkable were
this people. And how amazing were these people that they never, ever shared a moment with the
Prophet celebration where they weren't just completely paying full attention, looking, listening,
learning, noting memorizing.
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			Because not only did they cherish it, and did they benefit from it.
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			But they also had in mind, these were such amazing people. People have such responsibility,
integrity, selflessness, they thought about us. They thought about us, sitting in front of them in
that moment, just kind of losing yourself there. But just be making sure that you are mindful. And
you follow the prophet SAW Selim around industry and you paid attention to every little thing that
he did. And you asked him follow up questions about every little thing.
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			Because they were thinking about us
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			that there will come people later.
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			The prophets a lot of them even spoke to them about us. Were the prophets a lot he said him said my
brothers, I missed my brothers,
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			and said Are we not your brothers? You are my companions my my brothers.
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			Are those people that will believe in me and have not seen me.
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			And that was not the only the process of, you know, you know, appreciating us and thinking of us.
But that was a prophet ciloxan also reminding the companions that they're welcome people who believe
in me, but didn't get to see me and interact with me and sit with me and walk with me and talk with
me and eat with me the way that you did,
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			they didn't get to pray with me, and read Quran with me.
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			They didn't get to do that.
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			And that's why the Sahaba made it their life's mission, to make sure that we would know everything
possible about the Prophet ceylonese. I mean, we even see narrations where the mothers of the
believers share very personal details and intimate moments, just so that we could know they made
that sacrifice, they shared the most personal moments of their life, something that nobody should,
you know, nobody has to share. It's yours. It's theirs who's ever moment it is, but they shared it
with us so we could benefit from the Prophet ceylonese.
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			So remember to those people as well, may Allah subhanaw taala be pleased with them.
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			And then all the people all these names, you know, one of the things especially for folks who maybe
haven't had the opportunity to sit in a more formal study of Hadith.
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			Whenever we read the narration, you probably notice I start by reading the whole chain of narration
all the names of these people. And then the translation does even have their names in it. Because
again, there's no point you don't translate names.
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			So it doesn't even have the names. And it seems like the real information is right there. So
sometimes our
00:36:38 --> 00:36:50
			very efficient efficiency oriented minds Mashallah. Right might think that, why why, why do we waste
the time reading through those lines of this, so they, they're there, they're there, that's fine, we
know where they're there, that's okay.
00:36:51 --> 00:37:00
			But it's appreciate those people and all the work they put in and all the sacrifices they made, that
they dedicated their lives to learning and passing this tradition onward.
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			And so May Allah subhanaw taala have mercy upon them. When we do offer them, we appreciate them.
Your mama Timothy, who compiled this book together that for now 1200 years is still talk till today
read all the world around today, that through the compilation that he put together, painstakingly,
you know, he put together we can actually have such an intimate, you know, understanding of how our
messengers a lot, he said, what he was like,
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			and, you know, this, just getting to go through the entirety of this book with the students as well.
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			was also something that was personally very meaningful for me, obviously, aside from getting to
study it and read it and benefit in share it. But my teacher that taught me this particular text,
multi ethnic Rahman Rahim Allahu taala, he passed away. And so it's also very meaningful to be able
to just kind of continue on that work. That all that time and that effort and that dedication that
he put into us.
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			Even though there were probably people that deserved his time, more, and his time would have been
better spent with them. But he dedicated that time to us and put all that effort and energy into us.
So it's also very
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			it's just very humbling and also, I'm very grateful for the opportunity to be able to pass that
knowledge on forward. And please remember him in your eyes as well. May Allah subhanaw taala grant
him gelatin for those who Allah And may Allah subhanaw taala blessing, preserve and protect his
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			Savannah Lake dam de 700 Columbia Hambrick Mashallah highlandtown surfer gonna to blue lake