Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 059 – The Return From Ta’if & the Story of Addas

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The speakers emphasize the importance of learning from the generation of Sahaba to connect with laws and being appreciative of historical moments. They also emphasize the need for people to read and appreciate the heat on the prophets and not denying them. The importance of maintaining personal connections with Allah and not just highlighting rewarding personal relationships with Allah is also emphasized. The company is investing heavily in the US market, particularly in digital marketing, and has a strong balance sheet to fund growth plans. They are confident in their ability to grow and attract potential customers.
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You're listening to Calum Institute's podcast series. See the life of the Prophet by sheer Abdul Nasir zhongda. visit us on the web at Calum Institute dot o RG or find us on [email protected] slash Gollum Institute. This means that you will have the level of salatu salam ala rasulillah where Allah Allah He was socially admiring. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah Hebrew.

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So, inshallah continuing with our series on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a Syrah tuneable via the previous week we were talking about the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, his experience

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when he traveled to the city of thought if we talked about how,

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during the year of grief and sorrow when the Prophet of Allah Salaam Edison was struck with the two of the greatest personal tragedies of his entire life, which occurred literally weeks apart from one another, the passing of his beloved wife Khadija, or the loved one, and the death of his beloved uncle Abu Talib. And both of these tragedies took place back to back and the Prophet of Allah salon he said, um, was, you know, dealing with a lot, it was extremely difficult for him to deal with all of this. After all of this occurred in happened, one of the consequences of the passing of Abu Talib that we talked about in the previous session was that the just the general people in

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the general population in Mecca, and especially those folks who were not of great character, more of the troublemakers in the community, they had absolutely no reservations or apprehension remaining, about open harassment of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the only thing that had kept kept them at bay for 10 years was Ableton. And the fact that it will Dolly was a leader, very well respected leader in Mecca. And I will call it personally had back the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and warned everyone that nobody was to mess with the prophets a lot. He said, I'm very, very, just very frankly. And so with the passing of Abu Talib, it was a free for all it was open season as far as

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they were concerned. So there are actual narrations about the profits. A lot of these are being openly publicly harassed, and being even confronted. And folks getting verbally and even physically abusive with the profits along the salon, and having no apprehension about doing so.

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When the profits all of a sudden started to see some of these circumstances, you realize that the situation in America now had become far too hostile, to be able to make any type of grounds in MCI itself. So the profits along the sudden took the very serious and strategic step of looking outside of Makkah to other locations to see where the message can be delivered to you. One of the primary targets that the prophets a lot of them had in sight was the city of thought if I talked about in the previous section wide diversity of thought if it was a major city home to a major tribe of the thief, but who's a thief. And so the profits a lot easier and undertook this journey 6070 miles away

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by foot, humans either no haritha, just the two of them. And they went all the way to life. This journey lasted about 10 days. But we talked about how the profits, a lot of them went about delivering the message. He was very respectful. He did not cause any type of, you know, disruption. In the city of Mecca, he approached the leaders of the tribe and the leaders of the city and tried to dialogue with them and present the message to them and make it very clear to them what his intentions were. Unfortunately, the leaders of that city did not display any type of hospitality. They'd had no decorum. They didn't even display any qualities of leadership. Rather, they refuse the

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prophets, a lot of them they dismissed him were quite disrespectful with him and told him to get out of town. When the profits a lot, he said him said, Okay, fine, if that's what you want, I will leave, he asked him very respectfully, that I did not go out there and cause some type of public riots in your city. So therefore, I request the same courtesy be extended to me that I will leave my gun, I will leave my car quietly. And I will not disrupt or bother anyone.

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But unfortunately, that was something that they were not willing to comply with. That was asking too much of them. So they set all the street thugs in the street, you know, just just the thugs on the street. Young people, they they basically set them all after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and they even you know

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offered some type of incentive to do so, and said make it very difficult for him to leave. And we talked in detail about what the circumstances were. One of the things that I didn't mention last time that I was reading, kind of reviewing some of the narrations in regards to it. It talks about that when the prophets a lot of them was walking,

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and he was leaving Fife, and they were stoning him, and generations talk about them yelling at him, cheering him cursing at him swearing at him, mocking him, threatening him, and throwing stones and rocks at him. One generation mentions and this is narrated by someone who would later on accept Islam.

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He says I saw the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam on that day, and he was walking, and they were throwing rocks and stones at him. And I saw him continue to walk along, not respond to them. They were yelling at him screaming at him throwing rocks at him. He did not respond to anyone. He just kept walking along. But he kept asking Allah subhanaw taala for strength. He kept asking Allah for health. And he says in the narration that I heard him reading for semiotica who Jaco I heard him reading on that day was some out you have thought it had Tata Maha he recited the entire sort of thought it was semi

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automatic and largemouth arkad he kept reciting the sutra in its entirety. And the Sahaba this This person says, For why eat to half enjoy helia to animal Shrek, Sumatra to half Islam. So this is a hobby or the alarm, who says I memorize the prophets along the seven characters having the suit on that day for three miles while they were throwing rocks at him. And he says I ended up memorizing the surah in Jamelia even before I was Muslim, just by listening to the prophets, a lot of them recite it on that day. I memorize it and I used to then read it later on once I accepted Islam. I used to read the sutra and my Salah.

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And then he says for the Agnetha thief one so 30 if they saw me very close listening and repeating something after him. So some of the people called me for condomless mother's me terminhandel Rajan. What did you hear this man reciting for karate to holla him. So I recited pseudo Teutonic to them. And he says that some of them were very affected by what they heard me recite, of course, is to put on the book of Allah subhanaw taala, a very powerful. So he says for Kala magma whom in Polish, there were a couple of people there who were in this group of people that I recited, sort of to talk to who were from Croatia were originally from Mecca. And so they saw that the rest of these people

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have thought if these thoughts, a few people who are listening to me recycle to thought it started to become very affected by it. So they interjected they interrupted, and they said, none of them will be sahibi. Nah, they say, oh, easy, easy. They're Slow down, slow down, don't get too impressed. This guy, and what he's reading and everything. We know him very well. He's one of us. Okay, he's from Morocco. We know him very well. Now Allah will be sorry, benign, we know him a lot better than what you do. All right, we know a lot more than you do. We know him a lot better than you know him. No, could not

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have collected that level. And let me tell you this. If what he was saying is the truth if this what he's reciting was actually the truth and it was real. Let us know who we would have followed him a long time ago. Okay. We've been hearing this for 10 years. So slow down, calm down. Don't get too impressed. Don't go too quickly. Don't don't get emotional. All right, this you you go away from here, whatever you're reading, you're reciting going from here. And he said, they just interrupted us. And then they sent me on my way. But he says later on when I accepted Islam, I used to reach a little thought that I would remember that day. And so one of the lessons that we learned from this

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is that the Prophet of Allah salon he said, um, you know, we talked about in last week's session to do other prophets a lot, and a maid at the conclusion and how we sought, you know, comfort, he sought you no solace with Allah subhanho wa Taala. After such a traumatic effect, he turned to Allah subhanaw taala and may do it to a lion, he was able to find comfort in his relationship with Allah by talking to Allah. But we even see that even during the actual trial and tribulation itself, while he was struggling and being pelted with stones and rocks, and dealing with such a difficult moment, but even through that adversity, how did the prophets a lot of these sort of make it through there?

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By reading the book of Allah by reciting the Quran by saying the words of Allah, it teaches us see, this is the thing. This is exactly why I feel this is so important and so necessary and forget about what I think this is why for 1400 years, our scholars, you know, the Sahaba rhodiola

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I'm from New York or on new the profits a lot SLM and new Islam a lot better than we ever will. And that's something the oma agrees upon, by the way. So how about illuma? Dude, that's a consensus of the scholarship of our there's an Iijima on the fact that the generation of Sahaba is superior to the all the other generations that will ever come. There's a consensus on that fact. And then what so what we need to do is, we need to then pay attention to that generation, what they understood and what they said, and what did they tell us? What are they emphasizing to us? And when we look back, and we listened to the Sahaba, we read what they said, we've studied their lives, one of the things

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we find is that they had a great emphasis on studying the seed or the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and this is the reason for it. That's why Sal had been a pastor saying, We taught our children to zero, like we would teach them a pseudo from the Quran. This is why the scholars of the second and third century of Islam, the first three generations of Islam, when people would come to them wanting to learn Hadith, they would first make sure that they knew the CETA the actual biography, that if somebody wanted to come memorize hundreds and hundreds and 1000s of a Hadith, and poke and read and Narita, Hadeeth they said, Well, can you tell me about the life of the prophets a

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luxury to zero? Because if you can, you don't even know how to understand what the prophets Allah said, you don't have the context where will you place this. And similarly, the context the background of the Quran is the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, we know pseudo toutatis is a very well known powerful, beautiful surah.

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But see, when we read the life in the seat of the prophets, Allah we understand the practical role of the book of Allah in our daily lives.

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That the book of Allah subhanaw taala isn't just something that sounds nice, isn't just something that's an intellectual exercise. It is a means of connecting with a law. It is a means of turning to a law. It is a means of, you know, strength and steadfastness through the most difficult of circumstances and trials and situations. The Prophet of Allah is reading sort of Teutonic pondering gets messaged, connecting to Allah, conversing with Allah through this very powerful suit of the Quran. And that's how he's able to, you know, if you think about it, even from a, of course, we know the help of allies with with the prophets. allottee. So, we know we've talked to we studied about

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the miraculous events in the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he is, you know, he is the embodiment of many miracles of a law and much, you know, departing from the norms, and what is natural to human beings. But at the same time, there has to be a means for a human being, for a man to be able to walk for three miles, while constantly non stop getting pelted and stoned. I mean, there's got to be something that gets him through that. There's got to be some way that he's able to separate his mind kind of step away from that, and focus his mind onto something else. That that that, you know, motivates him that inspires him.

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And that was the book of Allah that was the Quran. So this is part of that narration. Now, we talked about that when the Prophet of Allah or read the narration, he says,

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for them as dufek illa wannabe cognizer Island, he goes, I did not find any type of rest or comfort. I was not able to recover philam esta phip illa wunderbit gardenista Island, they didn't leave me alone. Basically, I was not able to finally release myself from this torture until I reached a point of odd mythology, which we talked about last week. And then it says something very interesting though. He says farofa

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farofa Taurasi. He says I raised my head up for either an OB Sahaba tiene cada Avila oven let me

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I raised my head up. And I was looking at I looked at a cloud, I saw a cloud for not just looked at it, he says, for either an Ibiza hobbiton He goes, I was covered by a cloud.

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I was being covered by a cloud I was being shielded by a cloud

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that the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala was with me this was a test in a trial that was happening that was necessary for the for the you know, the the guidance of mankind. This is something that we read today that we learn today, we learned something very valuable. And by the way, this is something very profound, you know, this experience of the prophets, a lovely sentiment, we're going to talk about a very profound, you know, occurrence from this entire experience. This experience of the prophets a lot of Islam teaches us something so valuable, the journey to life. Just add to our that we heard of the profits, a lump sum that we studied last week, along my la Cash Code or faculty

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that do either we talked about how much do we learn from that? We talked for free time.

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about it for an hour last week, how how much how many lessons are there in that experience of the prophets allottee center? Look, we know that it's an established fact that Mohammed Rasul Allah is the most beloved of us creation to Allah.

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He's the greatest human being to ever walk the face of this earth. He is in the Habiba. robola anime, he is the Beloved of Allah.

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But in spite of all of that, along with 100 words, Allah allowed the prophets allottee salaam to go through such a traumatic experience to be pelted with rocks for three miles to bleed from his body for his feet to become torn and bloodied.

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So much bleeding that it's soaked into a sandal then they became red with blood.

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They became dried and crusted to his feet.

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Allah allowed the prophets a lot he said them to go through all of that.

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That was not in vain.

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will either be la familia que Bella it's not like the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala had left the prophets a lot of them during that time. Of course not. That's for pastors.

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Will I ever be Allah? May Allah protect us from such blasphemy but it's not like you know what the prophets a lot of them during that time period had fallen out of favor with a love of course not.

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He was still as beloved to Allah while he was being stoned, while he was being hit with rocks and bleeding from his feet, as he was when he was standing at the harem, praying before Allah He was just as beloved to Allah at that time.

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the mercy of Allah was with him and the help of Allah was with him just as much when he was being hit with rocks by the people of five as he was when he was standing at the automatic Kaaba proclaiming to hate on the day of atomica. Or when he was giving hookah on the day of I don't find that time of hydroton Rida. He was just as beloved to Allah.

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But what's the profound wisdom in the prophets a lot, he said, um, then being, you know, allowed it being tolerated, then he's going through such difficulty. This is the price that was paid by Muhammad Rasulullah salallahu alayhi wa sallam for the guidance of mankind.

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This is the price that was being paid. We have to understand the significance of that. We learn a lesson about the price of guidance from this.

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You know, when we talk about giving Dawa, we have to understand that there's a price that has to be paid

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as not to discourage anyone from giving Dawa. But that's to remind me to remind all of us, we all want to share the message of Islam, but we have to be willing to sacrifice a little. And you know, the mercy of Allah is such and the do of the prophets a lot. So on our behalf in our favor, is such that Allah subhanaw taala does not require us to sacrifice as much as the prophets allottee. Some did. But we got to be willing to sacrifice this a little bit. Secondly, we also understand that this is this, we need to be appreciative, this is a sacrifice given by Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam for us. This is what he did for us.

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And if we don't read this, we don't learn this. We don't study this, we don't pass this on to our future generations. We don't tell the world about this, we will never value what we have.

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And we will never truly appreciate who Mohammed. This is why I always mentioned this fact, that when people struggle to understand the position of the prophets, a lot of them in the religion of Islam, his authority. In our Deen, when people struggle with this fact, the solution to that problem is not an academic discussion, or an intellectual conversation about the authority, the authority or the authenticity of this,

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that won't completely solve the problem. That's a part of the solution. But a larger part of the solution is for people to read this heat on.

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So they so that we as Muslims, as believers, we understand how indebted we are to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. What he did for us what he laid on the line for us what he sacrificed for us, that when we say he bled for us, that's not a metaphor, that's not an expression. That's not, you know, that that is the truth, literally, he did bleed for us.

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And we got to understand that we got to learn to respect that and appreciate that, and internalize that. And then share that with the rest of humanity. So this is the sacrifice of the prophets. Awesome. So what I was saying was that the profits a lot of ECM says, For far too long see for either an OB Sahaba, he said that I raised my head and there was a cloud shielding me shadowing me.

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There was a cloud on top of me, the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala did not leave did not depart from the profits a lot of the same but the profits a lot Islam is being reminded in that moment. By looking up and seeing the cloud. He believed he knew that the mercy of Allah Ziz with him, but he's being reminded physically when he looks up in

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sees a cloud over his head. That is a reminder to him, Mauer. dakara bucola McCullough, your Lord has not forsaken you. That cloud that was there when you were a little boy playing outside the home of Halima, shielding you from the sun. That cloud that has that was over your head in the days of moko, when you are walking around and preaching and teaching to the people, that cloud is still over your head, even while these these unfortunate people in their unfortunate decision, they are throwing rocks and stones at you, that cloud is still over your head.

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Allah has not left you not forsaken you. But this is something that needs to happen for the guidance of mankind. So that 1400 years later, halfway across the world, in Irving, Texas, a few people could sit in the house of Allah in the masjid, and could talk about your sacrifices and what you did for them.

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And they could mention you and remember you, and thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for giving them such a such a beautiful messenger, such a generous and kind messenger, and they could send peace and blessings upon you. Aloha Musalia Nemo

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for either an OB Sahaba, he said that that cloud was over my head, let me it was providing a shade over me.

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And he says for her not for number two fee for number two for either fee * Bri

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and he says then I looked closer at that cloud. And I saw jabril Ali salam, the angel Jabri, the friend of the prophets a lot he sort of, he said I saw him inside of that cloud.

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And that's when the rest of the conversation takes place, that when the people finally dispersed, then jabril Elisa, and from that cloud, he called out to me and he said in the LA cada semi, hola pomi Calico ma Bharat do Allah.

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Allah has heard which would what your people have said to you, and how they responded to you will cut the Botha in a can medical zhiban any and sent the angel in charge of the mountains to you. And then the story continued, as we talked about, that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam may have of course we talked about the death of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam last time that I love my Lego school door for poverty. And then we also talked about that when God Donny Salaam and this molecule jabaal, the angel appointed to the mountains, when they came to the Prophet ceylonese him and said, command me, let me know give me the word Give me the signal, just nod your head.

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And I will cause these mountains

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of chabane eg these mountains on either side of the city of thought if in the valley of life, I will cause these mountains to collide and to crush and destroy these people. And the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam said, well, aren't you and you've reached a law home in our slab becoming our Buddha a lot me I moved to LA why why you should eat Cuba. Rather I hope that our last panel with Allah will bring from these people from their progeny from their generations to come alone will bring forth a people, someone anyone, man whosoever it may be, yeah Buddha law, who will worship Allah will enslave themselves to Allah YW la sharika Allahu Allah alone. Now you she could be he she

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does not associate any partners to Allah in the least bit. So this was the appeal of the prophets allottee center. So this is what we talked about. So but I wanted to add a couple of these things as, you know, supplemental like these these lessons that we learned from this incident, number one the profits a lot he sort of made it through that test in a trial by reading the book of a lot of reciting the Quran and connecting to Allah finding peace and comfort and solace manzana Alico Khurana later Tada, Quran wasn't sent down to ruin your life. Rather the Quran is a source of peace and tranquility. It is a mercy from Allah. It is encouragement, motivation, it is a new from Allah.

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And so it was being given to the prophets allowed him to comfort him through this difficulty. And that's what the prophets a lot of them did. Secondly, we even see that the mercy of Allah was with the profits, a lot of them through this testing trial, but still sacrifice was being made. And that was for you and me, that was for us. Now, what I wanted to talk about was today specifically, and we'll probably actually even continue, you know, the conversation about thought if in the next session, which will then talk about what the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam had to deal with to re enter into Mecca. There's even an event a profound event about him re entering Makkah,

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but we'll talk about that there. What I'd like to talk about today is, so when they finally dispersed, we talked about flooding with the island or Cardinal man as well as some of the books of Sierra the books of history, also referred to that place about three miles outside of thought if that that's finally where the crowd dispersed in the profits a lot they left him, they finally let him just, you know, they relieved him.

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And so the Prophet of Allah Salas who was there and he literally took refuge sat down into the shade of a tree and what was very nearby

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what was right there and clean

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Close enough to see from there with an eye shot from there was a garden that was owned by the sons of Robbie, who are to buy and shaybah in Nairobi evening or via the autobahn shaybah who are the sons of robbia who the all these, the father and the two sons were very severe and staunch, very severe, staunch stubborn adversaries and opponents to the message of the prophets. A lot of them back in Makkah. They were part of the leadership of Mecca. They were part of the upper crust of Makkah. Hynde was from the same family, the wife of Abu sufian. So, you can see it was basically this whole family, it was the father of bi Hynde was from this family or to buy shaybah the sons,

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even the you know, hinze husband

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Abou soufiane was a part of the same gang, they were all very opposed to the profits allottee center and they had basically you know, really dug in their heels and they had stood their ground and opposing the message of the profits along the center. Unfortunately, they this day own the garden there that was like a vacation home for them, like I talked about, because I thought it was such a, you know,

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was such a desirable location that this was like a vacation home for them. They go into the garden there. They were there in their vacation home at the garden at the time of this incident. And they heard all the commotion, all the noise, they had heard that the profits a lot of them had been in power for about a week or so. So they when they heard all the commotion, all the noise, they came out and started to watch. And they saw the prophet SAW him getting pelted with stones, and they saw him blood covered and soaked in blood.

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And they saw everyone leaving, they saw him stumble over and fall down and sit down under the shade of destry almost passing out, almost falling unconscious. They've been hiding, trying to hold the profits a lot. He sent him up

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these other prophecies and fainting due to loss of blood and everything that he had gone through.

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And when they saw the narration actually says

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Phil Amara who even is how to relate to this incident. Phil Amara who even araby outubro shaybah malatya when they saw the prophet SAW some of what he had gone through the heart rockets Allahu rahima Houma. Even they felt compassion. Even they felt compassion. Even they felt bad for the profits loving so they felt mercy towards the profits also, their sense of brotherhood, for the profit. They were from kurush they knew this is the grandson of Abdulmutallab, the nephew of Abu Talib. They knew him. They grew up together. Their families knew each other. They felt a sense of brotherhood towards the prophets, or even they did. They had been opposing him fighting him

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ridiculing him slandering and mocking him for 10 years, torturing anyone who would dare to follow him for 10 years. And even they felt bad.

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So when these audits for the good Amanda Amanda serrania, you Allah who I does, they called one of their servants one of their slaves who happened to be a Christian. His name was Ida's and they called him and they said for Allah Allah who could create fun Manhattan for bar foo for bar who fee have a tip for Madhavi ladadika Rajan for hula, hula Coleman who they said take this bunch of grapes and you have to understand what that means. Grapes were considered a delicacy and something very, you know, something that was very expensive

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for the Arabs, it was not common food for the herbs but it was considered delicacy something that was very expensive.

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And so they said but look at his condition. So they said take this bunch of grapes, put it in this basket and they gave him some other supplies like cloth and clean water and fresh water and they said go kind of look after him. Take this to him and feed him these grapes tell them to eat some of these grapes drink some water and then kind of wipe him up and kind of clean up tend to his wounds Look at him go take care of him. They sent their their their slave to go look after the profits a lot.

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For Florida data does this work did as he was told thermadata be hotter weather Avenida de la salida, his allottee some form of color who could

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so he went he went to the profits Alliance and put down the water put down this you know this bunch of dates. And then he said to the profits or losses and he said please eat

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for them or whatever it is when the narration actually mentions

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that the prophets a lot of him when he saw him, he asked him What's your name? He asked him What's your name? We learn etiquette from the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. I mean look at what this man's been through. He's been thrown

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People have been throwing rocks at him for three miles, he's been bleeding. And yet when a man approaches him even a slave or a servant, doesn't matter, when he approaches him and comes in front of him, the prophets allows him as the Arab the etiquette in Nicola Allah who looking at him. That's why Allah said that to the prophets a lot. He said them, like I mentioned here in the CNR class, quite a few sessions back, that in the opinion of many of the scholars have reported on that this is the second revelation sort of column surah number 68. This is why I told him this at the beginning of his message, so that no matter what came his way, no matter what transpired or happened

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afterwards, that the Prophet of Allah ciloxan would never forget, in NEC Allah, Allah Filipina, Linda, Dr. flock are paramount

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that the flock cannot be sacrificed.

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That that's something that can't be compromised. And so the prophets, a lot of them has this character. This is a human being. So the prophets have some says, What is your name? And so the man introduce himself, he said, my name is I does RGB and shaybah. They are people of they are part of the they're from your people. They're one of your people. Right? They're from amongst your tribe. You know them probably, they I, I'm basically they're my masters. I'm a slave, I'm a servant. They're my masters. And they have sent me to you with these with this food, this water these supplies, to basically tend to you to provide this to you. And then so he puts it down in front of

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profits a lot of the time and he says cool, please eat

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for the Mahabharata Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a Yahoo fee. When the Prophet of Allah solution put his hand into the bucket that had the bunch of the of grapes.

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Kala Bismillah the Prophet of Allah ceylonese him said Bismillah

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through macula den hate.

00:31:52 --> 00:31:56

The narration says for another I das fi YG.

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This is a very interesting expression from the Arabic language, it says that it does look in the face of the prophets a lot, etc. That doesn't mean he just looked at him. That means when you stare at somebody, like you know, your jaw is open.

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Like maybe you see somebody for a very long time, and you look at them jaw open, and you're staring at their face, uncomfortably to the point where they notice us kind of staring at them and they look back at you and it's like, oh, I'm sorry. Just I thought I recognize you.

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For another adult fee, what he does looked at the profits and very intently thermicon he was shocked when the process and look back at him. He says well, ah he does, says well, ah he I swear to God, in the hazard. kurama yaku Allah has he will be learned. He goes what you just said, Your people don't say that.

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Your people don't say what you just said. Bismillah I know what it means. You said that before you ate your people don't say that. They don't talk like this. For Karla who Rasulullah he salani some of the prophets a lot of them said to him, woman at bilad in Antigua does

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well okay, if the people of this land my people, these people they don't say that. Where are you from?

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What land are you from? what people are you from? That you do know this?

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So a das response to the prophets a lot. He said them in the process, um, says Where are you from? What people? Do you belong to Almighty? Excuse me? Why am I De Luca?

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And what religion Do you follow? If you know what I said, you recognize what I said? Where are you from? Who do you belong to? And what religion Do you follow them?

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Carla nasrani said, I'm Christian.

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What? Raji lumen le ninawa.

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And I am from the people of ninawa.

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I'm from Nineveh from ninawa.

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Now why was that so interesting? The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says to him, mean caryatid Rajamouli solea. He goes, Oh, that's very interesting. You're from Nina.

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He goes, you're from the same town as the very great pious righteous man. Yunus of numata.

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Yunus the son of Mata Alayhi, salam, sama, Yunus.

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samata, Nabil Yunus Allah

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says you're from in Korea Tara Julie salia, the officer says, from the town of the very great man, Eunice of numata from the town of Eunice Ali salon, for Paulina, who does just beside himself.

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Does is shocked. He said when I go to Riga union, Sumatra, he goes, how do you know he doesn't? He's so sharp. He doesn't even say how do you know who you know says he says how do you know what Eunice's

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How do you even know the word universe? How do you even know the name universe?

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Nobody here knows this stuff. These are all idol worshipping people. What do you know about universe my Eureka my universe would no matter

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the Prophet of Allah salatu salam says to him for colossal Isla de ser that coffee

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Of course I know Yunus why he's my brother

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Yeah, he's my brother would like this.

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Like this.

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And then the Prophet of Allah sallallahu Sallam explained to him he says, Ganon Abyan. He was a prophet was any? Well, I'm gonna be human. I am also a prophet.

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He was sent by Allah wasn't he? I have also been sent by Allah. So of course I know him. He's my brother.

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We belong to the same fraternity.

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You we're both messengers, prophets of Allah.

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For a cuppa adesina Allah rasulillah salam ala the narration says a das was sitting in front of the prophets as I'm having this conversation shocked shocked shocked having this conversation with the process of as soon as the Prophet systems in Canada began when an OB he was a profit and I'm a profit generation says I bought a das he jumped on the profits a lot. He sprung forward, jump towards the profits a lot of a sudden

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for a cuppa das Allah Rasulullah sallallahu

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alayhi wa khademi he and he started to kiss the head of the prophets a lot of the stuff he grabbed the hands of the Prophet system and started to kiss the hands of the process. And he picked up the feet of the prophets along with him the same * wounded torn feet. And he kissed the feet of the prophets a lot.

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Because he recognized who he was dealing with. He recognized the opportunity that was presented to him.

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The blood and the wounds in bother him.

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So I sit in front of a messenger of Allah. I grew up learning about these great men. We grew up knowing that we were from the town of a great man. And we prided ourselves on this fact. And I get to sit in front of one of them. meet one of them. He kissed the head of the prophet SAW some he kissed his hands. He kissed his feet. You got blue rasa? Who were they you are what each lady waka Demi color.

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Yoku in the narration says yaku Ebner, obeah huduma, Asahi. And of course, this this whole dialogue and you know, a dust kissing the head and the hands and the feet of the profitsystem is basically an expression of the fact he accepted Islam. He accepted Islam right then and there. So hon Allah, you know, two things I wanted to mention before I even go here and mention what happens with das afterwards. because that'll kind of detract from the moment right now that you know, this experience, this moment, this glimpse into the life of the Prophet. So there's two things I want all of us to consider. Number one is the resilience, the passion

00:38:09 --> 00:38:14

of the prophets a lot SLM for sharing the message of Allah with all of mankind.

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That was the passion that the prophets are so mad for his mission, how committed he was. He's *, bruised, beaten, wounded, sitting there.

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how he's even still sitting up how he's even still upright as a miracle. The fact that he hasn't fainted and passed down to the miracle.

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But even in this situation, he has an entire conversation with this man, just because maybe this is what it will take to bring this man back to a last panel without

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the guidance of one individual is so valuable to the professor. You know that Hadith where the prophets a lot of these hotels I live in northern Colorado, the Allahu la de la who become Julian Jani, the Allahu La Jolla and Oh honey, that even if one man comes closer to Allah is guided to Allah as the Allahu because you learn there if Allah guides through you, even one man one individual, for heydo like I'm in Hawaii, now I'm for Hayden luckyme metadata allocations. This is better for you than Reggie, camels, this is better for you than the whole, then the whole world and whatever it contains everything that sun rises upon the whole world. The prophets ism, didn't just

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say that, like I'm saying that. See, when I say that,

00:39:34 --> 00:39:37

I'm just saying that the Prophet of Allah, Allah, some live that

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the prophets are some lifted, he was bleeding, wounded, beaten, bruised, tired, exhausted, fatigued, look at his condition. But if the opportunity presented itself, to be the means of guidance for one man, literally one man, a slave,

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somebody that could have been over

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look very easily, he could have come in the process and couldn't even acknowledge his existence and asked his name. Nobody would have held it against him. Even if you were there, you will know that again, he's bleeding.

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He's in terrible shape.

00:40:14 --> 00:40:22

No, no, no, but the Prophet of Allah Luddism, seize that opportunity, and sat there and had a conversation with this man.

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If that's what it would take to bring one person back to Allah subhanaw taala. That's the message. That's the mission. That's the message of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that our if we claim to be dies in any capacity, we have to follow in the footsteps of the prophet SAW Selim, it has to be done. According to the method of the prophets a lot. He said that we are representatives of the prophets a lot. So we are his deputies.

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And it has to be done like it was done by him. That type of concern for humanity has to be there. That type of passion has to be their commitment. And we see what the prophets Allah did here. That's number one. The second thing is this.

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Everything that happens in the life of the prophets, a lot of the seven especially is documented in this fashion. This manner is very, very important and relevant and is a lesson and a reminder for us.

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The Prophet of Allah, Allah is him when he's being stoned. He's reciting the book of Allah, when he when they are done throwing rocks at him, the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi Salaam makes dua to Allah.

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And then look out the prophets Allah is him is able to conduct himself afterwards, all of this is connected, nothing is by coincidence. Nothing is by coincidence,

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maintaining that connection with the last panel with Allah allow someone to maintain such clarity of mind and thought, and such commitment and motivation, that somebody who is able to stay on track and stay committed to their mission, no matter what the circumstances may be. All of this is interconnected, if we mean to be a true means if we want to be we desire to be, we ask a lot to make us a means of create a means of guidance for for humanity, for people for mankind, we must maintain our own personal connection with Allah. It is very important. This is something I've talked about here before. But one of the primary lessons from the life of the prophets, a lot of them from the

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CETA is even how to preach and teach the message of Islam to humanity. No matter what level of the the effort we're at, no matter what end of the spectrum in terms of the work that has to be done, it doesn't matter what role we fill, it could be from advertising, for marketing, to organizing to logistics, to setting up and cleaning up to actually, you know, doing this speaking, and the delivering of the message, it doesn't matter who we are, what capacity we're working in, or what role or slot we fill, it does not matter. We have to remember one thing, that our Tao and our work will only be as fruitful and as beneficial as our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala is strong.

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Because we fail and falter, you have to we have to understand one thing very clearly. And this is something that 1400 years of scholars, diaries and preachers and workers, people who are responsible, or rather whom Allah subhanaw taala has made the means of the message reaching us here today. The Muslim Oh, my word stands today is through the blood and the blood and the sweat and dcef efforts and sacrifices of those 1400 years worth of people do you.

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There's one lesson they've always taught us one thing they've been very, very, you know, one thing they've been put a lot of emphasis on. And that is the simple fact that we have to understand that the work that we do itself is very noble, very admirable, and a source of reward, great reward to Allah, but it does not substitute our own personal relationship with Allah.

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So I if I'm giving lectures, that's great, fantastic and hamdulillah very good use of time. And hopefully it means of benefit for people.

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But this will not substitute my own personal relationship with Allah, it will not. If I don't make time for salein they couldn't try and do iron cron, I will fail.

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I will fail. If I'm organizing it on this committee and that subcommittee and this organization, this association, I'm doing all of this spread out completely thin, to the point and to the extent that I can't make time to pray and make do I undo the can and do try and spend time one on one personal quality time with Allah.

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I will not be beneficial or successful in my endeavors in my efforts. At the very least you know what happens? You know what happens at the very least, that old parable there's an example of this that given by the prophet of Allah Salaam, in a Hadith, in a narration where the prophets allottee some says the example of such a

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person is like a candle that burns.

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It gives off light, doesn't it?

00:45:06 --> 00:45:16

It gives off light when you light a candle and darker wood illuminates the room doesn't it? Absolutely does. But what happens as it's giving off light, what is happening to the candle.

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It's burning in withering away, eventually what will happen

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it'll become a puddle of wax and it'll be done. Not only is the candle gone, non existent, finished, colosse

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But it's not even giving off light anymore.

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There's nothing left of it,

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it will become a distant memory at best.

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And that too, will be forgotten when the next candle is brought along. There's a parable, an example that's given an order in part Farsi in Persian,

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which talks about terracotta lindera

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that you have a lantern or you have a lamp and it's giving light to the entire room. But what is there immediately around the candle there's a circle of darkness. So the candle itself sits in the circle of darkness.

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While everything else is illuminated,

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there's a Hadith of the prophets a lot a sentiment that talks about in the line, you have the dean bureaux, Julian foger,

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could you add to have the dean Belgian infigen, sometimes Allah subhanaw taala will strengthen the deen the religion, Islam, through the efforts of someone who he himself or she herself, lives in complete open disobedience to Allah.

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This person themselves lives a life of rebelliousness towards a law, but can be the means of doing some work.

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Meaning what they themselves that's at the very least, somebody else might take some benefit, but they themselves have zero benefit from it. And more often than not, not only are they not beneficial to themselves, but they will not be able to benefit anyone else. So we see that the means of the profits, a lot of the some of the spiritual food of the prophets, a lot of them for him to be able to maintain the focus, make do offer the people who throw rocks at him not curse those people, for him to be sitting there bleeding, bloodied, wounded, just completely, you know, just physically devastated.

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And for it to be very justifiable, reasonable understandable for him to be able to not have to worry just not be able to worry about anything or anyone but for the profitsystem to still have the wherewithal, the presence of mind and spirituality, the presence of art, to be able to see a man and talk to him and sit him down and ask him name where you from what's going on with you, and be able to talk to him and bring this man to Allah subhanho wa Taala give this man Shahada facilitate the Imani and symptoms of Islam of this individual. That again, came through was fed, was nourished was fueled by his relationship with the lust pinata, through that relationship with Allah. It's a very

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powerful lesson that we learned. Finally, the narration goes on in this the very unfortunate part of it. Yeah, Hulu in Nairobi, I do Melissa he the two sons of Robbie van shape are watching all of this. And then they see he goes out there and they they sent him out there. He goes out there, take some food in the bucket and all that stuff. And they see him sit down and start talking to them for a few minutes. And next thing you know, he jumps forward he's kissing his head and kissing his hands and kissing his feet and they're all like, What happened there? Nobody saw that coming. So one of them says to the other Ummah hula mukava upset Lake, because your slave Mohammed has ruined your

00:48:41 --> 00:48:43

slave. He just messed up somebody else.

00:48:45 --> 00:49:26

He just messed up somebody else. Philip mazama does Allah Allah who when a dust finally comes back to them with bucket in hand and supplies in hand? They both say to him, way like a badass he said, What's wrong with you? stupid man. What's wrong with you? Silly man. They say to him, Monica to poppin Raja Raja de Vaca. dummy. Why were you kissing that man's head in his hands in his feet? We send you out there to feed him just kind of give him the you know, just give him some water. Give him some food. Make sure he's okay. You're sitting there kissing his head cousins and kissing his feet talking to him forever. What was going on with you? He said yes. He is a slave right? Poor man.

00:49:26 --> 00:49:30

He's a slave. He says Oh, Master, muffin.

00:49:31 --> 00:49:39

muffin oddly shaped one. Hayden Madhava There is not a single thing in this entire earth that is better than that man right there.

00:49:43 --> 00:49:44

He's the greatest thing

00:49:45 --> 00:49:46

on God's green earth.

00:49:48 --> 00:49:54

There's not a single thing in this earth that is more valuable, more precious than that man right there. Hey tominaga

00:49:55 --> 00:49:59

barani b amarin Maya lemahieu Ilana Bian. He told me

00:50:00 --> 00:50:02

Something that only a Prophet would know.

00:50:03 --> 00:50:10

He told me something that only a Prophet would know. Kalana who way had Jada's?

00:50:11 --> 00:50:37

They said get out of here. They cursed him basically. Get him a you'd be destroyed like they cursed him. Get out of here, like cursing someone out. Get out of here. Yeah does lyase refund NACA en de nica? Don't let him make you change your religion. For him Nadine, aka Fado mendini. He, your religion is better than his religion, which is really funny coming from them.

00:50:38 --> 00:50:40

who worship idols, he's a Christian.

00:50:42 --> 00:50:56

Previously, they probably had been mocking his religion and always been taunting him mocking him because of his religion. And all of a sudden were these saying, Oh, hey, your religion is a lot better than his religion. Why are you gonna listen to him, you shouldn't listen to him, stick to your guns.

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And so this was kind of the exchange in conversation they had with us afterwards. And this was the circumstance of the prophets a lot. He said them immediately after this brutality shown towards the prophets, a lot of them displayed towards the prophets, a lot of them on that day when he was leading, leaving the city of thought, if we're going to go ahead and stop here in Sharla, and we'll pick up from here, the profit zone basically stayed there for for a while and recovered there, and then the profit of facilities and made his way back to home back to the city of Mecca. And we'll talk about what happens on the way back home, there's a amazing, miraculous incident that happens

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with the process on the way back to Makkah, and then when he does arrive right outside of Makkah, even there, there are some political circumstances that take place. We'll talk about all of that in the coming sessions. I wanted to

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wanted to announce that inshallah, next week, we won't be having the CETA class, I'll actually be traveling with my family inshallah. So we won't be having theater class for next week. So I wanted to let everyone know, especially the brothers and sisters in martial law, come here every single week, Giacomo Hayden koloff, he called me last month, I'll reward you And may Allah allow us in grant is all the proper understanding of the life of the prophets, a lot of them, may Allah make this a source of means and benefit from us. So I apologize for not being able to make it next week. But we won't be having to see it our class next week. And similarly, the brothers and sisters who

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are watching online, we won't be having theater class next week. But for those who maybe would like a review of Sita, if it's become kind of like a part of your weekly routine, to get some, you know, study of the life of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then what I would definitely direct you towards is the podcast, what we do is we record all the sessions, and then we put them online, for free open the audio recordings video would be a little, a little bit more cumbersome. So to make it very easy for us to be able to edit and put online and then secondly, make it easy for people to be able to listen, you know, very comfortably not have to sit down in front of a computer and listen, but they

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can, you know, sit down wherever they're at, play it from their phone, maybe in their car, you know, so we put them online, you can access them at on the Calum Institute website. Calum institute.org. Those who are watching online, of course, you're watching on the website. But for the brothers and sisters here, it's column QA, lm column, institute.org slash Podcast, where even if you just go to the website, you'll see podcasts there. And you can access all the previous recordings there. And as we're on the topic, as well, please share these with people as well. We basically record them, put them online for free, completely open on multiple platforms. If you subscribe, it gets emailed to

00:53:42 --> 00:54:19

your inbox. We post them on Facebook, on Twitter, they're an iTunes, even if you have an Android device, May Allah forgive you. There's even an app in the Android App Store thing is called Google Play or some nonsense like that. So there's an app in there as well. If you search parliaments, YouTube podcasts, whoever it is, I don't know, maybe they're watching or listening, somebody actually made that app. And then just told us, you know, that they had made this app so May Allah reward that person, you can download that app to your Android phone and all the podcasts it updates itself and all the podcasts are downloaded into the app, and you can listen directly from there, so

00:54:19 --> 00:54:30

inshallah you can next week, when we won't have car class, you can maybe go back and review some car and like I was saying, inshallah, definitely share this with family and friends with as many people as you'd like.

00:54:31 --> 00:54:44

And turn this you know yourself. A one recommendation I make to the more dedicated inshallah, who really wants to internalize the life deceit of the Prophet salsa them. When you sit down and you listen to the CETA

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this or anything, for that matter. This is just one means to an end.

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But just when you sit down and read a pseudo book, when you listen to the Seattle podcast selectors, take a little notebook maybe, you know, write down, jot down a few notes, kind of listen to it.

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internalize it. Make a few notes a few basic points for yourself and then use that to even, you know, teach it to your children. discuss it with your siblings, start a little Sierra study group with your friends with your family. We have a Mashallah many MSA brothers and sisters who have started these little MSA Sierra study circles at their universities and things like that. So you know, take some initiative and spread the knowledge of the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as much as you can. May Allah subhanaw taala accept from all of us Subhana Allah He will be handy he Subhana columbium dek Michelle to Allah Allah lantana Safin, comaneci like

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