Abdul Nasir Jangda – Seerah 047 – Christian Delegation Accepts Islam in Makkah
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AI: Summary ©
The acceptance of Islam among Muslims in Mecca is increasing, with the presence of the presence of Islam cannot be ignored. The history of the King of Arabia's actions, including his support for Islam and his actions to encourage people to leave their current religion, is discussed. The book of Islam requires certain requirements, including belief in the holy Bible, the translation of the Quran, and the presence of certain people in public. The importance of avoiding confusion and distraction in daily life is emphasized, and good character and conduct are also emphasized.
AI: Summary ©
You're listening to Calum Institute podcast series, see the life of the Prophet by sheer Abdul Nasir zhongda visit us on the web at Calum Institute dot o RG or find us on [email protected] slash Calum Institute. This we like you and him dilla was salat wa salam ala rasulillah.
Well, and he was so happy as marine
shala continuing with our series on the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a 02 number we're
in the previous session. Last couple of sessions, actually, we've been talking about
the fifth year of Nobu of prophethood. And some of the major incidents that we've covered so far.
In the last few sessions are first and foremost, we talked in detail over a couple of sessions about the migration to abyssea. What were exactly what were exactly the details, when did it occur? Why did it occur? Who exactly were the folks that migrated from Makkah to from Makkah to abbacy, near to Habesha and what were the repercussions what was the aftermath and the fallout from so many people leaving Mecca and going to Abyssinia going to Habesha. Soon thereafter, we talked about the acceptance of Islam by first and foremost Hamza bin Abdul muttalib radi Allahu taala anhu, the uncle of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who was a very well known well liked popular person in
Makkah. By all accounts, he was what we would consider a celebrity in Mecca. He was a celebrity in Makkah, he was very famous, but his celebrity wasn't based on, you know, something unfortunate like a lot of times it is. It is the case these days. Rather, his celebrity was based off of the fact that first and foremost, he was a son of Abdulmutallab. Secondly, he was a very brave man. He was very strong man, and he was known for his bravery and his strength and his courage. And so based on these factors, he was a very influential, popular, famous person in Mecca. And so he accepted a song by the more authentic accounts of the CETA three days after he accepted Islam, the prophet of Allah
salon de Sena made dua for the Islam of honorable hatami radi Allahu anhu, Allah subhanho wa Taala accepted these two are from the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and Amara, the Allahu anhu accepted Asana we talked about Amara, the loved one who's conversion to Islam over the last couple of sessions. And again, not just what was the story, what were the details? But we also talked about what were the repercussions of Amara de luevano accepting asylum, What effect did that have on the culture in Makkah? What effect did that have on the confidence of the Muslims, and how that played a major part in changing the scene in Makkah.
Now, after these incidents had occurred, and the Muslims naturally had risen to a little bit more of a prominent position, they were not to be taken too lightly. They were not to be pushed around so easily. And they had risen to some level of prominence and there was a growing acceptance. Even if they weren't accepting the people were not accepting Islam, or the message of Islam, or even weren't okay with the fact that the Muslims were there in Mecca, there was a growing acceptance of the simple fact that these people are not going anywhere. See, there's a difference. One thing is for people to accept to accept Islam and accept the presence of the Muslims there. And but there's a
secondary thing about people coming to terms with the reality that these people are here to stay. This is a force to be reckoned with. This is not a phase This is not a fad. You know, this isn't like somebody wearing their clothes, certain type of clothing. It's here today in the next season to fall, it's gone already. That's not the case. But this is something permanent. These people mean business they are serious. And now that the growing number of not just people who had accepted Islam, but the growing number of reputable recognizable names and people.
The growing number of such people accepting Islam becoming Muslim, also added to this realization within Mecca. And now the word was starting to spill out of Makkah into the other parts of Arabia, that there is a real force in Makkah now, there's something substantial, something real that is going on in Mecca. This isn't again, just some temporary thing that's going on in Makkah, but this is something real. And so, there's another incident that is narrated by Imam Al behati Rahim Allahu taala. In the light Luna, Buddha, and other scholars of the Sierra have
I've also taken this incident and mentioned it here, that now that the Muslims were growing in number, again, like I talked about reputable people were amongst the ranks of the Muslims. They had marched out in public in broad daylight, into the middle of the harem, and prayed right at the Kaaba and nobody had the courage or the audacity to go and lay a finger on them to even touch them. So they had received this type of public untouchable type status. And they had prayed there and made a public display of this. And the word of that has started to spread out. It's mentioned that around this time in the fifth year of new Booyah, you also have to take into account that another thing
that was that are also happened was at BC, Nia Habesha and the joshy, the king that we talked in a goose, we talked about this king in a lot of detail as well, that they, this king was a major Christian figure at that time. He was one of he was probably one of the most prominent Christian rulers in the world at that time. And he was an he was a very devout Christian. And one thing I talked about, when talking about his biography and the details about him, we mentioned this, that he was also a scholar of the Christian religion, he was a scholar of Scripture. So he has a use for all accounts, was an ordained minister, a priest, who was also a Christian ruler and king, he was very
devout. And that that that kingdom of habit senior of a habit, Shah was known as a major Christian stronghold. And if you remember if you recall or not, but and you can actually go back and listen to if you weren't able to catch those sessions, in some of the earliest, some of the early CNR sessions that we add, where we talked about pre Islamic Arabia, and where the Arabs who were, who were populated in Mecca, where they were originally from, we talked about Yemen. And when talking about Yemen, we talked about how abbacy, Nia Habesha, historically this Christian Kingdom had actually invaded Yemen in the past. And so there was a presence of Christianity within Yemen. That was
because of Abyssinia in eastern Africa. So this is a very So to summarize, it was a very famous and very strong and proud Christian stronghold in the world, how Bashar was. And the king was a source of pride for Christians all throughout the world. Now, of course, we know we've talked about it here, we know from the accounts of the cedaw, from the words of the prophets, a lot of them that in the joshy, this particular us hammer, this particular Christian King had actually accepted Islam, but he was keeping his his Psalm hidden.
Nevertheless, the fact that 100 Muslims had gone and settled in Habesha, in a Christian kingdom, were presented in the court of the king. And the king had not only allowed them to live there and accepted them into His kingdom. But he had in fact, given them a protected status, had issued a royal decree, nobody has to even look at these people wrong, let alone lay a finger on them, they have my protection, the protection of the king, the king had fixed and allowance in a stipend for them, as travelers as immigrants, so that they would be taken care of. So this word had also spread.
So now you have to understand that especially Christian territories, to the north of Arabia, and these were territories that were occupied by Roman, but by some of the Roman armies, and even those areas that were not actually physically occupied by some of the Roman armies. Were not governed by the Roman kingdom, by the Roman Empire. They were still influenced by Roman culture. And so the Christian religion that spread to Northern Arabia, that the Arabs in northern Arabia, they were putting two and two together, they said, okay, moko, which is the center of Arabia. Apparently, there's a man named Mohammed who claims to be a prophet. He has a couple of 100 followers at this
point, and he's a force to be reckoned with. They are going publicly into the Kaaba into the Haram they knew what the Haram the Kaaba was. They are going publicly in broad daylight, into the middle of the Kaaba, and they're praying at acaba de Haro. So that means they're forced to be reckoned with, then they're adding the other factor into consider taking something else into consideration. Well, apparently there are 100 some odd of his followers that have gone to the famous proud Christian Kingdom of Habesha, they've settled there, not only have they settled there, but they've been able to leave a strong impression on our king, our Christian King, He grants them his
protection, He grants them and allowance gives them money takes care of them, looks after them. So when they put two and two together, they realize that we should go and explore this. We need to look into this. This is
Not something we can just brush off. Oh, there's some news coming out of MCI. There's always some type of nonsense going on over there. It's crazy mannequins are always up to something. This wasn't that anymore. So he said we need to look into this. So amendment we have Clara, Mo la Urbanus, Harker, Mo LA, many of the major historians and scholars as scholars of the zero. They mentioned now that at the fifth year of new Booyah, the fifth year of prophethood
20 men came to Mecca. And these 20 men, even as haka mentions, not all the historians concur, but even his haka mentions that they were from the area of unmatched and nudged which is northern Arabia, the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula, so they came from a nudged
and that 20 men came from there. This was the delegation, they were actually sent by their people. And the people there in a nudged were Christian. So they were sent from a tribe of Arabs that was actually Christian, and they were sent as a delegation. So this was a Christian delegation from Northern Arabia.
They were sent to go and explore who is Mohammed salatu salam, what is going on.
Because you have to understand now everybody kind of is realizing that Arabia might be basically up for grabs. Makkah might be up for grabs, Arabia is in play now. So they sent these 20 men go and explore go and find out and they sent their best and their brightest and their most prominent and educated the leadership they sent them. So these 20 men arrive in arrive there in Mecca, they look for the profits, a lot of a sudden they find the profits a lot. He saw them at Dollar calm, they sit with the profits, a lot of the salon men have a long conversation with them. And they actually have a list of questions.
So after they asked all of their questions,
to the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam. Some of the narrations actually mentioned that they first went to the home, they went to the garden and they asked about the profits a lot. He said them, they they were asked Who are you who wants to know. And they introduced themselves as a delegation from the Christian tribes of Northern Arabia. And so the leadership of the Quraysh actually received them, showed them a little hospitality. And you know, kind of to also find out exactly why they're here. And they said, you know, we're just here to figure out who this guy is and what's going on, because we hear things from here with the year things from Habesha, so we just want to just want to
see him for ourselves and kind of feel him out. We got some questions for him. So when they found the profits a lot, he said, I mean, they asked him all the questions that they had, who are you? What's going on? Do you mean well, you know, what are your intentions etcetera, etcetera. The prophets, a lot of them answered all of their questions, to the point where they were content, then the prophets, a lot of them said that, you know, I entertained you. I answered all of your questions. I gave you everything you asked for. Now, can I also talk to you about something can I present something to you? And he said absolutely. In a man is kind he's polite, he's accommodating,
why Why not? The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
gave basically presented the message of Islam to them,
gave them power. In the narration actually mentioned that the prophets Allah recited the book of Allah to them, you recited some Quran to them.
The narration mentions that the album Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam in Allah azza wa jal, the prophets Allah invited them to Allah, what's Allah Allah He will
and he recited the Quran upon them for them semi Oh, father are you know who Mina demaree that when they heard the Quran when they heard the book of Allah, their eyes became welled up with tears.
fullness, Mr. Jabu, I'm a newbie. He was a Doku. They answered the call. They believed in him and they attested to the truth of the message. While out of whom he knew Makana use of hula hoops he kitabi him in an ri. Not only that, and I mentioned that these were some of the most educated people from these from this Christian tribe. So they actually said that, you know, some of our priests in our moms were specialized within scripture have actually described to us that there would come a profit there would come a man without with with the proper message with salvation from God from Allah. And you seem to be that individual. Everything matches everything fits. For them aka mu n d.
e r taraba taraba home. Abuja delphina. Freeman Porush. Now when they left the company of the prophets a lot he set him to basically go back to wherever it was that they came from. Abuja when intercepted Abuja had found them and he had a
groups of people have arranged with him. Basically his crew, his posse, his cronies. They were with him. And the news basically at spread that these people didn't just come here and talk to Mohamed Salah the solemn but they believed in him they accepted his message. And Abu john was beside himself. He was furious. So we're bleeding out here. We're losing this battle day by day by day.
First more and more of our mannequins are on people keep on going over to his side. Then you have famous prominent people like Hamza Amato the local anioma, who go over to his side
now he's got a second satellite location he's got a second camp set up over there and Abyssinian Habesha,
you got outsiders
who are coming in from outside accepting Islamic something is reserved to fail a genius of our people, accepts his religion and goes back and apparently he's now preaching to the people of a dose in his own tribe. Like we keep losing every single day we're taking the hit down before you know it 20 prominence leaders from the Christians of Northern Arabia show up here now they accept Islam.
He's like, no way. I just can't tolerate I can't take this. I can't allow this anymore. So he intercepts them. He cuts them off. And it actually mentioned he says to them, Hey, bakoma LogMeIn rukban
hierba come along and ruppin which is basically he's cursing them he's making against them.
He's making a bad door offer them and what is he saying to them? He's saying hi Yocum, Allahu Minh rukban May you may you be ruined on this journey of yours? May you may you have a terrible ride back home? I hope you get a flat tire. Right aim so it makes you makes you are against me. He's cursing them. And he says Botha Coleman wha calm. Minh le Dini calm that the people who are still back at your home in your tribe they sent you here.
They sent you here. Man, I need a nickel. They are the people of your religion. The people of your tribe and they sent you here. But what did you do?
Do not leave him.
alone. He goes but you apostate it from your religion over here. You cheated them You stabbed them in the back.
And then he said further tuna home be beheaded Rajan. And it goes in you were supposed to take back to them. News of this individual. You were supposed to just go back research find out who he is. Go back and tell them who this man is. falam Tata in the majority sukumar in the who. But he says you are not satisfied to just go sit down and talk to him. ask him a few questions and just get the news and deliver back home. Rather What did you have to do? Hit that rock bottom? Deena, come what's up Dr. Moon, and you apostate it from your religion, you left your religion and you attested to the truth of this man. So your people sent you here to research to look into things. Find out who this
man is and go back and tell them who they are. And so what do you people do? You go and you sit with him but that's not enough. You end up leaving your own religion and adopting his religion. What's wrong with you people?
And, and then he goes on to say he says what's up Dr. Movie mercola calm you accepted everything he had to say. He goes mad now lm Rockman mccammon calm.
I've never seen anyone more stupid than you people. I've never met any group of people a delegation that is more foolish than you. You are the most unintelligent delegation of all time in the history of delegations.
So he's insulting them basically he's furious. It's abou john I mean it's called a boo john for a reason. So he's getting ignorant with them. Now when they hear this, they respond to him and you can see the hate of these people. You can see when somebody is blessed with why he did Abu Jamal dias Abu Jaan
because this is what he was. How why would these people blessed with a man in Islam by Allah subhanaw taala
because you see their character, they respond to him they say salaam aleikum.
Say peace out homey.
Listen, you had a lot to say to us. We don't have anything to say to you except for salaam aleikum, meaning they they meant it of course we know the legislation. We know the legal matters, but this was something that was instructed to us by the prophets Allah at some later that we don't give Salaam to people who are non Muslim. We don't say salam, like Assalamu alaykum to them that's in the Islamic reading from to be exchanged between Muslims, but at the same time they maintain more linguistically. They meant it more linguistically
And what that basically means is we mean you no harm.
You go about your way we'll go about our way. We don't mean you any harm please don't intend any harm towards us. salaam aleikum. We came here with peaceful intentions we plan to leave with peaceful with peaceful intentions. That's it. We mean you no harm. salaam aleikum latvija he lucam we will not behave ignorantly with you.
We will not in fact new Jaya Luca Mata, joggle Masha Allah, it actually means to reciprocate ignorance with to ignorance. Say we will not engage in this ignorance with you. We will not engage in this foolishness with you. You've been cursing us Hi, yerba como LogMeIn. rockhaven la la Mora cabana common comb your stupid people hope you get a flat tire on your way home. You're saying all these ignorant things we're not gonna engage you in this ignorance. lanuza helewka Lana meluna Welcome, Alma Luca.
For us are our deeds, were accountable for our deeds and you are accountable for your deeds law, not Lu and Susannah hiren. We cannot we knowingly, intentionally cannot deprive ourselves of something that is good. We came here with a certain intention true. We came here to inquire we came here to do research we came here to investigate.
We found good we found Hey, we found goodness of this life in the hereafter aka
we cannot deprive ourselves of something that's good that goes against human nature.
So we've embraced and accepted what is good. And if you want to revile us you want to hate us, because we embraced what is good, then so be it.
If accepting that which is good for us, makes us foolish, stupid.
Then that's fine, then I guess your description fits. But all we did was embrace what is good law not new and for Santa Clara. We cannot refuse ourselves something that is good.
So they responded with this.
Some of the mufa soon actually mentioned that it was at this moment in the lattice time. That the I out of sort of passes the ayat of surah number 28 were revealed upon the prophets Allah de sola. welaka was Sunnah. Colella, Allahu
Allah subhanho wa Taala. After in the previous passage, it talks about people who do not believe in Allah subhanaw taala, no matter how many times or how the message is delivered to them, that Allah subhana wa Taala said Well, after the Watson nalla human poll, that we continued to deliver to them to give to them, we continue to serve up to them. The word which is what is meant by the word that put on the reminder, the Dow the message, we kept giving it to them kept delivering it to their doorstep, like I love them yet other Kuru maybe hopefully with the hope that possibly they will heed the message they will realize they will wake up.
And then Allah subhanaw taala goes on to say and I am number 52 and Latina Latina who will Kitab amin company he whom he he you may know that those people who have been given the book before the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came, before the discourse on the word of Allah came down, they were given another book before that, whom be he you may know. They are the ones who truly do believe in the book, meaning they truly believe in their book. So like saying that the people who are given the book before the Quran, the people that were given a book before the prophets are legitimate, they truly believed in it. Not superficially, not superficially. But they really truly did believe in the
idea of, you know, the Scripture, they believed in the law. They believed in the fact that Allah sent messengers and prophets, they believed in the fact that alesund down is cut off his Word and His scripture in the past, and he would do it again. They embraced this fact this reality and they believed in it, what either Utila him. And when the Quran the divine scripture is recited upon them, call you, amen. nabby They said, We believe in it, we have believed in it. In the will How can we robina Why have we believed in it because without a shred of a doubt, this is the ultimate truth. In reality, this is an unshakable truth in reality from our Lord in our master. In quantum in Kabbalah,
he muslimeen we had submitted ourselves to Allah even before this came down.
Because we believed in Allah.
We believed in the messengers of Allah, we believed in the fact that Allah had revealed a scripture, a book I Kitab. So we had submitted ourselves to Allah from before that so now if Allah has sent
Another messenger now if alas and done another book and another message we most willingly and readily embrace it and accept it and believe in it and submit before it in a condemning company he muslimin hula aka otona Angela who Marathi by the way. And again, I don't want to get distracted into more so have a tafsir of these ions, but I want to explain it in the context of in light of the story that we talked about. But one little subtle reminder, because the objective and even in the subsequent Sessions is to take away relevant lessons, things we can implement, what Ally's saying about these people and about the statement of these people that we had submitted ourselves to a lot
even before this revelation game. So then, of course, His revelation is going to have a profound impact on us. We have to understand what that says and what that means.
We have to understand, you know, I'll tell you one thing, a lot of times and this is something I've addressed multiple times throughout the sessions. You know, there are certain things which are a reality within our Deen the Quran is the Kalam is the Kitab of Allah. And the Quran is the basis and the the foundation of an Islamic revival within the hearts of individuals and within communities and societies without a doubt.
But at the same time, we also have to understand that the Quran also has certain prerequisites.
Because a lot of times we become so emotional or superficial in our rhetoric, that we overlook certain necessary things, we'll overlook some of the prerequisites.
that a lot of times we talked about how the Quran will change people's lives in the Quran does change people's lives.
But we also have to take into consideration as a student of the book of Allah as a student of the Quran, it is our responsibility each and every single one of us also have to understand that the Quran requires that we come to it with certain things. Just like Salaam Salaam is an obligation. It's a forest, it's a conversation with a lot. It's a life changing experience. But Allah subhanaw taala has required us to come to prayer with certain things, certain physical requirements, like we'll do certain spiritual requirements such as sound, mind and sound heart who Sure,
with a certain amount of awareness and education to benefit from that prayer, we can read the Quran all day long, we can do the translation of the Quran all day long. We could sit here lecture all day long.
But if we haven't prepared ourselves to benefit from it, we'll walk away from it being entertained.
Having tweeted or Facebook, some gems,
or at the very most, you know, with a little more extra information, and interesting tidbit tidbit, or fact that we can a factoid we can share with someone. But that will just about be the extent of our benefit that we take away from a conversation on the Quran, the study of the book of Allah.
But what these people said, the prophets, a lot of them recited a few out to them.
A few is to them. These are practitioners of a religion.
These are devout Christian folks.
And he recited a few Ayah to them, and they were literally tears streaming from their eyes, their life had been changed. They're standing up to abou john, they're going back to their people as Muslims as as inviters. And as propagators of this this religion of Islam of the Quran, how do a few ayat makes such a profound impact on them?
And I can't speak for anyone else here, but I'll talk about myself. How is it possible for me to read the entire port on multiple times? How is it possible for me to sit in on hours and hours of the sheer lectures? How is it possible for me to spend, you know, a prolonged amount of time with the translation of the Quran
and it doesn't cause any change any drastic, practical change in my life. And these people's whole world is turned upside down through a few IOD.
I have to ask myself that question if that's the case. And the answer is right here in I am number 53 of surah number 28. That they came to the book of a law already submitted to a law
at some level, they had prepared themselves they worked on themselves they had humbled themselves.
And they had told themselves that this is the speech of a law. This is guidance from Allah.
And I sit here with the readiness the willingness, the attitude, the intention of Samia Anna wattana
Samia Anna wattana. I'm here to listen and learn and obey.
And then it causes a change in people, a drastic change in people. Because if we're not careful about this, if we do not focus on this, if we don't talk about this
prepare ourselves for this. We're in danger of spawning. We're in danger of creating a culture. Even within the more practicing Muslim community. We're in danger of creating a culture.
A scene where people engage in more honest conversations, and I'm doing all of this in quotation marks.
We were in danger of creating a culture where there are these really riveting and fascinating and intellectually stimulating Quranic conversations that are nothing but just everybody kind of feeling better about themselves.
Everybody comes there feels, you know, just feeds a little bit of their own ego. Everybody feels smarter. Everybody feels a little bit more superior. And then we walk away from there without an ounce of difference in our lives.
There's a danger of that happening.
And so we have to be very careful. And that's why it speaks very clearly. devout Christians listen to a few out and their life their world gets turned upside down.
Why? Because they say in the will I am unhappy. We believed in it, because in that will happen Europeana. This is the undeniable truth from our Lord. And how do we know it's an undeniable truth from our Lord, in goodness, I mean, probably he muslimeen because we had already submitted ourselves to Allah even before we interacted with this Quran. We came here ready to learn. We came here ready to change.
We came here as an open book as a blank page. And that was the effect that it had on us.
La, La Jolla, humara, teeny masaharu. Allah subhanaw taala says that those people, they are the ones that you Tony Moran, marotti nippy, masaharu that they will be rewarded twice, they will be rewarded twice because of their patience, the good deeds that they do, and then secondly, the adversity that they will face in doing good deeds, the scrutiny that they will face. Because of that, they will go they will get double the reward, where the owner bill has a right to say.
And they are people who turn away bad things with good things. They defeat evil through good. They countered their own sins with good deeds, and generally speaking, they counter evil with good, well, me merasakan inficon. And especially from that which we have provided to them, Allah says, they continue to spend in charity from that which we have provided for them. And then our last panel, which Allah says, What either semi or lavoir. So this is a description of these people who they are, how they believe, why they believe in what makes it possible for them to believe. And then number two, what do they do once they've believed? How do they live their lives they not only strive and
doing good deeds, but they counter evil with good, that's the philosophy they live by the counter evil with good and they continue to spend in charity, they are patient in the practice of their religion, they counter evil with good and they continue to spend in charity they spend in the cause of religion.
And then finally, when they are when they are faced with ignorance, when they are faced with foolishness, and they are confronted by ignorant people. Allah says what either semi Allah were either semi or Lavoie
when they hear foolish talk, vain, talk useless garbage and babble. Trash, when they hear trash, what did they do?
They just ignore it. They just ignore it. I know this is a very like basic kind of almost like a silly, you know, line of reasoning or logic or It sounds very basic, very childish, but it actually is very logical. I don't know about anybody else here. But I remember some logic, you know, like a line of reasoning. They used to be taught by some of our elders, previous generations, they used to kind of tell us about ignoring foolish talk. They used to tell us that if you're walking by, if you're walking down the street, or you're walking by somebody's house, somebody's backyard, and they have a dog in their backyard and the dog starts to bark at you. And that happens, you know, in
neighborhoods, you're just kind of walking around your neighborhood and the dog starts to bark. So when the dog starts to bark at you, do you stop and start barking back at the dog?
Okay, no, at the very least you at least stop and start. You know, just having a conversation with the dog. Like dog. Why do you bark at me?
Why Why, why? Why? Why does Tao bark at me? Right? You don't do that. And our elders used to tell us you don't do that. Then why do you answer back in ignorant person? Why do you yell back at a fool? Somebody curses you out? Why do you stand there and you list off another long, long list of curse words to that person.
You're no better now.
You're acting just as unintelligently as he was. That's it. That's it. That's an animal that's a simple minded creature that animal that dog when he barks that you don't yell back or even talk back to donkey no poor animal does know and do the creature does what he knows. he barks. That's what he does. So you go about your business you realize you're above that. So we've had some your loved one. And who
when they hear foolishness, garbage, mindless jibber jabber out or the one who they just they just ignore it. They just go about their way they go about their business. Well callooh and at the most What do they say? Lana? Amarna. Welcome Mr. Lupo.
We will be rewarded for our deeds and you'll be rewarded for your deeds. salaam aleikum, we mean you no harm, peace.
You go about your business will go about our business. We mean no harm. Lana Battaglia Jacqueline, we do not seek out ignorant people. We do not pick fights with ignorant people.
Especially if you're walking by a dog and the dog is sleeping, you do not go with a stick and poke that dog.
You definitely don't do that. Lana, that doesn't mean we don't go looking for ignorant people to pick fights with them.
So the Quran actually the scholars mentioned that these Ayah revealed about these people. And the Quran talks about these people, and the philosophy and the strategy of these people.
So now, these people respond to Abuja by saying this, these ideas are revealed to the prophets, a lot of the prophets a lot he some reveals these out. And, you know, at the same time, it's, it's, it's a shadow for those people, those 20 men who accepted Islam, it confirms their faith and congratulates them on not just their eemaan, but even their, the, the the, the the sun, that they have lived in the have practiced. And these people go back to these people go back to their own people, again, as representatives of Islam, and as propagators and diaries of the religion of Islam. And now, abou Jan,
and the leadership of mocha, is just completely just losing their mind.
They've completely lost it. They are beyond agitated, they are beyond angry. They just had enough. This is it. Because now it's bad enough that they were dealing, you know, with losses and mcca. But now people are coming from other places. Even practitioners of other religions and faiths are coming here and beginning to accept as I'm 20 people, 20 people from the leadership of a whole area major tribe, that's a major hit. So now our boo, Jan is like, what do we do about this, this is we can't tolerate this anymore. We have to do something drastic, we have to do something extreme. And remember, this is somebody who had tortured people. This is somebody who had killed people. If
somebody tried to assassinate the professor, some think about what his definition of extremists and so now he's saying we need to do something very extreme. And inshallah in the next following session, we'll talk about some of those extreme steps that a Buddha decided to take. And our next few sessions will basically lead us into the very another very famous landmark period, from the life of the prophet SAW some from the Macan era of prophethood. And that was the years of boycotts and isolation and being socially cut off, and will basically our next few sessions will lead us into that in sha Allah. May Allah subhanho wa Taala give us all the ability to practice everything that's
been said and heard. I will before I forget, one last thing I wanted to talk about kind of I mentioned it I alluded, alluded to it a little bit earlier, but I want to reiterate it here at the end as kind of a takeaway message, again, reflect on the character of people reflect on the character of people. abou JAL is a foul mouth, angry, belligerent disrespectful person
who's not blessed with a man or any type of hair.
These are well spoken polite individuals.
There's certain amount of hair they exhibit. And Allah subhanaw taala blesses them with the man. Good things lead to good things.
So we also have to understand the law. We all have Islam, we all have a basic level of human and we thank Allah for that. But if we intend to grow in that faith, we tend to we intend, and we want and we desire to grow in our Islam in our Imani in our son in our hate. The more we exhibit faith, the more it leads to more hate. And the very least thing that we can do is good character, good conduct, good character, good conduct, the way we speak, the way we walk, the way we talk, the way we conduct our
selves. The way we manage our relationships with people says a lot about our imana a lot about our Islam and a lot about our son. So that's something at the very least we can focus on and we can inshallah start working towards May Allah subhanaw taala give us the ability to practice everything that was said and heard Subhana Allah He will be humble. He said 100 Callaghan will be humble Nick Mashhad shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta Mr Furukawa to bhulekh