Abdul Nasir Jangda – Redemption

Abdul Nasir Jangda
AI: Summary ©
The discussion covers the history of forgiveness and redemption, as well as the importance of history and history for understanding actions of Islamists. The speakers emphasize the need for redeeming oneself and making a positive impact on one's life, as well as practical examples of young people's fall into the wrong company and loss of job. They also discuss the importance of avoiding wasting one's life and building a foundation to redo one's behavior. The discussion touches on the historical context of Islam, including the story of the Hadith and the Prophet sallam, as well as the importance of learning from mistakes and avoiding wasting one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah he had to get dirty Ali Mustafa T Samia semantic obedience Shun. gelila Khedira fear Itzik Remo, toil Emilija legal berghahn The Himalayas mucociliary l me was Hill Hill McCarthy will go from Jimmy Lisanna agency la ARPA image EBIT da yami Melissa Hassan, surreal hisab Isha de delay kabhi le Mala either be Aziz is soul born when a Shadwell La ilaha illallah Hua who la sharika Phil holiday will Amma when a shadow under Mohammed Abu rasuluh Almagro to e la sua they will. And when are you to be Shaheed Sunday wherever it was sallallahu alayhi wa ala early he was Herbie Alladhina, whom Kalasa Tula Arabela roba wa hadal Hara at ba del MBR and my BA to forget au

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Hannahs Wahidullah for in Neto HaTorah SUTA what's Aquila fake Nicola Mila cool Hassan. While they can be sunnah fineness una de da de la Lita Aminata Allahu wa Sula, who forgot the Rashida wa Tada what Yakumo will be the final be the IDI de la Marcia. y mejor sallahu wa rasuluh fucka, Davao la vaca wa Wa alaykum son for in hola yo hibel Marcin where the roofer in the home would you would that rain was so few who you did a combi unwinding weapon in the villa humanoid shape on the regime. In La La Xena taboo wa sallahu wa began begin for hula aka tube Allahu Allah him well, for Allah to lay him what an utter wobble Rahim.

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A topic and a subject that we speak about quite often from the Quran from the guidance provided by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And it's a topic that we revisit frequently. That is the topic of forgiveness,

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the topic of the forgiveness of Allah, the Mercy of Allah.

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And while that is, as I mentioned, from the book of Allah, from the guidance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, and therefore, it's a very important topic for us to discuss, and it's something that we should revisit frequently. However, the discussion if it stops at talking about the forgiveness of Allah, and speaking about the Mercy of Allah, and we stopped the discussion there. It is an incomplete discussion.

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Because in the Quran in numerous verses, I quoted it number 60 from Surah Baqarah ro Allah says Allah illAllah. Zina taboo, except for those people who repent it was a slow and then they corrected will be no. And then they redeemed themselves. In surah Italia Imran, in Isaiah 89 and 90. Again, Allah says Ill Alladhina Tsavo member Daedalic except for those people who repented after they committed wrong, what a Salah who, and then they corrected. They course corrected faking Allah voodoo Rahim then indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Allah subhanaw taala similarly says in Surah, Talia Imran and I 135 Allah Dena is alpha our new faculty Chetan, oh Allah mu and fossa whom

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they did wrong. They committed an atrocious act. They did something sinful in bad, the Corolla. Then they remember their Lord they remembered Allah for stuck for only then will be him and they asked forgiveness for the wrongs that they committed. But Allah does not stop there. He says we'll make up through the MOBA Illa Allah who can forgive sins except for Allah Willem you sit through our Dharma falou but then they did not persist undoing whatever activity they were previously involved with, which is a different way of saying the course corrected.

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And the verses go on and on and sort of dilemma EDA Illa Dena taboo Ursula who, so repeatedly Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran,

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the does not stop the discussion, the conversation at seeking forgiveness. Allah does not end the conversation there. Allah subhanaw taala always takes it a step further. The very famous ayat from Surah Al Furqan, Ilam and taba were Amana were amila saleha

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that they repented. They believed and then they did good foot we're like okay, YouTube, Allahu Allah. Those are the people that Allah will grant redemption to. So there is a second part of this discussion and conversation. That is very important. And obviously you can't have the level two discussion unless you've had the level one discussion, but after a certain point of us talking about the for

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Forgiveness of Allah, the Mercy of Allah. We need to graduate to the level where we talk about redemption. How do we redeem ourselves?

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The Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even talks about it, that Allah will wipe away. The Allah who you hate. I found a job. Yes, when we seek Allah's forgiveness, and he showers us with His mercy, Allah will wipe away the effects of those sins, but I have not yet pulled myself out of the hole that I'm in.

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And that is a responsibility Allah puts on me, I have to redeem myself. I have to find a way to course to correct my own course. I have to find a way to make something better of myself. And that's a very, very important part of this discussion and conversation. When we look into Quran as I've presented a number of different ions. Allah subhanaw taala continues to talk about this, that for Indaba, what a Salah ha for ARIDO anima that if they repent and then they correct what they were previously involved in Allah subhanaw taala goes as far in Surah Nisa to say what Allah su Dena whom Lila

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so they sought forgiveness. They banked on the mercy of Allah, that Allah is Forgiving and Allah is merciful. And Allah's Mercy is all encompassing. And Allah's forgiveness knows no limitations. Absolutely, certainly. But then after that, they do good. And not only do they do good, but then they strive in excelling. They strive to excel in doing good with UCLA, SUNY not only law, that what comes after is far better than what was there before they committed whatever mistake they committed.

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And when you look at our history,

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you look at the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the same people who many of us are named after that we name our children after the people that we revere the people that we look up to the people that we admire, I'm gonna Tavera the Allahu Taala and Khalid bin Walid or the Allahu

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all of these remarkable people. These are not only just stories of forgiveness and mercy they are, but that's not all they are. They are also stories of redemption.

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These are people who redeemed themselves. These were people who were not satisfied with okay, I sulla Allah Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah, right like the famous conversation the prophets Allah the some had with Khalid bin Walid was the I'm gonna be the last an Earth man meant to be tell her that the Allahu Taala on whom, where they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam after two decades of opposing him and fighting against him.

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And when they felt embarrassed and ashamed of what they had done in the past, and the prophets a lot, he said, he said to them, the very famous Hadith of the prophets, Allah Islam, in Islam, again, devo Makana Coppola, who that Islam wipes away, removes everything that was there before the moment that you became Muslim.

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That's a very important lesson, the process and taught us on that day. But the lesson doesn't end there.

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At that point, these individuals Khalid bin Walid, I'm gonna be the last they could have stopped there. But they said no. What can I do now? To redeem myself?

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Right, the washi the very interesting figure from the seat of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, who basically was an assassin for hire.

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And he was the one who pulled the trigger when it came to the assassination. The shahada of the uncle of the process on comes out of the Allahu Anhu. And after he becomes listen, he then strives now defending Islam defending the deen of Allah, someone so from his own words,

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as mentioned, in numerous narration, even 100 mentions in Allah saba. That why she then says, because my hands were the ones who ended the life

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were the means of the ending of the life of one of the best people that ever walked this earth Hamza. I needed to contribute and make up for that redeem myself. And it was his hands that were the means of removing from the earth one of the most evil people that has ever walked this earth will say Lama al Khattab, the False Prophet, who threatened and challenged our messenger SallAllahu Allah who said,

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he felt this need

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and we have to think about what that implies. That yes, I have put myself I have humbled myself before my Lord.

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I have said

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Allah, I admitted, I confess to it is still far is a kind of confession to Allah, Allah, I did make a mistake, I first have to humble myself, I have to ask Allah for forgiveness, acknowledge and understand another Matoba I have to know deep down inside my being, that I have made a mistake and I have done something wrong. And when I do that the doors of Allah's mercy shall open for me, and will shower down upon me, and will absolve me.

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And absolution is a big thing.

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If any of us can achieve that, by the time we've departed from this world, that inner of itself is a victory. Make no mistake, we're not denying any of that, that the absolution is absolutely necessary and a huge blessing of Allah and gift from Allah.

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But if I have been given life after that moment of absolution, if I still have the opportunity to have my eyes open,

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then what I should then strive for is redeeming myself in the eyes of my Lord.

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And doing something good with the opportunity that I've been given what a slow what UCLA Selena humbly Allah, that I will make something better of myself.

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And I wanted to share a really fascinating event and story that illustrates this in a very, very real practical way. Because a lot of times, we can talk about something theoretically, as we've been, but it becomes a little bit harder to relate and connect to. So sometimes it helps to look at a practical example.

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So there's this incident that is related. It's from the second century

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of Islam. And it occurs in the city of bustle,

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a classical city in Iraq. That was the base of the spread of Islam and much of the learning happening in the Muslim world at that time.

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And there's a young man who lives there in the city of Basra.

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And he's a very, you know, handsome, charismatic, very, you know, talented young man. So naturally, he's very popular. He's surrounded by a lot of friends. But he's fallen into the wrong company.

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Some of the accounts of his life seem to allude to the absence of a father.

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It's just him and his mother. So with the absence of the Father, and maybe there's been nobody to kind of discipline him and train him raise him properly. So he's basically falling into the wrong company, he's gotten into trouble and he's roaming the streets. cathedra Shut up. He's drinking and intoxicating. Cars, getting into fights and making trouble.

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One particular day,

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he is waiting for some of his buddies.

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And in the old cities, they would have like these gates and tunnels and walkways. So one of the main tunnels and the main gates that leads into the old city, he's just sitting down there by the gate waiting for some of his buddies to arrive. And even his physical condition kind of tells you probably the state in the condition that he's in. He's not wearing a shirt.

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He's only wearing these are basically imagine he's only wearing pants, his pants are red as well, for some reason. And he's got no shirt on. And he's just sitting there.

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And as he's sitting there,

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this older gentleman is walking in the direction of the tunnel, the gate.

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And this older gentleman is walking and behind him, is a throng of people around him. And behind him. There's a huge group of people, and they all seem very, like walking respectfully, quietly. They also seem like very respectful people.

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And as he gets closer and he sees he's got this old man's got this huge crowd with him.

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He is just used to this, you know, being in this mode of making trouble. So he stands up.

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And he blocks the way of the old men.

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He rather sorry, he goes in, he sits down in the middle of the road, blocking the way of the old man.

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So the old man, he stops and he says that, you know, we'd like to pass by.

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And so he says to him, he says, Man, Allah.

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Who's this? Who's helped me to move.

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So someone in the crowd says to him, have a shorter bar.

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This is an imam shorter

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and shorter, but the judge who passed away in the

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160 After hijra, he is one of the great early scholars of this Omaze, particularly scholars of Hadith. He narrated Hadith from some of the giants of the yard, the seniors of the era of the tabby own people like

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I'm gonna be dinar, and many others. And so he's known as a major giant of knowledge in his time and in his era. His own contemporary Soufiane authority calls him a middle meaningful Hadith.

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His students he learned from a Tada, the student of the Sahaba and his own students are known to us as the pioneers of Islamic knowledge people like Abdullah bin Mobarak. So he's a very respected senior scholar. So someone says he has a sharp, this is an imam shorba and he goes way Shaba what's a Chaba?

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Right being disrespectful, making trouble. That's what he knows. So they said Maha death. He is a scholar of Hadith. He teaches people the life of the prophets a lot he said.

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So he's, he stands up and he says to him, had destiny.

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Teach me a hadith, Yamaha Deathrite teach me a hadith. Again, being facetious.

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So Sharma says to him, he says my untimeliness Harville Hadith

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says young man, look at you. You want to be behaving like the people who studied the Hadith of the prophets Allah.

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He says really?

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For ash have a sukeena who

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so he basically makes this gesture right in Texas. We know what that discernment is, right? So he shows him his knife, his dagger.

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And he says

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at Disney teach me ahaadeeth threatens him with his weapon.

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Sure, but doesn't blink he doesn't flinch. Doesn't bat an eye.

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Get gathers himself takes a deep breath.

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And he says okay, you want to know a hadith? He says Hadith ne monsoon. Andre Berry. And Abby Massoud Radi Allahu Anhu Paola Paola Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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either alum Testa he first nama.

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He says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if you lose your shame, then do whatever it is you want.

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Such a powerful Hadith of the Prophet.

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When this young man hears this,

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and he understands what he's saying, He's intelligent. You've lost all your shame.

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You pick a fight with an old man?

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Didn't you act a fool in the middle of the street?

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And now you're playing games with the Hadith of the Prophet.

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You've lost all your shame, your sense, fine, do whatever you want your stabbing, stabbing you do whatever you want.

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When he hears this, this young men,

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romantic, you know, he throws his knife to the ground. He turns around and just walks away. He goes home

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and he enters into his home. He has alcohol wine in his home. He pours all of it down the drain.

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Then he washes and cleans himself. He gets dressed, he packs a small bag.

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He goes to his mother

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and he says to his mother, a son has hobby Gigi Luna, furred who Lee him waka dimia, Tama la him that my friends will come looking for me in a little while when they come invite them in, feed them some food

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for you that I can do once they're done eating at him, then tell them be my meal to be shut up. Then tell them that I've thrown away all my wine hotdog and 34 and then let them leave.

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And he bid farewell to his mother. And he picked up his bag and he went straight and hit the road and did not stop until he reached Medina. Al Madina, Munawwara he went there he repented vowed to change his life

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and whence he arrived there in Medina. He found

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that there was a great scholar, a great pious man in Medina,

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a true embodiment of the Sunnah.

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So he went to him, and he said, Sir, let me learn from you.

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And that scholar took him under his wing. And that great scholar was Imam Malik of new *. The great Imam Malik alamin Medina

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And he spent the next 30 years being his student.

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He spent the next 30 years being a student.

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And at the end of those 30 years, he himself had become such a scholar

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that he would eventually become the teacher of Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim to name a few.

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Bukhari and Muslim would travel from Central Asia, all the way to Medina to narrate a Hadith from this young man that we talked about. And his name is Abdullah ibn Muslimah. Al Carnaby.

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He went on to pass away in the year 230, after he hits it off.

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But this is the story of redemption. This is what I'm talking about. This is what I need to focus on. This is what I need to learn. This is what I need to think about.

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That I have made mistakes, and two areas human couldn't have been the other Mahato, two areas human will all make mistakes.

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And step number one, lesson number one, I need to admit my mistake to Allah, a stock federal law

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was a to La Oh Allah, I messed up, I did one. I need to repent. Internally, I need to feel bad for what I did. I need to think about what I've done, and how it's not right. And then we oftentimes talk about the third step is what and yeah, Azeema Allah, Allah, Yehuda, eladia, Buddha, and I make the I have the intention to never go back to that sin ever again.

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But the further part of that the next part of that is, and then I'm going to do something good with the opportunity that Allah has given me, the fact that I'm still alive, the fact that I've been able to repent and realize the error of my ways while I'm still alive, while I'm still in this world. And I have the ability to speak and I have the ability to walk and have the ability to talk, I still have resources available to me, I've been blessed with all these talents. What am I going to do with all this?

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I need to try to build I've torn down for long enough now I need to build and I will redeem myself. And I will do something remarkable with the ability and the opportunity Allah Allah has given me. And that's where I found this amongst the 1000s and 1000s of stories in our tradition, and our history and our heritage. I found this to be very inspirational, because you have a young man,

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wasting his life away and making trouble that's nothing new.

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But when he repents when he realizes,

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then he doesn't stop there. And look how he redeemed himself to become one of the greatest contributors to the tradition of Islamic knowledge that we have.

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And this is the opportunity that we all have in front of us

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that we will repent, will ask Allah for forgiveness. Not soon, not eventually, not even today. But now.

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When we pray right now, we'll all take an extra minute or two. And we'll ask Allah to forgive us.

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We will admit our faults and our mistakes to Allah. All I've done wrong.

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And then once we get up and we walk out of here, we will strive to redeem ourselves. We're going to strive to make something better of ourselves. We're going to do something with the ability and the opportunity that Allah has granted us. And if we're able to do that, then Allah subhanaw taala tells us for hula aka Toluna Jana, well I used the moon and Akira, then those are the people that will enter paradise and no wrong will ever be done to them not even in the least bit. May Allah subhanaw taala make us amongst them BarakAllahu Luna we're looking for the Quran Allah them when I certainly what you can be like hacking a sock for Allah Hi Lea welcome Melissa. Intimacy mean for sofiero in a

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hula hula for Russian.

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Allah Akbar Wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayidina mousseline or other early he was happy woman to be our home we are sending Elijah Medina follow Allah azza wa jal vikita beginning Majeed Bardot bIllahi min ash shaytani R Rajim in Allahu Allah Ekata who you saw Luna Allah and maybe you're letting the ominous Allah He was selling with a slimmer

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Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad in Abu Dhabi Karasu Lake wa salam ala mode meaning that you will see me now will mercy much barbaric ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala as Raji he was the reality Allahumma Islam will mercy mean Allah one surreal Islam What do you mean? Allah Medina What do you mean our Jiang suburb eliminator Allahu Marina Allah they can recover should recover her scenario by the chick, Allah marsinah aki but to nephila moody Kalia virgin I mean visit dunya wa

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Adobe lockira Allahu morphic Malema. Taheebo Thorold la wa SallAllahu Taala Allah Nabil Karim Allah Allahu Allah Allah in the La Jolla Marula ideally winner so anyway Ito either way and ha Anil fascia you will monitor you will burn your the cupola Allah come to the Koran with Corolla he has got to come with erhu yesterday welcome. Well I think Allahu Akbar Allahu Allah Mamata snare own Aki masala

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