Abdelrahman Badawy – Unveiling The End – Signs Of The Day Of Judgement

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The speakers discuss the Day of Judgment, including signs and events, people speaking against evil behavior, cultural teachings, and language-related issues. They stress the importance of understanding the meaning of words and language, as well as cultural teachings and language-related issues. The worship of Daj Geoff and Isa Alay is expected to lead to worship and eventually become a believer, with ten signs that will be present during the Day of Judgment, including the return of Jesus Alayhi, the beast, smoke, the rising of the sun, the beast, and the beast.
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All right, I want to begin, of course,
in the name of our Creator, Subhanahu wa
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen, wassalatu wassalamu ala nabiyyi al
-ameen, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'een.
Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja'altahu sahla,
wa anta taj'alu al-hazna idha shi'ta
Rabbish rahli sadri, wa yassir li amri, wahlu
al-uqdatan min al-lisani, yafqahu qawli.
Allahumma a'allimna ma yunfa'una, wa anfa
'una bima a'allamtana, wa zidna ilman ya
rabbil alameen.
All right.
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
Once again, I mean, it's a great honor
to be back here with you guys.
I really love this community.
May Allah bless you and preserve you and
continue to grow the community and bless your
children to be the next generation of the
leaders of America.
Ameen, ya rabbil alameen.
All right, so alhamdulillah, today we are back
for the conversation about, in Jum'ah, we
spoke about what?
Paradise was definitely at the end.
But the main topic, yes, the Day of
The Day of Judgment, right?
And we focused on the tarheeb part.
So the da'wah ilallah or preaching to
Allah or convincing others or ourselves to go
on the path of Allah, it's mainly two
It's a tarheeb with tarheeb.
It's the hope and fear, right?
And increasing our hope in Allah's mercy and
And also, the opposite end of it is
increasing our fear in His punishment and being
worthy of that punishment, right?
So the main topic, our main focus this
weekend would be the tarheeb part of it,
which is increasing our fear in a healthy
dose, reasonable but in a managed way.
And sometimes that's not focused on often enough
in our culture here as American Muslims because
it's good to be positive and it's good
to prioritize, which we should.
Allah's mercy, Allah's mercy, Allah's mercy is greater
than all things.
That is Allah's words, right?
And Allah's mercy overcomes His wrath, subhanahu wa
And that's Allah's gift to us and to
all of mankind.
And Allah has broken His mercy down into
100 parts and He has sent down how
much to this earth?
One part.
And He reserved 99% of His mercy,
subhanahu wa ta'ala, for the believers in
the akhira.
May Allah ta'ala make us amongst them.
So this is the most hopeful thing I
can hear.
99% of Allah's mercy is awaiting the
believers in the akhira.
It gives me some peace in my heart
and my soul.
But we still have to be worthy of
earning it.
Or rather, earning it is not the right
We have to be worthy of being gifted
Because ultimately Allah gives it as a gift.
But you have to be humble and broken
down in front of Him, subhanahu wa ta
'ala, and be worthy of receiving that gift
of mercy from the Creator.
May Allah make us all worthy of it.
And our families and our loved ones.
So today, we spoke earlier about the Day
of Judgment.
Now we're going to speak about the signs
of the Day of Judgment.
And those are two separate topics entirely.
So the signs, the Day of Judgment occurs
after death.
The signs, all of them occur in this
life, in this dunya, correct?
So they're connected, but they're two different topics.
So before I get started, what is the
concept of the signs of the Day of
Can somebody explain it in one sentence?
The signs of the Day of Judgment.
Who said it?
Prophecies, yes.
So what is a prophecy?
If you have to define prophecy for your
test, what does prophecy mean?
An event foretold by the Prophet ﷺ.
And that's where you get the word prophet.
And that's where you get the word prophecy.
And what is prophet in Arabic?
Nabi, we have Rasul and Nabi.
Rasul means messenger, the one who delivers the
That's why you could say Rasul Rasulullah ﷺ.
Sometimes the Prophet ﷺ would send one of
the companions with a task, and he would
say, I'm the messenger of the messenger of
It was a very honorable thing to say.
He literally meant, I'm just the messenger, I'm
delivering a message.
But he is the messenger of Allah.
He is delivering the message from Allah ﷺ.
So we call the Prophet ﷺ and all
of the messengers, they are Rasul because they
received the Risalah, they received the message, but
they are also a prophet, a Nabi.
And Nabi comes from, the same way that
prophet comes from the word prophecy, Nabi comes
from the word?
Naba or Nubuwa.
Nubuwa, right?
Nubuwa meaning prophethood, but that also comes from
a root, you can also go back further,
which comes from the word Naba.
عَمَّ يَتَسَأَلُونَ عَنِ النَّبَأِ الْعَظِيمِ What are they
questioning about?
What is everybody arguing about?
عَنِ النَّبَأِ الْعَظِيمِ About the big news, the
major news, the biggest news humanity ever received
in history, and will ever receive.
And what is that Naba al-'Azim?
يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ The Day of Judgment, the Akhirah,
that this life is not, you don't just
live and die, and you eat a little
bit and you die.
It's a big deal.
نَبَأٌ عَظِيمٌ So Allah uses that phrase نَبَأٌ
عَظِيمٌ several times in the Quran.
نَبَأ Literally, if you go to an Arabic
dictionary, it just means news.
The one who delivers the news, the one
who received the news and delivers it is
the prophet.
نَبِي صلى الله عليه وسلم So now you
know some background, why we say Rasul, why
we say Nabi.
The reason why we call them Nabi, or
prophet, and the reason why whoever translated prophecy
as the information that the Prophet ﷺ had
about future events.
Notice he didn't just say, and sometimes also
past events, but Naba is usually focused on
Because there's one specific sort of characteristic of
this news that specifies that they become a
Because I can come from, you know, New
York and tell you, hey I have some
news about what happened in New York.
I'm not a Nabi, I'm just a guy
who knows something that happened there.
Even though it's technically Naba.
The prophets, the prophecies are news, or information,
that this human being could not have possibly
known except if they received it from God.
That's what makes them, they get a title.
You are a prophet.
You receive revelation, you receive information that you
could not and should not have possibly known.
And the only conclusion after we put all
the data together, after we, the news comes
true, long after the Prophet ﷺ has passed
away and left the world, then we can,
the only conclusion to say is this person
received this Naba, this news from God.
ينبئكم عن الماضي وعن المستقبل ينبئكم عن الماضي
وعن المستقبل He informs you about the past
that he could not have known.
How could he have known things that happened
a thousand years ago?
The specific interactions between Yusuf ﷺ and his
And the specific interaction between Yusuf ﷺ and
the woman who tried to seduce him and
the conversations they had.
How did he know وَجَاءَتْهُمْ إِحْدَاهُمَا تَمْشِي عَلَىٰ
اِسْتِحْيَاءٍ When Prophet Musa ﷺ, before he married
his wife, when they interacted, Allah said she
walked towards him to tell him to come
speak to her father and she walked with
a very modest walk.
There was two human beings on the planet
who had that interaction.
And Allah revealed it to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
to tell us about that interaction because it's
of value to us.
So he informs us about the past that
he could not have possibly known and he
informs us about the future that he could
not have possibly known.
And the thing that we can verify both.
When the Prophet ﷺ said one of the
signs of the Day of Judgment is that
Jaziratul Arab, the Arabian Peninsula, you guys are
familiar with it, what will happen to it?
Well earthquake yes, that's one of the last
signs of the Day of Judgment.
Landslide is one of the last signs as
But before that is it will return green.
The Arabian Peninsula.
Authentic hadith.
One of the signs of the Day of
Judgment, the Prophet ﷺ said the Arabian Peninsula
which is Mecca, Medina and you know Saudi
Arabia roughly.
Will become green and with rivers, lush and
with rivers and then he said something very
As it used to be.
Say again.
I can't hear that sorry.
Oh idol worship yes.
There's another sign of the Day of Judgment
that the Arabs will return.
Some Arabs will return to worship not just
pagan idols specifically.
The Prophet ﷺ said Al-Lat and Al
-Uzza specifically.
Two idols that existed in pre-Islamic Arabia
that have not been worshipped for 1400 years.
And guess what I saw on the internet.
And you can see it with your own
eyes, videos.
There are some Arabs, Saudis who are, have
set up shrines not just some statues you've
seen in the desert for art.
No no.
They've set up shrines for Al-Lat and
Al-Uzza specifically.
And they have said in their video, you
can watch it, they're talking to you.
They said it's time to bring back our
ancestry and our heritage that Islam removed.
First time in 1400 years.
Prophet ﷺ prophesized this 1400 years ago.
He said the Day of Judgment will not
The hour will not come until some of
the Arabs go back to worshipping these particular
But I want to go back to the
prophecy about Arabia will return to being green
and lush with rivers.
And then he said as it used to
This specific hadith, or this specific prophecy is
so beautiful and so powerful in that it
has, it informs us about the past and
the future.
So it's two miracles.
The Prophet ﷺ his whole life, Arabia was
nothing but desert.
Now Allah has honored me.
I lived in Mecca for eight years.
In those eight years we had maybe eight
That's it.
We get rain in Mecca once a year.
And our average rainfall, precipitation whatever you call
So who knows here in Pennsylvania what's the
average rainfall per year?
How many inches do you get?
Anybody here like hunters or you know, farmers?
It's a lot.
I'm from New York.
We're all neighbors.
I know for New York a number because
I was curious and I looked it up.
When you live in Mecca long enough you
start really craving rain.
And you start really understanding when the Arabs
would go out and say, which is in
the Qur'an, they would go out.
When we lived in Mecca, like honestly, if
we were in the middle of class, and
these are students of knowledge with a shaykh
teaching, if it started raining they would pause
the class and everybody would go outside.
And everybody would just sit and then you'd
go outside and you'd find everybody.
The men, women, and children.
People close their shops.
People in suits and just like letting it
hit your body.
Once a year you get rain.
Maybe twice.
In New York, I'm pretty sure Pennsylvania is
very similar, it's 40 inches of rainfall per
year on average.
Northeast America we have very blessed opportunities and
arable land.
We have a lot of gifts and fresh
water resources.
We have a lot of gifts over here.
40 inches.
With that number in mind, how many inches
do you think Mecca gets per year?
4 inches.
It's 0.5. Half an inch.
Half an inch per year of rainfall.
I'm talking about Mecca specifically, not Arabia.
Other parts of Arabia, Masha'Allah, they get
It's a desert.
It's a dry desert.
When the Prophet ﷺ is saying this place
used to be rivers and lush, he said,
it was lush.
It was a rainforest basically is what he's
saying ﷺ.
You can imagine the people saying at that
time, what are you talking about?
You could have just at least said it
had some grass.
But you're saying it was a rainforest, lush,
and he said that.
That's what he said ﷺ.
It used to be that way, and guess
It will be before the Day of Judgment.
Now, people have seen pictures, people have been
sharing pictures of Mecca becoming green.
So Allah blessed me to make Umrah at
the beginning, well now it's last year, January
of 2024.
And I was only there for a week,
and in my entire time living there, I
have never seen the mountains, because the mountains,
when the rain falls, it becomes green.
That happens every year.
But because we get rain once a year,
it becomes green for a week, and then
that's it.
It dies out.
And it becomes very lightly green.
Like it's not lush.
Last year, I left in 2017, so it's,
subhanAllah, almost a decade now, subhanAllah.
So, it's been a long time.
I've never seen it as green as I
saw it last year, January of last year.
And yes, I know we went in January,
which is the winter.
So yes, that's when the rain falls.
But it's still like, this is, I've never
seen that.
And I lived there.
I passed by those mountains daily.
And I said, subhanAllah, it's on the way.
It's on the way.
Another sign is that you know how they
said the fossil fuels, which Arabia is the
centerpiece of.
Where do fossil fuels, like what are they
made of?
What have they always told us?
Well, oh, so you guys know better.
It's trees.
I was always taught it was dinosaurs.
I mean, hey, I don't know, maybe I'm,
Ahmed, we went to the wrong school.
Didn't they tell us it was dinosaurs?
Yeah, growing up, they said it was dinosaur
bones, right?
And they've switched.
The theories changed.
Now the kids get taught it's all trees.
So, if you're saying the biggest deposit of
trees that turned into fossil fuels was in
Arabia, that means it was lush and green.
It was a rainforest once upon a time.
And also, they've done aerial photographs, and they
see the old places where rivers used to
be in Arabia, al-Rub' al-Khali, the
empty quarter.
The proof is, and like, it's pretty much,
as far as I understand, unanimous that that
region was a rainforest once upon a time.
So, the second part of the hadith, it's
yet to come, but I'm just as convinced.
Just as we found out about the past,
we will see the future if Allah gives
us life.
So, that's just a powerful, powerful, that's one
prophecy out of hundreds that the Prophet Muhammad
ﷺ gave us about the impending end of
the world.
So, before we get too excited, these are
all signs that the world is ending.
So, it's not, it's scary.
And it's meant to be scary because that,
we'll talk about the function of that fear.
So, I have a question for you to
start us.
Are we in the end times?
Who says yes, raise your hand.
And who says no?
Okay, does anybody want to, like, give some
thoughts on your thesis, why you say yes
or no?
You said no, right?
Okay, okay.
So, you know that before the Day of
Judgment, that the Muslims will be fewer, and
in fact, one hadith specifically also says the
Arabs will be very few in number as
So, okay.
That's a good thesis.
You said yes.
The tallest buildings.
Yeah, that's also another prophecy of the Prophet
Muhammad ﷺ.
So, you are all each, I love that
you are all basing your thoughts on authentic
prophecies of the Prophet ﷺ.
It's not just, oh, I feel like it.
That's good.
That's a great sign.
That's where we should start.
Yes, brother.
So, you said no, we're not in the
end time yet, because of that.
Yes, brother.
The Prophet ﷺ said, He said, I was
sent, and the hour will follow me like
And he made this hand signal.
I don't know if it shows up here
or not.
Yeah, it did.
It shows up, he said, like this.
So, he said, my Risalah, me being sent,
and my death, ﷺ, will be signs of,
are signs of the Day of Judgment.
So, and then he said, I was sent,
and the hour will be sent after me
like this.
Meaning, obviously, it's been 1400 years since, 1450
roughly, right?
But he's talking in a general sort of
sphere, in the history of the world, in
the history of nations.
And we'll give a hadith about that as
So, okay, so, I mean, I'm glad we
had mixed thoughts about that, because it's hard
to define what do you mean by end
So, if you're saying the last nation, the
last ummah, then of course, there will be
no ummah after Nabi ﷺ's ummah.
It's the ummah of Muhammad, there's no Prophet
after him.
The only one that returns is Isa ﷺ,
but he returns as a member of the
ummah of Muhammad ﷺ.
And a leader, the righteous leader, who will
lead us to victory, and peace, and prosperity,
And he will unite the people of the
book, the sincere ones, with the believers, the
Muslims as well.
But yeah, there's no Prophet after Muhammad ﷺ,
so we are the end times in that
regard, based on that very obvious, very clear
-cut hadith of our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
However, that's the broader version of like, well,
the last nation, the last nation can last
2,000 years, or whatever number, right?
As we are, you know, we're at 1
,400, it can go on.
But the more specific definition of, well, end
times, if we are to give it a
number, are we in the last 100 years
of the world?
The answer to that is الله أعلم.
Nobody can ever say with certainty.
And our brother mentions a very poignant point
where Brother Uthman had said earlier about Prophet
Isa ﷺ, when he returns, he's expected to
stay up to 40 years and live a
natural life and die a natural death.
So that's almost two generations right there.
So, some people say, well, Jesus is not
back, so I'm good.
You know?
Like, I got 40, 50, 60 years.
However, we'll talk now about major and minor
science because there is a function to learning
this stuff.
It's very important.
There's a reason why Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, or
sorry, Jibreel, rather, when he came in the
famous hadith, when he came to the Prophet
ﷺ and asked him about أخبرني عن الإيمان,
عن الإسلام والإيمان والإحسان.
He said, teach me about Islam and teach
me about Iman.
Teach me about Ihsan, which is the highest
level of Iman.
Then he said, teach me about the Day
of Judgment and its signs.
So he's asking about, he's pairing this with
Islam and Iman and Ihsan.
It means it's important.
It's important to know, right?
It's listed there.
And that's where the hadith about the Arab
Bedouins building the tallest buildings and competing.
يَتَطَوَّلُونَ فِي الْبُنِيَانِ Jibreel ﷺ told أخبرني
عن الإشارة The Prophet ﷺ said to Jibreel
ﷺ You will see the desert Bedouins competing
in building tallest buildings and they're barefoot shepherds.
So it's very contradictory.
Wait, barefoot shepherds building the tallest buildings and
they're desert Bedouins, they're usually the last people
to have those means, have the wealth and
have the ability to do such a thing.
It's the last thing you can expect.
It's such a contradictory paradoxical experience.
You can experience tall buildings in like if
he said in the Roman Empire at that
time or Byzantine Empire or the Persian Empire.
You say, okay, I can see them getting
They already have the mausoleums and the palaces.
But the desert Bedouins, they had nothing.
They had like roofs made out of like
tree bark.
And he said, no, you're going to see
And he described them as the desert Bedouins
who are shepherds and they will be barefoot.
And like you go, I live there.
I know this is a very literalistic translation
of the hadith, but they're literally barefoot.
Everyone's wearing ship-ship over there.
Everyone's wearing like flip-flops.
And these are the richest billionaires, trillionaires, you
And they got buildings now.
They just announced literally a few weeks ago.
I forgot where in Saudi Arabia or was
it one of the Gulf countries?
They're now building a so it was Burj
That was the tallest.
And then there's Jeddah Tower, which is still
in construction.
They just announced a taller one.
And like they've started construction.
It's exactly what the hadith says.
Like word for word copy, you know, carbon
So the Prophet ﷺ warned us that these
things would happen.
And he told us, look, these things will
happen at the end of times.
And the more of the signs that you
see, the closer we are to the world
ending and the story being finished.
Every story has a final chapter.
We don't know for sure if we are
in the absolute final chapter.
In fact, we know that we aren't because
there are ten major signs that have not
come, which we'll talk about in a second.
But the more and more we see of
everything we just mentioned and hundreds more, the
closer we get there.
As the minor signs sort of like start
running out, meaning you see all of them
occur, that just means that the major signs
are right around the corner.
All right.
So the question, are we in the end
It's not easy to answer it with a
direct yes or no.
But you should have an awareness of it
as a Muslim.
Because when Allah sends us these signs in
the Qur'an, which he did, Allah tells
us about dabbah, dabbatun minal ard, the beast,
which is also found in Christianity and Judaism.
And Allah told us about yajuj and majuj
in the Qur'an, gaag and magaag, which
is also found in Judaism and Christianity.
And Allah told us about ad-dajjal, and
Allah told us about Isa, wa innahu la
'alamun lissa'a, and so on and so
They are in the Qur'an.
So if it's in the Qur'an and
in the hadith, authentic hadith, then it's important
for us to know.
But beware of somebody who's telling you for
There are videos like that online, people who
we don't know their credentials, they're random videos
with a lot of very well done, very
good graphics, very good music, and like it's
like a movie, it gets you really pumped.
And they tell you things for certain and
this person's hiding in a cave and this
and that.
And you're like, you believe it because it's
very well made.
But beware.
Which leads me to the very important question.
Who before I phrase it this way, I'll
phrase it this way.
When you hear about a sign of the
Day of Judgment, or the ones that you
just told me yourself, how do you, what
made you believe that and accept it as
a true sign of the Day of Judgment?
When you told me that Arabia, they'll compete
in tall buildings.
When you told me that Arabia will return
green or that 10 have it, you're reassured
because well the 10 ones haven't started yet.
What makes you so confident that those are
even reliable?
They are sourced to one of two sources.
Which is number one, Qur'an.
And number two, Hadith.
And we have to specify authentic Hadiths of
our Prophet ﷺ.
Meaning, we can verify with some confidence that
the Prophet ﷺ actually said this.
That's why I put that caveat.
So yes, guys, I cannot insist enough.
That's why I gave that whole introduction about
Who gives the news?
Nabi ﷺ gives the news.
And if it's anybody else, they have to
justify their news.
If somebody tells you our Muslim leader will
come and he will be, he's hiding in
a cave right now.
And he will show up one day.
I'll tell him, I have no problem accepting
If I can find it in Qur'an
or authentic Hadith.
Is that a fair statement from me?
That's 100% fair.
If somebody told me, there will be a
mountain of gold in Egypt.
Before the Day of Judgment.
I have no problem accepting that.
I'd like that.
But, I won't accept it until you can
confirm that somebody who has news, somebody who
I can believe can tell me about the
future, told me.
It has to be from Allah.
And the only one Allah, لَا يُذْهِرُ عَلَى
غَيْبِهِ أَحَدًا إِلَّا مَنْ اِرْتَضَ مِنْ رَسُولٍ Allah
says in Qur'an, He does not allow
anybody to see the غَيْب except, Allah gave
one exception.
إِلَّا مَنْ اِرْتَضَ مِنْ رَسُولٍ Except the ones
He has selected amongst His messengers.
He gives, not all the messengers had all
the news and all the information.
Is every messenger of Allah عَلَمُ الْغَيْبِ They
know everything of the unseen?
Allah gave them the knowledge some of the
That's why the Prophet ﷺ when Jibreel asked
him, and Jibreel was disguised, he told him,
مَا الْمَسْؤُلُ أَعْلِمُ بِهَا مِنَ السَّائِلِ He told
him, أَخْبِرْنِي عَنِ السَّاعَةِ O Muhammad ﷺ, tell
me about the hour.
He said, he doesn't know more than the
person asking.
So when people tell you, well the Prophet
ﷺ knew everything.
Well hear him, he is saying himself.
I don't know.
And Allah says in the Quran, يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ
السَّاعَةِ أَيَّانَ مُرْسَاهَةٍ What's the next ayah?
فِي مَا أَنتَ مِن ذِكْرَاهَا إِذَا رَبِّكَ مُنْتَهَاهَا
They ask you about the hour, when is
Allah says, respectfully, I say respectfully as me,
but who is the Prophet to tell them
And the phrasing may be disrespectful, may Allah
forgive me for the translation there.
But it is Allah who will tell them.
The Prophet ﷺ very clearly said, I don't
And only Allah knows the entirety of it,
So I say this why, especially to the
young people who we get most, you know,
the young people get most of their news
from TikTok and this and that and the
other, right?
And sometimes it can be of value, but
very often it can be a double-edged
It can be a curse, it can be
a blessing and a curse because a lot
of people, if the video is well-made
and the person is speaking very confidently, that's
enough, that's convincing.
And they take it as fact.
But that's not enough.
The person needs to justify any belief that
they've had, especially about the akhirah, about the
end of times, about signs, you have to
justify it with Qur'an or sunnah, period.
Otherwise, I will not accept it.
And beware, beware, beware, brothers and sisters.
I cannot insist enough as the times the
Day of Judgment draws near, which it is.
As technology is getting, you've seen the videos,
not just me, we talked about it before
and now it's gotten so much more advanced
since we saw it.
People now make videos of Ronaldo talking with
an Egyptian accent.
Have you seen those?
Maybe just my feet.
It's hilarious, but it's very scary.
What happens if tomorrow they give you, who's
a shaykh that you respect online, that you
listen to?
Shaykh Muhammad Shannawi.
So may Allah protect him and bless him.
What if...
The thing is you can meet him in
person and verify if he said something or
Give me somebody that you don't meet.
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi.
Hafidhallah, may Allah protect him.
If a video comes tomorrow of him preaching
and it looks 1000% authentic and he
gives you a false sign of the Day
of Judgment, God forbid.
Or he says this or that.
He says...
If in the video he says enough wrong
things that are just...
They're not so wrong that you say, what
is this?
Because they give it away.
They change it piece by piece.
That's what they did for the Jewish scripture
and the Christian scripture.
They never changed it like 1000% of
the time.
People notice immediately.
Rather they change it word for word.
And there's...
Anyway, it's a whole history.
But there's a modern Bible that's only 30
years old called the Schofield Bible where it's
promoted the modern...
Actually, it's like 50, more than 30 years
50 to 100.
And it's...
It promotes the modern state of Israel and
it was well funded by the Zionists and
this and that.
And the way that the subtle changes that
they make is so fascinating.
And now finally people are realizing after the
damage is done, where it's...
They never change it in a major way
because people notice.
My point is, if that video comes out
and it's your favorite shaykh and you cannot
see any flaw in this video and they
start saying things they cannot trace back to
Quran and Sunnah, how well will you recognize
How much of a critical thinker are you
where you say, even if I respect this
shaykh, with all due respect, he also...
He's not God.
And he's not the Rasul.
And he can make mistakes.
And this could be a fake because that's
the world we live in now.
He needs to be able to justify it
from Quran and Sunnah.
I'm giving you this warning because we are
entering the era where the Prophet ﷺ said
there will be many dajjals before the real
There will be many deceivers before the great
deceiver, the worst deceiver.
And those deceivers will have followings.
And in my country of origin in Egypt
and in many of your countries of origins
and here in America, in churches, there are
preachers who say basically whatever they want and
they get very mystical.
And they say, God, you have to follow
God came to me in a dream and
He said this will happen and you will
get this prosperity.
And people chase after these people.
They follow them like...
And they give them all their money.
They give them all their trust, all their
And they're leading them to the hellfire.
May Allah protect us.
Never ever...
Not Prophet...
Imam Al-Shafi'i, rahimahullah.
Imam Al-Shafi'i said, if I saw
a man walking on water in front of
my eyes, or...
I saw him flying through the sky in
front of my eyes, I would still reject
anything he said if he could not source
it back to Qur'an and Sunnah.
This is Imam Al-Shafi'i, rahimahullah.
And so that's how we believe.
I don't care what you tell me.
I don't care what magic tricks you have.
The Prophet ﷺ said, the dajjal, the great
deceiver, the antichrist, the worst fitna that humanity
will ever face, he will bring...
He will appear to bring back a person's
mother and father back to life.
You know this hadith?
Authentic hadith.
Sahih Bukhari, if I'm not mistaken.
He said, he will tell several men.
He will tell the first man, he will
tell him, if I bring back your mother
and father, and they tell you, oh my
son, we are back from the dead, this
is God, and worship Him, bow to Him
for dajjal.
Will you worship me?
And the man will say, yes.
And so, dajjal will bring two jinn, and
they will take the appearance of his mother
and father as he sees them.
And they will say, oh my son, my
dear son, we know we were wrong, worship
this man.
And he will worship him and he will
be taken to *.
And he will say this to another man.
And this is the authentic hadith in Bukhari,
if I'm not mistaken.
He says to him, here is your mother
and father.
And he will bring him, his deceased parents,
the appearance of them of course, he cannot
bring them back from the dead actually.
And they will say, oh my beloved son,
worship this man, he is God, he is
your savior.
And this man will say, you are a
trick of the devil, and Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
warned me that this would happen.
And dajjal will kill him, and he will
be a shaheed and go to paradise.
So this man, may Allah give us that
strength of iman.
This man was not fooled.
He was not fooled by the emotional blackmail.
The man didn't just bring anybody.
He didn't tell him, I'll give you 10
million dollars.
He said, I'll bring back the two people
you love the most, your parents, who tell
you please and they plead with you and
they cry to you.
That's gonna, and it will be as real
as day in front of this person.
It won't look like a, he will feel
it like it's real.
And he still had the iman and the
strength to say what Imam Shafi'i said.
I don't care what you bring me.
Bring it Qur'an and Sunnah, otherwise I
will reject you even if you kill me.
And those are the shuhadaat.
May Allah Ta'ala give us that strength
of iman in those difficult times.
So beware.
If the person cannot source it back to
Qur'an and Sunnah, I don't want it.
I don't care what you say.
I don't care how many people believe it.
10 billion people believe it.
It doesn't matter to me.
Bring me Qur'an or bring me Sunnah.
The only one who can tell me about
the unseen is Allah and His approved messengers.
إِلَّا مَنْ اِرْتَضَ مِنْ رَسُولٍ So the Prophet
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam gave us a criteria that
there are minor signs and major signs.
أَشْرَاطُ السَّاعَةَ السُّغْرَةِ وَأَشْرَاطُ السَّاعَةَ الْكُبْرَةِ The minor
signs, they are called minor for a reason.
I have some differences here.
And then the major signs.
I'll start with the major.
Major signs, the reason why they're called major
is because they're big signs, they're big events,
very specific events that occur.
The first of the major signs with some
dispute, but it's most likely Wallahu Alam the
very first of the major signs is Al
-Dajjal himself.
Al-Dajjal comes before Jesus Christ before Isa
Alayhi Salaam returns because Isa returns to fight
the Dajjal and kill him and bring peace
back to the world.
So the major signs are very obvious, very
clear cut, very specific events.
And the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said when
one of them starts, the next are rapidly
one by one by one by one.
Now you're correct that when Isa Alayhi Salaam
comes, there is like a sort of brief
time where there's peace and prosperity like one
generation's worth.
But the others, there's a lot of overlap.
So Dajjal and Isa and Gog and Magog,
they overlap, Isa Alayhi Salaam and so on,
We'll talk about those.
But the 10 major signs, there are only
10, and I got that number from Rasulullah
Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
There are 10 major signs, they happen at
the very end of the world.
If you live to see those signs, then
you know that the world is ending in
a very short time within one or two
May Allah protect us from that.
In fact, you can say three generations because
the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam mentions the last
generation, there will be no believers left anyway.
So may Allah protect us from ever seeing
That will, it's the end of generations, the
worst of people, only the worst of God's
creation will remain.
So we don't even want to talk about
We wish never to see that one, so
we're not even gonna count it.
But that is the last generation.
So that's the major signs.
The minor signs, if the major ones are
10, how many are the minor?
There's no number.
The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam did not give
a number.
There's hundreds.
There's hundreds, I would say at the very
least, tens of authentic, undisputed minor signs.
Now the minor signs, why they're called minor
is because they do not give any immediacy.
It's not immediate that the Day of Judgment
will come.
As we said, two of the signs of
the Day of Judgment was the Risalah, the
Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam being sent, and his
death was another sign, Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
And the tall buildings, they've been going on
for a while, that's another sign.
The return, the slow return of Arabia to
greenery is another sign.
What are some other signs you've heard of?
Minor signs of the Day of Judgment.
Earthquakes will increase, الزلازل والفتن والقتل.
And death will increase, and war will increase.
And the killer will not have no idea
why he killed.
And the one who was killed will have
no idea why he was killed.
And mass killing will increase, as we're observing
People press a button and they kill with
a bomb, they drop a bomb on 50
May Allah Ta'ala punish the oppressor.
These are all minor signs.
What's some other signs?
Say again.
Al-fahisha will increase, corruption and zina, and
foul behavior between genders will become the standard.
Time will fly, subhanAllah.
تقارب الزمان.
The Prophet ﷺ just explained it that way.
He didn't give more of an example.
He said, time will feel a lot shorter
and it will come a lot closer together.
And that's what we're feeling.
I mean, subhanAllah.
This is a very interesting one.
Several hadiths mention different objects will speak to
So an authentic hadith, the Prophet ﷺ mentioned
that a man will step outside of his
home and his shoelace, شراك نعله, or his
whip, صوته, will speak to him about what's
happening at home.
In that hadith later, he said also there
will come a time where the animals, السباع,
which is like four-legged beasts that hunt,
so like predators, so like lions and wolves
and whatnot, they will speak to, well, maybe
not wolves, but anyway, they will speak to
Actually, there's another hadith about wolves too.
So that has not just yet happened.
However, the first one, there's a lot of
The first part where شراك نعله, his shoelace,
or his whip.
So in the past, where did they used
to keep whips?
You know, in the cowboy movies.
Where did they store their whip?
Right by their hip, right?
Right on their hip.
So some scholars have mentioned that this is
perhaps, it's not referring to a whip specifically,
it was referring to the holster or the
area where people keep their whips.
Their whip would speak to them.
Or perhaps it was referring to wires, and
that was how the Prophet ﷺ could not
say they will have wires and electricity.
The Sahaba did not know those words.
It would mean nothing.
So he said, شراك نعله, his shoelace or
his whip.
Or perhaps we're entering a zone where those
things will speak.
I mean, we already have the technology to
make a shoelace speak already.
I mean, it's already possible.
It's just that we don't do it because
nobody needs that.
But perhaps it was referring to wires.
Or at the very least, the inanimate objects
speaking and being able to tell you what's
happening in your home, that's already here, front
and center.
والله أعلم.
Your phone, you put it right where the
whip is.
Wires resembling شراك نعله, the shoelace specifically.
الله أعلم.
However, the second part of the hadith, which
is authentic, has not yet come.
Although الله أعلم how it will, I am
just as convinced with every fiber of my
being that we will see it, if not
in our lifetime, then the next.
والله أعلم.
That the animals will speak to the people.
والله أعلم.
What's some other signs?
Her master.
The mother will give birth to her master,
which comes in a lot of interpretations.
That's another characteristic of the minor signs that
they are more general, more broad, and they
happen over large periods of time, and they're
not as easily explained.
Some of them are open to interpretation.
Some of them are very clear-cut, like
the conquest of Constantinople, or the Muslims, the
Prophet ﷺ said the Muslims will sail the
ocean as a navy.
And that didn't occur until year 90-something,
After the Prophet ﷺ passed away, and it
occurred, and the Muslims will have this land.
Also the Prophet ﷺ, by the way, here's
a hidden one.
Many hadiths in which Prophet Muhammad ﷺ speaks
about Yemen, and Egypt, and Iraq, and Asham,
which is Syria, and Lebanon, and Palestine.
He speaks about them as if they are
Muslim lands, right?
He says, عِرَاكُنَا اللَّهُمَّ بَارِكْ لَنَا فِي يَمَنِنَا
وَفِي شَامِنَا Oh Allah, bless our Yemen, and
bless our Sham.
That's a hadith of the Prophet ﷺ.
But Asham and Yemen, during his lifetime, was
not a Muslim country.
We speak about that, we hear these hadiths,
and we say, oh, it doesn't occur to
us that he's speaking just so frankly.
Like these are obviously Muslim countries.
They weren't yet.
They took another hundred years to like be
Like we speak about Egyptians now as if
they're Arabs.
Egyptians for the most part are Arabized in
all of North Africa.
They're not classical Arabs.
I mean it's a lot of mixture of
blood, so there is classic blood there.
But Egypt took 200 plus years to become
like Arab, primarily Arabic speaking and Muslim.
And Egypt wasn't a war, a place of
war, it was a place of conversion mostly
for 200 years.
My point is, when the Prophet ﷺ says
about a future, one of the prophecies, he
says that the, I'm paraphrasing, it's a long
hadith, I don't have the wording with me,
that Egypt and Iraq and Sham will be
ruined, basically.
And they will have less bread and less
food, and their umla, their currency will be
debased, it will be ruined.
He mentioned those three countries ﷺ.
And he said, Egypt and Sham and Iraq.
And you're saying, he's talking about them as
if they were the Muslim countries.
They weren't at his time ﷺ.
But he saw the future, Allah gave him
that vision.
And they were 100% Muslim countries.
Now it's like ubiquitous.
We cannot unsee these countries as Muslim countries,
So that's a hidden prophecy there.
And he said ﷺ that Persia will fall
and it will become Muslim from then onwards
and so on and so forth.
What about that riba?
Riba will be so widespread that even those
who avoid it will be affected by its
You know this famous hadith.
I mean, you could not have said it
more, more like accurate about our time.
Many, many hadiths.
So these are all the minor signs of
the Day of Judgment.
And there's many more.
Yes, wildfires will increase.
But there's specifically about the fires, the three
fires, the fires, those are the major signs.
So there's landslides, sorry.
Landslides are the major signs.
But they're the last.
In fact, you know, some scholars don't, like
it's not exactly perhaps the very last one.
But there will be a great major, major
fire at the very last, the end of
And I pray that we are not alive
to see that one.
But that is one of the last signs
of the Day of Judgment.
It's the very last generation of people.
We should not, we should not hope to
be alive at that time.
Now there's a sign that is very popular
that I have not mentioned yet whatsoever.
Do Muslims, like, is it authentic to believe
in Al-Mahdi?
Who says yes?
Raise your hand.
Who says no?
Yeah, that's good.
It is authentic.
And we have somebody named Mahdi here, right?
That's correct.
So we have Al-Mahdi.
Al-Mahdi is a title.
The Prophet ﷺ said, so yes, it is
Al-Mahdi is authentic.
Very few scholars have said that they have
some dispute.
The majority of scholars throughout history have said,
these hadiths are reliable, there's plenty of them.
Now I say this because our Shia brothers
and sisters, may Allah bless them.
It is not unjust for me to say,
I do have concerns.
I do have concerns with a lot of
the literature, a lot of the rhetoric, that
they present about this figure in particular, Al
And my only question, I have some friends
who are of that persuasion.
And I tell them, my only question, I
try to be as respectful as possible.
I don't like to create division for the
sake of it.
But I tell them, all I ask is
that you can trace it back to Quran
or authentic hadith.
That's it.
Do not tell me, don't add additional details,
because that is a big, big, big problem.
That is what the Christians and the Jews
They added details, and now they threw themselves
in the worst sort of trap.
The worst possible trap, the trap of kufr
and shirk.
I'll give you an example.
The Muslims, the Jews, and the Christians are
all awaiting a Messiah.
Yes or no?
The Jews, when the Messiah showed up the
first time, they rejected him.
And now they set themselves up for a
They're gonna reject him a second time, because
they rejected him the first time.
So now they're locked in, and they don't
wanna leave.
The ones who are sincere leave, but those
few and far in between.
Now the Christians, how do they depict Jesus
in our era?
Blonde hair, blue eyes.
Does that look like Jesus, alayhis salaam, from
the region he's from?
I mean, even their records don't say that
he had redder skin, he had darker skin,
and he had curly hair.
That's what our records say as well.
Like now you depicted somebody who does not
look at all like the person you're anticipating.
And the Christians are very, I don't know
if I'm pronouncing the word correctly, messianic or
They're awaiting a messiah.
It's a very big part of their belief
They are very, I cannot wait for the
return of the Christ.
So which Christ are they waiting for?
Also don't forget, they are waiting for a
man to come and tell them, worship me.
Who's that gonna be?
So look how they added details, and landed
themselves in a trap.
When Isa alayhis salaam comes, and he has
curly hair, and he looks like an Arab,
who they reject.
I remember one sheikh was saying, this is
like during Trump's first term, if Jesus, when
they're saying ban the Muslims, he said, if
Jesus himself alayhis salaam returned and tried to
come to America, you would ban him.
Because he looks like the people you hate.
This is the person you worship.
That's insane, isn't it?
They've set themselves in such a trap that
the person they claim to wait for for
2,000 years straight, when he does return,
and he will return inshaAllah, they set themselves
up to reject him.
That's the scariest thing ever.
And who will they worship?
They worship the guy who says, worship me.
And he's ready.
He said, yeah, fine, worship me.
You ready?
You guys are waiting for somebody to bow
Bow to me.
And guess what?
I'll bring back your parents, and I'll tell
you, I'll bring you gold.
The Prophet alayhis salaam said, he will extract
the gold and the jewels from the lands,
and it will reign in his lands, but
not in other lands.
He will have a lot of fitna with
And they will worship, they'll bow down to
The Prophet alayhis salaam told us, how do
you know that the jinn is a fake?
He will ask you to worship him.
There's many other signs.
But he said, no prophet of God, no
sincere believer, no leader will ever tell you
to ever bow to him or worship him
or anything.
And Dajjal is one-eyed, and your Lord
is not one-eyed, and so on and
so forth.
And Dajjal comes first, then Isa alayhis salaam.
Because Isa comes to destroy him.
So the Christians are awaiting Dajjal and Isa.
They believe in an Antichrist as well.
And so do the Jews.
They believe in Antichrist.
So some scholars have mentioned, because Allah says,
وَإِن مِّنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتَابِ إِلَّا لَيُؤْمِنَنَّ بِهِ قَبْلَ
مَوْتِهِ Allah says in the Quran, the people
of Ahlul Kitab, every last one of them,
by the time of his death, Isa alayhis
salaam, his natural life and death, which is
roughly, some scholars mentioned, based on hadith, 40
He'll come and stay for 40 years.
By the end of his life, every person
of Ahlul Kitab will either have fought him
or believed in him.
Meaning some will initially, this is my theory.
When Dajjal comes, they will initially worship him
because that's who they wait for.
But when Isa alayhis salaam comes and kills
Dajjal, and he has all the signs of
Jesus, some Christians will snap out of it.
They will be gifted with that and say,
well, our God just died.
And clearly this is the right Christ.
And they will snap out of it and
worship, not worship, astaghfirullah, they will submit to
Allah, say la ilaha illallah Muhammad rasulullah and
follow Isa alayhis salaam, the correct Isa, and
become a believer.
And this is supported by the ayah, وَإِن
مِنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتَابِ إِلَّا لَيُؤْمِنَنَّ بِهِ قَبْلَ مَوْتِهِ
That is not my thesis.
My addition was that part about, well, I
can assume that some people when Dajjal is
killed, they will snap out of it.
That makes sense, right?
But that ayah, the scholars have talked about
it in the tafsir, that is what that
means, that some Christians and Jews will accept
Isa alayhis salaam as a prophet and become
believers in the last days.
So we said Isa alayhis salaam will stick
around roughly, the estimates are from 7 to
40 years.
How long will Dajjal be here?
40 days.
But, there's a but.
But the first day will feel like a
The second day will feel like a month.
The third day will feel like a week.
And the next 37 days will be regular
So it will be one year, one month,
one week and 37 days.
One year and two months, plus minus.
So the Prophet ﷺ said, this will be
the biggest test mankind has ever faced.
And it will last for about a year
and two months.
The believers will be at starvation's door.
The Prophet ﷺ said, the crops will not
grow in the land of the believers.
It will not rain in the land of
the believers, only in the land of Dajjal.
That's how tough the test will be.
But he said, be patient.
It is a year and two months.
So you can be patient for a year
and two months.
And the Sahaba, they were so, their biggest
concern was not if we're going to eat.
They said, what did they say?
Ya Umas and Jablah, how will we pray?
Should we pray just 40 days worth or
a year and two months worth?
He said, no, pray the year and two
I'm paraphrasing of course.
That was their biggest concern, subhanAllah.
May Allah allow us to follow in their
footsteps and may Allah accept them.
So it's a short time and it's a
time of extreme patience.
And the Prophet ﷺ said, the believers will
receive sustenance through their Tasbeeh and their Tahlil.
SubhanAllah, walhamdulillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wa Allahu
akbar, wa la haram ala quwwata illallah.
That will be their food and drink for
the time being.
It will be a very difficult time.
May Allah protect us from it.
Okay, so I didn't mention Mahdi.
Not because he's not authentic.
Mahdi is absolutely authentic.
And Mahdi is a whole topic by himself.
He is actually one of the, is he
a major sign or a minor sign?
Who says major?
Raise your hand.
Who says minor?
He is absolutely a minor sign.
He's not mentioned in any of the hadiths
about the major signs, the 10 major signs
of the Day of Judgment.
And the Prophet ﷺ said, count 10 major
He said it himself, that exact number.
Mahdi is not a major sign.
He's a minor sign.
He's in fact one of the absolute last
of the minor signs.
But that doesn't make him any less valuable,
but it's just to give you a timeline.
And Mahdi will come.
We don't know if he will meet Isa
ﷺ directly.
There's a lot of evidence for that, but
it's not clear cut.
And there is, he may live and die
in righteousness and then years might pass and
then Isa ﷺ and Dajjal come.
So only Allah knows.
However, Al-Mahdi, it refers to, it's translated
as the guided one, the rightly guided one.
He will be a person from the lineage
of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
He will descend, his bloodline will go back
to Muhammad ﷺ.
His name will be like the Prophet's name,
and his father's name will be like the
Prophet's father's name.
So his name will be either Muhammad ibn
Abdullah, Muhammad the son of Abdullah, or Ahmed
ibn Abdullah, Ahmed the son of Abdullah.
One of those two, most likely Muhammad.
However, we will observe and see.
And he will come at a time where
the ummah needs him the most.
And he will be righteous and he will
be sincere.
And a lot of tyrants amongst the Muslim
world will seek to destroy him.
And Allah will not allow him to be
And the sincere will follow him and pledge
to him, of course.
And there will be signs.
We'd have to make this a whole topic
by itself, but it is true, we do
believe in Al-Mahdi.
His name will be Muhammad ibn Abdullah.
And he will be a sincere believer but
beware, because specifically about him, there's a lot,
a lot of fake details, fabricated hadiths, made
up knowledge that is just not true.
And we cannot source it to Qur'an
or Sunnah.
So respectfully, we have to reject it for
our own good.
Because if we add details and we're awaiting
details that are not going to come, we're
going to reject the righteous person when he
shows up.
Because hey, we're waiting for you to come
out of a cave.
We're waiting for you to have X or
Y or Z.
Why are you waiting?
Where did you source that detail from?
Same problem that the Christians did.
They're waiting for things that Isa a.s.
did not tell them to wait for.
And they will land them in deep trouble.
May Allah protect us from that.
So that's the threat.
That's the fear of waiting for such, of
adding false details.
You end up following the wrong people and
you reject the right people at the most
critical times when you cannot afford to make
that such a mistake.
May Allah protect us from that.
So now, let's answer a question.
What is the point of believing in the
signs of the Day of Judgment?
It's very fascinating stuff.
It's very captivating.
Oh my God, I can't believe it.
But what value is there to us as
Because Allah only gives us information that's valuable.
So what do we benefit?
Okay, number one.
Some of them, if you face them, you
know what to expect and what to do.
Because some of them, there's nothing to do
about it.
Like the tall buildings one.
Like what's different?
There's no actionable item.
But, so you face it.
If you face the Jal, the Prophet ﷺ
said, what did he give advice?
He said, run away.
You will not defeat him until Isa ﷺ
is the only one who can defeat him.
And a believer will walk up to him
intending to challenge him and will leave the
conversation having believed in him.
Because he's so convincing and so powerful and
so threatening.
One way or the other, he'll convince you
either by the magic tricks or by pressure.
Killing you on the spot.
Some people will fall.
He said, do not challenge him.
Some believers will and they will be shuhada
and may Allah accept them.
But he said, my advice to you is
to go the opposite direction.
So, you know what to expect.
Some of them are not actionable in that
There's nothing to do about it.
Like the widespread riba.
Try to avoid it but we already knew
But it just, what's the value of the
ones that we can't really do anything about?
Like the tall buildings and the Mecca becoming
more green and stuff.
What value do we derive from those ones?
هذا ما وعدنا الله ورسوله وصدق الله ورسوله
وما زادهم إلا إيمانا وتسليما You say, oh,
this is exactly what the Prophet ﷺ said.
Look at this.
It's happening exactly.
The barefoot Arabs are building the tallest buildings.
Look at that.
Mecca's becoming green again.
Look, proof that Mecca was green once upon
a time.
Look, it's exactly like everything.
What else?
We have a whole, we have a lot
of lists of the minor signs of the
day of judgment.
Honesty will be taken away from the people.
There will come a time where the people
will consume riba.
Whoever does not consume it will be affected
by its dust.
The sun will rise from the west.
That's the very end.
Many others.
We mentioned plenty, right?
Ignorance will prevail.
Alcoholic drinks will be common and so on
and so forth.
So yes, when you see it happening for
your eyes, it increases your iman.
When you're dealing with difficulty, it increases your
Say, no, I cannot doubt my faith because
look at the hundreds of prophecies that have
come true right before my eyes.
ما ينطق عن الهوى إن هو إلا وحي
نيوحى The only person who could possibly have
said this is someone who has revelation from
So I'm going to keep my faith.
Also, when the Prophet ﷺ told us about
difficulties that will arise and he said, be
patient because there will be farajan qareeban أَلَا
إِنَّ نَصْرَ اللَّهِ قَرِيبٌ Indeed, Allah's victory is
Good will prevail after evil.
He gives you strength to keep going.
When the Prophet ﷺ said, يُوشَكُ أَن تَدَاعَ
عَلَيْكُمُ الْأُمَمِ He said, one day, every nation
will gather around you and they will pick
you apart the same way they pick food
from, you know, invite each other to eat
And he said, Allah will not remove this
until you stop fearing death and you stop
hating death so much and you stop حُبِّ
الدُّنْيَا وَكَرَهِيَةُ الْمَوْتِ loving dunya so much and
hating and fearing death.
You got to go back to your roots
as Muslims and be strong, fierce warriors.
Go back to your deen and stop being
obsessed about dunya and Allah will lift this
So there's an instruction manual about how to
lift this evil.
And when he told us, there will be
مُلْكَنْ عَضًا There will be harsh, difficult tyranny
surrounding the ummah.
And he said, the next generation, we talked
about it in hadith in Jum'ah last
He said, ثُمَّ تَكُونُ خِلَافَةٌ عَلَى مِنْهَاجِ النَّبُوَّةِ
The final stage of my ummah is a
righteous khilafah on the path of prophethood once
So when you see the stage that we're
in, the difficult tyranny that we're watching, you
get reassured and say, I mean, the only
silver lining here is that the next stage
is a righteous, good one, of peace and
Let me power through.
Let me keep planting seeds.
Let me keep doing good because I want
to be part of that and I want
to live to see it.
I know relief is around the corner.
So these are the values that we get
from this.
Another value is that in da'wah.
In da'wah, when somebody accepts Islam, or
when you're convincing somebody about Islam, you tell
him, look at these prophecies that have come
A lot of people who are...
Anybody here who has accepted Islam?
Any converts who this was part of your
Is there something...
Can you share with us something if you'd
Like what role did this play in your
Or signs of the Day of Judgment or
Did it play any role?
JazakAllah khair.
So it paints a...
It reassures you about that there's more to
it after death.
So what about like the prophecies?
Did it ever like catch your eye that
prophecies have come true that Islam has made?
I read that too.
So it's like winding something.
When you wind something and just wait, you
let go and it just goes the other
I remember reading an article a couple of
weeks ago.
I actually shared it on the internet.
It said that the earth's core has started
The core itself has started to rotate in
the opposite direction.
And I don't know if that's a sign
that it starts with the core then it
becomes the mantle and then the crust.
Allah knows.
But it was a scary article to read.
So it's like signs that the end is
Allah knows.
And the increase of earthquakes, the increase of
This stuff like for me is scary.
Because we've had the biggest wildfires recorded in
human history in the past couple of years.
Millions of acres have burned in the US
and Canada.
Like I can't even fathom millions of acres
of trees.
The biggest wildfires.
And the state of our forests in our
era is actually at high alert.
It's very problematic.
We actually had a drought.
The biggest drought in a hundred years in
New York last month.
In October.
Well, two months.
Two, three months ago.
The biggest drought in a hundred years for
that season.
We didn't have rain for like I think
40, 50 days straight which is I think
the first time in like again in a
hundred years in New York.
And they actually had because we went camping
with the youth and they actually had a
wildfire warning for the first time in my
life in that region.
They said, these are the rules.
No fires here, no this.
And I was like, subhanAllah man.
It's a wet season too like October.
So these kind of things are very scary
because the Prophet ﷺ said also before Dajjal
comes there will be droughts and the earth
will withhold its crops and the sky will
withhold its rain.
May Allah protect us from all these things.
So there is value in these things.
Now I'll mention two more things.
I just want to go through the ten
signs very quickly.
And I also want to just say what
is the function?
We said what is the value that what's
the point of believing in them?
It's, we mentioned all these things.
It increases your iman.
Some of them warn you what to do
when it comes, what to avoid.
Dajjal, yajuj, majuj, this and that.
Also who to follow when they come to
know their signs, know what they will bring
and so on and so forth.
Know where problems may occur.
The Prophet ﷺ said the Euphrates River will
dry up and it will uncover a mountain
of gold.
If you are alive at that time, don't
come near it.
Most people will fight for it and most
people will die and fail.
He said do not come near it.
It's cursed basically.
So now when you look up the news,
the Euphrates River which is one of the
biggest rivers in mankind's history has provided civilization
for thousands of years.
They estimate by 2040 it will be fully
dried up.
And if you look at aerial photos and
now 20 years later, it's fascinating.
It's scary.
Check it up when you get some free
Aerial photographs of the Euphrates River.
It's like, I don't know what the number,
it shrunk 50% or more in just
the past couple of decades.
And they're estimating by 2040 it will be
completely or dried up enough that Allah knows
what it will uncover.
We know mountain of gold but what else?
That's a cradle of civilization.
I wonder how many civilizations are buried under
there with all their secrets that will come
So yes, that's a warning of what to
do and what not to do.
But here's a potential pitfall and this is
what I want to end our note with.
Beware of being a doomer gloomer.
You know like doomsday person.
We believe in some prophecies about doomsday.
But the Prophet ﷺ never taught us to
sit, you know, you know, some people like
they go to an extreme.
And they believe well the end times are
right around the corner.
Everything is collapsing overnight.
And therefore, basically, there's no point participating in
You know, and this happened in 2012.
Remember the Mayan calendar and stuff like that?
You remember all that stuff?
Some people, true story, they sold their property.
Some people maxed out their credit cards.
They got a lot of credit cards, maxed
them out, $40,000, $50,000 and said,
the world's ending in a year.
Some people like sold all their property and
like, they ruined their lives.
This is true story here in America.
And then they just went, you know, basically,
they said, let's live my life.
They went to, got drunk, Las Vegas, and
then a month passes, two months, six months,
they're like, hey, nothing happened.
And now their life is completely ruined.
So that's obviously never been, you know, the
Prophet ﷺ who told us, I was sent
with the hour like this.
He also said, if you have, if the
day of judgment is coming and in your
hand is a fasila, is a plant, what
did he say to do?
Plant it.
He said, if you see the day of
judgment yourself, it's starting now, what's the point?
I want to plant this thing.
It'll take five years to grow.
He said, plant it.
That is the mentality of a believer.
Don't say, the world's ending, may it all
destroy everything.
The world's ending, nothing matters, let me get
maxed out my credit cards and all this
No, he said, live your life.
Live your life.
Plant the seeds, you don't know.
You know, there are scholars, esteemed, respected scholars,
may Allah bless them and accept from them.
There are scholars from hundreds of years ago,
particularly one example, from when the Mongols were
invading the Muslim lands.
The Mongols ransacked the world like you never
They destroyed and murdered millions and billions of
There's many scholars, their works, they wrote, they
were alive at the time, they said, this
looks like it's the last generation.
I cannot imagine the world existing after this.
This is pure destruction.
That's hundreds, 700 plus years ago, they said,
I think this is the last generation.
Now imagine, they continue to do homework, do
work and provide knowledge and teach people until
they die.
Imagine they just sat there and said, oh,
it's the last generation, might as well just
go hide in the cave and wait for
the dead.
That's not, they would have been wrong by
800 plus years.
So what if we're wrong by 800 plus
You never know.
So build, plant seeds, build the community for
your kids.
The way that you build, as if this
message will last another 500 years, inshallah.
And your kids and their kids and their
kids will have a place to call home
and to build their iman.
Plant seeds like the generation before Salahuddin.
You had Nuruddin Zinki and others.
They built the foundation for the Salahuddin.
When Salahuddin conquered Jerusalem and reconquered it, brought
it back to the Muslim lands after 93
years, the adhan was finally heard again in
May Allah Ta'ala free Al-Quds in
our lifetime.
The people who, for those entire 93 years,
there's people who lived and died without a
single adhan being heard there.
And they still kept the hope alive, they
still planted seeds, they still built the next
Because if our generation doesn't do it, the
next one will.
If they gave up and said, khalas, I
mean it's the end of the world, whatever.
That's not a mindset of a believer.
So beware because any belief can go to
an extreme.
And that would be an extreme here.
We never lose faith, we never lose hope,
we never say, well, just build a bunker
and live in there till the end of
times, right?
You should take precaution.
You should like Prophet Yusuf Alayhi Salaam, he
told them, hey, we're living in a time
of abundance but in seven years we're gonna
have drought.
So build towards, like protect yourselves for that
drought, that's perfectly fine.
But do not go to an extreme, do
not abandon civilization, it makes you lazy, it
makes you fearful, it makes you mistrusting of
everything and there's no hope in life anyway.
And then you actually harm yourself and that
is not the way of the believer.
And a lot of these people eventually snap
out of it when it's like very late
in life and they're just so far behind
everybody else and their families are far behind
and it's just a terrible position to put
yourself in.
So we should believe in these signs, we
should study the authentic signs so we can
know them when they come, we should increase
our iman, we should increase our sense of
urgency about this dunya, like wow, a hundred
signs have come true.
What do we do tomorrow if we see
news of the Euphrates River drying up?
What do we do tomorrow if there's this
sign and that sign and that sign, right?
Look at what's happening in Palestine and Syria
and these places and Iraq and Egypt as
mentioned in the hadith and Yemen as mentioned
in the hadith.
It's happening right before our eyes.
So that should create a sense of, oh
my God, like it increases your iman but
it creates a sense of urgency.
I'm living in one of the end times.
I don't know how long it'll last but
it's clearly the last couple of generations.
And now finally I'll end it with just
listing the ten signs, the ten major signs
of the Day of Judgment.
Number one is Ad-Dajjal, the Antichrist.
Number two is the return of Jesus Alayhi
Number three is Gog and Magog, yet Juj
and Majuj, two tribes that will ransack the
Number four is, four, five and six, three
landslides, major ones.
One in the east, one in the west
and one in the Arabian Peninsula.
Number seven is smoke, Ad-Dukhan, as Allah
says in the Qur'an.
A smoke will arise surrounding the world.
Number eight, the rising of the sun from
the west.
Number eight and number nine, I'm not certain,
I think the beast may come before it.
Anyway, number eight is the rising of the
sun from the west or from its resting
And number nine is the beast, Dabbatul Ard,
which is also found in Christian and Jewish
And then number ten is the final major
fire that will gather the people.
So these are not necessarily in direct order.
Some of them we are pretty confident they're
in that order, but the others, Allah knows,
they can overlap and so on.
The ones that we're kind of confident about
is that Dajjal will be first, then Isa
Alayhi Salaam, then Yajuj and Majuj.
So if you are including the minor signs,
it will be Mahdi, then Dajjal, then Jesus
Alayhi Salaam, then Yajuj and Majuj, and the
rest, Allah knows, they will be overlapping on
some level, Allah knows.
Now these will require their own conversation, but
these were mentioned by the Prophet ﷺ.
Shaykh Yasir Qadhi also has a lecture series,
I think it's like ten lectures, about the
Day of Judgment, the signs of the Day
of Judgment, and he goes through in depth
about each of these.
So that's something you can put into your
playlist and listen to while you drive, inshaAllah
Alright, jazakum khayran guys.
I'm really honored.
I appreciate your attentiveness.
I hope it was a beneficial topic.
I hope we learned something that we can
use for ourselves and our families.