Abdal Hakim Murad – Ibrahim (as), the Archetypal Imam

Abdal Hakim Murad
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the history and culture of Islam, including the importance of acceptance and faith in Islam. The speakers discuss the various ways in which Islam is recognized and valued, including praying, attending events, and being recognized. They also mention the importance of acceptance and faith in Islam in modern times.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Salam aleikum, everyone from the prayer

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room here at the Cambridge Muslim college. So in the Adel Aadhaar,

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we tend to think of things Abrahamic. It's the festival,

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which reminds us of that ancient patriarch and his importance in

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our deen and the Hajj itself is an enactment of some of the key

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iconic moments in his career and that of Warner Hajj and hazrat

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Ismail Ali, he was silent. And Allah subhanaw taala.

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Test Ibrahim, in ways that we can learn from, after all, he is

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rejected by his own father, his ruler, Nimrod, throws him out,

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tries to kill him persecutes him, the city fathers of his town,

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chuck him out is really the archetype of the refugee and the

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asylum seeker out in the desert. Rather like those who are now

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struggling to cross the channel or to cross the various tripwires in

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an unfriendly Europe, he is out there with really no allies at

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all, except Robin Alameen. Allah subhanho wa Taala after the

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greatest test of all, when it must have seen that even heaven had

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turned against him, and he was really alone when he was told to

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sacrifice his own son.

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And he succeeded in fulfilling the words that attend Mohan. Allah

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subhanaw taala then tell us in in Niger a locally Nursey mama

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appointing you to be an imam leader is one of the few times

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where the word Imam actually appears in the Quran is only about

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half a dozen times. And here, Ibrahim alayhis salaam is the

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parodic Matic archetypal imam in the original Arabic sense of the

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word which is not just a leader, but a model and an exemplar, that

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original Arabic the word meant somebody who is followed rather

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like the Imam of the mosque is followed by others is a prayer

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leader, but basically he is there to coordinate the movement to the

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prayer so Sydney Ibrahim alayhis salam who's gigantic sacrifices

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for the one true God, we recall and celebrate and humbly

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internalize at this time of the year with our various symbolic

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sacrifices, whether it be on the Hajj, or with our core banni. Here

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at home, reminds us that the life of faith for Abrahamic believers

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is not supposed to be an easy ride. There has always been Osama

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phobia he faced it. There has always been regimes who smack you

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around, he faced that there has always been problems with parental

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incomprehension. There have always been tests that heaven sends to

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us. That sometimes seemed to make no sense. Lucia Allah, why did you

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do this? Why did you take my baby? Why have I got toothache? Why is

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this happening to those people and we tend to interrogate heaven,

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which is ignorance because heavens wisdom is absolute and our

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perception of things is radically limited. But still, we protest but

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the way of Abrahamic religion is surrender, submit for lemma, s

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lemma, Ibrahim and Ismail, Allah He must allow together because his

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man knew what was coming. He saw the knife being sharpened, they

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surrendered as lemma. That is the victory, a base yourself in

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scheduled and complete unhesitating loving embrace of the

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decree of heaven. And the most extraordinary outcomes can take

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place. And this is the test that Abrahamic tests for Muslims in

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northern Britain, modern Europe and around the world, we protest

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too much. We shout too much. We interrogate heaven, we say we have

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been abandoned. They're all ganging up on us. But we've missed

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this founding story of our tradition, which is that things in

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history and in the soul don't follow the usual material, logic

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of cause and effect. Everything is determined by the Hand of the

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Divine. So if we surrender, we accept the Divine Decree, we

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continue to be Imam. In other words, righteous role models and

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leaders for our communities, people others can look up to

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people who they can lean on and rely on and not let them down.

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Then we can see the doors of Allah's Grace opening and

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miraculous new things happening with this Alma and you see it on a

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small scale. You see it in some places on a larger community

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scale. But it's about time that the OMA returned to the way of

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stating that Ibrahim alayhis salam that this is all mapped up for it

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out for us in the beautiful symbolism of the hygiene which we

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swept and we run and we stop and we stand and all these really

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exhausting things in order to slap us around a little bit so that we

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recognize the meaning and the value and the beauty, the unique

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beauty of submission and accepting the commands of Allah after that

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There is the buyer and there is the age there is the feasting

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there is the community spirit and a new year begins. So may Allah

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subhanaw taala make this spirit dominant in our hearts, that we

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accept his wisdom and not rely on our wisdom that we hand things

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over to him that we do not fear any other than Him. And that will

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be people of hope, knowing that the gates have an extraordinary

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progeny. Look at what Sedna Ibrahim alayhis salaam was given

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his Alma not just his Doria, his physical descendants, but all

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those who say alayhis salam after his name more numerous than the

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stars of the sky, this extraordinary fat opening. This

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too can come to each and every one of us if only we step in his

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blessed footsteps and accept Allah's wisdom or not our wisdom

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and inshallah this will be our takeaway from this aid.

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And it will be the spirit with which we embrace family and loved

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ones and inshallah face with confidence and trust. The

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challenge is that the new year will bring so many blessings to

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all of you from our little team here at the little college here in

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Cambridge. We will be praying for you and we look forward to your

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prayers and to your visit insha Allah and any contributions that

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you might be able to make to this small but we think very important

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little new shoot that one day will grow into a mighty sheltering oak.

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So may Allah accept everything that you have done and all of the

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Hajj of those who are on the Hajj and inshallah open the doors of

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plenty and blessing and acceptance and fit victory for all of the

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Muslims insha Allah in the who Allah Delica Kadir will bill each

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other teacher dear BarakAllahu li Walakum wa salam o aleikum wa

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rahmatullah Cambridge Muslim College, training the next

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generation of Muslim thinkers

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