Aashiq Hill – The companions of the Cave Lessons and Reflections
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The importance of Islam is emphasized, with a focus on showing gratitude towards Allah Subhanahu Wa principal and being part and parcel of the best of things. The speaker emphasizes the importance of storytelling in the development of Islam's language and the importance of building up an appetite and being a good friend. The speaker also discusses the importance of subhan consecutive practices and the importance of good peer pressure in Islam.
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All praise and thanks belong to Allah subhanahu
wa ta'ala, the Lord great and sustain of
the heavens and the earth. Salawat and salaam,
upon the most beloved of Allah's creation,
If we think, if we ponder, if we
sit down and we reflect a bit, Allah
heal so much that we have to show
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala shukal for these
things that Allah has granted us. From among
the various famous which Allah has granted us,
is the ability to breathe. Alhamdulillah, to be
alive, alhamdulillah.
You know, to have safety, you know, a
rel you know, relative to where you come
from or even the case may be. You
know, safety might be you coming from Athlone
or Weinberg or even the case may be.
So it will differ person to person, alhamdulillah,
relative to other countries where this war, civil
war taking place, and alhamdulillah, we are safe.
By the qut of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
Alhamdulillah, most of us, alhamdulillah,
we had something to eat. Alhamdulillah,
we we come to the musallah without any
fear, not thinking, what's gonna happen if I
walk with my beard, with my throat, whatever.
So alhamdulillah, we have safety alhamdulillah.
We have the ability to freely move about.
Ask anyone who does not enjoy the ability
to freely move about, and that person will
tell you the freedom from upon you. You
know, we ask the the the faculty of
sight, the ability to hear, the ability my
ability to freely converse with all of you.
These are bounties from Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
And it is my duty as a Muslim
and your duty to always thank Allah. Remember
thanking Allah is a state of the art.
Always be in a state of gratefulness towards
but you can, you know, express your thanks
by the tongue and the limbs. By doing
those things and saying those things that are
pleasing to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. May Allah
grant us tawfiq, Ameen. After
Allah has favored me and you to be
in his obedience.
Remember, beloved brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah
has favored me and you to be part
and parcel of the best of days, subhanallah.
Think about it. The nabi wa in fact
Allah subhanAllah in the Quran,
he takes an oath by this day. Which
day are we country in?
Friday, subhanAllah.
The Allah subhanAllah in the Quran says,
I, Allah, take an oath by that day
that witnesses you every week.
Scholars of tafsir explain, why would Allah
sway an oath? Why would Allah take an
by His creation? Why do we take oaths?
To emphasize whatever we are saying. This is
not so. To emphasize what we're
saying. We take an oath by Allah to
affirm whatever we are saying. Allah subhanahu wa
ta'ala is in no need of doing this.
Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is in no need
of affirming what he is what he is
telling us and what he is promising us.
Why? Because Allah in the Quran in various
tells me and you that his speech is
the most truthful of speech.
He does not go contrary to his word.
So Allah has no need of emphasizing what
he's saying.
So rather when Allah is taking an oath,
it is to prove the importance of the
thing that he's taking the oath upon. When
God takes an oath by Yomul Jumu'ah, it
is to prove what? It is to prove
the importance of Yomul Jumu'ah. The greatness of
this day, the blessings of this day, the
virtues of this day. And that's why the
Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,
The best day in which the sun rises
is which day?
Why? Hikma, Muslims, why?
Adam. On this day Allah created the first
human being.
On this day Allah placed him into Jannah.
On this day Allah placed him into Jannah.
On this day Allah took him out of
When will your will kiyama come? When will
that day come? When me and you, all
of us will stand in front of Allah,
in the port of Allah, and we will
give and reckoning for the lives that we
lived in this world. When will that day
come? That day will come on a Friday.
Ponder about it, my beloved brothers. Ponder about
it, my beloved sisters. The beginning of creation
was on a Friday, and the end of
will be on a Friday.
SubhanAllah, our gathering today, will we not gather
on a Friday in front of Allah
Definitely, we will. Let us reflect about the
situation in this life, how we live our
lives, and let us become better Muslims, amen,
and better decent human beings, amen. Beloved brothers
and sisters in al Islam, after Allah's favored
me and you, to be part and parcel
of the best of days, Allah's favored me
and you to be in the best of
places, the Musalla. The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam said, the most beloved place to Allah
is what
The places within Allah is worship. Why? Because
therein you find the pious servants of Allah.
The angels, the pious gen and demons, All
of the pious patient. We are speaking about
Allah. We're speaking about the nabi.
We're placing salutations on the nabi. We are
reading the book of Allah. We are quoting
the nabi. All of these great things are
taking place in this how is in this
how is in this how is space over
here. So is it not only right that
this be the most beloved place to Allah?
Number 3. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala after blessing
us with the best of days. After blessing
us with the best of places, Allah has
afforded me and you to be in the
best of hours.
On Jumu Aday, the prophet
said, there is such a such a moment
that when you wake dua to Allah and
your dua responds with that moment,
Allah will grant you whatever you want. Oh,
you know, all of us have media. We
need, you know, exams, this timing, whatever the
case may be. We need to prepare ourselves
call upon Allah. And this time is based
on a general reading and a holistic reading
of all the hadith. It's after Asad to
Magrik. The closer to Magrik, the better.
We make dua to Allah. The pious of
this ummah, the salihon and the salaf of
this ummah. They used to spend this time
in dua. They would tell you, wives, look
here. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. I'm now going
to speak to Allah. You want to speak
to Allah? Do it by the medium of
salaf. Do it by the medium of dua.
You want Allah to speak to you? Do
it by the medium of what? Reading the
speech of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Allah grant
me and you the tawfi to always be
grateful to Allah for the various bounties of
Allah Subhanahu wa'ala. Question inshallah. Do we love
stories? Yes or no?
Quickly. Do we love stories? Yes or no?
Why do we Why do we love stories?
Why? Quickly.
That's my time. Ah, it's 10 10 minutes
Why do we love everyone loves a good
story. The young amongst us and the old.
Is it not so? We love a good
story. Anyone who can spill a good story,
I'm there. I'm going to listen. You know?
So we love stories, and that's the nature
of mankind. All of people, you know, we're
there. They are children, we're there. They are
elders, whatever the case may be. We love
the good story. We love those stories that
carry some lessons for us. We love that,
Now, remember when we relate stories, when we
relate history, when we relate the past to
people, how do we relate it to people?
In school, most of us study history, social
sciences, maybe primary school. I don't know about
high school. So we study history. But what
did the teacher emphasize upon? What did this,
you know, what's the main emphasis upon? Is
it not the names of people?
When you study history, they tell you about
names of people.
They they teach you about the dates, what
happened here, what happened over there. And number
3, they tell you about the names of
places. Is it not so? But when Allah
relates to us a story of the past,
when Allah relates to us, he states Allah
does it in a different manner. There's no
names of people,
no names of places, and no dates. Why?
Why? Why? Why? What's
the significance behind this? Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
will briefly mention this story, but if we
look at that story there are so many
for why it benefits, jewels, gems that that
we can take from that story. So why
do you think what's the wisdom behind this?
Why does Allah omit details like names of
people, names of places, and names of, of
of and debts and so forth and so
forth? Why? What do you think?
Any? Anyone inshallah?
You can speak in Juman, darling. I don't
think it's haram to speak in Juman. Anyone
inshallah, quickly.
It's not important. What is important is the
lessons and the models that you take from
that story. So when Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala,
he knows the big nature of people and
they love stories.
The difference between the stories that are live
links are always those stories are truthful stories.
Those are actual events,
actual incidents, things that did take place. That's
the difference, number 1. And number 2, the
lessons behind the stories are so powerful.
Those lessons are universal and they are timeless.
They go on forever. And that's why scholars
say it is not far fetched to say
that a third of the Quran is stories.
So 1 third of the Quran deals with
our aqid, our theology, our creed. Another 3rd
deals with akham law, and a 3rd of
the Quran deals with what? Deals with krisas.
And Allah says,
Oh Muhammad relate to them stories.
So that they may take from the stories
and better their lives, subhanallah.
So there's a surah that we recite every
week. What surah is that? Can you one
tell me quickly? I mean, that's easy.
Surah Al Kahf. What does Surah Al Kahf
The chapter of the?
The chapter what? Cave. The chapter of the
cave. What does a cave signify? What is
it symbolic of? A A cave. What do
you take in a cave? You take what?
Shelter, refuge, what?
Is it not self?
So the main theme of Surah 3 Ka'at,
just bear with me inshallah. I have to
do this lengthy introduction.
The main theme of Surah Al Khaf what
do you think is the theme? Every surah
is a main theme, an overarching theme. You
can read this thing through. This theme you
see in every ayah. You know? You read
it throughout it out throughout that chapter. The
Quran is a a book, subhanallah, that is
in has preheance, but because we don't know
Arabic, because we read translations, we do not
see this. So the Quran, this chapter specifically
has a theme and there's a reason why
we recite it on a Friday. Who can't
tell me why we recite it on a
Friday? Why do we recite surah al kaf
on a Friday?
Why? Can anyone tell me?
We're just reading it. We don't know why.
father told me to read it. I'm reading
it. Don't be what's what's the reason why
he cites what we come?
Protection from who?
From at Dajjal.
What did the prophet say about Dajjal? He
said, there is no Nabi that came upon
this dunya except
from the type of Adam and from the
type of Muhammad
except that that
Nabi pointed out and told his people about
the coming of Dajjal. It is the greatest
Fitna meaning what? Fitna meaning what?
The greatest style that Allah has placed upon
any nation, the coming of the Dajjal. SubhanAllah.
Think about that. And that's why we cite
Surah Al Khab.
So Surah Al Khab has a theme. What
is that theme? The theme of Surah Al
Khab is fitna. What does fitna mean?
Trial. Trials. Test. Doesn't mean skilah. Doesn't mean
gossip. It means trials and tribulations
and difficulties.
Literally, the word fitna means when you take
a piece of gold and you put it
through the purifying process. When you take it
out, what what what is the result of
that? It is
it is purified now. So similarly,
when Allah puts you through certain fitna, fitan,
test, trial, tribulations, when you come out of
that fitna, you have patience, you obeyed Allah
within that fitna, what happens? You are purified
from sin and from all these other things.
Is that clear, Shawarma? So Surah Al Khar
has this main theme.
The theme of fitna. There are 4 stories
in Surah Al Khab. The story number 1,
I'm not gonna go through. That's what I'm
gonna speak about. Story number 2 deals with
the fitna of wealth. 2 individuals, one had
and the other one didn't have. You know,
they were no. The one was rich and
the other one didn't enjoy,
wealth and so forth. So the fitna of
wealth. Question, is wealth they fitna from a
what? Yes. Some people if they get a
little, I better than everyone here. I've got
I've got money. So fitna. Number 2, the
story of Musa
and Khidr al Hikma as Salam.
Knowledge. The fitna of knowledge. Is knowledge a
fitna from Allah? Definitely. How many scholars do
we know? They have knowledge, but they don't
practice on that knowledge. They have knowledge, but
they have arrogance,
you know. All of these ills we know.
And number 4,
the story of Dhul Qarnayn, one of the
kings that ruled the entire world, subhanallah.
And the fitna of authority.
The fitna being a leader. Is being a
leader a fitna? Yes or no? It is
a fitna. SubhanAllah, look at what leaders are
doing with their people, with their subordinates. It
is a trial and most of them unfortunately
are failing it. So what is the first
fitna? Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala relates to us
and He says, to Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa
He elects to Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam.
O Muhammad and oumatul Islam.
Do you think
the story of the companions of the cave
Have you heard this before? Have heard about
the companions of the cave? Have you heard
about the 7 sleepers?
Do you think the story of the companions
of the cave?
Do you think that is one of the
greatest signs of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala Muhammad
and ummah to Islam? So what's the sign?
We want to know. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala
asked Muhammad in a, you know, in a
manner Allah does not want an answer. Allah
says, oh Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, do
you think that the story of the companions
of the cave,
that that that was the greatest miracle from
Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala? Nay, it is not.
There are so many other great miracles. Allah
created prophet Adam without any father and mother.
Allah created
Allah is telling Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam,
oh Muhammad salallahu alaihi wa sallam, this is
not the greatest sign of Allah. And then
Allah links to us the story. First, Allah
mentions it briefly, and then Allah gives details
later. So I I cannot go through every
verse, obviously, so I'm just fleshing out my
story for you. Allah says,
oh, Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, remember
the incident of those youngsters.
Remember there was once upon a time a
group of youngsters. They came from a certain
Allah's best way that place is. We do
not know that. That's not important. So they
were a group of youngsters. They live in
a certain place.
Amongst them was a an oppressive king. You
murul Naz, he used he told the people
to not worship Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, but
rather to aspire to Allah by worshiping him.
These youngsters, people thought to him, due to
the inner disposition,
they know that there is a greater being
out there. They know reflecting upon the heavens
and the earth that no one could have
brought these things. These things are not here
by chance. It was a greater being that
created these things. They reflected upon this and
they said, we cannot worship this man. He
is not our creator. Rather, we will worship
the creator of that king, Allah subhanahu wa
Now imagine, subhanAllah, these were youngsters, they were
young. Number 2, they the entire society
did what the king command and they rebelled.
They rebelled, subhanallah. They went against that command.
Number 3, they came from affluent families, not
from your rizq of the community, like the
top dogs of the community, subhanAllah.
So these youngsters, they came together.
We will never worship Adhin Allah.
If we do so, we would be doing
a heinous deed.
SubhanAllah. We are Allah has created me. Allah
gives me whatever I own, and I direct
my worship to Adirullah.
This is called
This is called oppression. This is called wrongdoing.
That's why the Quran says in ashirkal,
shirk is the greatest wrong way.
Means when you take something out of its
rightful place, and put it in the incorrect
place. So if I take my kufuya and
I put it on my foot, is that
on my kufuya?
Yes. It is. If I take my sock
and I put it over my hip, that
is So when I take their that belongs
only to Allah, and I direct it to
other than Allah, I am making zul in
regards to the rights of Allah. So these
youngsters realize, and subhanAllah,
think about the psychological trauma. When you stand
up against your community, when you and subhanAllah
go against the grain, Allah says,
we tied up their hearts. We made their
hearts firm.
When they stood up
And then Allah says, if our feet here,
remember these youngsters, after being summoned by the
king, they realize something's bad. Bad's gonna happen
to us. What happened then? If our fit
here to be like that, these youngsters left
this city. They left their backgrounds. They left
their families. They left the comfort of their
homes. They left that which they were accustomed
They said, you Allah.
Oh Allah,
grant us from your side mercy.
And grant us a way up to this
difficulty that we fight, like we find ourselves
in. So imagine the psychological state of these
youngsters they live. They live the city. They
live their town. They ran throughout the night.
They came to, you know, in front of
a cave,
and they saw refuge in the cave. What
then happens? Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. And this
is how Allah aids His obedient servants.
If you leave something for the sake of
Allah, this is a rule.
Should be written in gold subhanallah.
It is a rule of life. If you
leave something for the sake of Allah, Allah
will grant you better. If you leave something
which is displeasing to Allah,
you leave it for the sake of Allah,
Allah will grant you better. If you leave
that Haram relationship for the for the sake
of Allah, Allah will grant you better. If
you leave bad company for the sake of
Allah, Allah will grant you better. Allah says
Allah says, we closed the years,
and he slept for how long?
For many many years, the Quran relates verse
The Quran
says 300,
309 years. 300 years according to the Gregorian
calendar. 300 year 309
years according to the lunar calendar. They set
for 300
Then we resurrected them. Now when do we
use the word resurrection? When do we use
this book? When does the Quran normally use
the vocab or the vocabulary of?
When? When someone has?
When someone has died. So they slept for
such an extended period, it was as if
they passed away. It was as if they
Then we raised them.
Allah says, we raised them, and then they
asked one another,
come, labithna.
How long did we sleep?
One of them said,
We slept for a day or a portion
of the day, not knowing, subhanAllah, that we
slept for 300,
309 years. Allah says to Muhammad sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, and Allah relates the story further.
Oh, Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam. If only
you were there and you saw the sun.
You know? Why what what
When it arose, it would rise away from
the cave. Why? What happens if you have
an overexposure
to the sun? What happens?
What happens?
Too much sun. What happens?
Sunburn, all of these things, subhanallah, you could
die. 300 of years in the sun, you
could die, subhanAllah.
So Allah subhanahu relates to us that they
in the middle of the cave. When the
sun rose, it gave them sufficient light but
not too much.
And when the sun sets, what happened?
It would move away.
It would move away from the cave. So
sufficient light
to give their bodies what the what the
body requires,
but not over exposure to the to the
needs of the sun subhanallah.
Allah says, and Allah continues.
We turned their bodies, Allah says. This
made his obedient servants. This is how Allah
helps his obedient slaves. Think about it. Deen
today, religion today has become in the lives
of many Muslims. Today, you are trial. When
you take a position, the boss will tell
you no dulhul salah. You have to make
a dulhul salah for that tonight. The boss
will tell you no Jumu'ah salah. So today,
our Islam is a test for us, subhanAllah.
Our Islam is a fitna for us, and
Allah is watching how we are dealing with
this fitna. These youngsters, they were in the
plight of the youth. They kept everything going.
They could have just gone on society, but
they said nay.
Nay, we will not go. We will choose
the opposite direction. The direction that is pleasing
to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. Allah says, and
Allah continues.
We made their bodies turn to the right
and to the left. What do you think
is the wisdom behind us? Can anyone tell
me the wisdom? Why would Allah make their
bodies turn?
Because if a person what happens if someone
is better than and they spend all the
time in bed? No one who's their bodies.
The head source, limbs become stiff, limbs
start becoming brittle. All of these things. And
also, insects starts eating on the body. So
Allah subhanahu says we made the body stuff.
This is forbidden in the Quran. It's not
some fatal I'm quoting from fabricated hadith. Quran.
Quran tells us this. Allah says, oh, Muhammad,
if you saw them,
Oh Muhammad, if you saw them, you would
have been filled with fear and you would
have run away. That is how the appearance
of him was. This is how Allah comes
to the aid of those people who chooses
to be the deen of Allah reference. From
this surah and to this story, we learn
the importance of you guys, the guff. We
need the youth of this ummah. According to
you in statistics.
According to you in statistics, the most neglected
category of people are who? Are the youth.
We care about the young, we care about
the old. But who cares about the youth?
We write the youth off. We say, they
are a youth at loss, a youth at
risk. All of these terms we throw at
the youth subhanallah. But the Nabi saw some
taught me and you that the one of
the best categories of people will be who?
Will be the youth. The prophet said 7
categories of people. Allah will shade, initiate
on that day of Yomul Qiyamah when there
will be no shade. Who will they be?
A youngster who dedicated and adopted a life
of piety, subhanAllah.
Think about it, beloved brothers. Who are the
people that responded to call at the Nabi
They were the youth, not the old. The
youth, subhanAllah. The youth, they have talent, they
have beauty, they have potential, they have all
this. They are sent you with technology.
They can be such You guys have such
potential, subhanAllah, to take the Ummah forward. SubhanAllah.
Who are the people that brought apartheid down?
Arab Spring? And I'm not commenting with its
right or wrong from a political perspective. What
I am saying is, they were the youth,
The youth has such a great status. And
Allah relates to us that the youth Oh
youth. You will be tested with your deen.
You will be tested with your deen. SubhanAllah
radiunabi alaihi salat wa salam said that on
close to judgement day, one of the signs
of yomul qiyama, keeping onto your deen will
be like keeping onto a hot coal. Know,
how will you keep onto your hot coal?
You can't keep onto it. Oh, beloved youth,
oh, beloved brothers, oh, uncles and aunties and
keep to your deen. Remember, reflect upon the
story of this. Allah says,
We made them wake up. What happens after
waking up? What do you build up? So
after asking
how long did we sleep? They they couldn't
find out because probably they came there the
morning or the evening and, you know, it
was day now. So they tried to figure
out. What's the very very first thing after
waking up after a long nap? What happens?
You build up what? You build up an
They didn't tell one of them, look here.
Go to the shop. Go to the town.
Get some food for us, you know, and
bring it back for us. But listen to
the advice.
Listen to the advice.
Listen to the advice, beloved God. Okay. They
tell this person,
They tell this person, when you go, look
only for food which is halal. Look for
the most halal food, subhanAllah.
Imagine in a cave away from the families,
They were allowed to be persecuted and away,
but they are concerned what interest in who
they come in. Allah, he let this a
lesson for me and you. Today, we look
down upon people.
If a person is concerned of what enters
into his stomach, that is a sign he
believes in Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. They were
concerned about that. They were concerned about that.
Allah continues the story and Allah says,
this guy, he comes in the city. He
pays the money to the baker and the
baker's like, Hajji, where did you come from?
300 years later, what happens? Currency changes. Clothing
changes. The way people speak changes.
His style's changed. This guy's like back in
time. He comes out to know back into
the future something like this. He comes here
the brothers the baker's like, what happened here?
Where do you come from? He confessed with
this guy,
and this guy realizes that, you know, they
were absent for 300 years. The king and
all of the people of their time has
passed on and then the people of the
community gives chase. The people chases them, give
this individual until they came. And they, when
they meet these people, they lie, subhanAllah.
Look at the Qudra of Allah. Look at
the power of Allah. 300 years, 309
years, and Allah gave them life, subhanAllah. And
all of the people become believers, subhanAllah. They
believe in the ability of Allah, in the
qudra of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
And Allah links to us and Allah mentions
that they were 7. The Quran alludes to
the fact that there were 7 sleepers.
And Allah says,
their dog was with them. They had a
dog with them. What do we consider a
dog today? We consider a dog today to
be as what?
If we see a dog, what do we
consider a dog as?
The dog was at the mouth of the
cave, sitting right now like a watchdog. Why
do you think is the significance?
Why would Allah make special reference to a
dog? Why?
It shows me and you the importance
of good company.
How great impact that good company has and
on any individual.
Good company peer pressure is something which is
high amongst our youth and even amongst our
But look at the scenario.
This dog, an insignificant creation of Allah. He
accompanied the pious and Allah mentions him in
the Quran.
Beloved brothers and sisters in Islam,
watch and be weary of who you take
this place. Allah subhanahu in the Quran sees,
that person who you love, like this is
my back. I will die for
him. You will be an enemy towards your
friend and your
Except a friendship that was based upon piety.
The prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said,
a man will follow the way of his
Look to whom you befriend. How many people
are sitting in jails
Because I belong to a certain clip of
people, he took the path as we say,
and he's in jail today. He's suffering in
jail today. How many people do we know
are drug addicts today? Why? Because of the
friends that they have and the friends that
they took, subhanAllah.
Oh youth. Oh youth. Reflect and bewend. SubhanAllah.
Reflect upon the surah. Reflect upon the story.
I dug an insignificant
patient of Allah. He accompanied, he merely accompanied
the pious. And Allah mentions him in the
Quran. May Allah grant us the tawfiq. May
Allah grant us the guidance. What then happens
these people come, the people of the community
find this, these people that they have heard
stories about, legends about,
and Allah causes all of these youth, the
* and the dog to pass away. What
you think is the reason why Allah would
make them pass away? Quickly. Why?
Why would Allah make them pass away?
Allah gave him the power to stay there.
Allah gave Yes. Allah gave him the power
to stay there. But why? Because Allah knew
how a fitna they will be in their
society. How are we when a pious person
comes here?
Pious diamond to make sure judea. So imagine
people will probably worship these people. You know,
these are great. Wali's of Allah, Allah work
when we're losing ourselves here. So Allah said,
no, no, no, no trials here. I don't
want I don't want to trial these people
with a deen. And he made all of
them pass away. And that's the story of
the companions of the cave. May Allah
grant us the understanding, the tawfiq. I hope
you have benefited from the story, each other,
if you've heard it for the first time.
If you have heard it before, may Allah
grant you, you know, further insight into this
into the surah.